An Ex Morman speaks about Robmoney

LOL - that article is hilarious.

And this thread needs to be in the conspiracy theories forum!
Leave the man's religious beliefs alone lefties. You are starting to look like losers and the election is months away.
My Dad's an Elder in the Mormon Church and I've done quite a bit of research about the LDS. The article is mostly true. The only part I hadn't heard about was Joseph Smith running for President.

Did you know Joseph Smith was a Free Mason (who became a level 32 in ONE DAY) when he founded the Mormon Church? That could explain why Mormons are so successful in business; Connections.

This last week when I met with my dad and the subject of religion came up (I'm a Baptized Christian) I asked him two questions:

Was J. Smith a Free Mason when he founded the LDS?
My Dad: "Uh...yes"
Are there two levels of information in the Church? One level that you say to those that sit in the pews, and another that only the leaders who control the church know about?
My Dad: "...........yes"

An example of the "two levels" is that J.Smith has at least 3 different versions of visitations from God. Initially he said he was visited from just God, then it changed to "Many Angels" then finally "God and Mormon Jesus". Yes, Mormon Jesus who's brother is Lucifer. (I sh*t you not, this is what they believe)

Plus there are at least two different stories about how the gold plates were translated by J. Smith.

I've never asked him about the undergarments with the Masonic Symbols on it though I've heard him talking about them. Those masonic symbols are ALL OVER any Mormon Temple, inside and out and is proof of it's Masonic roots.

Mormons believe there is not One God but Billions of Gods, as many as there are Universes. Also that good works here on Earth and strict adherence to the Mormon Bible (which is full of errors and in large part a copy of the King James version) will ensure a MAN's ascention to God status in the afterlife. Women CANNOT become Gods and can only be "sealed" to a Man (God) in the after life.

Again, I sh*t you not.

There are some good documentaries out there about the LDS, I guess I should post them.
Okay, until a Mormon weighs in and explains why the article is erroneous, it stands.

Romney avoids mentioning it, but Joseph Smith ran for president in 1844 as an independent Commander in Chief of an “army of God” advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government in favor of a Mormon-ruled theocracy. Challenging Democrat, James Polk and Whig, Henry Clay – Smith prophesied that if the U.S. Congress did not accede to his demands that “they shall be broken up as a government and God shall damn them.” Smith viewed capturing the presidency as part of the mission of the church. Smith’s insertion of religion into politics and his call for a “theodemocracy where God and people hold the power to conduct the affairs of men in righteous matters” created a sensation and drew hostility from the outside world. But his candidacy was cut short when he was shot to death by an anti-Mormon vigilante mob. Out of Smith’s national political ambitions grew what would become known in Mormon circles as the “White Horse Prophecy” — a belief ingrained in Mormon culture and passed down through generations by church leaders that the day would come when the U.S. Constitution would “hang like a thread as fine as a silk fiber” and the Mormon priesthood would save it. Mitt Romney views the American presidency as a theological office.

Interesting article. I think the most damning stuff about LDS comes from Ex-Mormons.

Here's the point, though. The Mormons have really been trying for decades to "mainstream" themselves, which is to say, play up the stuff they have in common with mainstream Christianity and kind of keep the batshit to themselves. Which is why Romney squirms whenever anyone asks a religious question.

I think that the RW Evangelical Community has decided to bite the bullet and back Romney, and they are playing nice, but I think it's the more centrist Christian or the folks who don't really attend Church that much other than baptisms and weddings that are going to be alarmed and horrified when people start discussing Mormonism's history and beliefs.

I think it's like one of the H.P. Lovecraft stories when someone who isn't in the C'Thulhu cult reads the Necromonicon, and they are like, "Holy Crap" and suffer a shock to their sanity.

Just think of the Book of Mormon as a real life Necromonicon!
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Recovery from Mormonism - the Mormon Church

Prominent National Jewish leader calls on LDS church to stop dead-dunking Holocaust Jews | Recovery from Mormonism

Other points covered:

--Information has been relayed that (despite Mormon church claims that it cannot effectively control local church membmers who are necro-dunking dead Holocaust Jewish victims), the Mormon church is definitely able to see and review the extracted names of dead Jewish Holocaust victims whose names have been submitted for--and ultimately processed through--its necro-dunking rituals.

--Explanation has been given that the Mormon church has only now taken action against church members involved in the dead-dunking of Simon Wiesenthal's parents because the Mormon church has been seriously and publicly embarrassed by the episode--although the Mormon church has known for years that dead Jewish Holocaust victims have continued to be necro-dunked,

--Reference has been provided to public news reports exhibiting screenprints of Mormon church computer records showing the names, the dead-dunking dates, the dead-dunked membership confirmations and notices of completion of necro work done on dead Jews who have been processed into Mormon membership ranks via LDS proxy rituals.

--Emphasis has been made of how the Mormon church has serious financial incentive to continue performing its dead-dunking rituals, due to the fact that Mormons who wish to be "families forever" pay a required temple entrance fee of 10% of their income to attend and work in Mormon temples for not only the dead, but for their own personal salvation.

--Note has been made that Mormons fervently do necro-dunking for dead Jewish Holocaust victims because they believe that dead Jewish Holocaust victims are anxiously waiting to have it done for them.

--The point has been accentuated that Mormon necro-work is what keeps Mormon temples operating and, indeed, if it was not for that necro work (which comprises the vast majority of what Mormons busy themselves with doing in their temples), there would be very little for Mormons to do in temples.

--Explanation has been offered as to how the Mormon church builds temples in carefully demographically-analyzed areas, where temple construction is based on Mormon population density and projected Mormon population growth so that Mormon church earnings can be maximized through charging for temple entry and participation.
The Mormons have also "dead dunked" Abraham Lincoln.

My Dad's an Elder in the Mormon Church and I've done quite a bit of research about the LDS. The article is mostly true. The only part I hadn't heard about was Joseph Smith running for President.

Did you know Joseph Smith was a Free Mason (who became a level 32 in ONE DAY) when he founded the Mormon Church? That could explain why Mormons are so successful in business; Connections.

This last week when I met with my dad and the subject of religion came up (I'm a Baptized Christian) I asked him two questions:

Was J. Smith a Free Mason when he founded the LDS?
My Dad: "Uh...yes"
Are there two levels of information in the Church? One level that you say to those that sit in the pews, and another that only the leaders who control the church know about?
My Dad: "...........yes"

An example of the "two levels" is that J.Smith has at least 3 different versions of visitations from God. Initially he said he was visited from just God, then it changed to "Many Angels" then finally "God and Mormon Jesus". Yes, Mormon Jesus who's brother is Lucifer. (I sh*t you not, this is what they believe)

Plus there are at least two different stories about how the gold plates were translated by J. Smith.

I've never asked him about the undergarments with the Masonic Symbols on it though I've heard him talking about them. Those masonic symbols are ALL OVER any Mormon Temple, inside and out and is proof of it's Masonic roots.

Mormons believe there is not One God but Billions of Gods, as many as there are Universes. Also that good works here on Earth and strict adherence to the Mormon Bible (which is full of errors and in large part a copy of the King James version) will ensure a MAN's ascention to God status in the afterlife. Women CANNOT become Gods and can only be "sealed" to a Man (God) in the after life.

Again, I sh*t you not.

There are some good documentaries out there about the LDS, I guess I should post them.

Interesting story.

But if your dad is only an Elder then he is one of the regular folks who occupy the pews. If he knows so much of the secret stuff the leaders know, that means that the stuff really isn't secret.

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