An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

No I'm not. Evaluating people "by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin," is precisely colorblind. How could it not be?

Your character is your character. Your color is your color. They are 2 different words for a reason. If you judge me by my character you dont use color in your evaluation stupid.

What does your color have to do with your character? I've known black racists like you and white racists like you. The color of peoples skin doesn't force them to be racists they do on their own.

Nothing which is my point.
Actually he didn't call for a color blind society. If you are going to attribute something to someone else at least get it right. If you don't see me as being black you cant appreciate what I bring to the table or understand me.

I evaluate people by the content of their character. I don't give a shit about your skin color.

It would take you years to evaluate someone by their character. Most people dont go around telling you what their character is like. Since color is the first thing you see, you are deluding yourself that you are color blind. Give me a break.

No, color is the first thing you see you racist puke. Project much?
Actually he didn't call for a color blind society. If you are going to attribute something to someone else at least get it right. If you don't see me as being black you cant appreciate what I bring to the table or understand me.

I evaluate people by the content of their character. I don't give a shit about your skin color.

It would take you years to evaluate someone by their character. Most people dont go around telling you what their character is like. Since color is the first thing you see, you are deluding yourself that you are color blind. Give me a break.

I am not obsessed by skin color like you. That is the basis of bigotry and racism. Have we learned nothing? I take each person on a case by case basis and try to form an opinion based on their behavior...what they say....and yes...their character.

That is all I can do. We all have biases, but generally I try to be fair and evaluate each person as exactly that....a person.
Your character is your character. Your color is your color. They are 2 different words for a reason. If you judge me by my character you dont use color in your evaluation stupid.

What does your color have to do with your character? I've known black racists like you and white racists like you. The color of peoples skin doesn't force them to be racists they do on their own.

Nothing which is my point.

Make up your mind. Or learn to use sarcasm a bit better, cause at this point all I see is some random internet guy playing the character of a black racist.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Live it, learn it. Find some character and stop hiding behind skin color.

Its amazing how you get out of that he wanted a colorblind society. He clearly states that when being judged do not use the color of his skin but by his deeds. Nowhere in there does it say to pretend he is colorless. You need to learn some reading comprehension skills.
What does your color have to do with your character? I've known black racists like you and white racists like you. The color of peoples skin doesn't force them to be racists they do on their own.

Nothing which is my point.

Make up your mind. Or learn to use sarcasm a bit better, cause at this point all I see is some random internet guy playing the character of a black racist.

My mind has never wavered. You appear to be confused on the issue.
Skills, knowledge aptitude and ability are all measurable and valid for pre employment assessment or scholastic advancement.

You assume that all white people are in conspiracy to perpetually hold negroes back and that is the ONLY reason for black dysfunction and failure. It's the key to your entire premise.
You're wrong.
If you step outside of this orthodoxy like are called an Uncle Tom or worse. You are excommunicated from the black race by other blacks. The entire thing is tragic and sad....but I don't see it changing.

Not really. What do you know about the black community? When was the last time you had a real conversation...face to face with a group of black people. You would be absolutely surprised what blacks actually think. Your impression of blacks is what you see on the boob tube and is not reality. (My guess).

While I'd agree that any impression of blacks as a whole based on a very limited amount of data, especially from entertainment, is likely false or at least misleading, I often wonder about the whole concept of a black community. It implies a sameness of thought, as well as a distancing from other races, that I think is more harmful than helpful.

I feel the same about any group of people looking for equality and/or inclusion. The gay community comes to mind. It's a terminology and idea that points out differences, which to me is the exact opposite of the way to try and get rid of people's bigotry.

I also wonder if those from other countries who live in the US feel parts of their respective 'communities'. My father's wife, who is black but originally from Jamaica, seems to have different feelings about race and race relations than US born and raised blacks.
I evaluate people by the content of their character. I don't give a shit about your skin color.

It would take you years to evaluate someone by their character. Most people dont go around telling you what their character is like. Since color is the first thing you see, you are deluding yourself that you are color blind. Give me a break.

No, color is the first thing you see you racist puke. Project much?

Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Live it, learn it. Find some character and stop hiding behind skin color.

Its amazing how you get out of that he wanted a colorblind society. He clearly states that when being judged do not use the color of his skin but by his deeds. Nowhere in there does it say to pretend he is colorless. You need to learn some reading comprehension skills.

Where did "I" say he wanted a colorblind society? You are attributing something someone else said to me. I don't think he meant colorblind at all. I see the difference between embracing color, such as the beautiful color of my mixed nieces who I will defend to the death and attributing their color or my own color to some inferior or superior aspect of character. I judge folks by what they say and do, not by their color or even how they dress. I learned a long time ago to overlook appearance bias when judging character.
It would take you years to evaluate someone by their character. Most people dont go around telling you what their character is like. Since color is the first thing you see, you are deluding yourself that you are color blind. Give me a break.

No, color is the first thing you see you racist puke. Project much?

Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

That is regrettable.
If you step outside of this orthodoxy like are called an Uncle Tom or worse. You are excommunicated from the black race by other blacks. The entire thing is tragic and sad....but I don't see it changing.

Not really. What do you know about the black community? When was the last time you had a real conversation...face to face with a group of black people. You would be absolutely surprised what blacks actually think. Your impression of blacks is what you see on the boob tube and is not reality. (My guess).

While I'd agree that any impression of blacks as a whole based on a very limited amount of data, especially from entertainment, is likely false or at least misleading, I often wonder about the whole concept of a black community. It implies a sameness of thought, as well as a distancing from other races, that I think is more harmful than helpful.

I feel the same about any group of people looking for equality and/or inclusion. The gay community comes to mind. It's a terminology and idea that points out differences, which to me is the exact opposite of the way to try and get rid of people's bigotry.

I also wonder if those from other countries who live in the US feel parts of their respective 'communities'. My father's wife, who is black but originally from Jamaica, seems to have different feelings about race and race relations than US born and raised blacks.

Despite what many people believe, there is a diversity of opinion in the black community. Seemingly, some whites can't separate the ghetto from a black neighborhood...there is a huge difference!
It would take you years to evaluate someone by their character. Most people dont go around telling you what their character is like. Since color is the first thing you see, you are deluding yourself that you are color blind. Give me a break.

No, color is the first thing you see you racist puke. Project much?

Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

There are two ways to look at the phrase, color is the first thing you see... one is bad, the other is not. You were referring to the phrase in the wrong way as if one should initially judge by color alone, vs. my belief that one should not initially judge by color alone. If you meant the latter, my apologies. Internet message boards are not as good as in person discussions.

As for me, I can get an initial impression from someone with a very short conversation. Body language, facial expressions, intonations, terms used, all have significant meaning.

Color and/or richness of their attire and/or even whether they are good looking, or tall, or etc. do not enter into the equation of their character. Though I do recognize that a great many people judge by looks then back that judgement up with biased listening. Me... no I don't do that. Just to add... I don't do that any more. I did when I was young... I learned the errors of my youth.
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No, color is the first thing you see you racist puke. Project much?

Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

That is regrettable.

Thats real. Its only regrettable if you judge people for it. When I see a Mexican honey I dont delude myself into thinking she has nothing to do with being mexican. Same with any other person. I think all the different colors should be appreciated.
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No, color is the first thing you see you racist puke. Project much?

Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

There are two ways to look at the phrase, color is the first thing you see... one is bad, the other is not. You were referring to the phrase in the wrong way as if one should initially judge by color alone. Vs. my belief that one should not initially judge by color alone.

As for me, I can get an initial impression from someone with a very short conversation. Body language, facial expressions, intonations, terms used, all have significant meaning.

Color and/or richness of their attire and/or even whether they are good looking, or tall, or etc. do not enter into the equation of their character. Though I do recognize that a great many people judge by looks then back that judgement up with biased listening. Me... no I don't do that.

And this is a great attitude and what MLK was speaking about...and more. This is how I approach people...even if they are German or canadian.
Not really. What do you know about the black community? When was the last time you had a real conversation...face to face with a group of black people. You would be absolutely surprised what blacks actually think. Your impression of blacks is what you see on the boob tube and is not reality. (My guess).

While I'd agree that any impression of blacks as a whole based on a very limited amount of data, especially from entertainment, is likely false or at least misleading, I often wonder about the whole concept of a black community. It implies a sameness of thought, as well as a distancing from other races, that I think is more harmful than helpful.

I feel the same about any group of people looking for equality and/or inclusion. The gay community comes to mind. It's a terminology and idea that points out differences, which to me is the exact opposite of the way to try and get rid of people's bigotry.

I also wonder if those from other countries who live in the US feel parts of their respective 'communities'. My father's wife, who is black but originally from Jamaica, seems to have different feelings about race and race relations than US born and raised blacks.

Despite what many people believe, there is a diversity of opinion in the black community. Seemingly, some whites can't separate the ghetto from a black neighborhood...there is a huge difference!

Very true.. same with rich neighborhoods, just cause some folks live in a nice neighborhood does not make them nice.
Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

That is regrettable.

Thats real. Its only regrettable if you judge people for it. When I see a Mexican honey I delude myself into thinking she has nothing to do with being mexican. Same with any other person. I think all the different colors should be appreciated.

I can appreciate that, but I am not speaking about seeing color as a descriptive base. I am talking about seeing color as a defining attribute. There is a huge difference but also a very small difference.
Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

There are two ways to look at the phrase, color is the first thing you see... one is bad, the other is not. You were referring to the phrase in the wrong way as if one should initially judge by color alone. Vs. my belief that one should not initially judge by color alone.

As for me, I can get an initial impression from someone with a very short conversation. Body language, facial expressions, intonations, terms used, all have significant meaning.

Color and/or richness of their attire and/or even whether they are good looking, or tall, or etc. do not enter into the equation of their character. Though I do recognize that a great many people judge by looks then back that judgement up with biased listening. Me... no I don't do that.

And this is a great attitude and what MLK was speaking about...and more. This is how I approach people...even if they are German or canadian.

Yes, one element of the judging thing is to know what traits are common to various cultures. For example, germans tend to sound and act more abrupt and formal than say your typical southern boy. Thus when conversing with a german that understanding may help you in understanding the german's tone. For example, he might not be being abrupt just to you, his abruptness may be a factor of his culture. Same with texans, when they say ya'll just don't understand that everything is better here texas they don't mean it as an insult.
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That is regrettable.

Thats real. Its only regrettable if you judge people for it. When I see a Mexican honey I delude myself into thinking she has nothing to do with being mexican. Same with any other person. I think all the different colors should be appreciated.

I can appreciate that, but I am not speaking about seeing color as a descriptive base. I am talking about seeing color as a defining attribute. There is a huge difference but also a very small difference.

Yeah and I don't think color is a defining attribute at all. Though I do recognize that quite a large percentage of people do. So it's not without some level of understanding that I get Asclepias' point. I just don't agree with the idea. I've known way to many black folk that are no different than me and way to many white folk who are completely different than me to think color is a defining attribute of character.

It's sort of like jokes about blonds... they start out as jokes then some people start believing them... sometimes even the people that are victims of the "joke" start believing it.
Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

There are two ways to look at the phrase, color is the first thing you see... one is bad, the other is not. You were referring to the phrase in the wrong way as if one should initially judge by color alone. Vs. my belief that one should not initially judge by color alone.

As for me, I can get an initial impression from someone with a very short conversation. Body language, facial expressions, intonations, terms used, all have significant meaning.

Color and/or richness of their attire and/or even whether they are good looking, or tall, or etc. do not enter into the equation of their character. Though I do recognize that a great many people judge by looks then back that judgement up with biased listening. Me... no I don't do that.

And this is a great attitude and what MLK was speaking about...and more. This is how I approach people...even if they are German or canadian.

Nutz, I have had a number of interactions with you. In my opinion, you are a good guy. I agree with your view as expressed above as well as RKBrown. That is what as a society we should be working towards.
No, color is the first thing you see you racist puke. Project much?

Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

That is regrettable.

No, that's normal. That is the laws of physics. When you turn your eye balls onto another person, the color of their skin, is the predominate factor in what your eyes convert into a mental image, your brain receives.

To say that's regrettable, is as dumb as saying the first thing a baby does out of the womb is breath oxygen, and that's regrettable.

Anyone..... as in ANYONE... who suggests that they don't notice skin color when they meet a new person for the first time... is either a liar, or idiot.

Noticing the color of someone's skin is neither automatically good, or automatically bad. It's normal.

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