An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

I didn't say anything about emotions. I'm talking about defining intelligence. What is it exactly?

We already covered this. Intelligence is the ability to process information, to store, retrieve, and apply concepts. This is combined with both concrete and abstract reasoning to determine intelligence.

Does a strong aptitude for various forms of math, as an example, make one intelligent by itself? How about a grasp of languages? The ability to solve puzzles quickly? What, exactly, is intelligence, and how then does an IQ test determine it?

Intelligence usually results in an aptitude for math. You are confusing causation. It is abstract reasoning that fuels the ability to solve puzzles, it is the ability to process information that fuels the learning of languages.

I'm not saying IQ is completely worthless, but I consider it an extremely generalized number at best.

I'm sorry you scored poorly, but IQ tests are extremely accurate and are an accurate predictor of intellectual success.

You can see fairly clearly how much weight a person can lift, how fast they can run, how far they can see clearly, etc. But when it comes to intelligence, what is it that person can do based on an IQ test?

Learn, reason, and solve.

Testing intelligence, independent of knowledge, is a difficult proposition.

No, it is not.
Key point there is "should." In my experience all IQ tests have things that can be practiced for, learned, and improved upon. Thus, while true that one may not be able to increase their inherit IQ, in practice one can improve their IQ scores to give an impression of higher inherit IQ. Further, if in the act of working to improve one's IQ additional function becomes wired into one's brain, is that brain not more intelligent now?

Most assessments include an IQ test, as well as tests of knowledge. It is common for people to confuse the IQ test with the assessment. They are not the same thing. Bear in mind also that verbal recall is a vital part of IQ tests, but that is not vocabulary. Measuring short term memory is part of processing information, which is an indicator of intelligence.
The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence.

You are a racist who offers nothing other than absurdity and ignorance on this subject.

There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.


Do you have a point?

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?

More ignorance.

Deal with facts and logic, you might be taken seriously.
Its not just my interpretation nor only the interpretation of Black people. White guys have said the same thing. its emotionally distressing for insecure white guys to admit to white privilege. When someone pulls all kind of maneuvers to avoid the topic its clear sign the topic is disturbing to them. If it wasn't they would offer a logical argument.

White privilege has nothing to do with white complexities. Its pretty simple. If you are white you have more of a chance to get ahead than a Black person. You dont have anything holding you back other than your initiative. Black people have retarded racists, bigots, and societal prejudice to deal with. That doesn't even cover the indoctrination to white superiority known as white history. Columbus discovered America remember? The Greeks made up the Pythagorean theorem right?

I would say perhaps the PERCEPTION of the question itself in general by whites may have something to do with the reaction. It can easily be seen as a loaded question with ulterior motive if you think about it. Thats just my opinion I dont expect you to agree, its just the way i see it. We live in a world where the powers that be are looking for more and more ways to tax us, control us, tell us how to live and think. I think you are experiencing some push back when you ask this question.

You may have hit on something there. I see it as a simple statement of fact. The sun is shining today for example. Maybe insecure white males do see it as an ulterior motive or prelude to something else. I dont get the same reaction when discussing this issue with some of my friends and mentors. However, they are confident and successful.

If you ask me do I think white people have some advantages by being white in America ? as opposed to being black? I would say yes. Just as it would be advantageous to be Korean in Korea as opposed to being white .. OF course its not the same dynamic for sure, ... but there are obvious social reasons why both cases are an advantage.

I find though,, at least to myself when you use the phrase 'White Privllage' it means an
entirely different thing. Sounds to me like the kind of thing some privllaged in life college professor came up with and is projecting his sense of guilt on other people.
If one is privlaged just by being born a certain color it automaticaly makes someone else underprivlaged. Does that imply then that there is supposed to be a sense of guilt?
And there fore does that imply there should be compensation? One could be the most
underprivllaged white kid and then be told he has white privllage?
Again for me the whole concept seems to be based on categorizing people into groups for
the purpose of ideological direction perhaps to be used politically as a wedge issue

You say you see it as a simple statement of fact but i see the concept as the five proverbial blind men describing to each other what an elephant is. It depends on where
they are standing. And in that case perception is reality
Everyone that is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence. A white dude made it up.

Your inability to recognizes patterns and accurately deduce the next sequence is because white people?

You really don't expect to be taken seriously, do you?

I've met intelligent black people, and I've met dumb ones.

I've met intelligent white people, and I've met dumb ones.

The only factor I've seen that is race based is the open hostility black culture has for education, and the embracing of ignorance by so called leaders. You know, the way you embrace ignorance with your racist bullshit.
Besides you, who said "white people are the authority on what intelligence implies?"

Everyone that is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence. A white dude made it up.

Why are intelligence tests invalid for testing intelligence. And what did the "white dude" make up? Are you saying some white guy made up all intelligence tests, or some white dude made up the first intelligence tests, or some white dude made up that everyone is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence.

Are you drinking :)

You seem to be the one confused. Are you drunk? The entire premise of intelligence testing started with a white dude trying to figure out a way to support his eugenics agenda. The entire premise is flawed and in no way an accurate measurement of intelligence. i thought everyone knew about this?

Cracking The Learning Code - A Brief and Ugly History of Intelligence Testing

The roots of our "IQ way of thinking" are not pretty. The genesis of officially ranking human beings based on their test scores started with the cousin of Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Galton, who is recognized as the father of "intellectual measurement." A Cambridge-educated statistician, Galton was the first scientist to develop methods that made it possible to test members of the human species and then rank them in terms of what he believed to be their intellectual powers. Why did he want to test and rank humans? So he could breed a superior race.
Besides you, who said "white people are the authority on what intelligence implies?"

Everyone that is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence. A white dude made it up.

And? It measures verbal comprehension, processing speed, working memory, and perceptual reasoning. What else would you add to make it less...... white?

And? Who told the white dude that is what intelligence consist of and why did you just take his word for granted?
Everyone that is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence. A white dude made it up.

Why are intelligence tests invalid for testing intelligence. And what did the "white dude" make up? Are you saying some white guy made up all intelligence tests, or some white dude made up the first intelligence tests, or some white dude made up that everyone is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence.

Are you drinking :)

You seem to be the one confused. Are you drunk? The entire premise of intelligence testing started with a white dude trying to figure out a way to support his eugenics agenda. The entire premise is flawed and in no way an accurate measurement of intelligence. i thought everyone knew about this?

Cracking The Learning Code - A Brief and Ugly History of Intelligence Testing

The roots of our "IQ way of thinking" are not pretty. The genesis of officially ranking human beings based on their test scores started with the cousin of Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Galton, who is recognized as the father of "intellectual measurement." A Cambridge-educated statistician, Galton was the first scientist to develop methods that made it possible to test members of the human species and then rank them in terms of what he believed to be their intellectual powers. Why did he want to test and rank humans? So he could breed a superior race.

WTF!?! The first IQ test was created by Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. France had passed a law that forced all children to attend school and his tests were used to determine which children needed educational assistance... Where do you find this shit!?!?
The only thing that has devolved is your intelligence.

You are a racist who offers nothing other than absurdity and ignorance on this subject.

There are plenty of studies that show social interaction has a affect on learning. Deprive a child of social interaction and you will stunt their development. Increase social interaction and it increases their development.

Do you have a point?

What everyone seems to be missing is this one fact that keeps rearing its head. Who made white people the authority on what intelligence implies?
More ignorance.

Deal with facts and logic, you might be taken seriously.

Yes I have a point. Dont let me catch you contradicting yourself and stepping on your own dick. i will catch you every time and show you your error.

I've heard these arguments before, and when examined, they always devolve into a claim that social interaction is just as important as intelligence.
WTF!?! The first IQ test was created by Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. France had passed a law that forced all children to attend school and his tests were used to determine which children needed educational assistance... Where do you find this shit!?!?

Asslips is famous for his bizarre web sites. He lives in an alternate reality where Africans invented literally everything, and the whites stole it.

This one is virtually a voodoo site, trying to sell a flake program to create intelligence through hocus pocus.
Why are intelligence tests invalid for testing intelligence. And what did the "white dude" make up? Are you saying some white guy made up all intelligence tests, or some white dude made up the first intelligence tests, or some white dude made up that everyone is claiming the IQ test is valid for testing intelligence.

Are you drinking :)

You seem to be the one confused. Are you drunk? The entire premise of intelligence testing started with a white dude trying to figure out a way to support his eugenics agenda. The entire premise is flawed and in no way an accurate measurement of intelligence. i thought everyone knew about this?

Cracking The Learning Code - A Brief and Ugly History of Intelligence Testing

The roots of our "IQ way of thinking" are not pretty. The genesis of officially ranking human beings based on their test scores started with the cousin of Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Galton, who is recognized as the father of "intellectual measurement." A Cambridge-educated statistician, Galton was the first scientist to develop methods that made it possible to test members of the human species and then rank them in terms of what he believed to be their intellectual powers. Why did he want to test and rank humans? So he could breed a superior race.

WTF!?! The first IQ test was created by Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. France had passed a law that forced all children to attend school and his tests were used to determine which children needed educational assistance... Where do you find this shit!?!?

The first IQ test was created by Galton. Yes Binet designed one as well, however Galtons was first. I even included the link for you to look it up. Your question asking where I get this is easily answered by looking at the link.
Yes I have a point. Dont let me catch you contradicting yourself and stepping on your own dick. i will catch you every time and show you your error.

Are you claiming that black children have no social interaction?

Honestly Asslips, stick to your wild claims of Afro-superiority - when you venture into legitimate fields, you merely reveal your abject ignorance.
WTF!?! The first IQ test was created by Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. France had passed a law that forced all children to attend school and his tests were used to determine which children needed educational assistance... Where do you find this shit!?!?

Asslips is famous for his bizarre web sites. He lives in an alternate reality where Africans invented literally everything, and the whites stole it.

This one is virtually a voodoo site, trying to sell a flake program to create intelligence through hocus pocus.

I see this. Wanted to comment on his "black taught whites writing, math, and blah, blah, blah" But I didn't see the point in explaining proto-writing or cunieform was more of a Eurasia kinda thing...
Yes I have a point. Dont let me catch you contradicting yourself and stepping on your own dick. i will catch you every time and show you your error.

Are you claiming that black children have no social interaction?

Honestly Asslips, stick to your wild claims of Afro-superiority - when you venture into legitimate fields, you merely reveal your abject ignorance.

No. I'm claiming and proving you stepped on your dick and contradicted yourself.
The first IQ test was created by Galton. Yes Binet designed one as well, however Galtons was first. I even included the link for you to look it up. Your question asking where I get this is easily answered by looking at the link.

Oh, you provided a link, did you?

{A very simple way to look at our genes is as vehicles upon which past learning is sent from one generation to the next. Information that has been successful to the survival of previous generations is encoded into the genetic program of those generations and passed forward for the benefit of all future generations.}

Yeah, they're credible... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
The first IQ test was created by Galton. Yes Binet designed one as well, however Galtons was first. I even included the link for you to look it up. Your question asking where I get this is easily answered by looking at the link.

Oh, you provided a link, did you?

{A very simple way to look at our genes is as vehicles upon which past learning is sent from one generation to the next. Information that has been successful to the survival of previous generations is encoded into the genetic program of those generations and passed forward for the benefit of all future generations.}

Yeah, they're credible... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Evidently that explanation was not simple enough for you. :lol:
You seem to be the one confused. Are you drunk? The entire premise of intelligence testing started with a white dude trying to figure out a way to support his eugenics agenda. The entire premise is flawed and in no way an accurate measurement of intelligence. i thought everyone knew about this?

Cracking The Learning Code - A Brief and Ugly History of Intelligence Testing

WTF!?! The first IQ test was created by Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. France had passed a law that forced all children to attend school and his tests were used to determine which children needed educational assistance... Where do you find this shit!?!?

The first IQ test was created by Galton. Yes Binet designed one as well, however Galtons was first. I even included the link for you to look it up. Your question asking where I get this is easily answered by looking at the link.

Where on your bizarre site(which reads like a 9th grader's essay) does it say Sir Galton created an IQ test?
WTF!?! The first IQ test was created by Alfred Binet in the early 1900s. France had passed a law that forced all children to attend school and his tests were used to determine which children needed educational assistance... Where do you find this shit!?!?

Asslips is famous for his bizarre web sites. He lives in an alternate reality where Africans invented literally everything, and the whites stole it.

This one is virtually a voodoo site, trying to sell a flake program to create intelligence through hocus pocus.

I see this. Wanted to comment on his "black taught whites writing, math, and blah, blah, blah" But I didn't see the point in explaining proto-writing or cunieform was more of a Eurasia kinda thing...

Thats good you didn't want to explain that because the earliest form of writing originated in Africa. You would have been forced to learn something other than what you have been spoon fed since birth.

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