an empty limosine pulled up to the whitehouse and barack obama got out


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i did borrow the line from the 19th century (benj harrison), but it still applies.

alinsky is at the heart of the matter, but for what little we know about our president, is what we do know contrary to what transparency we we're promised ??

i'm not talking about the birth certificate orthe fabulous inconsistencies cloud over the whitehouse.

i don't care about his race religion, or what he does with his own time.

what i really care about is the obfuscation. question for the folks that voted for him once or twice, is he the person you thought you we're voting for ?? also, do you think the way the administration has been truthful about benghazi. i still get the creeps when i think of hillary blaming the deaths on the video, at Andrews afb.

i think they cooked the economic numbers for the 2nd election, remember the unemployment rate magically dipped below 8%, just before the election.

is anyone else concerned that hillary told pat smith that she "would send the maker of that video to jail", and where is he now.

the examples are unlimited. if you want to see the empty obama suit after it gets out of the limo, watch his talk show performances, as he describes how that video caused benghazi. it's bad enough that benghazi happened at all. i still say a couple of f15"s could have challenged, even diffused part of that scenario.

it still pisses me off. this is scandal of the highest order folks, i'm afraid we have gotten so used to not hearing the truth, we have become complacent, the mainstream media has lagged behind.

i haven't been able to find it, but i did read somewhere a few years ago, that the white house was planning to scrub emails, as a general rule. i'm still looking.

i want to know what you guys think, i for one am not happy with, or willing to accept the status quo, and the way out government does business. an empty suit from an empty limo, and we wonder why leading from behind, is a bad idea for America.

53 Historians Weigh In on Barack Obama s Legacy -- NYMag

what could they possibly spend a billions dollars for on his "presidential" library ??

Obama Wants 1 Billion For Post Presidency Legacy - Breitbart

breaking new benghazi emails coming to light - Google Search
Last edited:
ifin' the limo was empty how was it driven and why would someone exit an empty auto?
Why would Obozo want a billion dollars for his library???


i did borrow the line from the 19th century (benj harrison), but it still applies.

alinsky is at the heart of the matter, but for what little we know about our president, is what we do know contrary to what transparency we we're promised ??

i'm not talking about the birth certificate orthe fabulous inconsistencies cloud over the whitehouse.

i don't care about his race religion, or what he does with his own time.

what i really care about is the obfuscation. question for the folks that voted for him once or twice, is he the person you thought you we're voting for ?? also, do you think the way the administration has been truthful about benghazi. i still get the creeps when i think of hillary blaming the deaths on the video, at Andrews afb.

i think they cooked the economic numbers for the 2nd election, remember the unemployment rate magically dipped below 8%, just before the election.

is anyone else concerned that hillary told pat smith that she "would send the maker of that video to jail", and where is he now.

the examples are unlimited. if you want to see the empty obama suit after it gets out of the limo, watch his talk show performances, as he describes how that video caused benghazi. it's bad enough that benghazi happened at all. i still say a couple of f15"s could have challenged, even diffused part of that scenario.

it still pisses me off. this is scandal of the highest order folks, i'm afraid we have gotten so used to not hearing the truth, we have become complacent, the mainstream media has lagged behind.

i haven't been able to find it, but i did read somewhere a few years ago, that the white house was planning to scrub emails, as a general rule. i'm still looking.

i want to know what you guys think, i for one am not happy with, or willing to accept the status quo, and the way out government does business. an empty suit from an empty limo, and we wonder why leading from behind, is a bad idea for America.

53 Historians Weigh In on Barack Obama s Legacy -- NYMag

what could they possibly spend a billions dollars for on his "presidential" library ??

Obama Wants 1 Billion For Post Presidency Legacy - Breitbart

breaking new benghazi emails coming to light - Google Search

I think your post exhibits the exhortations of at least half of Alinsky's rules for radicals.
About the White House scrubbing emails... It wouldn't surprise me if they do, in an effort not to get caught again.

Exclusive Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions Scrubbed of Terror Reference - ABC News

When it became clear last fall that the CIA's now discredited Benghazi talking points were flawed, the White House said repeatedly the documents were put together almost entirely by the intelligence community, but White House documents reviewed by Congress suggest a different story.

ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.

White House emails reviewed by ABC News suggest the edits were made with extensive input from the State Department. The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.
I was surprised to read anything about Benghazi. In nearly four years, 8 investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, 50,000 pages released, uncountable inches of newspaper columns, $6 million spent examining in the most minute detail all agreeing that nothing happened and to find someone still spouting conspiracy was surprising as hell. Honestly, people who can't be comfortable with facts should be medicated. Do you people even realize you're out there with moon landings in a TV studio?
Last edited:
i did borrow the line from the 19th century (benj harrison), but it still applies.

alinsky is at the heart of the matter, but for what little we know about our president, is what we do know contrary to what transparency we we're promised ??

i'm not talking about the birth certificate orthe fabulous inconsistencies cloud over the whitehouse.

i don't care about his race religion, or what he does with his own time.

what i really care about is the obfuscation. question for the folks that voted for him once or twice, is he the person you thought you we're voting for ?? also, do you think the way the administration has been truthful about benghazi. i still get the creeps when i think of hillary blaming the deaths on the video, at Andrews afb.

i think they cooked the economic numbers for the 2nd election, remember the unemployment rate magically dipped below 8%, just before the election.

is anyone else concerned that hillary told pat smith that she "would send the maker of that video to jail", and where is he now.

the examples are unlimited. if you want to see the empty obama suit after it gets out of the limo, watch his talk show performances, as he describes how that video caused benghazi. it's bad enough that benghazi happened at all. i still say a couple of f15"s could have challenged, even diffused part of that scenario.

it still pisses me off. this is scandal of the highest order folks, i'm afraid we have gotten so used to not hearing the truth, we have become complacent, the mainstream media has lagged behind.

i haven't been able to find it, but i did read somewhere a few years ago, that the white house was planning to scrub emails, as a general rule. i'm still looking.

i want to know what you guys think, i for one am not happy with, or willing to accept the status quo, and the way out government does business. an empty suit from an empty limo, and we wonder why leading from behind, is a bad idea for America.

53 Historians Weigh In on Barack Obama s Legacy -- NYMag

what could they possibly spend a billions dollars for on his "presidential" library ??

Obama Wants 1 Billion For Post Presidency Legacy - Breitbart

breaking new benghazi emails coming to light - Google Search
Wow. I think this may be the longest string of ridiculous conspiracy theories I have ever seen.
I was surprised to read anything about Benghazi. In nearly four years, 8 investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, 50,000 pages released, uncountable inches of newspaper columns, $6 million spent examining in the most minute detail, all agreeing that nothing happened and to find someone still spouting conspiracy was surprising as hell. Honestly, people who can't be comfortable with facts should be medicated. Do you people even realize you're out there with moon landings in a TV studio?

But the mainstream media (liberal) even admits that Obama's administration doctored the facts.

It just keeps getting deeper, doesn't it???
RUBE: Hopey McChangepants just visited a gay brothel in Saudi Arabia and had sex with a donkey. I heard it on the AM radio, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it, which just proves it is true even more. And the more I repeat it, the truer it is. That's how evidence works.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, it has been proven that Hopey McChangepants was golfing in Palm Springs on the day conspiracy theorists claimed he was in Saudi Arabia having sex with a donkey.

RUBE: When he was in college, Hopey McChangepants used to throw live puppies into traffic for fun. I read it in the Daily Pisser, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it. But most of all, we know he threw puppies into traffic because he had sex with a donkey in Saudi Arabia.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, not one person who actually knew Hopey McChangepants in college said he threw puppies into traffic.

RUBE: Hopey McChangepants is a secret Mason. I saw it on the Ben Gleck show, so it must be true. Plus, we are talking about a guy who had sex with a donkey and threw puppies into traffic. It has to be true!
RUBE: Hopey McChangepants just visited a gay brothel in Saudi Arabia and had sex with a donkey. I heard it on the AM radio, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it, which just proves it is true even more. And the more I repeat it, the truer it is. That's how evidence works.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, it has been proven that Hopey McChangepants was golfing in Palm Springs on the day conspiracy theorists claimed he was in Saudi Arabia having sex with a donkey.

RUBE: When he was in college, Hopey McChangepants used to throw live puppies into traffic for fun. I read it in the Daily Pisser, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it. But most of all, we know he threw puppies into traffic because he had sex with a donkey in Saudi Arabia.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, not one person who actually knew Hopey McChangepants in college said he threw puppies into traffic.

RUBE: Hopey McChangepants is a secret Mason. I saw it on the Ben Gleck show, so it must be true. Plus, we are talking about a guy who had sex with a donkey and threw puppies into traffic. It has to be true!

So does that mean you are going to quit reading MediaDon'tMatter???
RUBE: Hopey McChangepants just visited a gay brothel in Saudi Arabia and had sex with a donkey. I heard it on the AM radio, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it, which just proves it is true even more. And the more I repeat it, the truer it is. That's how evidence works.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, it has been proven that Hopey McChangepants was golfing in Palm Springs on the day conspiracy theorists claimed he was in Saudi Arabia having sex with a donkey.

RUBE: When he was in college, Hopey McChangepants used to throw live puppies into traffic for fun. I read it in the Daily Pisser, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it. But most of all, we know he threw puppies into traffic because he had sex with a donkey in Saudi Arabia.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, not one person who actually knew Hopey McChangepants in college said he threw puppies into traffic.

RUBE: Hopey McChangepants is a secret Mason. I saw it on the Ben Gleck show, so it must be true. Plus, we are talking about a guy who had sex with a donkey and threw puppies into traffic. It has to be true!

So does that mean you are going to quit reading MediaDon'tMatter???
When are you going to quit building straw men?
i did borrow the line from the 19th century (benj harrison), but it still applies.

alinsky is at the heart of the matter, but for what little we know about our president, is what we do know contrary to what transparency we we're promised ??

i'm not talking about the birth certificate orthe fabulous inconsistencies cloud over the whitehouse.

i don't care about his race religion, or what he does with his own time.

what i really care about is the obfuscation. question for the folks that voted for him once or twice, is he the person you thought you we're voting for ?? also, do you think the way the administration has been truthful about benghazi. i still get the creeps when i think of hillary blaming the deaths on the video, at Andrews afb.

i think they cooked the economic numbers for the 2nd election, remember the unemployment rate magically dipped below 8%, just before the election.

is anyone else concerned that hillary told pat smith that she "would send the maker of that video to jail", and where is he now.

the examples are unlimited. if you want to see the empty obama suit after it gets out of the limo, watch his talk show performances, as he describes how that video caused benghazi. it's bad enough that benghazi happened at all. i still say a couple of f15"s could have challenged, even diffused part of that scenario.

it still pisses me off. this is scandal of the highest order folks, i'm afraid we have gotten so used to not hearing the truth, we have become complacent, the mainstream media has lagged behind.

i haven't been able to find it, but i did read somewhere a few years ago, that the white house was planning to scrub emails, as a general rule. i'm still looking.

i want to know what you guys think, i for one am not happy with, or willing to accept the status quo, and the way out government does business. an empty suit from an empty limo, and we wonder why leading from behind, is a bad idea for America.

53 Historians Weigh In on Barack Obama s Legacy -- NYMag

what could they possibly spend a billions dollars for on his "presidential" library ??

Obama Wants 1 Billion For Post Presidency Legacy - Breitbart

breaking new benghazi emails coming to light - Google Search

I think your post exhibits the exhortations of at least half of Alinsky's rules for radicals.
thanks, that was the idea... u is wicked smart u know. very quick indeed.
About the White House scrubbing emails... It wouldn't surprise me if they do, in an effort not to get caught again.

Exclusive Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions Scrubbed of Terror Reference - ABC News

When it became clear last fall that the CIA's now discredited Benghazi talking points were flawed, the White House said repeatedly the documents were put together almost entirely by the intelligence community, but White House documents reviewed by Congress suggest a different story.

ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.

White House emails reviewed by ABC News suggest the edits were made with extensive input from the State Department. The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.
i'm curious about the mindset of his flock of followers who still believe there could never be even a smidgen of corruption or lying from this "transparent" administration.
RUBE: Hopey McChangepants just visited a gay brothel in Saudi Arabia and had sex with a donkey. I heard it on the AM radio, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it, which just proves it is true even more. And the more I repeat it, the truer it is. That's how evidence works.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, it has been proven that Hopey McChangepants was golfing in Palm Springs on the day conspiracy theorists claimed he was in Saudi Arabia having sex with a donkey.

RUBE: When he was in college, Hopey McChangepants used to throw live puppies into traffic for fun. I read it in the Daily Pisser, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it. But most of all, we know he threw puppies into traffic because he had sex with a donkey in Saudi Arabia.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, not one person who actually knew Hopey McChangepants in college said he threw puppies into traffic.

RUBE: Hopey McChangepants is a secret Mason. I saw it on the Ben Gleck show, so it must be true. Plus, we are talking about a guy who had sex with a donkey and threw puppies into traffic. It has to be true!
is there a point here ? 'cause that would make your post so more interesting.
RUBE: Hopey McChangepants just visited a gay brothel in Saudi Arabia and had sex with a donkey. I heard it on the AM radio, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it, which just proves it is true even more. And the more I repeat it, the truer it is. That's how evidence works.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, it has been proven that Hopey McChangepants was golfing in Palm Springs on the day conspiracy theorists claimed he was in Saudi Arabia having sex with a donkey.

RUBE: When he was in college, Hopey McChangepants used to throw live puppies into traffic for fun. I read it in the Daily Pisser, so it must be true. Plus, I want to believe it. But most of all, we know he threw puppies into traffic because he had sex with a donkey in Saudi Arabia.

(six months later)

REPORT: After an extensive investigation, not one person who actually knew Hopey McChangepants in college said he threw puppies into traffic.

RUBE: Hopey McChangepants is a secret Mason. I saw it on the Ben Gleck show, so it must be true. Plus, we are talking about a guy who had sex with a donkey and threw puppies into traffic. It has to be true!

So does that mean you are going to quit reading MediaDon'tMatter???
When are you going to quit building straw men?
what's a strawman, would alinsky be one ?
Why would Obozo want a billion dollars for his library???


View attachment 47759
i did borrow the line from the 19th century (benj harrison), but it still applies.

alinsky is at the heart of the matter, but for what little we know about our president, is what we do know contrary to what transparency we we're promised ??

i'm not talking about the birth certificate orthe fabulous inconsistencies cloud over the whitehouse.

i don't care about his race religion, or what he does with his own time.

what i really care about is the obfuscation. question for the folks that voted for him once or twice, is he the person you thought you we're voting for ?? also, do you think the way the administration has been truthful about benghazi. i still get the creeps when i think of hillary blaming the deaths on the video, at Andrews afb.

i think they cooked the economic numbers for the 2nd election, remember the unemployment rate magically dipped below 8%, just before the election.

is anyone else concerned that hillary told pat smith that she "would send the maker of that video to jail", and where is he now.

the examples are unlimited. if you want to see the empty obama suit after it gets out of the limo, watch his talk show performances, as he describes how that video caused benghazi. it's bad enough that benghazi happened at all. i still say a couple of f15"s could have challenged, even diffused part of that scenario.

it still pisses me off. this is scandal of the highest order folks, i'm afraid we have gotten so used to not hearing the truth, we have become complacent, the mainstream media has lagged behind.

i haven't been able to find it, but i did read somewhere a few years ago, that the white house was planning to scrub emails, as a general rule. i'm still looking.

i want to know what you guys think, i for one am not happy with, or willing to accept the status quo, and the way out government does business. an empty suit from an empty limo, and we wonder why leading from behind, is a bad idea for America.

53 Historians Weigh In on Barack Obama s Legacy -- NYMag

what could they possibly spend a billions dollars for on his "presidential" library ??

Obama Wants 1 Billion For Post Presidency Legacy - Breitbart

breaking new benghazi emails coming to light - Google Search
Wow. I think this may be the longest string of ridiculous conspiracy theories I have ever seen.
don't tap out now brother, things are just getting interesting.
I was surprised to read anything about Benghazi. In nearly four years, 8 investigations, 13 hearings, 50 briefings, 50,000 pages released, uncountable inches of newspaper columns, $6 million spent examining in the most minute detail all agreeing that nothing happened and to find someone still spouting conspiracy was surprising as hell. Honestly, people who can't be comfortable with facts should be medicated. Do you people even realize you're out there with moon landings in a TV studio?
hillary might be being chased by two separate select committees going into the fall election.
i think they cooked the economic numbers for the 2nd election, remember the unemployment rate magically dipped below 8%, just before the election.

While at first glance the drop looks unusual:

Looking at it in the larger context shows nothing unusual.


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