An Honest Conversation about Race

If you're going to call names take it to the Rubber Room

If you're going to be a moron, fuck off.

If you're not going to be honest, that's on you.

Honest? Honest? That Ronald Reagan personally put crack in poor neighborhoods to kill black people? Are you really this fucking crazy? Do you HONESTLY expect to be taken seriously with silly shit like that? Don't talk of honesty, you loon, until you are prepared to be at least rational.
Statistics, compiled by whites, to serve an agenda. Not buying it.

You're as much of a racist POS as he is.

Sorry if the truth hurts.

Well, if it does you sure as hell aren't going to hurt anyone. You know, the other racists here (your counterparts, lonestar_logic, et al) also think they are speaking the "truth." You're as fucked in the head as they are.
You really have to reach for to come up with this nonsense.

You haven't shown that whites want to get rid of Kwanzaa, BET or the NAACP.. I'm sure you could find a few who do but it's not the consensus among whites.

You have shown no proof that Reagan created, distributed or in anyway put crack in black neighborhoods.

All you have is more blame whitey bullshit.

And how far has that gotten your people?

No matter what I post you'll just say I didn't post it or its not good enough for you. You cant refute any of it but somehow you simply saying it didn't happen makes it all disappear in your head.

Actually, I blamed the Justice System, Unfair Laws, and Reagan. The Justice system isn't white, unfair laws aren't white. I even posted evidence and all you provide is lip service. You choose to ignore everything I post because its easier for you to slap a "hate whitey" label on it and fight that than to deal with the evidence I provided.

If you had posted half the bullshit you claim then you would be more than happy to indicate which post it was in.

I have seen no such post proving Reagan had anything to do with crack cocaine distribution. I have seen no such proof that indicates whites are threatening your so-called traditions. I have seen no proof that laws are unfair to blacks.

You post a lot of bullshit but NO proof.

Your turn.

I wont indicate which post or post any other proof because this is a exercise in futility. You wont believe anything I post, Things I have posted you claimed were false simply by the wave of your mouse.

So no, At this point its like trying to prove to a pig that slop is gross. You love the slop and nothing I say will change that.

I asked your age out of curiosity. I'm 36 and a lot of the ppl my age don't think like you do, so I thought you might be older. Not prying, that's why I asked "approx."
If you're going to be a moron, fuck off.

If you're not going to be honest, that's on you.

Honest? Honest? That Ronald Reagan personally put crack in poor neighborhoods to kill black people? Are you really this fucking crazy? Do you HONESTLY expect to be taken seriously with silly shit like that? Don't talk of honesty, you loon, until you are prepared to be at least rational.

Yes, I was suggesting that Reagan cooked up the crack and met with top drug dealers, flashed his piece and made everyone work for him.

I notice a ton of name calling but you still wont touch the articles or links, instead you ask "Are you insane?" "Whats the matter with you" and other off topic personal attacks.

Carry on...Ronald Reagan went to the poor neighborhood with crack in his hands and shoved it down blacks throats to kill them...and then...

Go on...its hilarious...what happened next?
If you're not going to be honest, that's on you.

Honest? Honest? That Ronald Reagan personally put crack in poor neighborhoods to kill black people? Are you really this fucking crazy? Do you HONESTLY expect to be taken seriously with silly shit like that? Don't talk of honesty, you loon, until you are prepared to be at least rational.

Yes, I was suggesting that Reagan cooked up the crack and met with top drug dealers, flashed his piece and made everyone work for him.

I notice a ton of name calling but you still wont touch the articles or links, instead you ask "Are you insane?" "Whats the matter with you" and other off topic personal attacks.

Carry on...Ronald Reagan went to the poor neighborhood with crack in his hands and shoved it down blacks throats to kill them...and then...

Go on...its hilarious...what happened next?

it's all conjecture at best
No matter what I post you'll just say I didn't post it or its not good enough for you. You cant refute any of it but somehow you simply saying it didn't happen makes it all disappear in your head.

If you had posted half the bullshit you claim then you would be more than happy to indicate which post it was in.

I have seen no such post proving Reagan had anything to do with crack cocaine distribution. I have seen no such proof that indicates whites are threatening your so-called traditions. I have seen no proof that laws are unfair to blacks.

You post a lot of bullshit but NO proof.

Your turn.

I wont indicate which post or post any other proof because this is a exercise in futility. You wont believe anything I post, Things I have posted you claimed were false simply by the wave of your mouse.

So no, At this point its like trying to prove to a pig that slop is gross. You love the slop and nothing I say will change that.

I asked your age out of curiosity. I'm 36 and a lot of the ppl my age don't think like you do, so I thought you might be older. Not prying, that's why I asked "approx."

Your concession is noted.
Crack was put in the black communities by Reagan.

This is the nonsense Closed Caption is claiming.

And when challenged, he claims he provided proof.

But he hasn't.

Which makes him a liar.
show the world the laws that discriminate against blacks.

show us any law that requires blacks to serve longer sentences

pats CC and KS on nappy heads

Uh, laws don't discriminate against blacks.....prosecutors and judges discriminate against blacks, disproportionately, compared to whites. White judges discriminately hand down harsher sentences to blacks as compared to whites.

did you realize that there are black prosecutors, judges and jurors, or are you going to ignore that fact?

and I want PROOF that white judges hand down harsher sentences. for the exact same crimes and rap sheets
No conjecture allowed

96.01.10: Black Skin, White Justice: Race Matters in the Criminal Justice System

Is the United States Criminal Justice System really racist?
Invariably, every argument must indeed have a counter argument. Despite clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, there are those who believe that, though there may be some evidence of discriminatory practices in the criminal justice system, these instances do not significantly impact the dispensation of jurisprudence. (Diulio, 1994, Langan, 1994). As such, there are those who feel, as Patrick Langan does, that �race is only weakly related to whether a defendant is arrested, convicted, prosecuted or sentenced severely.�38 Diulio argues that once controls for such characteristics as the offender�s criminal history or whether an eyewitness to the crime was present, racial disparities no longer exist.39
Advocates of Law and order, like Diulio and Langan, apparently have naive notions about fairness in American society generally, and in the criminal justice system in particular. To suggest, as he does, that locking up criminals for a long time will lead to a decrease in crime is simply not true. Diulio asserts that �In the 1980�s, rates of imprisonment rose and crime rates fell . . . �40 Had Diulio �compared the crime rates in 1985 with those in 1990, a five year period when the percentage and absolute increases in prison populations were the largest in the nation�s history, he would have found it difficult to claim a cause-and-effect relation between incarceration and crime rates. Crime rates overall rose 12 percent, and violent crime rates climbed more than 32 percent.�41 As James Q. Wilson notes, �Very large increases in the prison population can produce only modest reductions in crime rates.�42 Furthermore, if locking up criminals was a deterrent, there should be no crime at all!

In his article, �No racism in criminal justice system�, Patrick Langan makes several assertions. Among them are the following: 1) 66% of Black defendants were prosecuted for felonies, while 69 percent of whites were prosecuted for felonies; 2) Among Blacks prosecuted in urban courts, 75 percent were convicted of a felony, while 78 percent of Whites were convicted of a felony and 3) The average state prison sentence received by Blacks convicted of a felony was five and one half-years, one month longer than their white counterparts. Yet among Black defendants convicted of a felony, 51 percent received a prison sentence, as opposed to 38 percent of whites.43

One could, however, draw a vastly different conclusion regarding the role of race in the criminal justice system because �Blacks tend to get substantially longer prison terms [unlike the one month asserted by Langan above] than whites convicted of the same crimes, even when the Black person is a first time offender and the White person a second- or third-time offender.�44 Clinton Cox adds that, for murder Blacks serve 91.7 months versus 79.8 months for whites; for rape, 55 months for Blacks versus 43.9 for whites; for kidnapping, 41 months for Blacks to 37 for whites; and for robbery, 37.4 for Blacks to 33.3 for whites.45

Furthermore, Langan appears to invalidate at least part of his theory that there is no racism when he refers to those who receive sentences (they were overwhelming Black). Hence, while Langan suggests that judges did not give longer prison sentences to Blacks (which does not appear to be true), his own research shows racial disparities in sentencing. Despite his attempt to explain away these differences by introducing other factors (i.e. were they repeat offenders?, did they live in jurisdictions where sentencing was tougher [which raises another set of racially charged issues?], etc.), it is clear that race matters in the criminal justice system.


1. Malign Neglect: Race Crime and Punishment in America. (Introduction). Michael Tonry.

Ask and ye shall receive.
I didn't refer myself as whitey you moron.

And you do think that way.

Prove the data is fudged and you may have a point. But until then. STFU

You wrote: "More blaming whitey." So who referred to whites as "whitey"? Santa Claus? It was you. And you don't know me, so stop pretending that you do. I don't think that way.
The onus is on you to prove that the stats are, indeed, "factual" and accurate. Folks can say anything, or post any figures...and I'm supposed to accept it as "gospel"? I don't think so.
You are impotent, and have no resources to make me STFU. Everyone can see who the "real racist", is around here.

That the best you got?

I'm not the one that's claiming the numbers are fudged you are dumbass.

The stats came from the UK government.

Yes the real racist is you.

Stupid bitch. Do you believe everything you hear, or read? I don't. The impetus to "fudge the numbers" is great....seeing how, otherwise, would produce a "level playing field"....and you know how y'all react, when the odds are even. Stats? Please. Who were they compiled by, and for what reason, are my questions. And you can't answer that.
You wrote: "More blaming whitey." So who referred to whites as "whitey"? Santa Claus? It was you. And you don't know me, so stop pretending that you do. I don't think that way.
The onus is on you to prove that the stats are, indeed, "factual" and accurate. Folks can say anything, or post any figures...and I'm supposed to accept it as "gospel"? I don't think so.
You are impotent, and have no resources to make me STFU. Everyone can see who the "real racist", is around here.

That the best you got?

I'm not the one that's claiming the numbers are fudged you are dumbass.

The stats came from the UK government.

Yes the real racist is you.

Stupid bitch. Do you believe everything you hear, or read? I don't. The impetus to "fudge the numbers" is great....seeing how, otherwise, would produce a "level playing field"....and you know how y'all react, when the odds are even. Stats? Please. Who were they compiled by, and for what reason, are my questions. And you can't answer that.

Well when you got nothing. Resort to insults. That's your M.O..

For all I know it was compiled by black statisticians.
Honest? Honest? That Ronald Reagan personally put crack in poor neighborhoods to kill black people? Are you really this fucking crazy? Do you HONESTLY expect to be taken seriously with silly shit like that? Don't talk of honesty, you loon, until you are prepared to be at least rational.

Yes, I was suggesting that Reagan cooked up the crack and met with top drug dealers, flashed his piece and made everyone work for him.

I notice a ton of name calling but you still wont touch the articles or links, instead you ask "Are you insane?" "Whats the matter with you" and other off topic personal attacks.

Carry on...Ronald Reagan went to the poor neighborhood with crack in his hands and shoved it down blacks throats to kill them...and then...

Go on...its hilarious...what happened next?

it's all conjecture at best

Good at least youre admitting there is some proof...that's a step in the right direction
That the best you got?

I'm not the one that's claiming the numbers are fudged you are dumbass.

The stats came from the UK government.

Yes the real racist is you.

Stupid bitch. Do you believe everything you hear, or read? I don't. The impetus to "fudge the numbers" is great....seeing how, otherwise, would produce a "level playing field"....and you know how y'all react, when the odds are even. Stats? Please. Who were they compiled by, and for what reason, are my questions. And you can't answer that.

Well when you got nothing. Resort to insults. That's your M.O..

For all I know it was compiled by black statisticians.

That would require some proof. Sorry.
Stupid bitch. Do you believe everything you hear, or read? I don't. The impetus to "fudge the numbers" is great....seeing how, otherwise, would produce a "level playing field"....and you know how y'all react, when the odds are even. Stats? Please. Who were they compiled by, and for what reason, are my questions. And you can't answer that.

Well when you got nothing. Resort to insults. That's your M.O..

For all I know it was compiled by black statisticians.

That would require some proof. Sorry.

No I'll just let you believe the evil white men are out to get you.

It amuses me.
That would require some proof. Sorry.

No I'll just let you believe the evil white men are out to get you.

It amuses me.

Some have tried....but all have ultimately failed. Now, darling, I'm so far above, they can't reach me. I'm looking down at the ants.

You're looking up at snakes, little man.

Your vulgar visitor messages will continue to be deleted until you allow rebuttal, coward.
You wrote: "More blaming whitey." So who referred to whites as "whitey"? Santa Claus? It was you. And you don't know me, so stop pretending that you do. I don't think that way.
The onus is on you to prove that the stats are, indeed, "factual" and accurate. Folks can say anything, or post any figures...and I'm supposed to accept it as "gospel"? I don't think so.
You are impotent, and have no resources to make me STFU. Everyone can see who the "real racist", is around here.

That the best you got?

I'm not the one that's claiming the numbers are fudged you are dumbass.

The stats came from the UK government.

Yes the real racist is you.

Stupid bitch. Do you believe everything you hear, or read? I don't. The impetus to "fudge the numbers" is great....seeing how, otherwise, would produce a "level playing field"....and you know how y'all react, when the odds are even. Stats? Please. Who were they compiled by, and for what reason, are my questions. And you can't answer that.

obviously you do
Yes, I was suggesting that Reagan cooked up the crack and met with top drug dealers, flashed his piece and made everyone work for him.

I notice a ton of name calling but you still wont touch the articles or links, instead you ask "Are you insane?" "Whats the matter with you" and other off topic personal attacks.

Carry on...Ronald Reagan went to the poor neighborhood with crack in his hands and shoved it down blacks throats to kill them...and then...

Go on...its hilarious...what happened next?

it's all conjecture at best

Good at least youre admitting there is some proof...that's a step in the right direction

I'm trying to be nice

I'll say it's an outright fabrication of minds that are trying to get their way by lies or their paranoid delusions

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