An Honest Conversation about Race

Your act don't fool anyone.

You'll be back on the corner begging for change in no time. Or out selling crack.

A remedial English course will clear up your bad grammar. Begging for change? Why would I do that, when I receive a comfortable pension? Selling crack? Are you projecting again? I have never sold drugs. That is so "80's", girl. And do you think I could seriously read you girls to filth, as I do, if I were on drugs?
My crack is my music...I'll be selling my sophomore cd, soon. Keep you posted. Get yo' life.

Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.
OK then Tinkerbell,

prove me wrong. Show us all how blacks have fewer educational opportunities

Tinkerbell? Since you cannot be a honest and "civil" poster, and address me, respectfully,
I respectfully decline to help you out of your quandary. There is no need to prove wrong what is true. Why?

This coming from a person that calls people bitches among other insulting names and now he think he deservers respect.

I have respect for you, I step in it every evening when I'm out feeding the horses.

Hate me for telling the God's honest truth. I could care less.
A remedial English course will clear up your bad grammar. Begging for change? Why would I do that, when I receive a comfortable pension? Selling crack? Are you projecting again? I have never sold drugs. That is so "80's", girl. And do you think I could seriously read you girls to filth, as I do, if I were on drugs?
My crack is my music...I'll be selling my sophomore cd, soon. Keep you posted. Get yo' life.

Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.

You can be anything you want to be on the internet.

The use of quotation marks for emphasis proves your grammar is not immaculate.

How to Use Quotation Marks Correctly

quo·ta·tion (kw-tshn)
1. The act of quoting.

2. A passage quoted.

3. An explicit reference or allusion in an artistic work to a passage or element from another, usually well-known work: "Direct quotations from other paintings are fairly sparse" (Robert Hughes).

a. The quoting of current prices and bids for securities and goods.

b. The prices or bids cited.
What's that? You admit you are full of shit and can't back up your claim? People like you are part of the problem.

Poet has no trouble making claims but when it comes to backing them up. He can't.

And he claims to be an educated man. :cuckoo:

Is that supposed to intimidate me into doing your bidding? Ha!

No it was simply an accurate description of how you operate.

When a person makes a claim the onus is on the person to prove his claim.

When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. "If this responsibility or burden of proof is shifted to a critic, the fallacy of appealing to ignorance is committed". This burden does not necessarily require a mathematical or strictly logical proof, although many strong arguments do rise to this level (such as in logical syllogisms). Rather, the evidential standard required for a given claim is determined by convention or community standards, with regard to the context of the claim in question.

The bolded part is what you do.

In an argument, the burden of proof is on the person making an assertion. That is, if a person says that the moon is made of cheese, then it is up to that person to support this assertion. Demanding that the other party demonstrate that the moon is not made of cheese would constitute shifting the burden of proof.

Shifting the burden of proof is a kind of logical fallacy in argumentation whereby the person who would ordinarily have the burden of proof in an argument attempts to switch that burden to the other person, e.g.:

If you don't think that the Invisible Pink Unicorn exists, then prove it!
Tinkerbell? Since you cannot be a honest and "civil" poster, and address me, respectfully,
I respectfully decline to help you out of your quandary. There is no need to prove wrong what is true. Why?

This coming from a person that calls people bitches among other insulting names and now he think he deservers respect.

I have respect for you, I step in it every evening when I'm out feeding the horses.

Hate me for telling the God's honest truth. I could care less.

You and truth have parted company a long time ago.
how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.

Whites have the same access to govt assistance if needed, and have no problem using it! Whites also seem to have more family members in a position to offer financial assistance. No stats to back that one up, just a personal observation.

Blacks legally have the same access to education. What I was referencing is quality education and locations of large numbers of blacks. I've lived in both New Orleans, LA and Bellingham, WA. Blacks and whites alike went to those public schools. New Orleans offered a much poorer quality of education than Bellingham. New Orleans has a much higher population of blacks than Bellingham. It has little to do with skin color, however, more to do with income levels IMO.

BTW, I have no "white guilt" and am fairly conservative for the most part. My ancestors did not own slaves, as half were poor trappers and fishermen and half were Canadians. I've got nothing to apologize for or make amends for. This does not mean I don't see the obvious. Those living in poor rural areas or poor inner city districts do not have access to the same quality of public education as those in affluent areas willing to pay higher property taxes to support that system. Daphne, AL has much better schools than Bakerhill, AL. It has nothing to do with black or white. Both blacks and whites go to both schools. It has to do with the large number of affluent property owning retirees paying into the Daphne system and not using those resources. Bakerhill has more people using resources that less affleunt people have to provide.

My point is that the black culture has had 50 years are so to emerge from abject poverty while the white culture has had far longer. There are huge numbers of white people in the same boat economics and education-wise. We tend to mock them by calling them white trash, trailer trash, coonass, redneck, hillbilly, etc and wonder just how inbred they are in order to explain their ignorance. They outnumber blacks on welfare and govt assistance rolls. Blacks that live in more affluent areas are no different than the whites in those areas. They do just as well in school and are just as likely to continue their education and land good jobs. They pay their taxes and raise their families. Whites that live in poor rural areas or inner city ghettos are just as much on welfare, commit just as many crimes to support their drug habits, belong to just as many gangs, drop out of high school at high rates and give birth out of wedlock at younger and younger ages.
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A remedial English course will clear up your bad grammar. Begging for change? Why would I do that, when I receive a comfortable pension? Selling crack? Are you projecting again? I have never sold drugs. That is so "80's", girl. And do you think I could seriously read you girls to filth, as I do, if I were on drugs?
My crack is my music...I'll be selling my sophomore cd, soon. Keep you posted. Get yo' life.

Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.
Self-published or internet blog? :D
IMO, Step 1 would be the recognition that it has very little to do with skin color at this point.

If the roles had been reversed and the Pilgrims had been black, blacks would have hundreds of years, many many generations of examples of successful ancestors (property owners, skilled trades, education, etc.). Whites would have maybe 50 years to work with, although not nearly 50 years of an equal playing field. Blacks would be spread across the country with secure footholds everywhere. Whites would mostly be in the South, or urban areas, with some scattering elsewhere, but without large numbers of the strong communities blacks would have. The urban areas whites were housed in would be low income, not near good employment opportunities or quality schools, so little chance of escaping without much much more effort than blacks would be required to expend to achieve success. White families would be faced with the choice to remain together and take the financial hit, or divorce to get the extra assistance, further damaging the family unit.

Everyone in those housing areas end up mostly the same, be they black, white, hispanic or asian. They all deal with the same issues of poverty, violence, drugs and gangs. Its not a black or white thing. Its a series of circumstances that snowball.

how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.
Blacks have fewer educational opportunities at their disposal. Shoot me.

Blacks have fewer people who study and stay in school. There's apparently a need for more condoms in da 'hood as well.
how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.

Whites have the same access to govt assistance if needed, and have no problem using it! Whites also seem to have more family members in a position to offer financial assistance. No stats to back that one up, just a personal observation.

Blacks legally have the same access to education. What I was referencing is quality education and locations of large numbers of blacks. I've lived in both New Orleans, LA and Bellingham, WA. Blacks and whites alike went to those public schools. New Orleans offered a much poorer quality of education than Bellingham. New Orleans has a much higher population of blacks than Bellingham. It has little to do with skin color, however, more to do with income levels IMO.

BTW, I have no "white guilt" and am fairly conservative for the most part. My ancestors did not own slaves, as half were poor trappers and fishermen and half were Canadians. I've got nothing to apologize for or make amends for. This does not mean I don't see the obvious. Those living in poor rural areas or poor inner city districts do not have access to the same quality of public education as those in affluent areas willing to pay higher property taxes to support that system. Daphne, AL has much better schools than Bakerhill, AL. It has nothing to do with black or white. Both blacks and whites go to both schools. It has to do with the large number of affluent property owning retirees paying into the Daphne system and not using those resources. Bakerhill has more people using resources that less affleunt people have to provide.

My point is that the black culture has had 50 years are so to emerge from abject poverty while the white culture has had far longer. There are huge numbers of white people in the same boat economics and education-wise. We tend to mock them by calling them white trash, trailer trash, coonass, redneck, hillbilly, etc and wonder just how inbred they are in order to explain their ignorance. They outnumber blacks on welfare and govt assistance rolls. Blacks that live in more affluent areas are no different than the whites in those areas. They do just as well in school and are just as likely to continue their education and land good jobs. They pay their taxes and raise their families. Whites that live in poor rural areas or inner city ghettos are just as much on welfare, commit just as many crimes to support their drug habits, belong to just as many gangs, drop out of high school at high rates and give birth out of wedlock at younger and younger ages.


BTW Ima and Lonestar are just here to troll. Ignore them
how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.

Whites have the same access to govt assistance if needed, and have no problem using it! Whites also seem to have more family members in a position to offer financial assistance. No stats to back that one up, just a personal observation.

Blacks legally have the same access to education. What I was referencing is quality education and locations of large numbers of blacks. I've lived in both New Orleans, LA and Bellingham, WA. Blacks and whites alike went to those public schools. New Orleans offered a much poorer quality of education than Bellingham. New Orleans has a much higher population of blacks than Bellingham. It has little to do with skin color, however, more to do with income levels IMO.

BTW, I have no "white guilt" and am fairly conservative for the most part. My ancestors did not own slaves, as half were poor trappers and fishermen and half were Canadians. I've got nothing to apologize for or make amends for. This does not mean I don't see the obvious. Those living in poor rural areas or poor inner city districts do not have access to the same quality of public education as those in affluent areas willing to pay higher property taxes to support that system. Daphne, AL has much better schools than Bakerhill, AL. It has nothing to do with black or white. Both blacks and whites go to both schools. It has to do with the large number of affluent property owning retirees paying into the Daphne system and not using those resources. Bakerhill has more people using resources that less affleunt people have to provide.

My point is that the black culture has had 50 years are so to emerge from abject poverty while the white culture has had far longer. There are huge numbers of white people in the same boat economics and education-wise. We tend to mock them by calling them white trash, trailer trash, coonass, redneck, hillbilly, etc and wonder just how inbred they are in order to explain their ignorance. They outnumber blacks on welfare and govt assistance rolls. Blacks that live in more affluent areas are no different than the whites in those areas. They do just as well in school and are just as likely to continue their education and land good jobs. They pay their taxes and raise their families. Whites that live in poor rural areas or inner city ghettos are just as much on welfare, commit just as many crimes to support their drug habits, belong to just as many gangs, drop out of high school at high rates and give birth out of wedlock at younger and younger ages.


BTW Ima and Lonestar are just here to troll. Ignore them

Don't be sore 'cause I kicked your dumbass all over the board.

You conceded twice!


Oh and don't expect Closed Caption or Poet to back up any of their claims.
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The internet is at your disposal. Research.

What's that? You admit you are full of shit and can't back up your claim? People like you are part of the problem.

Uh, talk to Squeeze Berry, who made the original claim in Post # 307, that can't be substantiated. I can easily back up my refute....but I'm not the one all bent out of shape.

I asked YOU about YOUR claim. You have failed to back it up in any way.
how many white people do you know that can quit their jobs and live off Pilgrim money?

look no further than the achievement gap for the answer to the disparity.

BTW, don't say that blacks have fewer educational opportunities.

You will be shot down very quickly.

Whites have the same access to govt assistance if needed, and have no problem using it! Whites also seem to have more family members in a position to offer financial assistance. No stats to back that one up, just a personal observation.

Blacks legally have the same access to education. What I was referencing is quality education and locations of large numbers of blacks. I've lived in both New Orleans, LA and Bellingham, WA. Blacks and whites alike went to those public schools. New Orleans offered a much poorer quality of education than Bellingham. New Orleans has a much higher population of blacks than Bellingham. It has little to do with skin color, however, more to do with income levels IMO.

BTW, I have no "white guilt" and am fairly conservative for the most part. My ancestors did not own slaves, as half were poor trappers and fishermen and half were Canadians. I've got nothing to apologize for or make amends for. This does not mean I don't see the obvious. Those living in poor rural areas or poor inner city districts do not have access to the same quality of public education as those in affluent areas willing to pay higher property taxes to support that system. Daphne, AL has much better schools than Bakerhill, AL. It has nothing to do with black or white. Both blacks and whites go to both schools. It has to do with the large number of affluent property owning retirees paying into the Daphne system and not using those resources. Bakerhill has more people using resources that less affleunt people have to provide.

My point is that the black culture has had 50 years are so to emerge from abject poverty while the white culture has had far longer. There are huge numbers of white people in the same boat economics and education-wise. We tend to mock them by calling them white trash, trailer trash, coonass, redneck, hillbilly, etc and wonder just how inbred they are in order to explain their ignorance. They outnumber blacks on welfare and govt assistance rolls. Blacks that live in more affluent areas are no different than the whites in those areas. They do just as well in school and are just as likely to continue their education and land good jobs. They pay their taxes and raise their families. Whites that live in poor rural areas or inner city ghettos are just as much on welfare, commit just as many crimes to support their drug habits, belong to just as many gangs, drop out of high school at high rates and give birth out of wedlock at younger and younger ages.

this country did not start to become affluent until the 1950's.You forget about the great depression as well.

The country is also much more affluent than it was 50 years ago and since most black people are under the age of 50 your point is irreleveant.

were you around 50 years ago BTW?
This country was certainly affluent in the 40's and in the 20's. Whites were certainly more affluent than blacks in this country since the first black man was brought here.

Do you deny that having grandparents able to help you out financially is an advantage? Do you deny that having property passed down from generation to generation is an advantage? Do you deny that having a long history of your own kind (be it race, creed, gender, whatever) in power presents advantages? Do you deny that having your founding fathers, inventors, authors, politicians, educators, law enforcement and pretty much anyone able to shape your world for the past hundred years or so look like you is an advantage?

I'm not assigning blame or saying whitey is a demon. I just think it is ridiculous to say that anything that ever happened before you were born has no impact whatsoever on you and has no part of shaping your world. I am pointing out that when black people are born and raised in an affluent white culture, they turn out just like the whites there. Imagine that. When white people are born and raised in low income urban areas (projects) or poor rural areas, they turn out just like the blacks raised in those same areas. Who'd have thought it?

I always knew I could be whatever I wanted to be. I had generations of role models who had done it. When i student taught in Donaldsonville (low income area of LA where the middle school is literally in the projects), those kids did not know of any black authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. They had no black role models and were never taught that they could be whatever they wanted to be.

Times are changing thankfully, and there are more role models today than there were 20 years ago, which is more than 40 years ago and so on. Times change slowly, though. I'm not sure why you deny that history influences the present. Do you really think we can just draw a line around 1970 and say nothing before that date has any impact on the present. Do you really believe that?
Remedial English is that what you call using quotations marks when none is needed?

Trust me. You are not the one to be criticizing bad grammar.

Sophomoric describes your post to accurately.

Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.

You can be anything you want to be on the internet.

The use of quotation marks for emphasis proves your grammar is not immaculate.

How to Use Quotation Marks Correctly

quo·ta·tion (kw-tshn)
1. The act of quoting.

2. A passage quoted.

3. An explicit reference or allusion in an artistic work to a passage or element from another, usually well-known work: "Direct quotations from other paintings are fairly sparse" (Robert Hughes).

a. The quoting of current prices and bids for securities and goods.

b. The prices or bids cited.

Well, I'll start taking literary advice from you, as soon as you have a published work, selling more than a score of copies.
This country was certainly affluent in the 40's and in the 20's. Whites were certainly more affluent than blacks in this country since the first black man was brought here.

Do you deny that having grandparents able to help you out financially is an advantage? Do you deny that having property passed down from generation to generation is an advantage? Do you deny that having a long history of your own kind (be it race, creed, gender, whatever) in power presents advantages? Do you deny that having your founding fathers, inventors, authors, politicians, educators, law enforcement and pretty much anyone able to shape your world for the past hundred years or so look like you is an advantage?

I'm not assigning blame or saying whitey is a demon. I just think it is ridiculous to say that anything that ever happened before you were born has no impact whatsoever on you and has no part of shaping your world. I am pointing out that when black people are born and raised in an affluent white culture, they turn out just like the whites there. Imagine that. When white people are born and raised in low income urban areas (projects) or poor rural areas, they turn out just like the blacks raised in those same areas. Who'd have thought it?

I always knew I could be whatever I wanted to be. I had generations of role models who had done it. When i student taught in Donaldsonville (low income area of LA where the middle school is literally in the projects), those kids did not know of any black authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. They had no black role models and were never taught that they could be whatever they wanted to be.

Times are changing thankfully, and there are more role models today than there were 20 years ago, which is more than 40 years ago and so on. Times change slowly, though. I'm not sure why you deny that history influences the present. Do you really think we can just draw a line around 1970 and say nothing before that date has any impact on the present. Do you really believe that?

Yes I deny having grandparents help me out financially.

No property was handed down to me.

Yes I deny having white people in power helped me.

Yes I deny that having founding fathers, inventors, authors, politicians, educators, law enforcement and pretty much everyone else gave me an advantage.

Was Ben Carson born and raised in an affluent white culture?

Was Thomas Sowell? Tim Scott? Clarence Thomas? Herman Cain?

There are literally thousands if not millions of people that have been born into poverty but over came it and turned out to be productive members of society.

You claiming these kids who were in school didn't know about black authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. is unbelievable. What kind of school were they in if they weren't being taught?

Their role models today are mostly rappers and athletes who are bigger thugs than they are.
Poet has no trouble making claims but when it comes to backing them up. He can't.

And he claims to be an educated man. :cuckoo:

Is that supposed to intimidate me into doing your bidding? Ha!

No it was simply an accurate description of how you operate.

When a person makes a claim the onus is on the person to prove his claim.

When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. "If this responsibility or burden of proof is shifted to a critic, the fallacy of appealing to ignorance is committed". This burden does not necessarily require a mathematical or strictly logical proof, although many strong arguments do rise to this level (such as in logical syllogisms). Rather, the evidential standard required for a given claim is determined by convention or community standards, with regard to the context of the claim in question.

The bolded part is what you do.

In an argument, the burden of proof is on the person making an assertion. That is, if a person says that the moon is made of cheese, then it is up to that person to support this assertion. Demanding that the other party demonstrate that the moon is not made of cheese would constitute shifting the burden of proof.

Shifting the burden of proof is a kind of logical fallacy in argumentation whereby the person who would ordinarily have the burden of proof in an argument attempts to switch that burden to the other person, e.g.:

If you don't think that the Invisible Pink Unicorn exists, then prove it!

LOL. Rules according to Lonestar Logic. I didn't make the first claim...the burden of proof is on the initiator of the claim.
Pardon me, but I'm a published author, with poetic license. I use quotation marks instead of italics, for emphasis. And my grammar is immaculate.

You can be anything you want to be on the internet.

The use of quotation marks for emphasis proves your grammar is not immaculate.

How to Use Quotation Marks Correctly

quo·ta·tion (kw-tshn)
1. The act of quoting.

2. A passage quoted.

3. An explicit reference or allusion in an artistic work to a passage or element from another, usually well-known work: "Direct quotations from other paintings are fairly sparse" (Robert Hughes).

a. The quoting of current prices and bids for securities and goods.

b. The prices or bids cited.

Well, I'll start taking literary advice from you, as soon as you have a published work, selling more than a score of copies.

Prove that you have "published work".

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