Zone1 An Example of a White Individual Taking Personal Responsibility

Well, they really can't win with you, can they?

If they get jobs, they are "Taking jobs away from Americans". (Even though we have a 10 million worker shortage and most of the jobs they take are ones Americans don't want to do.)

And if they don't get jobs, they are a bunch of "Lazy welfare bums". (Even though they don't qualify for most relief programs.)
Yeah, they can't win with me. They don't belong here, they are using up precious resources, both natural and financial and are creating problems for our society. We have a perfect right to set national immigration policies that benefit the USA and its citizens. We already allow more LEGAL immigrants every year than any other country on earth.
Yeah, they can't win with me. They don't belong here, they are using up precious resources, both natural and financial and are creating problems for our society. We have a perfect right to set national immigration policies that benefit the USA and its citizens. We already allow more LEGAL immigrants every year than any other country on earth.

Uh, the 1% uses up more resources than the undocumented do.

They are only creating a "problem" in that we aren't dealing with them effectively. Issue green cards, hire enough immigration and asylum judges to adjudicate their cases quickly.

A few months of dealing with USIUC, my sympathy level has dropped to pretty much nothing. What a cluster fuck.
Uh, the 1% uses up more resources than the undocumented do.

They are only creating a "problem" in that we aren't dealing with them effectively. Issue green cards, hire enough immigration and asylum judges to adjudicate their cases quickly.

A few months of dealing with USIUC, my sympathy level has dropped to pretty much nothing. What a cluster fuck.
Bull, illegals live four or more families in a one-bedroom apartment overloading the plumbing and sewer systems, they overload all the schools and medical facilities, they crowd the streets and in states that stupidly allow them driver's licenses, drive without insurance. Those are problems that the 1% don't cause.
Bull, illegals live four or more families in a one-bedroom apartment overloading the plumbing and sewer systems, they overload all the schools and medical facilities, they crowd the streets and in states that stupidly allow them driver's licenses, drive without insurance. Those are problems that the 1% don't cause.
Plus, the 1% contribute about 40% of the tax revenues.
Bull, illegals live four or more families in a one-bedroom apartment overloading the plumbing and sewer systems, they overload all the schools and medical facilities, they crowd the streets and in states that stupidly allow them driver's licenses, drive without insurance. Those are problems that the 1% don't cause.

No, the one percent are why we have aging sewer systems and electrical grids.... because the rich need their dressage horses and mansions.
Whites are not responsible for high rates of black poverty. We are not responsible for high rates of black incarceration. We have nothing to feel guilty about at all.

The 1% are a parasite that have convinced everyone else they are a vital organ.

We all have jobs because of consumers, not capitalists.
Rich people do not hire more people when they have more money. They hire more people when they have more customers. Rich people have more customers when labor unions are strengthened, and when the minimum wage is increased.
Whites are not responsible for high rates of black poverty. We are not responsible for high rates of black incarceration. We have nothing to feel guilty about at all.

Actually, we are because of the whole 400 years of institutionalized racism.

Rich people do not hire more people when they have more money. They hire more people when they have more customers. Rich people have more customers when labor unions are strengthened, and when the minimum wage is increased.

Yet you are too stupid to see how the rich play on your racism to get you to vote against your own economic interests.

The 1% are a parasite that have convinced everyone else they are a vital organ.

We all have jobs because of consumers, not capitalists.
You have a job due to a multitude of things. How do you think a cruise ship Captain has a job? How do you think the ship and the crew were assembled? If you can't think past more than one step, you should shut up.
Actually, we are because of the whole 400 years of institutionalized racism.

Yet you are too stupid to see how the rich play on your racism to get you to vote against your own economic interests.
Hey are you one of those BLM "trained Marxists"? How come the leader of BLM, also a "trained Marxist", lives in a multi-million dollar house that can only be afforded by the 1%?
You have a job due to a multitude of things. How do you think a cruise ship Captain has a job? How do you think the ship and the crew were assembled? If you can't think past more than one step, you should shut up.

The cruise ship has a crew because people like to take cruises, not because a rich person benevolently bought a boat. I have a job because we have customers who need parts that I buy, and they have customers who buy the finished products.

Hey are you one of those BLM "trained Marxists"? How come the leader of BLM, also a "trained Marxist", lives in a multi-million dollar house that can only be afforded by the 1%?

I wouldn't know, do they? I know BLM did make some pretty questionable investments, and shame on them.

So they bought an expensive building to act as a community and arts center. Personally, I don't think this was an effective use of resources.

….and in a white neighborhood, too.
I've lived in mixed race neighborhoods most of my life.

For 13 years, I lived in Cicero, IL, which is a pretty rough and tumble neighborhood.

My current neighborhood is 30% Asian!
The cruise ship has a crew because people like to take cruises, not because a rich person benevolently bought a boat. I have a job because we have customers who need parts that I buy, and they have customers who buy the finished products.
So you really can't think past one step at a time... The cruise ship doesn't appear out thin air you dummy. A vast and complex industry makes it possible for a large cruise ship to be built. There needs to be massive funding for the gears of that industry to turn. Concentrations of wealth is what allows that funding to happen.

Wealthier people and constantly growing customer bases is what allows civilizations to build things bigger and better! Both of those are essential! And capitalism has and will always be the best model.
So you really can't think past one step at a time... The cruise ship doesn't appear out thin air you dummy. A vast and complex industry makes it possible for a large cruise ship to be built. There needs to be massive funding for the gears of that industry to turn. Concentrations of wealth is what allows that funding to happen.

The concentration of wealth doesn't require wealth inequality at the level we have now. IN fact, we were at our most prosperous when the government taxed the rich at 70% rates and funded huge infrastructure projects. We have been in decline since Reagan decided the rich deserved to keep most of their ill-gotten gains.

The 1% are parasites who have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.
The concentration of wealth doesn't require wealth inequality at the level we have now. IN fact, we were at our most prosperous when the government taxed the rich at 70% rates and funded huge infrastructure projects. We have been in decline since Reagan decided the rich deserved to keep most of their ill-gotten gains.

The 1% are parasites who have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.
You can't answer the questions! If you're so smart, explain the success of communist states so far. And in which economic system did a vast majority of technological advancements come from?


Income inequality was less in the 1800's compared to now, would you rather live in the 1800's? You'd probably be in poverty since most of the population was in poverty. Now, most of the world isn't in poverty, but the income inequality is higher. Explain that one to me you lefty.
Actually, we are because of the whole 400 years of institutionalized racism.

* What happened three or more generations ago does not effect intrinsic racial differences now. *

Yet you are too stupid to see how the rich play on your racism to get you to vote against your own economic interests.
How do I vote against my economic interests by voting a straight Democrat ticked for every general election? I voted for McGovern in 1972, for Obama more recently, and in 2020 for Biden. I intend to vote for him again.
You can't answer the questions! If you're so smart, explain the success of communist states so far. And in which economic system did a vast majority of technological advancements come from?

Um, you are kind of all over the board here.

What do you mean by "Communist" states? Given the Communist Chinese are currently eating our lunch, you are kind of defeating your own point.

How do I vote against my economic interests by voting a straight Democrat ticked for every general election? I voted for McGovern in 1972, for Obama more recently, and in 2020 for Biden. I intend to vote for him again.

Yet here you are repeating Republican Racist Talking Points...
If the racism did not exist here at such a high level, I would contribute cash. I am here no more than anyone else. Now you can stop being white trying to tell me what things are and begin working with your fellow whites to end their racism because it is the major stumbling black to progress not only for blacks, but for every non white group in America and that includes Asians.
Asians are spectacularly successful

The only racism they face is from lib/progressive academics in college admission offices

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