An early "casualty" of Brexit.....

Reminds me of West Virginia voting Republican while it's citizens have history of accepting government handouts.

Reminds me of libs whining about red states getting tax dollars from DC but never cutting DC spending.

Whose whining? I'm not against West Virginia getting federal funds, they need it. I just wish wingnuts could reconcile their need for government money with their political views.

WV could easily do without government subsidies if the federal government would quit fucking it over.

Oh, like what? Did the federal government accidentally leave the faucet on this weekend?

Like shutting down the coal industry, you fucking numskull.

The coal industry has been shut down? More likely cheap natural gas guessed it, cheaper than coal.

But, even with the coal industry, West Virginia has always been poor, so as per usual, you have no answer.
Amazing how the libs are cheering for the globalist, one percenters, elitists who hate the little man. Just goes to show their obvious hypocrisy.

Wow....drunk already so early in the morning.....
Oh but conservatives DO! It's just that they don't dash madly about trying to benefit from the misfortune of others. .

Trump in 2007: 'I'm Excited' for Housing Market Crash - NBC News:badgrin:

Would you rather he buy at the top? You want more stupid in govt? It was ok for pochahauntess to do but not T-rump?
Trump Cheers Brexit, Says It Will Help His Golf Course |

Brexit crashed the British pound and World Markets and its going to lead to a UK Recession ...a big one
So those who are expressing regret for the Brexit decision are saying is their sovereignty is for sale, cheap.

What the Brits have achieved amounts to a successful rebellion, for which I admire them. Those who are expressing regret because of the funding reduction should understand that any rebellion will impose some cost. I'm not a Brit and this action is costing me money -- but I'm not complaining. I'm glad they did it and I'm hoping to see more of the same.

In the end it will work out to the advantage of all but the elite shadow government.
When liberals are allowed to addict peasants to the government nipple, it's going to take some time for the withdrawl period to be accomplished.
So those who are expressing regret for the Brexit decision are saying is their sovereignty is for sale, cheap.

What the Brits have achieved amounts to a successful rebellion, for which I admire them. .


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UK post-Brexit opposition crisis deepens

Several resignations and a sacking rock UK opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn's team as Labour faces a crisis after the vote to leave the EU.

LONDON — On Thursday, 56 percent of all voters in the southwestern county of Cornwall voted in favor of leaving the European Union. It was a decision supported by a majority of the county's members of Parliament.

But only one day later, Cornwall residents were asking, "What have we done?"

The county is heavily dependent on the more than 60 million British pounds ($82 million) in E.U. subsidies per year that are transferred to the region and that have helped finance infrastructure projects and education schemes. Now, county officials are panicking — fearing the worst for the county's future and wondering why one of the most E.U.-dependent counties in Britain voted against the E.U.

After residents voted for Brexit, this British county realized the E.U. might stop sending them money

Reminds me of all the rednecks here that favor secession, and wave their little confederate banners around.
Do you know how much money is sucked out Of UK to be redistributed???

£6.5 Billion a year...

On Friday £120bn was lost on the UK stock market....

That £6.5Bn has created markets for UK by increasing the size of the market place in europe... The US doesn't understand what Europe is about and what actual flaws it had...

Actually this vote wasn't about EU, it was about immigration and disenfranchisement...
The immigration they are talking about is Muslims and Blacks, not other EU countries. Poles get some heat but they are generally looked on well because they are white, educated, speak english and work hard...
The problem is EU has no say over UK immigration from outside EU... They are coming to the UK because they are in the commonwealth...

The south East of England has been screwing over the rest of England since the 1980's. They are the regions with many socially deprived areas. London has the money and are the engine... This is just payback.
The UK, even without the EU is more liberal than you.

Think about it.......Last week a Brit who breaks a leg in Spain, could be treated at a local hospital for free....Now, he/she better shell out some pounds (pardon the expression)......
Do you know how much money is sucked out Of UK to be redistributed???

£6.5 Billion a year...

On Friday £120bn was lost on the UK stock market....

That £6.5Bn has created markets for UK by increasing the size of the market place in europe... The US doesn't understand what Europe is about and what actual flaws it had...

Actually this vote wasn't about EU, it was about immigration and disenfranchisement...
The immigration they are talking about is Muslims and Blacks, not other EU countries. Poles get some heat but they are generally looked on well because they are white, educated, speak english and work hard...
The problem is EU has no say over UK immigration from outside EU... They are coming to the UK because they are in the commonwealth...

The south East of England has been screwing over the rest of England since the 1980's. They are the regions with many socially deprived areas. London has the money and are the engine... This is just payback.

Wrong, The UK pays $13 billion pounds a year to the EU:

EU Facts: how much does Britain pay to the EU budget?

How much does Britain pay to the EU?
In 2015, the UK’s full membership fee would have been £17.8 billion. However, Britain doesn’t pay that full fee.

Because of a deal negotiated by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, Britain gets a “rebate”, an annual reduction in contributions.

Last year, that rebate reduced our contribution to £12.9 billion. That’s around £200 for every person in the UK.
LONDON — On Thursday, 56 percent of all voters in the southwestern county of Cornwall voted in favor of leaving the European Union. It was a decision supported by a majority of the county's members of Parliament.

But only one day later, Cornwall residents were asking, "What have we done?"

The county is heavily dependent on the more than 60 million British pounds ($82 million) in E.U. subsidies per year that are transferred to the region and that have helped finance infrastructure projects and education schemes. Now, county officials are panicking — fearing the worst for the county's future and wondering why one of the most E.U.-dependent counties in Britain voted against the E.U.

After residents voted for Brexit, this British county realized the E.U. might stop sending them money

Reminds me of all the rednecks here that favor secession, and wave their little confederate banners around.

Leftwing douche bags just can't stand it when the people tell them to take a hike with their big government taxes and regulation.
The UK, even without the EU is more liberal than you.

Think about it.......Last week a Brit who breaks a leg in Spain, could be treated at a local hospital for free....Now, he/she better shell out some pounds (pardon the expression)......

What is there to think about? The UK will just have to cover these people and the EU will have to cover travelers to the UK.
Wrong, The UK pays $13 billion pounds a year to the EU:

EU Facts: how much does Britain pay to the EU budget?

How much does Britain pay to the EU?
In 2015, the UK’s full membership fee would have been £17.8 billion. However, Britain doesn’t pay that full fee.

Because of a deal negotiated by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, Britain gets a “rebate”, an annual reduction in contributions.

Last year, that rebate reduced our contribution to £12.9 billion. That’s around £200 for every person in the UK.

......and, according to this moron.....Britain (don't call it UK any longer....that may have ended last week) does NOT receive ANY benefits from that contribution.......What an asshole.

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