Zone1 An Example of a White Individual Taking Personal Responsibility

A lot of people do Blame them for their problems. Talk about them replacing Whites, I am not going to argue the pros and cons of immigration, but you see the blame all the time. Drugs are a perfect example of this.


No one DEMANDS Whites be accountable as a race for their bad apples like they do with Blacks.
Don't they?

But those who single out black people as required to dress black, speak black, act black because that's what real black people do in my opinion are promoting evil. Unintentionally sometimes, but promoting evil just the same. Those who care about people teach EVERYBODY to prepare themselves to be educated, well mannered, and speak, dress and conduct themselves for success and as good citizens in American, not just people of a particular race or ethnicity.

Likewise, no person should be asked to be a spokesperson or advocate for his/her race, or be stereotyped in negative ways because of his/her race to be responsible for the bad acts of anybody of his/her race. And those who defend those of their own race for what they condemn others are just as wrong headed and perhaps promoting evil.

What we all should be preaching, promoting, demanding, and acting on is that skin color should be of no more importance than hair color or eye color. Once we achieve that we can good naturedly stereotype redheads, Irish, Scots, Italians, black people, Asians, whomever as much as we want without recrimination or harm or discomfort to anybody.

And the few racists who remain will appear to ALL as the misguided or mean spirited people that they are.
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Don't they?

But those who single out black people as required to dress black, speak black, act black because that's what real black people do in my opinion are promoting evil. Unintentionally sometimes, but promoting evil just the same. Those who care about people teach EVERYBODY to prepare themselves to be educated, well mannered, and speak, dress and conduct themselves for success and as good citizens in American, not just people of a particular race or ethnicity.

Likewise, no person should be asked to be a spokesperson or advocate for his/her race, or be stereotyped in negative ways because of his/her race to be responsible for the bad acts of anybody of his/her race. And those who defend those of their own race for what they condemn others are just as wrong headed and perhaps promoting evil.

What we all should be preaching, promoting, demanding, and acting on is that skin color should be of no more importance than hair color or eye color. Once we achieve that we can good naturedly stereotype redheads, Irish, Scots, Italians, black people, Asians, whomever as much as we want without recrimination or harm or discomfort to anybody.

And the few racists who remain will appear to ALL as the misguided or mean spirited people that they are.
Cultural differences are hardly promoting evil.
I like how the same folks who want to raise minimum wage or have universal basic income, are the same people who support importing millions of unskilled workers to do the ”jobs nobody wants to do”. Labor is a market of supply and demand. Nobody “wants“ to work minimum wage, but some people NEED those jobs. There are millions of illegals who will do those jobs dirt-cheap when the government hand-out stops. And it will, once those illegals can vote.

Cultural differences are hardly promoting evil.
When everybody is supposed to accommodate one groups' cultural differences while not expected to accommodate others, that is not only discrimination but racism. And it is evil and divisive and wrong.

There should be one culture respected by all citizens and that is the American culture. All the others are just decorations on the whole. It is fun when our city featured various culture with traditional costumes, food, music and such on Civic Plaza downtown on Sunday afternoons. And everybody came to enjoy. We used to do the same in Kansas as so many little towns there were heavily populated with descendants of immigrants from various countries. That is the way culture should be celebrated.

As long as we govern and make our rules via race, racism will continue to be an evil in this country.
There should be one culture respected by all citizens and that is the American culture.

That is the absolute truth.

A country divided against itself is doomed. Whatever your race is, whatever your political persuasion is, your way of life is doomed unless our most important identity is a shared one.
When everybody is supposed to accommodate one groups' cultural differences while not expected to accommodate others, that is not only discrimination but racism. And it is evil and divisive and wrong.

There should be one culture respected by all citizens and that is the American culture. All the others are just decorations on the whole. It is fun when our city featured various culture with traditional costumes, food, music and such on Civic Plaza downtown on Sunday afternoons. And everybody came to enjoy. We used to do the same in Kansas as so many little towns there were heavily populated with descendants of immigrants from various countries. That is the way culture should be celebrated.

As long as we govern and make our rules via race, racism will continue to be an evil in this country.
What you describe is what whites have done here for over 400 years. I guess you ignore that it was whites who made the rules via race. And you ain't going to fix damage created by rules made via race without taking race into account in the remedy.

American culture is a mixture of every culture on this planet. There is no one culture and every other one is decoration. They all are America culture.
American culture is a mixture of every culture on this planet. There is no one culture and every other one is decoration. They all are America culture.

Since diversity is our strength, certainly you agree that both white people and Republicans actually indirectly support you? White people and Republicans provide you with diversity of opinion, which makes society stronger to your benefit? Right?
I rarely hear white people blame other races for their misfortunes.
I hear them blame illegal immigrants. No real difference. They are blaming another group for their woes.
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When everybody is supposed to accommodate one groups' cultural differences while not expected to accommodate others, that is not only discrimination but racism. And it is evil and divisive and wrong.

There should be one culture respected by all citizens and that is the American culture. All the others are just decorations on the whole. It is fun when our city featured various culture with traditional costumes, food, music and such on Civic Plaza downtown on Sunday afternoons. And everybody came to enjoy. We used to do the same in Kansas as so many little towns there were heavily populated with descendants of immigrants from various countries. That is the way culture should be celebrated.

As long as we govern and make our rules via race, racism will continue to be an evil in this country.
The problem though is we’ve never been “one American culture” coast to coast, not in custom, dialect, religion, names, cuisine or heritage. Each region has it’s own distinct flavor. There are shared values and English is necessary for success in this country, but beyond that our country is diverse and there is a difference between tolerating different ethnic American cultures and embracing them as American. It sounds like you want everyone to be same and only trot out their distinct cultures during festivals. What is American? Appalachia? Mid west standard? Hispanic Cuban? Mexican southwest? Creole? New Yorker? African American? Each comes from a distinct historical intermingling that produced what we see and is authentically American.
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It sounds like you want everyone to be same and only trot out their distinct cultures during festivals.
Festivals like January 6th? Or do those people not get the forced diversity treatment? Respect our culture. Everyday should be January 6th.
Festivals like January 6th? Or do those people not get the forced diversity treatment? Respect our culture. Everyday should be January 6th.
Criminality is not “diversity”.
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Forced diversity? What?
Its when IM2 accepts a place where he respects white people and American history. Where IM2 becomes a proud American. That’s forced diversity. It’s like the opposite of calling someone ”transphobic” for disagreeing with the chemical castration of children.
The problem though is we’ve never been “one American culture” coast to coast, not in custom, dialect, religion, names, cuisine or heritage. Each region has it’s own distinct flavor. There are shared values and English is necessary for success in this country, but beyond that our country is diverse and there is a difference between tolerating different ethnic American cultures and embracing them as American. It sounds like you want everyone to be same and only trot out their distinct cultures during festivals. What is American? Appalachia? Mid west standard? Hispanic Cuban? Mexican southwest? Creole? New Yorker? African American? Each comes from a distinct historical intermingling that produced what we see and is authentically American
Differences in accents, dress, etc. will naturally develop from region to region within a country but that is natural development. It is all American and has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Such does not divide us by race and is not divisive. To encourage black children to think it is wrong to 'act white' when in fact what they are saying it is wrong to speak, act, think, dress, behave as successful Americans do, is not only racist, but extremely harmful to those children.
Uh, no, the racist twats in the south would have been racist no matter what.

Actually, the riots started earlier than that and blacks weren't the only ones rioting.

See chart above... it doesn't support your premise. White people have always been kind of awful.
Prejudice is the result of previous experience. Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. Before the civil rights legislation was signed Orientals in the South were often considered to be "honorary whites." They were served in restaurants that would not serve Negroes.

I once had a friend who owned a restaurant. Sometimes he would rent his restaurant to a group for a party. Once he told me in private that if he was not required to he would not rent to black groups. He had problems with the blacks he did not have with other groups. They were rude to the wait staff. They left little or nothing in tips. They stole plates and eating utensils. Once a fight broke out, destroying some furniture, and he had to call the police.

One of my sisters spend a summer working as a waitress. She told me the same thing about black customers.

White racism is the result of black social pathology, not the cause.
When do those like you take the personal responsibility to understand how the impact of racist public policy created damage that still impacts black communities right now? INDIANS have a median income 33 percent more than whites and that's because they get in here on H1B Visas. Most of the Asians earn roughly as much as blacks, and some even less. Native Americans made agreements with the government, which are a form of reparations, and the government has allowed them to gamble on their lands. Show me lands specifically designated by the government for blacks, show the treaties the government made with blacks, show the agency the government made specifically for black economic development like the BIA.

The root cause of the problems we face as blacks is white racism. Therefore, it is my personal responsibility to point that out instead of ignoring it while trying to blame blacks for problems we did not create.

Jews faced two thousand years of persecution, culminating in the Holocaust. They usually perform and behave well. Oriental immigrants to the United States also faced persecution. They also perform and behave well.

Black behavior has gotten worse since 1963. The better we treat them the worse they behave.

The root cause of white racism is black social pathology. Human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the social and intellectual requirements of civilization.

Of course, I am discussing averages and tendencies, not absolute differences. I have known a few Negroes who were more decent than many of the whites I have known. They were credits to their race. If they were typical there would be no racial problems.
Before I go on, I want to point out that Hector avoided my proof that LBJ did not "lose" the white vote. White people have always been kind of awful.

They vote Republican when times are good and Democratic when the Republicans fuck things up. Always.

Prejudice is the result of previous experience. Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. Before the civil rights legislation was signed Orientals in the South were often considered to be "honorary whites." They were served in restaurants that would not serve Negroes.

No, they weren't. First, before the resettlement of Vietnamese in the South, there were very few Asians in the South, and a lot of the racist laws like Miscegnation laws also applied to them. There was a lot of backlash when those Vietnamese were resettled.

The problem with the "Model Minority" argument is that Asians never came here in large enough groups to really make anyone feel threatened. Meanwhile, fear of what blacks might do because of their numbers have permeated white thinking since Nat Turner's rebellion.

I once had a friend who owned a restaurant. Sometimes he would rent his restaurant to a group for a party. Once he told me in private that if he was not required to he would not rent to black groups. He had problems with the blacks he did not have with other groups. They were rude to the wait staff. They left little or nothing in tips. They stole plates and eating utensils. Once a fight broke out, destroying some furniture, and he had to call the police.

Now, this is close to a valid complaint. As a rule, blacks are less likely to tip. Personally, I always tip because having dated waitresses, I know that we have idiotic laws that allow them to be paid sub-minimum wage and they have to make that up in tips.

But this is actually a cultural thing. For generations, blacks couldn't get served in restaurants at all. They often get less quality service when they are allowed to.

"If a [waiter] says, 'I don't want to wait on that table because they're black or they're Hispanic, then they tend to give less service and it's a self-fulfilling prophecy," Fernandez explains.

He says cultural elements -- blacks have avoided sit-down restaurants in favor of take out or self-service eateries -- institutionalized racism that exists in the restaurant industry and education about tipping are all behind the discrepancy. "How do people learn about tipping? If you don't go, you don't know."

One of my sisters spend a summer working as a waitress. She told me the same thing about black customers.

White racism is the result of black social pathology, not the cause.

And I have to ask the question, how much of an effort do these associates of you make to give good service to black people. When did we get this mentality that tipping is "Expected" rather than as a reward for exceptional service.

Jews faced two thousand years of persecution, culminating in the Holocaust. They usually perform and behave well. Oriental immigrants to the United States also faced persecution. They also perform and behave well.

Um, Jews were hated in Europe because they pretty much cheated their Goyim neighbors at every opportunity. They took jobs like money lenders and tax collectors. When they got to America, they were treated just like other white people. White privilege is wonderful when you can get it.

Asian immigrants really never experienced anything that blacks did. There was no slavery, debt peonage, lynching, etc.

The reality is, most Asian immigrants only really started showing up in the latter half of the 20th century. They were specifically prohibited from immigrating before that.
Black behavior has gotten worse since 1963. The better we treat them the worse they behave.

The root cause of white racism is black social pathology. Human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the social and intellectual requirements of civilization.

Of course, I am discussing averages and tendencies, not absolute differences. I have known a few Negroes who were more decent than many of the whites I have known. They were credits to their race. If they were typical there would be no racial problems.

Has it occurred to you that the reason why black people don't like you is because of you? I mean, you come off as a truly awful person, and I don't believe you can turn that off when you are in group settings, even though you probably don't say this shit out loud because you'd get your sissy ass beaten.

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