An early "casualty" of Brexit.....

Typical liberal spin disguised as news. Cornwall residents never said "what have we done". It's an example of media liberal spin constantly spoon fed to low information lefties. Cornwall is a thriving British county apparently with representatives who want to make sure their constituents don't get screwed because the P.M. is angry.
The UK, even without the EU is more liberal than you.

Think about it.......Last week a Brit who breaks a leg in Spain, could be treated at a local hospital for free....Now, he/she better shell out some pounds (pardon the expression)......

What is there to think about? The UK will just have to cover these people and the EU will have to cover travelers to the UK.

Sounds socialist.

THe UK health care system is socialist.

Yep and your solution appears to be to make it more so.

Bring in more poor Muslims, that'll help their healthcare system. Derp!

Pound Slides Further on Post-Brexit Turmoil

Cameron to Face Lawmakers as U.K. Drifts Aimlessly to Brexit

Brexit Fallout to Test Trader Nerves as Asian Markets Open

Investors Map Post-Brexit Strategies Amid Global Market Upheaval

U.S. Stock Futures Signal More Losses After 2016 Gains Wiped Out

Full Coverage: Britain Votes for Brexit
Wrong, The UK pays $13 billion pounds a year to the EU:

EU Facts: how much does Britain pay to the EU budget?

How much does Britain pay to the EU?
In 2015, the UK’s full membership fee would have been £17.8 billion. However, Britain doesn’t pay that full fee.

Because of a deal negotiated by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, Britain gets a “rebate”, an annual reduction in contributions.

Last year, that rebate reduced our contribution to £12.9 billion. That’s around £200 for every person in the UK.

......and, according to this moron.....Britain (don't call it UK any longer....that may have ended last week) does NOT receive ANY benefits from that contribution.......What an asshole.

No it doesn't. EU spending in the UK is a small fraction of the money it receives from the UK. EU regulations are crushing UK industries like fishing. The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.
The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.

This is nonsense.....
Wrong, The UK pays $13 billion pounds a year to the EU:

EU Facts: how much does Britain pay to the EU budget?

How much does Britain pay to the EU?
In 2015, the UK’s full membership fee would have been £17.8 billion. However, Britain doesn’t pay that full fee.

Because of a deal negotiated by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, Britain gets a “rebate”, an annual reduction in contributions.

Last year, that rebate reduced our contribution to £12.9 billion. That’s around £200 for every person in the UK.

......and, according to this moron.....Britain (don't call it UK any longer....that may have ended last week) does NOT receive ANY benefits from that contribution.......What an asshole.

No it doesn't. EU spending in the UK is a small fraction of the money it receives from the UK. EU regulations are crushing UK industries like fishing. The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.
The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.

This is nonsense.....

It's the simple truth, so we're not surprised you think it's nonsense.
The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.

This is nonsense.....

Yes, it is true that, particularly in Cornwall, fishing boats have to stay in port while Spanish fishermen can strip the traditional Cornish fishing grounds bare. EU regulations. And, yes, it IS ridiculous but, until BREXIT is complete, that's the way it is.
The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.

This is nonsense.....

Yes, it is true that, particularly in Cornwall, fishing boats have to stay in port while Spanish fishermen can strip the traditional Cornish fishing grounds bare. EU regulations. And, yes, it IS ridiculous but, until BREXIT is complete, that's the way it is.


Why don't you provide a citation.......the habit of Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters to rely on Bold Assertions is becoming wearisome....
Wrong, The UK pays $13 billion pounds a year to the EU:

EU Facts: how much does Britain pay to the EU budget?

How much does Britain pay to the EU?
In 2015, the UK’s full membership fee would have been £17.8 billion. However, Britain doesn’t pay that full fee.

Because of a deal negotiated by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, Britain gets a “rebate”, an annual reduction in contributions.

Last year, that rebate reduced our contribution to £12.9 billion. That’s around £200 for every person in the UK.

......and, according to this moron.....Britain (don't call it UK any longer....that may have ended last week) does NOT receive ANY benefits from that contribution.......What an asshole.

No it doesn't. EU spending in the UK is a small fraction of the money it receives from the UK. EU regulations are crushing UK industries like fishing. The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.
The UK isn't allowed to fish its own waters, which are some of the richest fishing waters in the world.

This is nonsense.....

It's the simple truth, so we're not surprised you think it's nonsense.

It's BS, Bri.......


Seafood is a multi-billion pound industry in the UK. Four out of five households consume seafood at least once a month and total purchases of seafood in the UK were worth £5.84 billion in 2010.

The breadth and level of occupations in sea fishing vary depending upon the size of the vessel, type of catch and area in which the vessel operate. To go to sea on a commercial sea fishing vessel, individuals must undergo statutory safety training in basic sea survival, fire fighting and first aid. In addition, skippers, mates and engineers working on fishing vessels above a certain length and engine power, or operating in certain sea areas, are required to hold statutory Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Certificates of Competency.

Here are some key statistics:
UK Fish Industry
  • In 2010 the UK fishing industry had 6,477 vessels, most under 10m in length
  • There were 12,700 UK fishermen in 2010. (6,889 in England & Wales, 5,166 in Scotland and 648 in Northern Ireland)
UK catch
  • In 2010, UK vessels landed 410,696 tonnes of seafood worth £548 million. Compared with 2009, this is an increase of 5% in quantity and a 5% increase in value.
  • By volume the UK catch is spread fairly equally between demersal, pelagic and shellfish species.
  • Shellfish, such as langoustine and scallops, account for almost half of all landings by value, followed by demersal species such as monkfish, and then pelagic species, such as mackerel.
UK ports
  • The top three ports, by volume, are Peterhead, Shetland and Fraserburgh,
  • The top English port is Plymouth.
UK seafood exports
  • The UK exports most of the seafood it catches. Foreign seafood markets greatly value UK species such as langoustine, crab and mackerel, while domestic consumers continue to focus mainly on a smaller range of species such as cod, salmon and haddock.
  • In 2010, just over 512,400 tonnes of seafood worth £1.33 billion was exported from the UK.
  • Main export markets for UK seafood are France, Spain, Italy, the Irish Republic and the USA which between them accounted for around 50% (by value) of the seafood exported from the UK.
  • High value shellfish like langoustine, crab and scallops and exported to the French, Spanish and Italian markets
  • Pelagic species are destined mainly for Russian, Dutch and French markets

    Seafood is a multi-billion pound industry in the UK > Fisheries & Aquaculture | Seavision
Why don't you provide a citation.......the habit of Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters to rely on Bold Assertions is becoming wearisome....

Please check your messages for my rate card. Research is not free, especially when simply checking out Google News will give the answer. Unfortunately I cannot quote rates here as that would be, and rightly so, considered "spamming".
Why don't you provide a citation.......the habit of Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters to rely on Bold Assertions is becoming wearisome....

Please check your messages for my rate card. Research is not free, especially when simply checking out Google News will give the answer. Unfortunately I cannot quote rates here as that would be, and rightly so, considered "spamming".

Judging by your output, I'm gonna assume that you are retired......which, in your case, is the better part of valor....
LONDON — On Thursday, 56 percent of all voters in the southwestern county of Cornwall voted in favor of leaving the European Union. It was a decision supported by a majority of the county's members of Parliament.

But only one day later, Cornwall residents were asking, "What have we done?"

The county is heavily dependent on the more than 60 million British pounds ($82 million) in E.U. subsidies per year that are transferred to the region and that have helped finance infrastructure projects and education schemes. Now, county officials are panicking — fearing the worst for the county's future and wondering why one of the most E.U.-dependent counties in Britain voted against the E.U.

After residents voted for Brexit, this British county realized the E.U. might stop sending them money

Exactly--the UK has been dependent on a 27 nation member since 1976. Frankly, I cannot think of one single thing that the UK exports. No manufacturing, no agriculture, and energy that is shared with 27 other countries. France actually controls the electricity for the UK. They can turn off and on the lights. So with the pound getting pounded they are going to be paying a lot more for necessities that have to be bought from other countries.

They are very much unlike the U.S where we could give the world the middle finger and we would still eat, and we could still provide energy to Americans. When our dollar goes down, our exports takes off which pulls in the slack.

This was just a knee jerk protest vote, and I am certain that the citizens of the U.K. are re-thinking their votes, but it's too late. They certainly didn't consider the consequences.

Did I hear that Japan has severed ties with the UK over this?. I can't find a link on it, but am reading comments about it on political FB pages.

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Did I hear that Japan has severed ties with the UK over this?. I can't find a link on it, but am reading comments about it on political FB pages.


Britain has for a while been cozyi-ng up to China has long wanted to weaken the G-7 stranglehold on global economic dominance.......Bottom line....If you want to piss off Japan get overly chummy with China.

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