An Honest Conversation about Race

No I'll just let you believe the evil white men are out to get you.

It amuses me.

Some have tried....but all have ultimately failed. Now, darling, I'm so far above, they can't reach me. I'm looking down at the ants.

You're looking up at snakes, little man.

Your vulgar visitor messages will continue to be deleted until you allow rebuttal, coward.

As I cannot disable your negative negs, I will continue to send you visitor messages...the only way outside of the forum board you can get to me. Cretin.
No I'll just let you believe the evil white men are out to get you.

It amuses me.

Some have tried....but all have ultimately failed. Now, darling, I'm so far above, they can't reach me. I'm looking down at the ants.

Your act don't fool anyone.

You'll be back on the corner begging for change in no time. Or out selling crack.

A remedial English course will clear up your bad grammar. Begging for change? Why would I do that, when I receive a comfortable pension? Selling crack? Are you projecting again? I have never sold drugs. That is so "80's", girl. And do you think I could seriously read you girls to filth, as I do, if I were on drugs?
My crack is my music...I'll be selling my sophomore cd, soon. Keep you posted. Get yo' life.
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If you're not going to be honest, that's on you.

Honest? Honest? That Ronald Reagan personally put crack in poor neighborhoods to kill black people? Are you really this fucking crazy? Do you HONESTLY expect to be taken seriously with silly shit like that? Don't talk of honesty, you loon, until you are prepared to be at least rational.

Yes, I was suggesting that Reagan cooked up the crack and met with top drug dealers, flashed his piece and made everyone work for him.

I notice a ton of name calling but you still wont touch the articles or links, instead you ask "Are you insane?" "Whats the matter with you" and other off topic personal attacks.

Carry on...Ronald Reagan went to the poor neighborhood with crack in his hands and shoved it down blacks throats to kill them...and then...

Go on...its hilarious...what happened next?

If you want to present yourself as an idiotic conspiracy nut, then expect to be treated as an idiotic conspiracy nut. If you want to be treated differently, then present yourself differently.
should begin with the fact that a majority of Whites don't spend their days dreaming up ways to screw Blacks, whereas the majority of Blacks believe they are getting screwed by Whites. How to bridge this gulf between perceptions?

IMO, Step 1 would be the recognition that it has very little to do with skin color at this point.

If the roles had been reversed and the Pilgrims had been black, blacks would have hundreds of years, many many generations of examples of successful ancestors (property owners, skilled trades, education, etc.). Whites would have maybe 50 years to work with, although not nearly 50 years of an equal playing field. Blacks would be spread across the country with secure footholds everywhere. Whites would mostly be in the South, or urban areas, with some scattering elsewhere, but without large numbers of the strong communities blacks would have. The urban areas whites were housed in would be low income, not near good employment opportunities or quality schools, so little chance of escaping without much much more effort than blacks would be required to expend to achieve success. White families would be faced with the choice to remain together and take the financial hit, or divorce to get the extra assistance, further damaging the family unit.

Everyone in those housing areas end up mostly the same, be they black, white, hispanic or asian. They all deal with the same issues of poverty, violence, drugs and gangs. Its not a black or white thing. Its a series of circumstances that snowball.
should begin with the fact that a majority of Whites don't spend their days dreaming up ways to screw Blacks, whereas the majority of Blacks believe they are getting screwed by Whites. How to bridge this gulf between perceptions?

IMO, Step 1 would be the recognition that it has very little to do with skin color at this point.

If the roles had been reversed and the Pilgrims had been black, blacks would have hundreds of years, many many generations of examples of successful ancestors (property owners, skilled trades, education, etc.). Whites would have maybe 50 years to work with, although not nearly 50 years of an equal playing field. Blacks would be spread across the country with secure footholds everywhere. Whites would mostly be in the South, or urban areas, with some scattering elsewhere, but without large numbers of the strong communities blacks would have. The urban areas whites were housed in would be low income, not near good employment opportunities or quality schools, so little chance of escaping without much much more effort than blacks would be required to expend to achieve success. White families would be faced with the choice to remain together and take the financial hit, or divorce to get the extra assistance, further damaging the family unit.

Everyone in those housing areas end up mostly the same, be they black, white, hispanic or asian. They all deal with the same issues of poverty, violence, drugs and gangs. Its not a black or white thing. Its a series of circumstances that snowball.

how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.
should begin with the fact that a majority of Whites don't spend their days dreaming up ways to screw Blacks, whereas the majority of Blacks believe they are getting screwed by Whites. How to bridge this gulf between perceptions?

IMO, Step 1 would be the recognition that it has very little to do with skin color at this point.

If the roles had been reversed and the Pilgrims had been black, blacks would have hundreds of years, many many generations of examples of successful ancestors (property owners, skilled trades, education, etc.). Whites would have maybe 50 years to work with, although not nearly 50 years of an equal playing field. Blacks would be spread across the country with secure footholds everywhere. Whites would mostly be in the South, or urban areas, with some scattering elsewhere, but without large numbers of the strong communities blacks would have. The urban areas whites were housed in would be low income, not near good employment opportunities or quality schools, so little chance of escaping without much much more effort than blacks would be required to expend to achieve success. White families would be faced with the choice to remain together and take the financial hit, or divorce to get the extra assistance, further damaging the family unit.

Everyone in those housing areas end up mostly the same, be they black, white, hispanic or asian. They all deal with the same issues of poverty, violence, drugs and gangs. Its not a black or white thing. Its a series of circumstances that snowball.

how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.
Blacks have fewer educational opportunities at their disposal. Shoot me.
IMO, Step 1 would be the recognition that it has very little to do with skin color at this point.

If the roles had been reversed and the Pilgrims had been black, blacks would have hundreds of years, many many generations of examples of successful ancestors (property owners, skilled trades, education, etc.). Whites would have maybe 50 years to work with, although not nearly 50 years of an equal playing field. Blacks would be spread across the country with secure footholds everywhere. Whites would mostly be in the South, or urban areas, with some scattering elsewhere, but without large numbers of the strong communities blacks would have. The urban areas whites were housed in would be low income, not near good employment opportunities or quality schools, so little chance of escaping without much much more effort than blacks would be required to expend to achieve success. White families would be faced with the choice to remain together and take the financial hit, or divorce to get the extra assistance, further damaging the family unit.

Everyone in those housing areas end up mostly the same, be they black, white, hispanic or asian. They all deal with the same issues of poverty, violence, drugs and gangs. Its not a black or white thing. Its a series of circumstances that snowball.

how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.
Blacks have fewer educational opportunities at their disposal. Shoot me.

NCLB is all about closing the achievement gap
office of black education excellence
lower admission standards for college entrance
lowering the discipline standards for blacks in public schools
special "black only" scholarships



you can also prove me wrong. Good luck.
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how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.
Blacks have fewer educational opportunities at their disposal. Shoot me.

NCLB is all about closing the achievement gap
office of black education excellence
lower admission standards for college entrance
lowering the discipline standards for blacks in public schools
special "black only" scholarships



you can also prove me wrong. Good luck.

Uh, you didn't say anything, but list abbreviations...without anything to support your assertion. WTF? How is that shooting down anything? What school promotes "black only" scholarships, seeing that no school is able to discriminate according to race, in this country?
Blacks have fewer educational opportunities at their disposal. Shoot me.

NCLB is all about closing the achievement gap
office of black education excellence
lower admission standards for college entrance
lowering the discipline standards for blacks in public schools
special "black only" scholarships



you can also prove me wrong. Good luck.

Uh, you didn't say anything, but list abbreviations...without anything to support your assertion. WTF? How is that shooting down anything? What school promotes "black only" scholarships, seeing that no school is able to discriminate according to race, in this country?

OK then Tinkerbell,

prove me wrong. Show us all how blacks have fewer educational opportunities
NCLB is all about closing the achievement gap
office of black education excellence
lower admission standards for college entrance
lowering the discipline standards for blacks in public schools
special "black only" scholarships



you can also prove me wrong. Good luck.

Uh, you didn't say anything, but list abbreviations...without anything to support your assertion. WTF? How is that shooting down anything? What school promotes "black only" scholarships, seeing that no school is able to discriminate according to race, in this country?

OK then Tinkerbell,

prove me wrong. Show us all how blacks have fewer educational opportunities

Tinkerbell? Since you cannot be a honest and "civil" poster, and address me, respectfully,
I respectfully decline to help you out of your quandary. There is no need to prove wrong what is true. Why?
Some have tried....but all have ultimately failed. Now, darling, I'm so far above, they can't reach me. I'm looking down at the ants.

Your act don't fool anyone.

You'll be back on the corner begging for change in no time. Or out selling crack.

A remedial English course will clear up your bad grammar. Begging for change? Why would I do that, when I receive a comfortable pension? Selling crack? Are you projecting again? I have never sold drugs. That is so "80's", girl. And do you think I could seriously read you girls to filth, as I do, if I were on drugs?
My crack is my music...I'll be selling my sophomore cd, soon. Keep you posted. Get yo' life.

Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.
Uh, you didn't say anything, but list abbreviations...without anything to support your assertion. WTF? How is that shooting down anything? What school promotes "black only" scholarships, seeing that no school is able to discriminate according to race, in this country?

OK then Tinkerbell,

prove me wrong. Show us all how blacks have fewer educational opportunities

Tinkerbell? Since you cannot be a honest and "civil" poster, and address me, respectfully,
I respectfully decline to help you out of your quandary. There is no need to prove wrong what is true. Why?

This coming from a person that calls people bitches among other insulting names and now he think he deservers respect.

I have respect for you, I step in it every evening when I'm out feeding the horses.
Uh, you didn't say anything, but list abbreviations...without anything to support your assertion. WTF? How is that shooting down anything? What school promotes "black only" scholarships, seeing that no school is able to discriminate according to race, in this country?

OK then Tinkerbell,

prove me wrong. Show us all how blacks have fewer educational opportunities

Tinkerbell? Since you cannot be a honest and "civil" poster, and address me, respectfully,
I respectfully decline to help you out of your quandary. There is no need to prove wrong what is true. Why?

obviously education has eluded you
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