An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

So you are another that believes in factual existence of white privilege then?

Non-Sequitur. Fallacious concept and idea. It is not worthy of a response. I live in America. I am an American. The Philosophy, Laws, Civil Rights and most of the science is a direct outgrowth of white European thought. That is inarguable.

Either I acknowledge that and accept it, or I renounce my citizenship and go elsewhere. You are an American. Either you accept the reality of the foundations of this society, or you leave, or you choose to be bitter, angry, and miserable. Your choice.

Thats the entire OP in case you missed it. What are you posting for? If its not worthy of a response I would believe you know its true and simply taking the 5th.

I am quite happy with my life I dont accept some of the foundations of this society and I wont leave. I will continue to work to change those foundations by educating people like me. If you have an issue with that then thats too bad. You cant do anything to stop it.

Wouldn't want to. :)

No society is perfect. But this society is the best in the world in my opinion. I am very thankful that wise and intelligent men constructed the foundations of this society as they did, and that we as a society have constantly worked to form a more perfect union (another one of their ideas :) ).

I could have been born in Gabon, for example, and probably would already be dead from disease, or tribal warfare, or neglect. We as Americans....all of us...are very fortunate to be part of this society. I am very thankful our founders used the best ideas from European Western Thought to construct the foundations of this society. Those ideas have transformed much of the world....and largely for the better.
Most white people simply cannot acknowledge white privilege because it would damage their ego or they cannot comprehend it. There is one white guy on this board that does acknowledge it because he believes it is rightly a privilege due to white people since he believes whites are superior. Its got to be embarrassing for those who cant or wont admit it.

Just "one"? Either my calculator is broken, or I forgot how to count.
Most white people simply cannot acknowledge white privilege because it would damage their ego or they cannot comprehend it. There is one white guy on this board that does acknowledge it because he believes it is rightly a privilege due to white people since he believes whites are superior. Its got to be embarrassing for those who cant or wont admit it.

Just "one"? Either my calculator is broken, or I forgot how to count.

Well now we have 2 that have actually admitted it.
Most white people simply cannot acknowledge white privilege because it would damage their ego or they cannot comprehend it. There is one white guy on this board that does acknowledge it because he believes it is rightly a privilege due to white people since he believes whites are superior. Its got to be embarrassing for those who cant or wont admit it.

More excuses from a group of people with the highest percentages of violence, single motherhood, population on welfare, high school dropouts and the most pathetic command of the English language. Insanely pathetic.

Excuse? Dont make me laugh. Whites are the most violent race the earth has seen and its not even close. Command of the English language? Fuck the english language. I'm not english. I'm Black.

Do you come from the nation Black? Wait, there is no such nation? Then what the hell does your race have to do with what language you speak?
Non-Sequitur. Fallacious concept and idea. It is not worthy of a response. I live in America. I am an American. The Philosophy, Laws, Civil Rights and most of the science is a direct outgrowth of white European thought. That is inarguable.

Either I acknowledge that and accept it, or I renounce my citizenship and go elsewhere. You are an American. Either you accept the reality of the foundations of this society, or you leave, or you choose to be bitter, angry, and miserable. Your choice.

Thats the entire OP in case you missed it. What are you posting for? If its not worthy of a response I would believe you know its true and simply taking the 5th.

I am quite happy with my life I dont accept some of the foundations of this society and I wont leave. I will continue to work to change those foundations by educating people like me. If you have an issue with that then thats too bad. You cant do anything to stop it.

Wouldn't want to. :)

No society is perfect. But this society is the best in the world in my opinion. I am very thankful that wise and intelligent men constructed the foundations of this society as they did, and that we as a society have constantly worked to form a more perfect union (another one of their ideas :) ).

I could have been born in Gabon, for example, and probably would already be dead from disease, or tribal warfare, or neglect. We as Americans....all of us...are very fortunate to be part of this society. I am very thankful our founders used the best ideas from European Western Thought to construct the foundations of this society. Those ideas have transformed much of the world....and largely for the better.

If you dont want to stop what I am doing why are you telling me to just accept it and be happy about it? :lol:

Luckily I have traveled all over the world and I know more about what countries are better to live in. I also study history and know the founders of this country stole probably 98% of their ideas from other cultures. Part of the white privilege phenomenon is white washing history to make gullible people believe whites came up with original ideas and created everything. The only thing whites have truly created was the ability to destroy the world. I guess to violence prone white people that is a good thing.
Thats the entire OP in case you missed it. What are you posting for? If its not worthy of a response I would believe you know its true and simply taking the 5th.

I am quite happy with my life I dont accept some of the foundations of this society and I wont leave. I will continue to work to change those foundations by educating people like me. If you have an issue with that then thats too bad. You cant do anything to stop it.

Wouldn't want to. :)

No society is perfect. But this society is the best in the world in my opinion. I am very thankful that wise and intelligent men constructed the foundations of this society as they did, and that we as a society have constantly worked to form a more perfect union (another one of their ideas :) ).

I could have been born in Gabon, for example, and probably would already be dead from disease, or tribal warfare, or neglect. We as Americans....all of us...are very fortunate to be part of this society. I am very thankful our founders used the best ideas from European Western Thought to construct the foundations of this society. Those ideas have transformed much of the world....and largely for the better.

If you dont want to stop what I am doing why are you telling me to just accept it and be happy about it? :lol:

Luckily I have traveled all over the world and I know more about what countries are better to live in. I also study history and know the founders of this country stole probably 98% of their ideas from other cultures. Part of the white privilege phenomenon is white washing history to make gullible people believe whites came up with original ideas and created everything. The only thing whites have truly created was the ability to destroy the world. I guess to violence prone white people that is a good thing.

I said accept that the basis of this society is Western European thought. We call all work to form a more perfect union.

I've traveled a lot as well. So what Countries are better? I think I'd be fascinated. :)
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More excuses from a group of people with the highest percentages of violence, single motherhood, population on welfare, high school dropouts and the most pathetic command of the English language. Insanely pathetic.

Excuse? Dont make me laugh. Whites are the most violent race the earth has seen and its not even close. Command of the English language? Fuck the english language. I'm not english. I'm Black.

Do you come from the nation Black? Wait, there is no such nation? Then what the hell does your race have to do with what language you speak?

There is such a nation. You being unaware of its existence is your problem. BTW your sentiment is the very premise of white privilege. You assume any nation of note is chronicled by white people. :lol:

If the language I speak is one forced upon me and not one I chose as the language of my people it has a lot to do with it. What area in Africa originally spoke English?
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Excuse? Dont make me laugh. Whites are the most violent race the earth has seen and its not even close. Command of the English language? Fuck the english language. I'm not english. I'm Black.

Do you come from the nation Black? Wait, there is no such nation? Then what the hell does your race have to do with what language you speak?

There is such a nation. You being unaware of its existence is your problem.

If the language I speak is one forced upon me and not one I chose as the language of my people it has a lot to do with it. What area in Africa originally spoke English?

So is there a separate only white nation? And if so...what is the language?
Interesting you would say that....white women use AA more than anyone else. :D

Let's do away with it altogether, then.

Let's have skills, knowledge and aptitude be the only criteria for hiring/admittance.

Everyone advances based solely on his skills, knowledge, aptitude and opposed to artificially advancing people based solely on gender, skin color or quota requirements.

That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Skills, knowledge aptitude and ability are all measurable and valid for pre employment assessment or scholastic advancement.

You assume that all white people are in conspiracy to perpetually hold negroes back and that is the ONLY reason for black dysfunction and failure. It's the key to your entire premise.
You're wrong.
Wouldn't want to. :)

No society is perfect. But this society is the best in the world in my opinion. I am very thankful that wise and intelligent men constructed the foundations of this society as they did, and that we as a society have constantly worked to form a more perfect union (another one of their ideas :) ).

I could have been born in Gabon, for example, and probably would already be dead from disease, or tribal warfare, or neglect. We as Americans....all of us...are very fortunate to be part of this society. I am very thankful our founders used the best ideas from European Western Thought to construct the foundations of this society. Those ideas have transformed much of the world....and largely for the better.

If you dont want to stop what I am doing why are you telling me to just accept it and be happy about it? :lol:

Luckily I have traveled all over the world and I know more about what countries are better to live in. I also study history and know the founders of this country stole probably 98% of their ideas from other cultures. Part of the white privilege phenomenon is white washing history to make gullible people believe whites came up with original ideas and created everything. The only thing whites have truly created was the ability to destroy the world. I guess to violence prone white people that is a good thing.

I said accept that the basis of this society is Western European thought. We call all work to form a more perfect union.

I've traveled a lot as well. So what Countries are better? I think I'd be fascinated. :)

So if the basis of this society is Western European thought then that would mean its set up for people of Western European descent. Everywhere you turn white privilege is staring you in the face even though you appear reluctant to come out and just say it. Why are you so timid about it?

What countries are better? Thats a subjective question. You being white most likely would not like some of the countries I think are better.
Excuse? Dont make me laugh. Whites are the most violent race the earth has seen and its not even close. Command of the English language? Fuck the english language. I'm not english. I'm Black.

Do you come from the nation Black? Wait, there is no such nation? Then what the hell does your race have to do with what language you speak?

There is such a nation. You being unaware of its existence is your problem. BTW your sentiment is the very premise of white privilege. You assume any nation of note is chronicled by white people. :lol:

If the language I speak is one forced upon me and not one I chose as the language of my people it has a lot to do with it. What area in Africa originally spoke English?

So you are from the country of Black? Well, work to have that nation change its language if you don't like it.

If you are, instead, from the United States, English is the language of this country in the main. Spanish is certainly being spoken with increasing frequency of late, but English is still the main language of the country. If you don't want to speak it, don't. That will simply make things much harder for you, but there's no law preventing you from speaking whatever language you wish.

Everyone speaks a language 'forced' upon them. No one teaches themselves to speak in a vacuum. If you don't like the language you were taught, blame your parents. I think it's idiocy, but whatever floats your boat.
Let's do away with it altogether, then.

Let's have skills, knowledge and aptitude be the only criteria for hiring/admittance.

Everyone advances based solely on his skills, knowledge, aptitude and opposed to artificially advancing people based solely on gender, skin color or quota requirements.

That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Skills, knowledge aptitude and ability are all measurable and valid for pre employment assessment or scholastic advancement.

You assume that all white people are in conspiracy to perpetually hold negroes back and that is the ONLY reason for black dysfunction and failure. It's the key to your entire premise.
You're wrong.

But it's so much easier to blame others than accept responsibility for your own shortcomings and directly address the problem. "It's the mean white man's fault." :lol:

Bill Cosby basically said the same thing several years ago and got crucified for it.

The thought pattern you've identified is endemic in the black community. It starts in the cradle and is reinforced until the day they die. If you step outside of this orthodoxy like are called an Uncle Tom or worse. You are excommunicated from the black race by other blacks. The entire thing is tragic and sad....but I don't see it changing.
That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Skills, knowledge aptitude and ability are all measurable and valid for pre employment assessment or scholastic advancement.

You assume that all white people are in conspiracy to perpetually hold negroes back and that is the ONLY reason for black dysfunction and failure. It's the key to your entire premise.
You're wrong.
If you step outside of this orthodoxy like are called an Uncle Tom or worse. You are excommunicated from the black race by other blacks. The entire thing is tragic and sad....but I don't see it changing.

Not really. What do you know about the black community? When was the last time you had a real conversation...face to face with a group of black people. You would be absolutely surprised what blacks actually think. Your impression of blacks is what you see on the boob tube and is not reality. (My guess).
Let's do away with it altogether, then.

Let's have skills, knowledge and aptitude be the only criteria for hiring/admittance.

Everyone advances based solely on his skills, knowledge, aptitude and opposed to artificially advancing people based solely on gender, skin color or quota requirements.

That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Skills, knowledge aptitude and ability are all measurable and valid for pre employment assessment or scholastic advancement.

You assume that all white people are in conspiracy to perpetually hold negroes back and that is the ONLY reason for black dysfunction and failure. It's the key to your entire premise.
You're wrong.

Skills and knowledge are the only things that are measurable and are subject to opportunity. Aptitude is not.

Your erroneous assumption about what I assume is way off base. White privilege does not dictate everyone is in on a conspiracy. Are you stupid or something? Plenty of white people are simply clueless and the reason this thread has been created. Black people fail for the same reasons that white people fail. They just have more of a chance at failure due to white privilege.
I don't think that it's fair to say ALL white people have a "white privilege". I have seen many times where it was actually the other way around. I've seen many cases where a minority was let off the hook or promoted simply because of their skin color. Again, I won't say ALL, because that is not the case for everybody.
That would be a great idea once we agree on what constitutes these things. White people seem to think they can define them as what they want to in order to make sure it favors them. You seem to miss the concept of white privilege. You assume that white people know what is best. They dont.

Skills, knowledge aptitude and ability are all measurable and valid for pre employment assessment or scholastic advancement.

You assume that all white people are in conspiracy to perpetually hold negroes back and that is the ONLY reason for black dysfunction and failure. It's the key to your entire premise.
You're wrong.

But it's so much easier to blame others than accept responsibility for your own shortcomings and directly address the problem. "It's the mean white man's fault." :lol:

Bill Cosby basically said the same thing several years ago and got crucified for it.

The thought pattern you've identified is endemic in the black community. It starts in the cradle and is reinforced until the day they die. If you step outside of this orthodoxy like are called an Uncle Tom or worse. You are excommunicated from the black race by other blacks. The entire thing is tragic and sad....but I don't see it changing.

Racial envy and jealousy is you say...from the cradle.

They may not know another historical fact but they know about "slavery".

If this nation were to last a thousand years (it probably won't last another 10 years) negroes would STILL blame "slavery" and "racism" for any and all black failure/dysfunction.
It's the coin of the realm.
It is a classic self-fulfilling, fallback position as any lack of achievement by a non-white group can be immediately classed as 'white privilege'.

It is a classic self-fulfilling, fallback position of any lack of achievement by a male white group can be immediately be classed as "affirmative action". :D
You can't say that ALL white people have the "white privilege". In fact, I've seen many cases where it's the other way around. There have been many times where people have had the advantage because they are a minority. Again, I won't say that's true for everybody. Personally, skin color shouldn't even be important when being considered for a job, but unfortunately it sometimes is.
Skills, knowledge aptitude and ability are all measurable and valid for pre employment assessment or scholastic advancement.

You assume that all white people are in conspiracy to perpetually hold negroes back and that is the ONLY reason for black dysfunction and failure. It's the key to your entire premise.
You're wrong.
If you step outside of this orthodoxy like are called an Uncle Tom or worse. You are excommunicated from the black race by other blacks. The entire thing is tragic and sad....but I don't see it changing.

Not really. What do you know about the black community? When was the last time you had a real conversation...face to face with a group of black people. You would be absolutely surprised what blacks actually think. Your impression of blacks is what you see on the boob tube and is not reality. (My guess).

Fallacious argument that has null meaning. Americans, white and black are intimately familiar with the other. After all, we've lived together for over 400 years.

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