An Email sent MSNBC by me


Oct 7, 2012
Dear executives of MSNBC
It is appalling to me that when news comes out about the denial of security request during the Benghazi terrorist attack comes out and your website has nothing to report about it. You’re a news channel that goes nationwide. . The American people deserve the truth and expect the truth when they turn on t
he news.

If you haven’t noticed four Americans are dead. Your unwillingness to cover the news pertaining to this subject is distasteful and an unprofessional display of journalism. People deserve to get the news as it is from your company. This isn’t a game the truth is the facts of the story even if you don’t like the facts.
Dear executives of MSNBC
It is appalling to me that when news comes out about the denial of security request during the Benghazi terrorist attack comes out and your website has nothing to report about it. You’re a news channel that goes nationwide. . The American people deserve the truth and expect the truth when they turn on t
he news.

If you haven’t noticed four Americans are dead. Your unwillingness to cover the news pertaining to this subject is distasteful and an unprofessional display of journalism. People deserve to get the news as it is from your company. This isn’t a game the truth is the facts of the story even if you don’t like the facts.
Kudos on that. It really is disturbing that a once respected network has turned into a Think Progress type media outlet.
I always believed there was a simple premise report the news. The premise of the Liberal media is to report the news they want you to here. This Country deserves better.
6 corporations control 98% of your personal 'input'.

You don't think you're being TOLD what to think?

You're not thinking...
I always believed there was a simple premise report the news. The premise of the Liberal media is to report the news they want you to here. This Country deserves better.

Isn't that why righties watch Fox? They want to the news media to report what they want to hear.
So, righties are no better than the lefties and vice versa
Myself, I prefer Reuters. They make a huge effort to make sure they aren't bias.:clap2:
I always believed there was a simple premise report the news. The premise of the Liberal media is to report the news they want you to here. This Country deserves better.

True and good journalism is dead in America, today, because of the trending majority progressives in the MSM. The real truth is only important to them if it benefits their agenda of protecting the Democrats in office. They are not true journalists.

So grateful for Fox, who isn't afraid to report and document the news yet apologize immediately if anything was misreported. :clap2:
They will probably hire a private investigator firm to dig up dirt on you, then run a primetime special on "GOP voters."

They are that scummy.
Dear executives of MSNBC
It is appalling to me that when news comes out about the denial of security request during the Benghazi terrorist attack comes out and your website has nothing to report about it. You’re a news channel that goes nationwide. . The American people deserve the truth and expect the truth when they turn on t
he news.

If you haven’t noticed four Americans are dead. Your unwillingness to cover the news pertaining to this subject is distasteful and an unprofessional display of journalism. People deserve to get the news as it is from your company. This isn’t a game the truth is the facts of the story even if you don’t like the facts.

If your looking for news my advice would be don't go to MSNBC they have proven more than once they are no longer a news outlet and I highly doubt they ever will be.
I always believed there was a simple premise report the news. The premise of the Liberal media is to report the news they want you to here. This Country deserves better.

Isn't that why righties watch Fox?

YES, PMSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS are why I watch ONLY FOX.

Ah yes. You didn't list them all either. There are others, I'm sure, that are left leaning lie machines.

Because logic dictates that when you have a group of 7 or more sources, All of them will be lying to you or covering things up, except for the one source you have chosen.
Isn't that why righties watch Fox?

YES, PMSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS are why I watch ONLY FOX.

Ah yes. You didn't list them all either. There are others, I'm sure, that are left leaning lie machines.

Because logic dictates that when you have a group of 7 or more sources, All of them will be lying to you or covering things up, except for the one source you have chosen.

And that's the way it is, as Walter Cronkite used to say. Or Chet Huntley and David Brinkley back when NBC wasn't run by a bunch of libtards.
I always believed there was a simple premise report the news. The premise of the Liberal media is to report the news they want you to here. This Country deserves better.

Isn't that why righties watch Fox? They want to the news media to report what they want to hear.
So, righties are no better than the lefties and vice versa
Myself, I prefer Reuters. They make a huge effort to make sure they aren't bias.:clap2:

No, we just don't want to watch the official Democrat Propaganda machines, so we shy away from the Main Stream press.
They really don't care what you have to say, they probably sit back and laugh. However, their paying advertisers might give a damn!! Especially if you refuse to buy their products!!
Dear executives of MSNBC
It is appalling to me that when news comes out about the denial of security request during the Benghazi terrorist attack comes out and your website has nothing to report about it. You’re a news channel that goes nationwide. . The American people deserve the truth and expect the truth when they turn on t
he news.

If you haven’t noticed four Americans are dead. Your unwillingness to cover the news pertaining to this subject is distasteful and an unprofessional display of journalism. People deserve to get the news as it is from your company. This isn’t a game the truth is the facts of the story even if you don’t like the facts.

I bet they got a good chuckle out of that.

Hey dummy! Turn off your TV..It's making you stupid.
I always believed there was a simple premise report the news. The premise of the Liberal media is to report the news they want you to here. This Country deserves better.

Isn't that why righties watch Fox?

YES, PMSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS are why I watch ONLY FOX.

didn't see that coming :lmao:

why did you choose to name yourself after a terrorist?

does it make you feel tough down in mom's basement?
msnbc has lower TV ratings than FOX News for obvious reasons.

More Americans watch FOX News because msnbc is full of irrelevant kooks. Keith Gooberman couldn't hack it doing sports so he worked there with his insane mind until his ratings were lower than his IQ.

The Madcow lesbian doesn't appeal to most women, she only gets the lesbo and goth bitches hiding in their apartments from men.

GOP sellout Joe Slimeborough is a loser trying to avoid living on the streets so he will lie against the GOP each morning for a paycheck. He looks like he is on drugs most days.

Then there's that fatass Ed that luckily the smell feature for TV hasn't been invented yet.

There's that insane asshole that replaced Gooberman that his name escapes me, but he thinks he is well educated and grounded with his facade. Behind the mask is most likely a cross-dressing, homo that likes boys.
YES, PMSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS are why I watch ONLY FOX.

Ah yes. You didn't list them all either. There are others, I'm sure, that are left leaning lie machines.

Because logic dictates that when you have a group of 7 or more sources, All of them will be lying to you or covering things up, except for the one source you have chosen.

And that's the way it is, as Walter Cronkite used to say. Or Chet Huntley and David Brinkley back when NBC wasn't run by a bunch of libtards.

I gather you are not familiar with the concept of Occams Razor.
I always believed there was a simple premise report the news. The premise of the Liberal media is to report the news they want you to here. This Country deserves better.

Isn't that why righties watch Fox?

YES, PMSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS are why I watch ONLY FOX.

Coincidentally (or not) that's also why you're a partisan hack with no understanding of the world outside of your Fox victim's bubble.
They're not going to care a bit about any complaint email. They're in the ratings basement today because of their strident lefty positions, support of Barry's regime, etc. Management knows their small audience is a direct result of their programming and obviously aren't interested in more viewers and the increased ad revenue it would bring. If they were they would have done something about it by now because they know full well they've left countless millions of dollars on the table for years.

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