An Easy Visual Explanation Of How Democrats Exaggerate The Depth Of The Sequester


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011

An Easy Visual Explanation Of How Democrats Are Exaggerating The Depth Of The Sequester
So you will be disappointed if the Republicans do anything to stop the sequester?
Granny says, "Dat's right - all dem politicians up on Washin'ton Hill is a buncha do-nothin's...
House Appropriations Chair on Sequester: Represents ‘an Abdication of Leadership’
February 28, 2013 – House Appropriations Committee Chairman Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) took President Barack Obama to task Tuesday for the sequester, which is set to go into effect on Friday, saying the commander-in-chief has shown a lack of leadership.
“The president’s sequestration approach represents a haphazard, negligent and indiscriminate approach to governing, an abdication of leadership, if you will,” Rogers said in his opening statement during a hearing on the impact of budget cuts on the Defense Department. “As you men know, leadership is about making choices, tough choices. Sequestration is about not making choices,” Rogers said. “It will have a devastating effect on important programs and services, most notably taking its toll on our servicemen and women and our defense capability,” Rogers added.

Rogers said he hoped the president “would have put forward an acceptable alternative to this near-term disaster, but we’re all still waiting.” He said the House voted twice last year to resist the across-the-board cuts to defense and non-defense spending, “only to have the White House criticize and disparage.”

Lawmakers failed to reach agreement on a minimum of $1.2 trillion in budget cuts called for in the Budget Control Act of 2011. The cuts were supposed to take effect in January, but Congress postponed it until March 1. The budget cuts will “gravely impair the Defense Department’s mission capabilities, troop training, equipment and supply lines, research and development efforts, and our overall readiness,” Rogers said.

- See more at: House Appropriations Chair on Sequester: Represents ?an Abdication of Leadership? | CNS News

See also:

GOP Forcing Women ‘To Stay in Their Homes With Their Abuser’ Because of Sequester
February 28, 2013 – Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.) said that if the sequester goes into effect, women who are victims of domestic violence will be “forced to stay in their homes with their abuser” at the “hands of the GOP.”
The automatic across-the-board cuts, known as the sequester, are set to take effect on Friday – a 1.2% reduction in increased federal spending in 2013, or about $44 billion out of $3.6 trillion. Edwards called the cuts the “Republicans failure,” and said they are “taking a sledge hammer” to the nation’s domestic violence shelters and programs. “The harm is real,” Edwards said. “230,000 victims will be calling crisis hotlines and those calls will go unanswered. 230,000 calls to crisis hotlines around the country.” “So can you imagine that in the middle of the night a woman is being battered, she has her two children, she wants to get to safety, she places a phone call to a hotline and that line goes unanswered,” she said. “That’s what sequestration means to victims of domestic violence.”

“So I think that this is shameful, we all do,” Edwards said. “We also know that it can be stopped. And so here we are on a Thursday, set to go home for the weekend—first of all in America, working America doesn’t go home for the weekend on a Thursday. There’s time for us to stop this. The Republicans hold the gavel.” “The Republicans have the ability to stop sequestration and the devastation to millions of women and children who are victims of domestic violence across this country,” she continued. “And it is really very shameful that they are going to go home this weekend without doing that.”

“And so for the women who are forced to stay in their homes with their abuser because there’s no place to go, because shelters have been cut, because hotlines go unanswered, that is on the hands of the GOP here in the House of Representatives.” Edwards added that the solution to the sequester is to balance the “spending cuts with revenue.” Edwards said $20 million in cuts will be made from programs funded by the Violence Against Women Act, as a result of the sequester. According to the Justice Department, however, the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) operated on a budget of $412.5 million during fiscal year 2012, and has requested the same amount of funding for this fiscal year. The sequester would amount to a 4.5 percent cut to OVW.

- See more at: Rep. Donna Edwards: GOP Forcing Women ?To Stay in Their Homes With Their Abuser? Because of Sequester | CNS News

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