An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

I wonder how, if white men needed a significant head start, how did they get ahead in the first place?

The Bubonic Plague. Gold star to anyone who can explain why.

The people that died left their money to their survivors. So many people died and so many people inherited money and property from their dead relatives that a large number people suddenly found themselves wealthy. They invested and spent their money on luxury goods such as spices; this stimulated the economy to the point that a common sailor returning from the spice isles could be set for life with the sell of his personal supply of spices.

Good answer. Partial credit.
I wonder how, if white men needed a significant head start, how did they get ahead in the first place?

The Bubonic Plague. Gold star to anyone who can explain why.

before Bubonic Plauge many whites lived as slaves or serfs themselves , after the plauge and with th epoulations decimated there was suddenly more land and more resources available to each person. The ruling classes were also rocked by the disease and lost control of the serfs, forced by circumstances to give them better pay and more rights
Curious about peopel who like to bring up the white privilage thing so much. I imagine they themselves dont want to be judged but they sure love judging others. lots of people in the world have privilage for different reasons and others dont for different reasons so what?

People who whine about this ... is it that they feel lack of opportunity? constantly talking about who got a head start. They are the subscribers to ' There is only so much Pie to go around '

They feel they havnt got their fair share of the pie because someone else got it first or got it easier.
While there is truth to this that they tap in to .... they constantly blind themselves to the the fact that
they as human beings are an amazing creation.... we all have powerful minds and abilities when we
focus to tap into it.

And the real solution is to create more pie not bitch about the pie you didnt get ... create more opportunities for yourself . there are always going to be people of every color or race who cannot do this there will always be poor people but pointing fingers at each other does what exactly?

That theory is exactly why an immigrant from asia can come here barely knowing english and make themselves into a great success. they are not focused on what someone took from them but rather the opportunity they see before them
Negro dysfunction is just another word for white fear of being inferior. Why else would someone deny white privilege exists despite the facts being that it does? Its ok because no white person can stop me no matter how many road blocks are in the way. However, lets not pretend everyone starts on a level playing field. Successful Blacks just outwork their white counterparts.

No. That's not what dysfunction means.

White privilege is the excuse blacks need for negro dysfunction.
Negroes must be absolved of all their shortcomings, failures and inadequacies.

Black people can do literally anything, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all and, if it's bad, it's not their fault.
It was caused by "slavery" or "racism" or "white privilege".

No. Thats not what white fear means.

Negro dysfunction is the excuse white men pull out of thier ass to pretend the system is not set up in their favor. It would be pitiful if it were not so funny. The way around this system is to simply outwork the lazy white guys that complain about AA even though it benefits white women more than anyone else.

Everyone already knows Black people can do anything. We just have to outwork white people that have a head start due to white privilege. You see what happened in the NBA once the playing field was leveled.

Negro dysfunction is real and can be observed daily.

"White privilege" is an invented term to make excuses for negro dysfunction.
No. Thats not what white fear means.

Negro dysfunction is the excuse white men pull out of thier ass to pretend the system is not set up in their favor. It would be pitiful if it were not so funny. The way around this system is to simply outwork the lazy white guys that complain about AA even though it benefits white women more than anyone else.

Everyone already knows Black people can do anything. We just have to outwork white people that have a head start due to white privilege. You see what happened in the NBA once the playing field was leveled.
Yeah cause AA for your lazy black ass is all about blacks having to working harder than whites to get ahead. :cuckoo:

Sorry but AA helps white women more because white men have lost the ability to compete without a jet pack and a head start. Insecure, lazy, white men like you whine all the time there is no white privilege but offer nothing to dispute the tangible evidence all around them.

the tangible evidence you refer to is higher IQ
Curious about peopel who like to bring up the white privilage thing so much. I imagine they themselves dont want to be judged but they sure love judging others. lots of people in the world have privilage for different reasons and others dont for different reasons so what?

People who whine about this ... is it that they feel lack of opportunity? constantly talking about who got a head start. They are the subscribers to ' There is only so much Pie to go around '

They feel they havnt got their fair share of the pie because someone else got it first or got it easier.
While there is truth to this that they tap in to .... they constantly blind themselves to the the fact that
they as human beings are an amazing creation.... we all have powerful minds and abilities when we
focus to tap into it.

And the real solution is to create more pie not bitch about the pie you didnt get ... create more opportunities for yourself . there are always going to be people of every color or race who cannot do this there will always be poor people but pointing fingers at each other does what exactly?

That theory is exactly why an immigrant from asia can come here barely knowing english and make themselves into a great success. they are not focused on what someone took from them but rather the opportunity they see before them

You are doing the same thing a lot of posters have done. The question is not what to do about it. That has already been figured out even before I was born. The question is does it exist and why do white men get so emotionally distraught about it enough to claim it doesn't exist and deflect the topic? Your post sounds like an admission that it does in fact exist without actually using those words but yet you deflect into giving a solution Blacks have already figured out.
No. That's not what dysfunction means.

White privilege is the excuse blacks need for negro dysfunction.
Negroes must be absolved of all their shortcomings, failures and inadequacies.

Black people can do literally anything, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all and, if it's bad, it's not their fault.
It was caused by "slavery" or "racism" or "white privilege".

No. Thats not what white fear means.

Negro dysfunction is the excuse white men pull out of thier ass to pretend the system is not set up in their favor. It would be pitiful if it were not so funny. The way around this system is to simply outwork the lazy white guys that complain about AA even though it benefits white women more than anyone else.

Everyone already knows Black people can do anything. We just have to outwork white people that have a head start due to white privilege. You see what happened in the NBA once the playing field was leveled.

Negro dysfunction is real and can be observed daily.

"White privilege" is an invented term to make excuses for negro dysfunction.

Get your head out of your ass. "Negro dysfunction" is an excuse for those claiming white privilege does not exist. You cant bear to admit you had a 400 year head start and suppressed and legally opposed Black advancement in the areas of economics and academics during that time period.
White privilege is a joke.If you want to feel shame or promote it based on skin color, it tells everything about your breadth and depth of character. Skin deep only.
Yeah cause AA for your lazy black ass is all about blacks having to working harder than whites to get ahead. :cuckoo:

Sorry but AA helps white women more because white men have lost the ability to compete without a jet pack and a head start. Insecure, lazy, white men like you whine all the time there is no white privilege but offer nothing to dispute the tangible evidence all around them.

the tangible evidence you refer to is higher IQ

IQ is a white concept based in eugenics. Until someone invents a test that differentiate between me having a bad hair day and actually getting a answer wrong due to lack of intelligence, no one at all can prove IQ tests accurately measures intellect.

The tangible evidence I refer to is the curriculum in the schools which is based on the concept of white superiority and the white ownership of the majority of resources and infrastructure in this country.
Curious about peopel who like to bring up the white privilage thing so much. I imagine they themselves dont want to be judged but they sure love judging others. lots of people in the world have privilage for different reasons and others dont for different reasons so what?

People who whine about this ... is it that they feel lack of opportunity? constantly talking about who got a head start. They are the subscribers to ' There is only so much Pie to go around '

They feel they havnt got their fair share of the pie because someone else got it first or got it easier.
While there is truth to this that they tap in to .... they constantly blind themselves to the the fact that
they as human beings are an amazing creation.... we all have powerful minds and abilities when we
focus to tap into it.

And the real solution is to create more pie not bitch about the pie you didnt get ... create more opportunities for yourself . there are always going to be people of every color or race who cannot do this there will always be poor people but pointing fingers at each other does what exactly?

That theory is exactly why an immigrant from asia can come here barely knowing english and make themselves into a great success. they are not focused on what someone took from them but rather the opportunity they see before them

You are doing the same thing a lot of posters have done. The question is not what to do about it. That has already been figured out even before I was born. The question is does it exist and why do white men get so emotionally distraught about it enough to claim it doesn't exist and deflect the topic? Your post sounds like an admission that it does in fact exist without actually using those words but yet you deflect into giving a solution Blacks have already figured out.

You still haven't figured out how time works.

In ancient history white privilege existed to punish black people for the benefit of whites, then various civil rights laws were past over time ending all white privilege.

For this brief period of time there was no white or black or male or female privilege.

Then AA laws were passed starting black privilege to punish white males for the benefit of blacks, and female privilege to punish white males for the benefit of females. Any white males who started working in this era very likely were sent to the back of the line numerous times in their life based solely on the color of their skin and their gender, this supposedly being against civil rights laws, cause apparently civil rights laws don't apply to white males.

But hey it's ok with you that white males are currently being discriminated against, cause you're a racist.
Sorry but AA helps white women more because white men have lost the ability to compete without a jet pack and a head start. Insecure, lazy, white men like you whine all the time there is no white privilege but offer nothing to dispute the tangible evidence all around them.

the tangible evidence you refer to is higher IQ

IQ is a white concept based in eugenics. Until someone invents a test that differentiate between me having a bad hair day and actually getting a answer wrong due to lack of intelligence, no one at all can prove IQ tests accurately measures intellect.

The tangible evidence I refer to is the curriculum in the schools which is based on the concept of white superiority and the white ownership of the majority of resources and infrastructure in this country.


You do realize that the majority of the country are "white", don't you? That's not a concept, neither is resource ownership in the country. You true believers will go to great length to try and rationalize something completely irrational and based on nothing but emotion.
Sorry but AA helps white women more because white men have lost the ability to compete without a jet pack and a head start. Insecure, lazy, white men like you whine all the time there is no white privilege but offer nothing to dispute the tangible evidence all around them.

the tangible evidence you refer to is higher IQ

IQ is a white concept based in eugenics. Until someone invents a test that differentiate between me having a bad hair day and actually getting a answer wrong due to lack of intelligence, no one at all can prove IQ tests accurately measures intellect.

The tangible evidence I refer to is the curriculum in the schools which is based on the concept of white superiority and the white ownership of the majority of resources and infrastructure in this country.

Yeah they need to start teaching ebonics instead of english. They need to start teaching how to build slums in history class. And most importantly they need to change IQ tests to make you look smart. What kind of questions should they put on IQ tests that would make you look smart? Stuff like does white privilege exist? ROFL
White privilege is the story of white people who are ashamed to be white. White doesn't signify much of anything, considering many "white" people come from a plethora of backgrounds, origins, etc. It's a bunch of crap, really. People can believe whatever they wish, but to push "white privilege" as real is, well, :lmao:
Curious about peopel who like to bring up the white privilage thing so much. I imagine they themselves dont want to be judged but they sure love judging others. lots of people in the world have privilage for different reasons and others dont for different reasons so what?

People who whine about this ... is it that they feel lack of opportunity? constantly talking about who got a head start. They are the subscribers to ' There is only so much Pie to go around '

They feel they havnt got their fair share of the pie because someone else got it first or got it easier.
While there is truth to this that they tap in to .... they constantly blind themselves to the the fact that
they as human beings are an amazing creation.... we all have powerful minds and abilities when we
focus to tap into it.

And the real solution is to create more pie not bitch about the pie you didnt get ... create more opportunities for yourself . there are always going to be people of every color or race who cannot do this there will always be poor people but pointing fingers at each other does what exactly?

That theory is exactly why an immigrant from asia can come here barely knowing english and make themselves into a great success. they are not focused on what someone took from them but rather the opportunity they see before them

You are doing the same thing a lot of posters have done. The question is not what to do about it. That has already been figured out even before I was born. The question is does it exist and why do white men get so emotionally distraught about it enough to claim it doesn't exist and deflect the topic? Your post sounds like an admission that it does in fact exist without actually using those words but yet you deflect into giving a solution Blacks have already figured out.

You still haven't figured out how time works.

In ancient history white privilege existed to punish black people for the benefit of whites, then various civil rights laws were past over time ending all white privilege.

For this brief period of time there was no white or black or male or female privilege.

Then AA laws were passed starting black privilege to punish white males for the benefit of blacks, and female privilege to punish white males for the benefit of females. Any white males who started working in this era very likely were sent to the back of the line numerous times in their life based solely on the color of their skin and their gender, this supposedly being against civil rights laws, cause apparently civil rights laws don't apply to white males.

But hey it's ok with you that white males are currently being discriminated against, cause you're a racist.

Dont play the dumbass role. I already told you the definition of ancient history. White privilege is a relatively new phenomenon. White people have only been in front for 600 years. You evidently dont understand concepts that span multiple years and selectively realize the impact laws make on present and future events. You also keep ignoring the fact that AA benefits white women more than anyone else.

There has never been a moment in this country where white privilege did not exist. AA was not started to "punish" white men. You feel like that because you need a head start and that has been supposedly taken away from you even though in reality it has not. I told you your words tell on you.

White males are not discriminated against. If your family did not take advantage of the 400 years of AA to build a economic and academic legacy you have no one to blame but them for you now having to compete on a level playing field. If you work harder at it you could make something of yourself instead of whining and blaming AA for your lack of progress.
the tangible evidence you refer to is higher IQ

IQ is a white concept based in eugenics. Until someone invents a test that differentiate between me having a bad hair day and actually getting a answer wrong due to lack of intelligence, no one at all can prove IQ tests accurately measures intellect.

The tangible evidence I refer to is the curriculum in the schools which is based on the concept of white superiority and the white ownership of the majority of resources and infrastructure in this country.


You do realize that the majority of the country are "white", don't you? That's not a concept, neither is resource ownership in the country. You true believers will go to great length to try and rationalize something completely irrational and based on nothing but emotion.

It appears you have managed to confuse yourself. What does whites being the majority have to do with what I said? Who said it was a concept? You still haven't offered one shred of evidence white privilege is a myth. In fact you have managed to prove it does.
IQ is a white concept based in eugenics. Until someone invents a test that differentiate between me having a bad hair day and actually getting a answer wrong due to lack of intelligence, no one at all can prove IQ tests accurately measures intellect.

The tangible evidence I refer to is the curriculum in the schools which is based on the concept of white superiority and the white ownership of the majority of resources and infrastructure in this country.


You do realize that the majority of the country are "white", don't you? That's not a concept, neither is resource ownership in the country. You true believers will go to great length to try and rationalize something completely irrational and based on nothing but emotion.

It appears you have managed to confuse yourself. What does whites being the majority have to do with what I said? Who said it was a concept? You still haven't offered one shred of evidence white privilege is a myth. In fact you have managed to prove it does.

You make the mistake of believing that it is on me to prove a negative. That's funny. You haven't offered one shred of anything but logical fallacy, appeal to emotion and flat out falsehoods. You can stretch all you want. You can pretzel yourself up into knots all day, but you can not prove with any measure of the existence of an emotional appeal such as white privilege. It's all in the mind and has absolutely no bearing on reality. It's junk, and it shows just how shallow some people are using skin tone for the basis of a privilege argument.

You are doing the same thing a lot of posters have done. The question is not what to do about it. That has already been figured out even before I was born. The question is does it exist and why do white men get so emotionally distraught about it enough to claim it doesn't exist and deflect the topic? Your post sounds like an admission that it does in fact exist without actually using those words but yet you deflect into giving a solution Blacks have already figured out.

You still haven't figured out how time works.

In ancient history white privilege existed to punish black people for the benefit of whites, then various civil rights laws were past over time ending all white privilege.

For this brief period of time there was no white or black or male or female privilege.

Then AA laws were passed starting black privilege to punish white males for the benefit of blacks, and female privilege to punish white males for the benefit of females. Any white males who started working in this era very likely were sent to the back of the line numerous times in their life based solely on the color of their skin and their gender, this supposedly being against civil rights laws, cause apparently civil rights laws don't apply to white males.

But hey it's ok with you that white males are currently being discriminated against, cause you're a racist.

Dont play the dumbass role. I already told you the definition of ancient history. White privilege is a relatively new phenomenon. White people have only been in front for 600 years. You evidently dont understand concepts that span multiple years and selectively realize the impact laws make on present and future events. You also keep ignoring the fact that AA benefits white women more than anyone else.

There has never been a moment in this country where white privilege did not exist. AA was not started to "punish" white men. You feel like that because you need a head start and that has been supposedly taken away from you even though in reality it has not. I told you your words tell on you.

White males are not discriminated against. If your family did not take advantage of the 400 years of AA to build a economic and academic legacy you have no one to blame but them for you now having to compete on a level playing field. If you work harder at it you could make something of yourself instead of whining and blaming AA for your lack of progress.
ROFL so now the dumb ass says we have to be punished for the sins of our fathers. And if our fathers did not sin well then that's your fault.

So not only are you a Racist piece of shit. You want my family to be racist pieces of shit just like you, to make you feel better about your racist acts. ROFL and hold on folks... if my family are not racist pieces of shit like Asclepias, well then that's just my family's fault. ROFL
IQ is a white concept based in eugenics.


Until someone invents a test that differentiate between me having a bad hair day and actually getting a answer wrong due to lack of intelligence, no one at all can prove IQ tests accurately measures intellect.

IQ tests are accurate. That you don't like the results is irrelevant.

The tangible evidence I refer to is the curriculum in the schools which is based on the concept of white superiority and the white ownership of the majority of resources and infrastructure in this country.

What you refer to is moronic bullshit. You want to trasform schools away from teaching math, science, and history, and concentrate on teaching the hatred of whites (ethnic studies.)

The problem is, white hating has no useful application in life. Tell you what, next time you get a corrupted ARP, concentrate on hating whites, see if that fixes the MX records... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

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