An early "casualty" of Brexit.....

benefit from the misfortune of others.

Well, here's a right winger who both labels Trump a scum bucket....AND, is openly admitting that the Brits' latest vote WILL cause them "misfortune"....... Thanks for the honesty...intentional or not.
No conservatives have money in the stock market? Now I know for sure you're nuts.

Oh but conservatives DO! It's just that they don't dash madly about trying to benefit from the misfortune of others. They invest wisely - not emotionally. Something you might consider trying should the opportunity one day present.

"I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University, answering a question about "gloomy predictions that the real estate market is heading for a spectacular crash."
"Buyers' remorse" may lead for the clamor of yer a new vote by Britain......Wait until the Scots' call to secede from the UK sinks in....

Who will write the checks to cover the Scot's spending?
Who the fuck cares? Let God sort it out for the Brits, Scots, Welsh and Irish. They made their own bed so let them sleep in it...and a POX UPON THEM for what they have put in motion! More fucking nationalistic fervor can only bring about more fucking WAR!
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has told the BBC that Holyrood could try to block the UK's exit from the EU.

She was speaking following a referendum on Thursday which saw Britain vote by 52% to 48% to leave Europe.

However, in Scotland the picture was different with 62% backing Remain and 38% wanting to go.

SNP leader Ms Sturgeon said that "of course" she would ask MSPs to refuse to give their "legislative consent".
LONDON — On Thursday, 56 percent of all voters in the southwestern county of Cornwall voted in favor of leaving the European Union. It was a decision supported by a majority of the county's members of Parliament.

But only one day later, Cornwall residents were asking, "What have we done?"

The county is heavily dependent on the more than 60 million British pounds ($82 million) in E.U. subsidies per year that are transferred to the region and that have helped finance infrastructure projects and education schemes. Now, county officials are panicking — fearing the worst for the county's future and wondering why one of the most E.U.-dependent counties in Britain voted against the E.U.

After residents voted for Brexit, this British county realized the E.U. might stop sending them money

What the article doesn't tell you is that for every pound they receive in EU subsidies, they pay 2.60 pounds in EU taxes.
Would you rather he buy at the top? You want more stupid in govt? It was ok for pochahauntess to do but not T-rump?

Your racism aside (hard to do...but....) Here's a trick question for your half barin:
Who is running for president Trump or Warren????
(take your time....)
What the article doesn't tell you is that for every pound they receive in EU subsidies, they pay 2.60 pounds in EU taxes.

According to your fucked up "logic" then.....That county just got a BONUS ???

(are these right wing morons really THAT stupid?)
LONDON — On Thursday, 56 percent of all voters in the southwestern county of Cornwall voted in favor of leaving the European Union. It was a decision supported by a majority of the county's members of Parliament.

But only one day later, Cornwall residents were asking, "What have we done?"

The county is heavily dependent on the more than 60 million British pounds ($82 million) in E.U. subsidies per year that are transferred to the region and that have helped finance infrastructure projects and education schemes. Now, county officials are panicking — fearing the worst for the county's future and wondering why one of the most E.U.-dependent counties in Britain voted against the E.U.

After residents voted for Brexit, this British county realized the E.U. might stop sending them money

Reminds me of West Virginia voting Republican while it's citizens have history of accepting government handouts.

Reminds me of libs whining about red states getting tax dollars from DC but never cutting DC spending.

Whose whining? I'm not against West Virginia getting federal funds, they need it. I just wish wingnuts could reconcile their need for government money with their political views.

WV could easily do without government subsidies if the federal government would quit fucking it over.
LONDON — On Thursday, 56 percent of all voters in the southwestern county of Cornwall voted in favor of leaving the European Union. It was a decision supported by a majority of the county's members of Parliament.

But only one day later, Cornwall residents were asking, "What have we done?"

The county is heavily dependent on the more than 60 million British pounds ($82 million) in E.U. subsidies per year that are transferred to the region and that have helped finance infrastructure projects and education schemes. Now, county officials are panicking — fearing the worst for the county's future and wondering why one of the most E.U.-dependent counties in Britain voted against the E.U.

After residents voted for Brexit, this British county realized the E.U. might stop sending them money

Reminds me of West Virginia voting Republican while it's citizens have history of accepting government handouts.

Reminds me of libs whining about red states getting tax dollars from DC but never cutting DC spending.

Whose whining? I'm not against West Virginia getting federal funds, they need it. I just wish wingnuts could reconcile their need for government money with their political views.

WV could easily do without government subsidies if the federal government would quit fucking it over.

Oh, like what? Did the federal government accidentally leave the faucet on this weekend?
What the article doesn't tell you is that for every pound they receive in EU subsidies, they pay 2.60 pounds in EU taxes.

According to your fucked up "logic" then.....That county just got a BONUS ???

(are these right wing morons really THAT stupid?)

Yes, it did. There's no downside to leaving the EU. UK taxpayers paid enormous sums to prop up the bureaucracy in Brussels. Watch this video to learn why the UK has everything to gain by leaving the EU:

LONDON — On Thursday, 56 percent of all voters in the southwestern county of Cornwall voted in favor of leaving the European Union. It was a decision supported by a majority of the county's members of Parliament.

But only one day later, Cornwall residents were asking, "What have we done?"

The county is heavily dependent on the more than 60 million British pounds ($82 million) in E.U. subsidies per year that are transferred to the region and that have helped finance infrastructure projects and education schemes. Now, county officials are panicking — fearing the worst for the county's future and wondering why one of the most E.U.-dependent counties in Britain voted against the E.U.

After residents voted for Brexit, this British county realized the E.U. might stop sending them money

Reminds me of West Virginia voting Republican while it's citizens have history of accepting government handouts.

Reminds me of libs whining about red states getting tax dollars from DC but never cutting DC spending.

Whose whining? I'm not against West Virginia getting federal funds, they need it. I just wish wingnuts could reconcile their need for government money with their political views.

WV could easily do without government subsidies if the federal government would quit fucking it over.

Oh, like what? Did the federal government accidentally leave the faucet on this weekend?

Like shutting down the coal industry, you fucking numskull.
Your racism aside (hard to do...but....) Here's a trick question for your half barin:
Who is running for president Trump or Warren????
(take your time....)

And here's the trick in the question:

It fails to state whether those running are those so perceived today or what the actual situation will be after George Soros has told The Democrat Party who they are to nominate.

Prudent to wait a bit longer.
Like shutting down the coal industry, you fucking numskull.

Not the cheap oil glut....for this moron it was the "government" that shut down the coal industry....What an asshole....LOL

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