An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

That is a long excuse. In the effort it took to formulate that excuse and defend it, you could have actually been doing something to move black Americans forward. Instead you wallow in self pity.

I really want to see this white based system rigging going on, because It seems to have missed me.

So your retort is that its an excuse? Thats amusing. White privilege could only be an excuse if only Black people that were failing saw it. Here you have 2 white guys that see it. Are you going to debate the OP or are you going to say my comments are an excuse? If you can only say its an excuse thats just an admission you cant mount a coherent argument to the point. If you have achieved any success in life you were a beneficiary of this rigging of the system. Just because you chose to not give it any validity only proves you must be embarrassed or you are a failure.

Case in point. Here we have a white supervisor controlling employment.

Supervisor to black worker: Stay away from 'whites only' fountain -

How did this white guy become the supervisor?

That is one of the dumbest statements out there. For it to be true some black person would have had to have been denied something i received somewhere along the way solely because I was white, and he/she was black. I can patently tell you this is not the case. In fact I was hindered in college once BECAUSE i was a white male. My father had been laid off and two scholarships were available based on need, however one was for women, and one was for minorities. Where was my "white guy" benefit then?

and the proper question for the second story if for you, point out how the supervisor got his job SOLELY because he is white.

Thats one of weakest excuses in the book. Your one off story of woe does not explain the economic disparity between the races. Dont blame you and your ancestors lack of effort on you missing out on a scholarship and claiming it was because it went to a minority or a woman. Stop whining. Just admit your ancestors did not work hard enough when they were able to take advantage of white AA and make something of themselves like a lot of whites did. When your race in general is denied the ability to succeed due to slavery and jim crow come talk to me.
omg, grow the fuck up you whiny fucking bitches.

seriously, the crying and crying just shows that you are weak and pathetic.

affirmative action gives everyone except whites a cutting edge on every level of society.

fucking pussies

I must have angered you. Too bad you cant cope with the truth. Whites had centuries of AA even before this country was founded here in the Americas. You had that much of a head start and now whining about AA for others? As I said before it must be embarrassing to you. :lol:

^ was never a slave, wants vengeance b/c there was slavery, fails to admit his race invented slavery and should pay out to the world for the horrors they wrought.

lying pussy, grow up.
So your retort is that its an excuse? Thats amusing. White privilege could only be an excuse if only Black people that were failing saw it. Here you have 2 white guys that see it. Are you going to debate the OP or are you going to say my comments are an excuse? If you can only say its an excuse thats just an admission you cant mount a coherent argument to the point. If you have achieved any success in life you were a beneficiary of this rigging of the system. Just because you chose to not give it any validity only proves you must be embarrassed or you are a failure.

Case in point. Here we have a white supervisor controlling employment.

Supervisor to black worker: Stay away from 'whites only' fountain -

How did this white guy become the supervisor?

That is one of the dumbest statements out there. For it to be true some black person would have had to have been denied something i received somewhere along the way solely because I was white, and he/she was black. I can patently tell you this is not the case. In fact I was hindered in college once BECAUSE i was a white male. My father had been laid off and two scholarships were available based on need, however one was for women, and one was for minorities. Where was my "white guy" benefit then?

and the proper question for the second story if for you, point out how the supervisor got his job SOLELY because he is white.

Thats one of weakest excuses in the book. Your one off story of woe does not explain the economic disparity between the races. Dont blame you and your ancestors lack of effort on you missing out on a scholarship and claiming it was because it went to a minority or a woman. Stop whining. Just admit your ancestors did not work hard enough when they were able to take advantage of white AA and make something of themselves like a lot of whites did. When your race in general is denied the ability to succeed due to slavery and jim crow come talk to me.

So actual results don't matter, its the concept that somehow a wrong from 150 years ago (and continued in a way until about 50 years ago) that is the overriding factor. That my actual suffering at the hands of discrimination (just not the right type) is to be ignored, yet your perception of being unable to cope with something that you never experienced is somehow reason enough why whites will always be somehow advantaged?

The only enslavement here is your mentality of despair and excuses. My ancestors only got here from 1880 or so (one of them) to the 1920's. They had zero to do with slavery and keeping the black man down. So kindly go fuck yourself and your self-loathing concepts.
Some people will never be able to get past skin color. They are completely hung up on it and create thread after guessed color.

Personally...I could give a shit.
Yes it does confirm it if the 2 white guys saw the flying saucers at the same time I saw them.

Right..well, that's a small cross section of people and even if 3 of you DID "see a flying saucer"...that doesn't prove they exist.

Seeing a flying saucer has nothing to do with race but nice try.
No..You invented an imaginary scenario and I pointed it out.

We are talking about a race issue that people in the white race see.

So far you've mentioned 2 white people. Technically, I suppose you're right, though. 2 people see it.

If other white people see it why are you burying your head in the sand?

I'm not burying my head in the sand. You're trying to deflect from black dysfunction by blaming white people. That isn't working as well as it used to.

Affirmative action for whites has been around since the beginning of this country.

It was called skills, knowledge, aptitude and ability.

Of course it was AA for whites that got this white clown a job.

You can't prove that.

You can hear how ignorant he is and your really still think he displays aptitude and ability? :lol:

I have no idea.
You trying to use an extreme outlier as a valid example of the entire white population, however, is quite revealing.
omg, grow the fuck up you whiny fucking bitches.

seriously, the crying and crying just shows that you are weak and pathetic.

affirmative action gives everyone except whites a cutting edge on every level of society.

fucking pussies

I must have angered you. Too bad you cant cope with the truth. Whites had centuries of AA even before this country was founded here in the Americas. You had that much of a head start and now whining about AA for others? As I said before it must be embarrassing to you. :lol:

^ was never a slave, wants vengeance b/c there was slavery, fails to admit his race invented slavery and should pay out to the world for the horrors they wrought.

lying pussy, grow up.

The OP is not about who invented slavery or if I was a slave or not. The OP is about a subject that appears to be traumatizing to you. White privilege. If you want to discuss the origins of slavery start a new thread. Your deflection from the OP is a standard diversionary tactic of white pussies that cant debate the topic.
omg, grow the fuck up you whiny fucking bitches.

seriously, the crying and crying just shows that you are weak and pathetic.

affirmative action gives everyone except whites a cutting edge on every level of society.

fucking pussies

Interesting you would say that....white women use AA more than anyone else. :D
I must have angered you. Too bad you cant cope with the truth. Whites had centuries of AA even before this country was founded here in the Americas. You had that much of a head start and now whining about AA for others? As I said before it must be embarrassing to you. :lol:

^ was never a slave, wants vengeance b/c there was slavery, fails to admit his race invented slavery and should pay out to the world for the horrors they wrought.

lying pussy, grow up.

The OP is not about who invented slavery or if I was a slave or not. The OP is about a subject that appears to be traumatizing to you. White privilege. If you want to discuss the origins of slavery start a new thread. Your deflection from the OP is a standard diversionary tactic of white pussies that cant debate the topic.

yea right

just admit it, you think you suck b/c your black. You think that b/c white libs told you that you suck and can't make it in society.

Turns out, they were right about you.

There's no such thing as white privilege, it's a made up idea, by liberals, to create race tension in America, you being a fucking racist, fell for it w/o ever giving it a single thought.
Interesting you would say that....white women use AA more than anyone else.

Well sure, but they have a hard time changing a tire by themselves...

Oh sorry, my mistake. I meant they like to drink more than anyone else...

Or was it...ah, never mind.
omg, grow the fuck up you whiny fucking bitches.

seriously, the crying and crying just shows that you are weak and pathetic.

affirmative action gives everyone except whites a cutting edge on every level of society.

fucking pussies

Interesting you would say that....white women use AA more than anyone else. :D

And link plz, with data backing it up.

I searched and found the claim, but the links inside the links only linked to more claims with no data proof.
omg, grow the fuck up you whiny fucking bitches.

seriously, the crying and crying just shows that you are weak and pathetic.

affirmative action gives everyone except whites a cutting edge on every level of society.

fucking pussies

Interesting you would say that....white women use AA more than anyone else. :D

Let's do away with it altogether, then.

Let's have skills, knowledge and aptitude be the only criteria for hiring/admittance.

Everyone advances based solely on his skills, knowledge, aptitude and opposed to artificially advancing people based solely on gender, skin color or quota requirements.
^ was never a slave, wants vengeance b/c there was slavery, fails to admit his race invented slavery and should pay out to the world for the horrors they wrought.

lying pussy, grow up.

The OP is not about who invented slavery or if I was a slave or not. The OP is about a subject that appears to be traumatizing to you. White privilege. If you want to discuss the origins of slavery start a new thread. Your deflection from the OP is a standard diversionary tactic of white pussies that cant debate the topic.

yea right

just admit it, you think you suck b/c your black. You think that b/c white libs told you that you suck and can't make it in society.

Turns out, they were right about you.

There's no such thing as white privilege, it's a made up idea, by liberals, to create race tension in America, you being a fucking racist, fell for it w/o ever giving it a single thought.

Again the issue is not if I suck or not. The issue is does white privilege exist. Its apparent it does. You being upset and getting angry regarding this is amusing. If Black people owned all the resources after centuries of making sure they were first in line for them it would be the same thing. If you were forced to learn everything about the history of Black Africans instead of what Europeans did and learn the language as well you would rightly be saying the same thing. Only a deluded fool or a liar can actually think white privilege doesnt exist.
omg, grow the fuck up you whiny fucking bitches.

seriously, the crying and crying just shows that you are weak and pathetic.

affirmative action gives everyone except whites a cutting edge on every level of society.

fucking pussies

Interesting you would say that....white women use AA more than anyone else. :D

Let's do away with it altogether, then.

Let's have skills, knowledge and aptitude be the only criteria for hiring/admittance.

Everyone advances based solely on his skills, knowledge, aptitude and opposed to artificially advancing people based solely on gender, skin color or quota requirements.

That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.
Interesting you would say that....white women use AA more than anyone else. :D

Let's do away with it altogether, then.

Let's have skills, knowledge and aptitude be the only criteria for hiring/admittance.

Everyone advances based solely on his skills, knowledge, aptitude and opposed to artificially advancing people based solely on gender, skin color or quota requirements.

That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Of course we do. The world you live in was created by whites. The philosophy, the law, and the vast majority of the science. Not a racist sentiment....merely fact.

There are places where white influence is not nearly as strong....say Zambia....although it is fairly strong there....but do you seriously want to live in Zambia?

Northeast Asian societies (also very whites) largely created their world. Buddha and Confucius creating much of the philosophical underpinnings which in turn influenced their culture and science. They have progressed quite nicely and will continue to do so because they have incorporated white science and thought into their societies while retaining much of their own. We have not done the same, unfortunately.

You are a product of a largely white culture and definitely a product of white political, cultural, and scientific thought. To say otherwise in ridiculous. Instead of denying it...embrace it. It is who you are.
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Let's do away with it altogether, then.

Let's have skills, knowledge and aptitude be the only criteria for hiring/admittance.

Everyone advances based solely on his skills, knowledge, aptitude and opposed to artificially advancing people based solely on gender, skin color or quota requirements.

That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Of course we do. The world you live in was created by whites. The philosophy, the law, and the vast majority of the science. Not a racist sentiment....merely fact.

There are places where white influence is not nearly as strong....say Zambia....although it is fairly strong there....but do you seriously want to live in Zambia?

Northeast Asian societies (also very whites) largely created their world. Buddha and Confucius creating much of the philosophical underpinnings which in turn influenced their culture and science. They have progressed quite nicely and will continue to do so because they have incorporated white science and thought into their societies while retaining much of their own. We have not done the same, unfortunately.

You are a product of a largely white culture and definitely a product of white political, cultural, and scientific thought. To say otherwise in ridiculous. Instead of denying it...embrace it. It is who you are.

So you are another that believes in factual existence of white privilege then?
That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Of course we do. The world you live in was created by whites. The philosophy, the law, and the vast majority of the science. Not a racist sentiment....merely fact.

There are places where white influence is not nearly as strong....say Zambia....although it is fairly strong there....but do you seriously want to live in Zambia?

Northeast Asian societies (also very whites) largely created their world. Buddha and Confucius creating much of the philosophical underpinnings which in turn influenced their culture and science. They have progressed quite nicely and will continue to do so because they have incorporated white science and thought into their societies while retaining much of their own. We have not done the same, unfortunately.

You are a product of a largely white culture and definitely a product of white political, cultural, and scientific thought. To say otherwise in ridiculous. Instead of denying it...embrace it. It is who you are.

So you are another that believes in factual existence of white privilege then?

Non-Sequitur. Fallacious concept and idea. It is not worthy of a response. I live in America. I am an American. The Philosophy, Laws, Civil Rights and most of the science is a direct outgrowth of white European thought. That is inarguable.

Either I acknowledge that and accept it, or I renounce my citizenship and go elsewhere. You are an American. Either you accept the reality of the foundations of this society, or you leave, or you choose to be bitter, angry, and miserable. Your choice.
Where do you see an excuse? Excuse for what? I'm pointing out the concept of white privilege and the fact that whites are more violent than any other race. Yes my ancestors are from Senegal.
"Whites are more violent"... what a racist piece of shit liar you are.

WTF does your ancestors have to do with you? Are you or are you not from Africa?

Whites are way more violent. Its not close and you know it.

Yes, that is why everyone is afraid to walk through our neighborhoods at night, because WHITE people are so violent. God damn you put your foot in your mouth a million times a day. :lol:
"Whites are more violent"... what a racist piece of shit liar you are.

WTF does your ancestors have to do with you? Are you or are you not from Africa?

Whites are way more violent. Its not close and you know it.

Yes, that is why everyone is afraid to walk through our neighborhoods at night, because WHITE people are so violent. God damn you put your foot in your mouth a million times a day. :lol:

The racism involved with her statement is stunning. You should hear her racial theories on white folks in the tropics. Good stuff. :lol:
Of course we do. The world you live in was created by whites. The philosophy, the law, and the vast majority of the science. Not a racist sentiment....merely fact.

There are places where white influence is not nearly as strong....say Zambia....although it is fairly strong there....but do you seriously want to live in Zambia?

Northeast Asian societies (also very whites) largely created their world. Buddha and Confucius creating much of the philosophical underpinnings which in turn influenced their culture and science. They have progressed quite nicely and will continue to do so because they have incorporated white science and thought into their societies while retaining much of their own. We have not done the same, unfortunately.

You are a product of a largely white culture and definitely a product of white political, cultural, and scientific thought. To say otherwise in ridiculous. Instead of denying it...embrace it. It is who you are.

So you are another that believes in factual existence of white privilege then?

Non-Sequitur. Fallacious concept and idea. It is not worthy of a response. I live in America. I am an American. The Philosophy, Laws, Civil Rights and most of the science is a direct outgrowth of white European thought. That is inarguable.

Either I acknowledge that and accept it, or I renounce my citizenship and go elsewhere. You are an American. Either you accept the reality of the foundations of this society, or you leave, or you choose to be bitter, angry, and miserable. Your choice.

Thats the entire OP in case you missed it. What are you posting for? If its not worthy of a response I would believe you know its true and simply taking the 5th.

I am quite happy with my life. I dont accept some of the foundations of this society and I wont leave. I will continue to work to change those foundations by educating people like me. If you have an issue with that then thats too bad. You cant do anything to stop it.
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