Zone1 An Example of a White Individual Taking Personal Responsibility

Yet here you are repeating Republican Racist Talking Points...
That is because I do my own thinking. Generally I agree with the Republicans on the issues of crime, race, welfare, and immigration, and with the Democrats on economic and environmental issues. Economic and environmental issues are more important to me, so I vote Democrat.

Nevertheless, the Democrat Party that I really like died with President Kennedy in 1963. I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Now I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes.

Franklin Roosevelt is my favorite president. I think he was wise to keep civil rights laws off of the New Deal agenda.

When I voted for George McGovern in 1972 the most important issue for me was ending the War in Vietnam. I continue to think that was was tragically futile.
hat is because I do my own thinking.

No, guy, repeating shit you read on racist websites is not doing your own thinking.

Generally I agree with the Republicans on the issues of crime, race, welfare, and immigration, and with the Democrats on economic and environmental issues. Economic and environmental issues are more important to me, so I vote Democrat.

But you aren't smart enough to see how they are intertwined.

Nevertheless, the Democrat Party that I really like died with President Kennedy in 1963. I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Now I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes.

Franklin Roosevelt is my favorite president. I think he was wise to keep civil rights laws off of the New Deal agenda.
Except he didn't. He was an advocate for increased civil rights. Look up Executive Order 8802.

He ended Neo-slavery by outlawing Debt Peonage.

When I voted for George McGovern in 1972 the most important issue for me was ending the War in Vietnam. I continue to think that was was tragically futile.

No one believes you are that old.
No, guy, repeating shit you read on racist websites is not doing your own thinking.
I have been banned from American Renaissance, and from more virulent websites for expressing my admiration for Jews and Orientals.
I am saying White people in America blame all their problems on illegal immigrants instead of taking responsibility. Same expectation you lay on Blacks.
I am not aware of white people blaming their problems on illegal immigrants. I’ve heard of some whites accuse them of taking jobs by taking a lower wage, this in no way would encompass all their problems.
Um, you are kind of all over the board here.

What do you mean by "Communist" states? Given the Communist Chinese are currently eating our lunch, you are kind of defeating your own point.
You're still not answering the questions because you can't. I'll ask ONE thing at a time, because you don't seem capable of authoring more responses than that.

The Gini Coefficient for the world was 60% in 1820 and is around 70% today. The lower the number is means less inequality, therefore there was less income inequality in 1820. If you would actually look at the chart, you'd see that the poverty rate has dramatically decreased over the span of 200 years.

You're saying that higher income inequality is a bad thing, however it also correlates with less poverty, so how can you still maintain your position?

I am saying White people in America blame all their problems on illegal immigrants instead of taking responsibility. Same expectation you lay on Blacks.
Really? I don't blame my problems on illegal immigrants, but I darn sure think what illegal immigrants are allowed to do to citizens whether those are black, white, Asian or whatever, is criminal and unConstitutional, morally wrong, inflationary, and dangerous. And I blame our current government for allowing it.
I have been banned from American Renaissance, and from more virulent websites for expressing my admiration for Jews and Orientals.
So even other Nazis find you annoying?

I am smart enough to recognize the failure to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty to reduce black social pathology.

Except that wasn't its function. What it did do was reduce the black poverty rate from 55% to 17% today. (And we've defined Poverty up!)

If Roosevelt had gone further than that he would have lost the white working class and the once Solid South.

Shame on us as a country if we love our racism more than our country, then. Here's a big problem I see with American society. We spend too much time pandering to the bad behavior of the south, even AFTER they tried to destroy the country. the reason why Germany is so well behaved today is that we made it PRETTY CLEAR to them they screwed up in WWII.

It shouldn't have taken 150 years to tear down those statues, but good thing we are doing it now.

You're still not answering the questions because you can't. I'll ask ONE thing at a time, because you don't seem capable of authoring more responses than that.
I did answer the question... you just didn't like the answer, but that was kind of the point.

You're saying that higher income inequality is a bad thing, however it also correlates with less poverty, so how can you still maintain your position?

Yes, income inequality is a bad thing. It does NOT correlate with less poverty. Also, the only time I enjoyed watching John Stossell is when the Wrestler slapped him silly.

Really? I don't blame my problems on illegal immigrants, but I darn sure think what illegal immigrants are allowed to do to citizens whether those are black, white, Asian or whatever, is criminal and unConstitutional, morally wrong, inflationary, and dangerous. And I blame our current government for allowing it.

You mean taking the crappy jobs the rest of us don't want to do?

The vast majority of undocumented immigrants obey the law and are just waiting for their day in court.

Except that wasn't its function. What it did do was reduce the black poverty rate from 55% to 17% today. (And we've defined Poverty up!)

Promoting affirmative action and a more generous welfare system reduced the material aspects of poverty. Those same efforts contributed to the end of the New Deal Coalition which had dominated the United States since the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932.
Shame on us as a country if we love our racism more than our country, then. Here's a big problem I see with American society. We spend too much time pandering to the bad behavior of the south, even AFTER they tried to destroy the country. the reason why Germany is so well behaved today is that we made it PRETTY CLEAR to them they screwed up in WWII.
If blacks behavior improved after the Civil rights Act of 1964 was passed into law, and the War in Poverty was declared the same year, there would not have been a white backlash.

Instead, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the declaration of the War on Poverty were followed by five years of black ghetto rioting and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

This is what caused America's white working class to become a Republican constituency. It also lost the previously Solid South to the GOP.
Promoting affirmative action and a more generous welfare system reduced the material aspects of poverty. Those same efforts contributed to the end of the New Deal Coalition which had dominated the United States since the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932.

I had to do this on another thread, so let's do it again here. Long before the Civil Rights Act, Republicans were perfectly capable of winning a majority of the White vote with the right candidate. Ike won 60% plus of the White vote against the guy with a hole in his shoe. Even after signing the Civil Rights Act, LBJ was able to get an impressive 65% of the white vote. (It helped that Goldwater was out of his mind.) Bill Clinton managed to win the White vote a couple of times (but mostly because Perot drew off voters) and even today, Democrats still manage to get about 40% of the white vote.


Furthermore, I would argue that the low ebbs- 72, 80, 84 and 88 were because Democrats just ran shitty candidates. You get a good candidate, you will do well.

Now, all of that said, even taking your claim at face value, how much effort should the Democrats really put into appealling to working class white people who are so stupid, they vote for the interest of the wealthy over their own? You just can't cure stupid.
If blacks behavior improved after the Civil rights Act of 1964 was passed into law, and the War in Poverty was declared the same year, there would not have been a white backlash.

Uh, no, the racist twats in the south would have been racist no matter what.

Instead, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the declaration of the War on Poverty were followed by five years of black ghetto rioting and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

Actually, the riots started earlier than that and blacks weren't the only ones rioting.

This is what caused America's white working class to become a Republican constituency. It also lost the previously Solid South to the GOP.

See chart above... it doesn't support your premise. White people have always been kind of awful.
Really? I don't blame my problems on illegal immigrants, but I darn sure think what illegal immigrants are allowed to do to citizens whether those are black, white, Asian or whatever, is criminal and unConstitutional, morally wrong, inflationary, and dangerous. And I blame our current government for allowing it.
A lot of people do Blame them for their problems. Talk about them replacing Whites, I am not going to argue the pros and cons of immigration, but you see the blame all the time. Drugs are a perfect example of this.


No one DEMANDS Whites be accountable as a race for their bad apples like they do with Blacks.
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I am not aware of white people blaming their problems on illegal immigrants. I’ve heard of some whites accuse them of taking jobs by taking a lower wage, this in no way would encompass all their problems.
That is one example…another is drugs.

Why are they not told to quit blaming others for their problems?
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Where do you draw the line at personal responsibility compared to blaming racism? If you cook your food too long, do you curse Whites for their racism? I haven't seen you show an ounce of responsibility on here. Asians have a medium household income that's 2x more than blacks and 33% more than Whites. And Native Americans, for example, have many reservations in California that all have a monopoly on gambling.
When do those like you take the personal responsibility to understand how the impact of racist public policy created damage that still impacts black communities right now? INDIANS have a median income 33 percent more than whites and that's because they get in here on H1B Visas. Most of the Asians earn roughly as much as blacks, and some even less. Native Americans made agreements with the government, which are a form of reparations, and the government has allowed them to gamble on their lands. Show me lands specifically designated by the government for blacks, show the treaties the government made with blacks, show the agency the government made specifically for black economic development like the BIA.

The root cause of the problems we face as blacks is white racism. Therefore, it is my personal responsibility to point that out instead of ignoring it while trying to blame blacks for problems we did not create.

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