An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

I didn't say asking a question was offensive. Your question was irrelevant and a attempt at deflection.

You did imply oppressing people was a sign of being greater. What did you mean by your following statement/question?

Here you go again with irrelevant questions. The point is that European people developed these weapons specifically due to their warlike nature. Europeans focused on developing the idea of weapons of mass destructions to the point they are capable of destroying life on earth.

By trickery I am addressing the use of religion as the pretense for contacting other cultures and then invading them.

You are attempting to deflect again. We are not talking about individuals. We are talking about races. Only whites flip out when the odds are not stacked in their favor. That is the reason they hate the mere mention of white privilege, AA, reparations, etc. It takes away from and exposes white privilege.

What, exactly, am I attempting to deflect from? I asked if you had any data for your statement, how is that a deflection? I'd say that, if anything, your harping on my question without ever actually answering it seems more like a deflection than anything I've said. ;)

I meant just what I said in my statement. You have painted white males as being lazy and deficient. That doesn't sound like a recipe for becoming the dominant people of an area in order to become oppressive. I'd also like to point out that you seem to have trouble with considering the possibility of races being equal; why couldn't an equal race oppress another? I just think that your earlier descriptions of white men as being lazy and less capable seemed incongruous with a people becoming conquerors and oppressors. You've since said white men are hyper competitive and aggressive, yet somehow still lazy.

Using religion as an excuse to invade another country is hardly exclusive to white men.

That you continue to pain Europeans as warlike, as though other peoples have always been peaceful, is hilarious. Europeans are certainly not the only ones with weapons of mass destruction. Nor is the science behind something like the atom bomb only relevant to weapons. So again, your harping on war and weapons technology as though these things are exclusive to white men, or as though success in those areas makes white men lesser somehow, is ridiculous.

And you certainly seem to be doing a bit of 'flipping out' about white privilege.....

You'll never get anything honest from this negro.
His whole act is to run you around in circles challenging anything you post and trying to agitate and create distractions.
His most intelligent, best though out rebuttal is "nuh uh".

Still waiting for that proof of an IQ test that actually measures intelligence instead of assimilation.
I disagree that IQ tests are particularly accurate. I don't think intelligence is even defined distinctly enough for an accurate test to be possible, but even if it were, IQ tests are not such IMO. I don't think it's because of being a white, eugenics concept, though. I think it's just the nature of our concept of intelligence and the various forms it takes, as well as the seeming inconsistency of IQ tests.

I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence. The pseudo-science of psychology has promoted the notion of an "EQ" that complements IQ.

Should the notion of an EQ have any merit, it is distinct from that of an IQ. To determine if a person has the aptitude to be an engineer, or medical doctor, or computer programmer, or any type of scientist, an aptitude in math and abstract reasoning is required. IQ tests measure this, and measure it accurately.

True that an IQ test will not determine if someone will be awkward at a kegger. but that isn't the purpose of measuring intelligence.
I disagree that IQ tests are particularly accurate. I don't think intelligence is even defined distinctly enough for an accurate test to be possible, but even if it were, IQ tests are not such IMO. I don't think it's because of being a white, eugenics concept, though. I think it's just the nature of our concept of intelligence and the various forms it takes, as well as the seeming inconsistency of IQ tests.

I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence. The pseudo-science of psychology has promoted the notion of an "EQ" that complements IQ.

Should the notion of an EQ have any merit, it is distinct from that of an IQ. To determine if a person has the aptitude to be an engineer, or medical doctor, or computer programmer, or any type of scientist, an aptitude in math and abstract reasoning is required. IQ tests measure this, and measure it accurately.

True that an IQ test will not determine if someone will be awkward at a kegger. but that isn't the purpose of measuring intelligence.

To be fair some of the questions on IQ tests are to vocabulary. Of which people living in certain areas and conditions are going to score hire than others. So, there is some basis for adjusting IQ test questions to re-mediate vocab words chosen for a given population set.
To be fair some of the questions on IQ tests are to vocabulary. Of which people living in certain areas and conditions are going to score hire than others. So, there is some basis for adjusting IQ test questions to re-mediate vocab words chosen for a given population set.

A basic IQ test should not have questions of vocabulary or history, these are elements of education, not of intelligence.

{A IQ test is not something for which a person can study. It test does not measure the quantity of your knowledge but rather measures a person's general intellectual ability to understand ideas, as compared to the general population at the same developmental level. How well we reason, distinguish relationships and solve problems are the kinds of things the test aims to discern. An IQ test also measures how well we process information, particularly our ability to store and retrieve it. Except in extreme circumstances, such as diseases that affect the brain, a person's IQ tends to stay about the same throughout life.}

Exactly what does an IQ test measure? - Curiosity
I disagree that IQ tests are particularly accurate. I don't think intelligence is even defined distinctly enough for an accurate test to be possible, but even if it were, IQ tests are not such IMO. I don't think it's because of being a white, eugenics concept, though. I think it's just the nature of our concept of intelligence and the various forms it takes, as well as the seeming inconsistency of IQ tests.

I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence. The pseudo-science of psychology has promoted the notion of an "EQ" that complements IQ.

Should the notion of an EQ have any merit, it is distinct from that of an IQ. To determine if a person has the aptitude to be an engineer, or medical doctor, or computer programmer, or any type of scientist, an aptitude in math and abstract reasoning is required. IQ tests measure this, and measure it accurately.

True that an IQ test will not determine if someone will be awkward at a kegger. but that isn't the purpose of measuring intelligence.

I didn't say anything about emotions. I'm talking about defining intelligence. What is it exactly? Does a strong aptitude for various forms of math, as an example, make one intelligent by itself? How about a grasp of languages? The ability to solve puzzles quickly? What, exactly, is intelligence, and how then does an IQ test determine it?

I'm not saying IQ is completely worthless, but I consider it an extremely generalized number at best.

You can see fairly clearly how much weight a person can lift, how fast they can run, how far they can see clearly, etc. But when it comes to intelligence, what is it that person can do based on an IQ test?

Testing intelligence, independent of knowledge, is a difficult proposition.
You are doing the same thing a lot of posters have done. The question is not what to do about it. That has already been figured out even before I was born. The question is does it exist and why do white men get so emotionally distraught about it enough to claim it doesn't exist and deflect the topic? Your post sounds like an admission that it does in fact exist without actually using those words but yet you deflect into giving a solution Blacks have already figured out.

whether white people become emotionally distraught abou t your question is a matter of your own interpretation. I have a feeling you get off on the feeling of Glee you get .... because you seem to me to be a very competitive person by your posts.

Why you dont understand the reason many white people may come to odds with your position is your failure to see that peoples live have many complexities. While America
is predominately White, they didnt all come here at the same time, nor for the same reasons and under the same circumstances. When you look at a white man I think that is all you see, fine. It is the liberal/progressive way to want to put people into neat little
categories, as it makes it easier for the ideology to fit. In the end its about control.
your question ... the end game eventually is about control

Its not just my interpretation nor only the interpretation of Black people. White guys have said the same thing. its emotionally distressing for insecure white guys to admit to white privilege. When someone pulls all kind of maneuvers to avoid the topic its clear sign the topic is disturbing to them. If it wasn't they would offer a logical argument.

White privilege has nothing to do with white complexities. Its pretty simple. If you are white you have more of a chance to get ahead than a Black person. You dont have anything holding you back other than your initiative. Black people have retarded racists, bigots, and societal prejudice to deal with. That doesn't even cover the indoctrination to white superiority known as white history. Columbus discovered America remember? The Greeks made up the Pythagorean theorem right?

I would say perhaps the PERCEPTION of the question itself in general by whites may have something to do with the reaction. It can easily be seen as a loaded question with ulterior motive if you think about it. Thats just my opinion I dont expect you to agree, its just the way i see it. We live in a world where the powers that be are looking for more and more ways to tax us, control us, tell us how to live and think. I think you are experiencing some push back when you ask this question.
To be fair some of the questions on IQ tests are to vocabulary. Of which people living in certain areas and conditions are going to score hire than others. So, there is some basis for adjusting IQ test questions to re-mediate vocab words chosen for a given population set.

A basic IQ test should not have questions of vocabulary or history, these are elements of education, not of intelligence.

{A IQ test is not something for which a person can study. It test does not measure the quantity of your knowledge but rather measures a person's general intellectual ability to understand ideas, as compared to the general population at the same developmental level. How well we reason, distinguish relationships and solve problems are the kinds of things the test aims to discern. An IQ test also measures how well we process information, particularly our ability to store and retrieve it. Except in extreme circumstances, such as diseases that affect the brain, a person's IQ tends to stay about the same throughout life.}

Exactly what does an IQ test measure? - Curiosity
Key point there is "should." In my experience all IQ tests have things that can be practiced for, learned, and improved upon. Thus, while true that one may not be able to increase their inherit IQ, in practice one can improve their IQ scores to give an impression of higher inherit IQ. Further, if in the act of working to improve one's IQ additional function becomes wired into one's brain, is that brain not more intelligent now?
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I disagree that IQ tests are particularly accurate. I don't think intelligence is even defined distinctly enough for an accurate test to be possible, but even if it were, IQ tests are not such IMO. I don't think it's because of being a white, eugenics concept, though. I think it's just the nature of our concept of intelligence and the various forms it takes, as well as the seeming inconsistency of IQ tests.

I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence. The pseudo-science of psychology has promoted the notion of an "EQ" that complements IQ.

Should the notion of an EQ have any merit, it is distinct from that of an IQ. To determine if a person has the aptitude to be an engineer, or medical doctor, or computer programmer, or any type of scientist, an aptitude in math and abstract reasoning is required. IQ tests measure this, and measure it accurately.

True that an IQ test will not determine if someone will be awkward at a kegger. but that isn't the purpose of measuring intelligence.

The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence. There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?
whether white people become emotionally distraught abou t your question is a matter of your own interpretation. I have a feeling you get off on the feeling of Glee you get .... because you seem to me to be a very competitive person by your posts.

Why you dont understand the reason many white people may come to odds with your position is your failure to see that peoples live have many complexities. While America
is predominately White, they didnt all come here at the same time, nor for the same reasons and under the same circumstances. When you look at a white man I think that is all you see, fine. It is the liberal/progressive way to want to put people into neat little
categories, as it makes it easier for the ideology to fit. In the end its about control.
your question ... the end game eventually is about control

Its not just my interpretation nor only the interpretation of Black people. White guys have said the same thing. its emotionally distressing for insecure white guys to admit to white privilege. When someone pulls all kind of maneuvers to avoid the topic its clear sign the topic is disturbing to them. If it wasn't they would offer a logical argument.

White privilege has nothing to do with white complexities. Its pretty simple. If you are white you have more of a chance to get ahead than a Black person. You dont have anything holding you back other than your initiative. Black people have retarded racists, bigots, and societal prejudice to deal with. That doesn't even cover the indoctrination to white superiority known as white history. Columbus discovered America remember? The Greeks made up the Pythagorean theorem right?

I would say perhaps the PERCEPTION of the question itself in general by whites may have something to do with the reaction. It can easily be seen as a loaded question with ulterior motive if you think about it. Thats just my opinion I dont expect you to agree, its just the way i see it. We live in a world where the powers that be are looking for more and more ways to tax us, control us, tell us how to live and think. I think you are experiencing some push back when you ask this question.

You may have hit on something there. I see it as a simple statement of fact. The sun is shining today for example. Maybe insecure white males do see it as an ulterior motive or prelude to something else. I dont get the same reaction when discussing this issue with some of my friends and mentors. However, they are confident and successful.
I disagree that IQ tests are particularly accurate. I don't think intelligence is even defined distinctly enough for an accurate test to be possible, but even if it were, IQ tests are not such IMO. I don't think it's because of being a white, eugenics concept, though. I think it's just the nature of our concept of intelligence and the various forms it takes, as well as the seeming inconsistency of IQ tests.

I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence. The pseudo-science of psychology has promoted the notion of an "EQ" that complements IQ.

Should the notion of an EQ have any merit, it is distinct from that of an IQ. To determine if a person has the aptitude to be an engineer, or medical doctor, or computer programmer, or any type of scientist, an aptitude in math and abstract reasoning is required. IQ tests measure this, and measure it accurately.

True that an IQ test will not determine if someone will be awkward at a kegger. but that isn't the purpose of measuring intelligence.

The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence. There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?

the NAACP admits that white people are more intelligent
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you need to go back to the 3rd grade and learn the difference between fact and opinion

your achievement gap is showing

I know the difference. Your insecurities are showing. Where is your proof?

you are proof of the achievement gap

BTW why does massa allow you a computer in the cotton field?

thought you were oppressed by whitey

Low intellect white trash like you are amusing. So I guess your post admits you have no proof like I thought?

Whitey cant oppress me. Whitey can only make it more difficult but since I am from a strong race its easy to overcome the weak attempts.
I disagree that IQ tests are particularly accurate. I don't think intelligence is even defined distinctly enough for an accurate test to be possible, but even if it were, IQ tests are not such IMO. I don't think it's because of being a white, eugenics concept, though. I think it's just the nature of our concept of intelligence and the various forms it takes, as well as the seeming inconsistency of IQ tests.

I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence. The pseudo-science of psychology has promoted the notion of an "EQ" that complements IQ.

Should the notion of an EQ have any merit, it is distinct from that of an IQ. To determine if a person has the aptitude to be an engineer, or medical doctor, or computer programmer, or any type of scientist, an aptitude in math and abstract reasoning is required. IQ tests measure this, and measure it accurately.

True that an IQ test will not determine if someone will be awkward at a kegger. but that isn't the purpose of measuring intelligence.

The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence. There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?

Besides you, who said "white people are the authority on what intelligence implies?"
I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence. The pseudo-science of psychology has promoted the notion of an "EQ" that complements IQ.

Should the notion of an EQ have any merit, it is distinct from that of an IQ. To determine if a person has the aptitude to be an engineer, or medical doctor, or computer programmer, or any type of scientist, an aptitude in math and abstract reasoning is required. IQ tests measure this, and measure it accurately.

True that an IQ test will not determine if someone will be awkward at a kegger. but that isn't the purpose of measuring intelligence.

The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence. There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?

Besides you, who said "white people are the authority on what intelligence implies?"

Everyone that is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence. A white dude made it up.
The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence. There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?

Besides you, who said "white people are the authority on what intelligence implies?"

Everyone that is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence. A white dude made it up.

Why are intelligence tests invalid for testing intelligence. And what did the "white dude" make up? Are you saying some white guy made up all intelligence tests, or some white dude made up the first intelligence tests, or some white dude made up that everyone is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence.

Are you drinking :)
The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence. There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?

Besides you, who said "white people are the authority on what intelligence implies?"

Everyone that is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence. A white dude made it up.

And? It measures verbal comprehension, processing speed, working memory, and perceptual reasoning. What else would you add to make it less...... white?

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