An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

You can and do put together grammatically correct sentences. You express yourself in proper English. Though I usually disagree, you base your arguments on a foundation of logic.

Sorry dude, you're out of luck...

:lmao: that was funny.
You missed the point. Noticing is obvious. Prejudging based on noticing is the problem. That is a major difference.

Everyone prejudges. You prejudged me, in this very post, and you haven't even met me.

Everyone prejudges. Anyone who says they don't prejudge, is a liar, or self deluded.

If a white guy meets a white guy with a cowboy hat, they instantly judge. If he has piercings and tattoos, they prejudge.
If they have a "my son is a xxxx school student!" bumper sticker, they prejudge.

Let me make this even more clear. *YOU* prejudge everyone you meet. So does the guy who created this thread, and everyone who responded to it.... and everyone who didn't.

Everyone.... prejudges. It's a fact of human nature.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's simply a fact. And it will never change. Never. There has never been in the last 6000 years of known human history, a civilization or people group of any kinds, that didn't prejudge.

This is true, however prejudging on the base of race is different from prejudging on say what shoes I am wearing. I can change my shoes but cannot change my race.

Completely true, and completely irrelevant.

People prejudge based on how you look. All of them do. Again, I didn't say it was right or wrong. It's a fact.
Everyone prejudges. You prejudged me, in this very post, and you haven't even met me.

Everyone prejudges. Anyone who says they don't prejudge, is a liar, or self deluded.

If a white guy meets a white guy with a cowboy hat, they instantly judge. If he has piercings and tattoos, they prejudge.
If they have a "my son is a xxxx school student!" bumper sticker, they prejudge.

Let me make this even more clear. *YOU* prejudge everyone you meet. So does the guy who created this thread, and everyone who responded to it.... and everyone who didn't.

Everyone.... prejudges. It's a fact of human nature.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's simply a fact. And it will never change. Never. There has never been in the last 6000 years of known human history, a civilization or people group of any kinds, that didn't prejudge.

This is true, however prejudging on the base of race is different from prejudging on say what shoes I am wearing. I can change my shoes but cannot change my race.

Completely true, and completely irrelevant.

People prejudge based on how you look. All of them do. Again, I didn't say it was right or wrong. It's a fact.

Thankfully, not everyone is that petty. You are probably missing out on some pretty interesting people if you judge everyone you encounter.
This is true, however prejudging on the base of race is different from prejudging on say what shoes I am wearing. I can change my shoes but cannot change my race.

Completely true, and completely irrelevant.

People prejudge based on how you look. All of them do. Again, I didn't say it was right or wrong. It's a fact.

Thankfully, not everyone is that petty. You are probably missing out on some pretty interesting people if you judge everyone you encounter.

No, you are wrong. Everyone prejudges based on looks. You wrong. Everyone is the same. Everyone does this. "not everyone is petty" false. They all are.
Completely true, and completely irrelevant.

People prejudge based on how you look. All of them do. Again, I didn't say it was right or wrong. It's a fact.

Thankfully, not everyone is that petty. You are probably missing out on some pretty interesting people if you judge everyone you encounter.

No, you are wrong. Everyone prejudges based on looks. You wrong. Everyone is the same. Everyone does this. "not everyone is petty" false. They all are.

I don't...many others in this very thread say they don't. Sorry, you can't tell me how I look at people just so you can feel like you are right. What nonsense.
Thankfully, not everyone is that petty. You are probably missing out on some pretty interesting people if you judge everyone you encounter.

No, you are wrong. Everyone prejudges based on looks. You wrong. Everyone is the same. Everyone does this. "not everyone is petty" false. They all are.

I don't...many others in this very thread say they don't. Sorry, you can't tell me how I look at people just so you can feel like you are right. What nonsense.

I think what he is saying is that everyone does it initially. You may be able to correct it after it happens but it is a instinct to categorize people. Our species would not have survived without it. The person unable to recognize danger and categorize it for later reference did not live to pass on their genes. Thats how our minds work.
And blacks have affirmitive action...

Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

That favors white women and ultimately white men since they are by and large married to the white women.
Thankfully, not everyone is that petty. You are probably missing out on some pretty interesting people if you judge everyone you encounter.

No, you are wrong. Everyone prejudges based on looks. You wrong. Everyone is the same. Everyone does this. "not everyone is petty" false. They all are.

I don't...many others in this very thread say they don't. Sorry, you can't tell me how I look at people just so you can feel like you are right. What nonsense.

I can say I'm the incarnation of Elvis too. Doesn't mean that's what I am.

You can say you don't all you want... you are wrong. I promise you, you are wrong. And all those who say they don't, they are all wrong too.

If you want to to deny it, that's fine, but you just don't know yourself.
I've tried to fight internal prejudice my whole life. As much as I've improved, I am now wise enough about myself, and others, to know that it's not possible to never judge based on looks. Simply not possible.

The only difference between me and you is, you deny what is true, and I don't. I realize my own limitations as a human being, and you pretend you have no limitations. You want to believe that if you just will yourself to have no prejudice, then you won't.

Well, that's a nice theory, but I have never met a human being yet, of any race, culture, nation, or religious creed, who didn't. Not one. Plenty who say they didn't, but later turned out they did.

You want to claim to be that one human on the planet that doesn't have any prejudice, that's fine. But I know better. Hopefully, for your own benefit, someday you will too.
left-wing nutjobs and Black bigots love it when they can trot out lame self-hating liberal white losers to use as dupes
And blacks have affirmitive action...

Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

I have been in large corporations and have seen those hiring and promotion decision go to anyone else but a minority. There is no way to prove it to anyone (and I don't expect anyone to take my word for it as I don't believe many who claim to be a victim of AA), but I have been passed over on a few occasions...despite being more qualified, more experienced and a better worker. I actually gave up a career over it.

If anything, AA benefits women more than anything.

I need a new job...if anyone can show me where I can take advantage of this AA, please let me know.

The last interview I had was in a hotel for a regional sales position. There were 4 people and myself in the lobby...I was the only one waiting for the interview. The interviewer came to the lobby, went to a white man dressed in a suit first and asked if he were me. The guy said no. I stood up, well dressed in a brand new suit, and the interviewer went straight to another white man dressed in jeans and asked if he were me. I remained standing and stepped towards him as he went to a white woman (yes a woman!) and asked her if she were me. He looked around...looked directly at me. I thought for sure he was going to address me next, but he walked right past me to the front desk. I stopped him on the way back and told him he was looking for me...his look said it all. I guess that was AA at its best.
And blacks have affirmitive action...

Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

Oh my goodness yes. I have worked at several places where being a minority gained you a free pass. Several.

There was a place called Sarcom, that I worked for back in the 90s, as a computer technician. There was a guy there that showed up late every day, barely knew what he was doing, and didn't try to figure out, and left early. Everyone knew why he was there, including him. He was the token minority black guy, and his job was absolutely secure.

When he quit, mysteriously another token guy showed up, but thank Heaven above, he was a great guy who tried his best, and worked as hard as the rest of us. But that first guy... there was only one reason he was on the pay roll, and it was pigment. And he reveled in it. He never worked a full day his entire time there, and had no problem rubbing it in everyone's face.

Ironically we had an Asian, and a Mexican who worked there as well, and they worked circles around him. He didn't care. He was safe. Asians always outperform the other races in America, which puts the whole 'racism' crap in the trash can. And those who say Mexicans don't work are full of crap too. Mexicans might not have the education to work in some cases, but those that do, work their butts off.

If every single black person in America worked as hard as the average Mexican, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I can think of several other examples, and additionally, I worked at a place that only had 2 white guys (including myself) in the whole company, and I found out that I was the lowest paid person on in the entire company. People in shipping were earning a higher pay than me. Oddly, it never occurred to me to start a thread on discrimination, or complaining, or starting a political movement. I simply found another job.
No, you are wrong. Everyone prejudges based on looks. You wrong. Everyone is the same. Everyone does this. "not everyone is petty" false. They all are.

I don't...many others in this very thread say they don't. Sorry, you can't tell me how I look at people just so you can feel like you are right. What nonsense.

I can say I'm the incarnation of Elvis too. Doesn't mean that's what I am.

You can say you don't all you want... you are wrong. I promise you, you are wrong. And all those who say they don't, they are all wrong too.

If you want to to deny it, that's fine, but you just don't know yourself.
I've tried to fight internal prejudice my whole life. As much as I've improved, I am now wise enough about myself, and others, to know that it's not possible to never judge based on looks. Simply not possible.

The only difference between me and you is, you deny what is true, and I don't. I realize my own limitations as a human being, and you pretend you have no limitations. You want to believe that if you just will yourself to have no prejudice, then you won't.

Well, that's a nice theory, but I have never met a human being yet, of any race, culture, nation, or religious creed, who didn't. Not one. Plenty who say they didn't, but later turned out they did.

You want to claim to be that one human on the planet that doesn't have any prejudice, that's fine. But I know better. Hopefully, for your own benefit, someday you will too.

I'm sorry, I don't prejudge people. It is a waste of time because you never know who or what is facing you.
Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

Oh my goodness yes. I have worked at several places where being a minority gained you a free pass. Several.

There was a place called Sarcom, that I worked for back in the 90s, as a computer technician. There was a guy there that showed up late every day, barely knew what he was doing, and didn't try to figure out, and left early. Everyone knew why he was there, including him. He was the token minority black guy, and his job was absolutely secure.

When he quit, mysteriously another token guy showed up, but thank Heaven above, he was a great guy who tried his best, and worked as hard as the rest of us. But that first guy... there was only one reason he was on the pay roll, and it was pigment. And he reveled in it. He never worked a full day his entire time there, and had no problem rubbing it in everyone's face.

Ironically we had an Asian, and a Mexican who worked there as well, and they worked circles around him. He didn't care. He was safe. Asians always outperform the other races in America, which puts the whole 'racism' crap in the trash can. And those who say Mexicans don't work are full of crap too. Mexicans might not have the education to work in some cases, but those that do, work their butts off.

If every single black person in America worked as hard as the average Mexican, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I can think of several other examples, and additionally, I worked at a place that only had 2 white guys (including myself) in the whole company, and I found out that I was the lowest paid person on in the entire company. People in shipping were earning a higher pay than me. Oddly, it never occurred to me to start a thread on discrimination, or complaining, or starting a political movement. I simply found another job.
It seems as if you think your experiences are the same for everyone and are universal. I suppose the sun revolves around you and only you too!

I guess if all whites worked as hard as the average Mexican, we wouldn't be having this discussion!
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Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

Oh my goodness yes. I have worked at several places where being a minority gained you a free pass. Several.

There was a place called Sarcom, that I worked for back in the 90s, as a computer technician. There was a guy there that showed up late every day, barely knew what he was doing, and didn't try to figure out, and left early. Everyone knew why he was there, including him. He was the token minority black guy, and his job was absolutely secure.

When he quit, mysteriously another token guy showed up, but thank Heaven above, he was a great guy who tried his best, and worked as hard as the rest of us. But that first guy... there was only one reason he was on the pay roll, and it was pigment. And he reveled in it. He never worked a full day his entire time there, and had no problem rubbing it in everyone's face.

Ironically we had an Asian, and a Mexican who worked there as well, and they worked circles around him. He didn't care. He was safe. Asians always outperform the other races in America, which puts the whole 'racism' crap in the trash can. And those who say Mexicans don't work are full of crap too. Mexicans might not have the education to work in some cases, but those that do, work their butts off.

If every single black person in America worked as hard as the average Mexican, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I can think of several other examples, and additionally, I worked at a place that only had 2 white guys (including myself) in the whole company, and I found out that I was the lowest paid person on in the entire company. People in shipping were earning a higher pay than me. Oddly, it never occurred to me to start a thread on discrimination, or complaining, or starting a political movement. I simply found another job.

I worked at a place as a network engineer and there was a white guy that did the exact same thing. Why he was allowed to continue working there was simply white privilege. He was always screwing things up and actually ended up getting me promoted because I usually fixed his mess ups. If all white guys worked as hard as Blacks do then we wouldnt be having this discussion because white privilege would not be needed.
I don't...many others in this very thread say they don't. Sorry, you can't tell me how I look at people just so you can feel like you are right. What nonsense.

I can say I'm the incarnation of Elvis too. Doesn't mean that's what I am.

You can say you don't all you want... you are wrong. I promise you, you are wrong. And all those who say they don't, they are all wrong too.

If you want to to deny it, that's fine, but you just don't know yourself.
I've tried to fight internal prejudice my whole life. As much as I've improved, I am now wise enough about myself, and others, to know that it's not possible to never judge based on looks. Simply not possible.

The only difference between me and you is, you deny what is true, and I don't. I realize my own limitations as a human being, and you pretend you have no limitations. You want to believe that if you just will yourself to have no prejudice, then you won't.

Well, that's a nice theory, but I have never met a human being yet, of any race, culture, nation, or religious creed, who didn't. Not one. Plenty who say they didn't, but later turned out they did.

You want to claim to be that one human on the planet that doesn't have any prejudice, that's fine. But I know better. Hopefully, for your own benefit, someday you will too.

I'm sorry, I don't prejudge people. It is a waste of time because you never know who or what is facing you.

Well, you do. You just don't know it yet. Hopefully you'll know yourself better in the future.
I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

Oh my goodness yes. I have worked at several places where being a minority gained you a free pass. Several.

There was a place called Sarcom, that I worked for back in the 90s, as a computer technician. There was a guy there that showed up late every day, barely knew what he was doing, and didn't try to figure out, and left early. Everyone knew why he was there, including him. He was the token minority black guy, and his job was absolutely secure.

When he quit, mysteriously another token guy showed up, but thank Heaven above, he was a great guy who tried his best, and worked as hard as the rest of us. But that first guy... there was only one reason he was on the pay roll, and it was pigment. And he reveled in it. He never worked a full day his entire time there, and had no problem rubbing it in everyone's face.

Ironically we had an Asian, and a Mexican who worked there as well, and they worked circles around him. He didn't care. He was safe. Asians always outperform the other races in America, which puts the whole 'racism' crap in the trash can. And those who say Mexicans don't work are full of crap too. Mexicans might not have the education to work in some cases, but those that do, work their butts off.

If every single black person in America worked as hard as the average Mexican, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I can think of several other examples, and additionally, I worked at a place that only had 2 white guys (including myself) in the whole company, and I found out that I was the lowest paid person on in the entire company. People in shipping were earning a higher pay than me. Oddly, it never occurred to me to start a thread on discrimination, or complaining, or starting a political movement. I simply found another job.

I worked at a place as a network engineer and there was a white guy that did the exact same thing. Why he was allowed to continue working there was simply white privilege. He was always screwing things up and actually ended up getting me promoted because I usually fixed his mess ups. If all white guys worked as hard as Blacks do then we wouldnt be having this discussion because white privilege would not be needed.

sorry loser; but if all Black people worked as hard as whites blacks wouldn't be on welfare proportionally much more and Obama wouldn't be a failure

ur a joke
I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

Oh my goodness yes. I have worked at several places where being a minority gained you a free pass. Several.

There was a place called Sarcom, that I worked for back in the 90s, as a computer technician. There was a guy there that showed up late every day, barely knew what he was doing, and didn't try to figure out, and left early. Everyone knew why he was there, including him. He was the token minority black guy, and his job was absolutely secure.

When he quit, mysteriously another token guy showed up, but thank Heaven above, he was a great guy who tried his best, and worked as hard as the rest of us. But that first guy... there was only one reason he was on the pay roll, and it was pigment. And he reveled in it. He never worked a full day his entire time there, and had no problem rubbing it in everyone's face.

Ironically we had an Asian, and a Mexican who worked there as well, and they worked circles around him. He didn't care. He was safe. Asians always outperform the other races in America, which puts the whole 'racism' crap in the trash can. And those who say Mexicans don't work are full of crap too. Mexicans might not have the education to work in some cases, but those that do, work their butts off.

If every single black person in America worked as hard as the average Mexican, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I can think of several other examples, and additionally, I worked at a place that only had 2 white guys (including myself) in the whole company, and I found out that I was the lowest paid person on in the entire company. People in shipping were earning a higher pay than me. Oddly, it never occurred to me to start a thread on discrimination, or complaining, or starting a political movement. I simply found another job.

I worked at a place as a network engineer and there was a white guy that did the exact same thing. Why he was allowed to continue working there was simply white privilege. He was always screwing things up and actually ended up getting me promoted because I usually fixed his mess ups. If all white guys worked as hard as Blacks do then we wouldnt be having this discussion because white privilege would not be needed.

Um... you just said you got yourself promoted, by fixing his mistakes. Apparently he didn't have the white privilege?

And actually I know of exactly those examples too. I know just a couple of engineers who screwed everything up, and minority engineers were promoted over them, and they were eventually fired.

Doesn't that also disprove the myth of white privilege?
I can say I'm the incarnation of Elvis too. Doesn't mean that's what I am.

You can say you don't all you want... you are wrong. I promise you, you are wrong. And all those who say they don't, they are all wrong too.

If you want to to deny it, that's fine, but you just don't know yourself.
I've tried to fight internal prejudice my whole life. As much as I've improved, I am now wise enough about myself, and others, to know that it's not possible to never judge based on looks. Simply not possible.

The only difference between me and you is, you deny what is true, and I don't. I realize my own limitations as a human being, and you pretend you have no limitations. You want to believe that if you just will yourself to have no prejudice, then you won't.

Well, that's a nice theory, but I have never met a human being yet, of any race, culture, nation, or religious creed, who didn't. Not one. Plenty who say they didn't, but later turned out they did.

You want to claim to be that one human on the planet that doesn't have any prejudice, that's fine. But I know better. Hopefully, for your own benefit, someday you will too.

I'm sorry, I don't prejudge people. It is a waste of time because you never know who or what is facing you.

Well, you do. You just don't know it yet. Hopefully you'll know yourself better in the future.
Well I didn't judge you as being an idiot until right now! Hopefully you will realize that in the future.
Now you see who is dividing US and tearing this country apart

And it's not the RIGHT wing
What's the division?

How is stating the fact that white privilege is real dividing anything or anyone?

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