An Honest Conversation about Race

Is that supposed to intimidate me into doing your bidding? Ha!

No it was simply an accurate description of how you operate.

When a person makes a claim the onus is on the person to prove his claim.

When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. "If this responsibility or burden of proof is shifted to a critic, the fallacy of appealing to ignorance is committed". This burden does not necessarily require a mathematical or strictly logical proof, although many strong arguments do rise to this level (such as in logical syllogisms). Rather, the evidential standard required for a given claim is determined by convention or community standards, with regard to the context of the claim in question.

The bolded part is what you do.

In an argument, the burden of proof is on the person making an assertion. That is, if a person says that the moon is made of cheese, then it is up to that person to support this assertion. Demanding that the other party demonstrate that the moon is not made of cheese would constitute shifting the burden of proof.

Shifting the burden of proof is a kind of logical fallacy in argumentation whereby the person who would ordinarily have the burden of proof in an argument attempts to switch that burden to the other person, e.g.:

If you don't think that the Invisible Pink Unicorn exists, then prove it!

LOL. Rules according to Lonestar Logic. I didn't make the first claim...the burden of proof is on the initiator of the claim.

They are not rules per se, but it's how you conduct a proper debate.

Something of which you are incapable of doing.
Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.
Self-published or internet blog? :D

A publishing house. Ooops. But really, what difference does it make? I don't get my validation from upstarts or disgruntled high school dropouts.
You can be anything you want to be on the internet.

The use of quotation marks for emphasis proves your grammar is not immaculate.

How to Use Quotation Marks Correctly

quo·ta·tion (kw-tshn)
1. The act of quoting.

2. A passage quoted.

3. An explicit reference or allusion in an artistic work to a passage or element from another, usually well-known work: "Direct quotations from other paintings are fairly sparse" (Robert Hughes).

a. The quoting of current prices and bids for securities and goods.

b. The prices or bids cited.

Well, I'll start taking literary advice from you, as soon as you have a published work, selling more than a score of copies.

Prove that you have "published work".

Why? To satisfy you? As I have stated on every political debate forum....I don't lie. It's my weapon of choice. Truth. And if I did produce evidence of my work, would you stop, trying to undermine me, and give me the benefit of the doubt? You and I both know, the answer is "Hell, no". So, no...I'm not proving anything, because I don't have to. Who are you? Nobody.
FYI. I'm at work on my second book and my sophomore music cd... in my home studio. I'll let you know when and where you can buy them.
This country was certainly affluent in the 40's and in the 20's. Whites were certainly more affluent than blacks in this country since the first black man was brought here.

Do you deny that having grandparents able to help you out financially is an advantage? Do you deny that having property passed down from generation to generation is an advantage? Do you deny that having a long history of your own kind (be it race, creed, gender, whatever) in power presents advantages? Do you deny that having your founding fathers, inventors, authors, politicians, educators, law enforcement and pretty much anyone able to shape your world for the past hundred years or so look like you is an advantage?

I'm not assigning blame or saying whitey is a demon. I just think it is ridiculous to say that anything that ever happened before you were born has no impact whatsoever on you and has no part of shaping your world. I am pointing out that when black people are born and raised in an affluent white culture, they turn out just like the whites there. Imagine that. When white people are born and raised in low income urban areas (projects) or poor rural areas, they turn out just like the blacks raised in those same areas. Who'd have thought it?

I always knew I could be whatever I wanted to be. I had generations of role models who had done it. When i student taught in Donaldsonville (low income area of LA where the middle school is literally in the projects), those kids did not know of any black authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. They had no black role models and were never taught that they could be whatever they wanted to be.

Times are changing thankfully, and there are more role models today than there were 20 years ago, which is more than 40 years ago and so on. Times change slowly, though. I'm not sure why you deny that history influences the present. Do you really think we can just draw a line around 1970 and say nothing before that date has any impact on the present. Do you really believe that?

my grandparents died long ago and did not have the resources to help me. Both they and my parents lived through the depression. My parents married in 1950 and started out with a suitcase of clothes each and $5

believe it or not not all white people were born with a trust fund.

I worked my way through 2 masters degrees while working during the day and going to school at night.

My gawd are you naive , spoiled and brainwashed?


most white folks have similar stories, but since you grew up spoiled how would you know?

Maybe you should get some first hand accounts of what it was like back in the day instead of getting your information from movies.
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No it was simply an accurate description of how you operate.

When a person makes a claim the onus is on the person to prove his claim.

When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. "If this responsibility or burden of proof is shifted to a critic, the fallacy of appealing to ignorance is committed". This burden does not necessarily require a mathematical or strictly logical proof, although many strong arguments do rise to this level (such as in logical syllogisms). Rather, the evidential standard required for a given claim is determined by convention or community standards, with regard to the context of the claim in question.

The bolded part is what you do.

In an argument, the burden of proof is on the person making an assertion. That is, if a person says that the moon is made of cheese, then it is up to that person to support this assertion. Demanding that the other party demonstrate that the moon is not made of cheese would constitute shifting the burden of proof.

Shifting the burden of proof is a kind of logical fallacy in argumentation whereby the person who would ordinarily have the burden of proof in an argument attempts to switch that burden to the other person, e.g.:

If you don't think that the Invisible Pink Unicorn exists, then prove it!

LOL. Rules according to Lonestar Logic. I didn't make the first claim...the burden of proof is on the initiator of the claim.

They are not rules per se, but it's how you conduct a proper debate.

Something of which you are incapable of doing.

And so? I'm uppity, remember? Above the rules of mere mortals, and supplicants. You people have no clue about "playing fair"...why should I?
Well, I'll start taking literary advice from you, as soon as you have a published work, selling more than a score of copies.

Prove that you have "published work".

Why? To satisfy you? As I have stated on every political debate forum....I don't lie. It's my weapon of choice. Truth. And if I did produce evidence of my work, would you stop, trying to undermine me, and give me the benefit of the doubt? You and I both know, the answer is "Hell, no". So, no...I'm not proving anything, because I don't have to. Who are you? Nobody.
FYI. I'm at work on my second book and my sophomore music cd... in my home studio. I'll let you know when and where you can buy them.

Just what I thought.

Another lying POS.

You're dismissed.
Prove that you have "published work".

Why? To satisfy you? As I have stated on every political debate forum....I don't lie. It's my weapon of choice. Truth. And if I did produce evidence of my work, would you stop, trying to undermine me, and give me the benefit of the doubt? You and I both know, the answer is "Hell, no". So, no...I'm not proving anything, because I don't have to. Who are you? Nobody.
FYI. I'm at work on my second book and my sophomore music cd... in my home studio. I'll let you know when and where you can buy them.

Just what I thought.

Another lying POS.

You're dismissed.

Lying? Because I won't submit to being extorted??? LMAO. Keep believing that.
You're not important enough for me to prove myself. Didn't you just read that I don't lie. To white racists??? Please. LMAO. Why? #texascowpatty
A remedial English course will clear up your bad grammar. Begging for change? Why would I do that, when I receive a comfortable pension? Selling crack? Are you projecting again? I have never sold drugs. That is so "80's", girl. And do you think I could seriously read you girls to filth, as I do, if I were on drugs?
My crack is my music...I'll be selling my sophomore cd, soon. Keep you posted. Get yo' life.

Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.

poetic license lol

IOW you are full of shit
Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.
Self-published or internet blog? :D

shit house walls
Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.

poetic license lol

IOW you are full of shit

I, actually, can accept that. But I still claim poetic license.
Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.
Self-published or internet blog? :D

shit house walls

Really? Must you post such nonsense in order to feel good about yourself?
"I can't be upstaged by the negro...I can't. I can't. I'm better than him. I am. I am".
Bitch, get a grip. Read the Desiderata, which says there will always be persons greater and lesser than yourself. Find your own niche and be glad and grateful. Or better yet...find the passage in the Bible which states: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Never mind...that would require something on your part which you lack...integrity.
Self-published or internet blog? :D

shit house walls

Really? Must you post such nonsense in order to feel good about yourself?
"I can't be upstaged by the negro...I can't. I can't. I'm better than him. I am. I am".
Bitch, get a grip. Read the Desiderata, which says there will always be persons greater and lesser than yourself. Find your own niche and be glad and grateful. Or better yet...find the passage in the Bible which states: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Never mind...that would require something on your part which you lack...integrity.


Yes I deny having grandparents help me out financially.

No property was handed down to me.

Yes I deny having white people in power helped me.

Yes I deny that having founding fathers, inventors, authors, politicians, educators, law enforcement and pretty much everyone else gave me an advantage.

Was Ben Carson born and raised in an affluent white culture?

Was Thomas Sowell? Tim Scott? Clarence Thomas? Herman Cain?

There are literally thousands if not millions of people that have been born into poverty but over came it and turned out to be productive members of society.

You claiming these kids who were in school didn't know about black authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. is unbelievable. What kind of school were they in if they weren't being taught?

Their role models today are mostly rappers and athletes who are bigger thugs than they are.

I didn't ask if your specific grandparents helped you financially or if property was given to you specifically. I asked if you believe it is an advantage to have that available.

I already told you in my post where the school was and when (Donaldsonville, LA in the early 90's, a public middle school located in low income housing area). If you believe that history has zero impact on you, there's not much point of continuing the conversation. I believe you are wrong.
Yes I deny having grandparents help me out financially.

No property was handed down to me.

Yes I deny having white people in power helped me.

Yes I deny that having founding fathers, inventors, authors, politicians, educators, law enforcement and pretty much everyone else gave me an advantage.

Was Ben Carson born and raised in an affluent white culture?

Was Thomas Sowell? Tim Scott? Clarence Thomas? Herman Cain?

There are literally thousands if not millions of people that have been born into poverty but over came it and turned out to be productive members of society.

You claiming these kids who were in school didn't know about black authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. is unbelievable. What kind of school were they in if they weren't being taught?

Their role models today are mostly rappers and athletes who are bigger thugs than they are.

I didn't ask if your specific grandparents helped you financially or if property was given to you specifically. I asked if you believe it is an advantage to have that available.

I already told you in my post where the school was and when (Donaldsonville, LA in the early 90's, a public middle school located in low income housing area). If you believe that history has zero impact on you, there's not much point of continuing the conversation. I believe you are wrong.

you have now crossed the line from ignorance to willful ignorance.

You are assuming that all whites are privileged and all blacks are underprivileged based on your one narrow perspective.

Life is what you make it.

stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage
my grandparents died long ago and did not have the resources to help me. Both they and my parents lived through the depression. My parents married in 1950 and started out with a suitcase of clothes each and $5

believe it or not not all white people were born with a trust fund.

I worked my way through 2 masters degrees while working during the day and going to school at night.

My gawd are you naive , spoiled and brainwashed?


most white folks have similar stories, but since you grew up spoiled how would you know?

Maybe you should get some first hand accounts of what it was like back in the day instead of getting your information from movies.

Not sure why the personal insults come flying. I have no trust fund, no inherited property yet (although there will be some at some point in my life), worked my way through school as well (masters plus 30), am not spoiled or brainwashed and have not attacked anyone.

I never said black people were held down individually by whitey and not allowed to succeed. Individuals of all races do all sorts of amazing and/or stupid things. It has everything to do with the individual and nothing to do with their skin color. If you believe there was a moment in time that everyone suddenly was granted equal opportunity to achieve, I just disagree.
you have now crossed the line from ignorance to willful ignorance.

You are assuming that all whites are privileged and all blacks are underprivileged based on your one narrow perspective.

Life is what you make it.

stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage

Wow, I was just about to tell you the same thing, that you are purposely being willfully ignorant, but was trying not to be insulting.

I never assumed all whites are privileged or that all blacks are underprivileged. I specifically pointed out that there are many many white people who are poor, uneducated, living in low income rural areas or inner cities, and that they fare about as well as their black counterparts in those same areas. Individuals shine in all races.
Yes I deny having grandparents help me out financially.

No property was handed down to me.

Yes I deny having white people in power helped me.

Yes I deny that having founding fathers, inventors, authors, politicians, educators, law enforcement and pretty much everyone else gave me an advantage.

Was Ben Carson born and raised in an affluent white culture?

Was Thomas Sowell? Tim Scott? Clarence Thomas? Herman Cain?

There are literally thousands if not millions of people that have been born into poverty but over came it and turned out to be productive members of society.

You claiming these kids who were in school didn't know about black authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. is unbelievable. What kind of school were they in if they weren't being taught?

Their role models today are mostly rappers and athletes who are bigger thugs than they are.

I didn't ask if your specific grandparents helped you financially or if property was given to you specifically. I asked if you believe it is an advantage to have that available.

I already told you in my post where the school was and when (Donaldsonville, LA in the early 90's, a public middle school located in low income housing area). If you believe that history has zero impact on you, there's not much point of continuing the conversation. I believe you are wrong.

you have now crossed the line from ignorance to willful ignorance.

You are assuming that all whites are privileged and all blacks are underprivileged based on your one narrow perspective.

Life is what you make it.

stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage

The poorest, most stupid white is privileged by virtue of being born with white skin. If you dress that poor stupid white person up in decent clothes, and send him to an interview with a white racist employer, chances are he or she will be hired "over" any black or brown candidates, simply because he or she belongs to "the tribe", and the similarities and familiarities outweigh the employer's having to get out of his or her comfort zone, by hiring the minority. Class is secondary to race, at least, in some white eyes.
'Poet' has proven himself to be every bit as much the racist son of a bitch as any of the other assholes who spew their hatred here.
'Poet' has proven himself to be every bit as much the racist son of a bitch as any of the other assholes who spew their hatred here.

Really? And you're a white dog. Yet you would deny all the racist rhetoric you've put up in your past postings as exempt, right? Hypocrite of the highest order. Get the log out of your own eye before attempting to adjust the toothpick in mine.
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Really? And you're a white dog. Yet you would deny all the racist rhetoric you've put up in your past postings as exempt, right?.

I note your obsession with color yet AGAIN. Show me one post of mine that displays "racist rhetoric." Go ahead.

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