An Embarrassing and/or Proud Moment for Vets, Maybe.

You're obviously some kind of Kool-Aid drinker trying to justify the Marxist-Leninist VA...take it to the DailyKos, treehugger! :mad:
o i am gonna love to see how these two threads are merged.....good luck mods you got two threads that should be merged...lets see how its done.....
Why is the vet in the video an embarrassment to you Bod? You are your own person are you not? His actions have nothing to do with you.

I believe there was some grandstanding going on, as well as some genuine concern.

For one, he talks about Defending the country and then suggests the Speaker of the House has some Nazi connection. Nazi's killed six million Jews and a couple of hundred thousand gays and know one knows how many thousands of Gypsy's.

I know that many Republicans, killing gay people is not such a big deal. But it's true that the guy was just spewing Republican rhetoric. I bet he even believes that Obama wants "death panels". I wonder if he even has health insurance.

Many Republicans who are "fighting" to keep health insurance the way it is don't even have any.
And look at the way it is. CEO salaries for HC companies Average $4,000,000.00 EACH.

How many insurance polices does it take to pay a single 4 million dollar salary? How many people could have been treated.

Depending of the size of the company, some CEO's make up to 38 MILLION with bonuses of over a hundred million dollars. Does this even sound SANE?????

Then there are those that say you can't be cut from you policy. Actually, there are many ways. You could call a sinus infection an "pre existing" condition. If you have a life threatening condition, insurance companies know you can't take them to court. You need your money to save your life. Or if you do take them to court, many times, chances are you'll die before it's settled. Then it doesn't matter.

Republicans had both houses and the presidency for years AND DID NOTHING.

Now, we have someone who is looking out for the American people and what happens? He is called "Nazi". His wife is called a bitch and ho on this very site.

FACT: 1993 - US paid 94 billion for health care.

2008 - US paid 2.5 TRILLION.

I bet if the guy had the actual facts minus "death panel" and "lottery aid", he would support the president. Or not, Obama IS half black. Many Americans will NEVER, EVER see past that.

seek help.
YouTube - Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

Was this vet(making sure he front loaded that, didn't he?) grandstanding or actually asking a rational question?

Get REAL Bodie...He was asking a rational Question. he IS concerned about the Government having more power than they are Constitutionally mandated to have. they have NO BUSINESS in's an Individual descision/responsibility.

But does that escape you? Healthcare is NOT a right.

Um...when was the QUESTION? That's right, at the very end of his little speech and then he walked away...maybe he didn't even want an answer. If I was waiting to ask my question at that town hall, and they ran out of time, I'd be pissed at Mr. Speechifier.
He's entitled to his opinion. So?

Indeed he is, and notice no one is silencing him. But if I were there, I'd be holding my head in my hands when he started waving the vet banner and then began speechifying.
YouTube - Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

Was this vet(making sure he front loaded that, didn't he?) grandstanding or actually asking a rational question?

Get REAL Bodie...He was asking a rational Question. he IS concerned about the Government having more power than they are Constitutionally mandated to have. they have NO BUSINESS in's an Individual descision/responsibility.

But does that escape you? Healthcare is NOT a right.

Um...when was the QUESTION? That's right, at the very end of his little speech and then he walked away...maybe he didn't even want an answer. If I was waiting to ask my question at that town hall, and they ran out of time, I'd be pissed at Mr. Speechifier.

The man spoke his MIND...why should he wait for an answer when he knew it would be parsing or an outright LIE...

But then Statists like YOU enjoy this kinda thing, don't you?

Where's the LIAR Icon, because it befits you, Bodie. You thrive off of LIES. it makes your little heart (or facsimile thereof), go pitty-pat.

This is a trash thread, and YOU know it.
He's entitled to his opinion. So?

Indeed he is, and notice no one is silencing him. But if I were there, I'd be holding my head in my hands when he started waving the vet banner and then began speechifying.

Like you I'm also former Navy and whether I agree with what he did or said or not means nothing other than he voiced his opinion. He didn't make me as a vet look good or bad. If someone want's to equate all vets by this example that's their short sightedness, not mine.
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Why is the vet in the video an embarrassment to you Bod? You are your own person are you not? His actions have nothing to do with you.

I believe there was some grandstanding going on, as well as some genuine concern.

Grandstanding...walked away after asking he one question. This guy didn't want to learn anything, he wanted to speechify, thus taking away time from those who may have had legitimate questions about health care.

He wanted his you tube moment and he got it.

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