An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Most white people simply cannot acknowledge white privilege because it would damage their ego or they cannot comprehend it. There is one white guy on this board that does acknowledge it because he believes it is rightly a privilege due to white people since he believes whites are superior. Its got to be embarrassing for those who cant or wont admit it.

More excuses from a group of people with the highest percentages of violence, single motherhood, population on welfare, high school dropouts and the most pathetic command of the English language. Insanely pathetic.

That is incorrect.

Whites are the majority demographic, so they are more represented in every category....good and bad...but your error is in saying that whites have the highest percentages of violence, single motherhood, members on welfare, dropout rates, etc...

Percentage is the key indicator, however, and blacks lead, by far, in every category you just listed...I won't even go into crime rates. No need to.

I didn't say that.
I don't think that it's fair to say ALL white people have a "white privilege". I have seen many times where it was actually the other way around. I've seen many cases where a minority was let off the hook or promoted simply because of their skin color. Again, I won't say ALL, because that is not the case for everybody.

The only reason Obama was elected was the color of the sperm donor....the best proof of what you just said.
More excuses from a group of people with the highest percentages of violence, single motherhood, population on welfare, high school dropouts and the most pathetic command of the English language. Insanely pathetic.

That is incorrect.

Whites are the majority demographic, so they are more represented in every category....good and bad...but your error is in saying that whites have the highest percentages of violence, single motherhood, members on welfare, dropout rates, etc...

Percentage is the key indicator, however, and blacks lead, by far, in every category you just listed...I won't even go into crime rates. No need to.

I didn't say that.

I must have misunderstood.
Excuse my error.
white people better start standing up to this slander and bigotry being spread about you

We have bent over backwards to try and make things better for those who feels they are victims, affirmative action for one...yet we still get dumped on

EVERY color and race in this country in this day and age has the same privilege to make their lives what they want of it...If they are failing at it, that is ON THEM...this BS of white privilege is just is being used to stir up the races in this country

better wake up
Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.

That favors white women and ultimately white men since they are by and large married to the white women.

LOL there ya go all I have to do is find me some black or hispanic woman to marry then I can use them neutralize the bigotry against white men!
It's coming.
A day of reckoning approaches.

sounds like a threat?
You seem thrilled to want to see our country torn apart and blood spilled..

say what?

I'm observing reality.
History may not "repeat itself", but it always "rhymes".

Every nation/empire/government in history was born in blood and revolution and they all die in blood and revolution....eventually. Some sooner than others.
No form of government is eternal.

"Destruction" to one might be "reconstruction" to another.

As far as being "thrilled" to "see our country torn apart..." I'll defer to better minds than mine...or yours.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

That was the main premise for the revolutionary war...You ARE in favor of that one, right?
Thats one of weakest excuses in the book. Your one off story of woe does not explain the economic disparity between the races. Dont blame you and your ancestors lack of effort on you missing out on a scholarship and claiming it was because it went to a minority or a woman. Stop whining. Just admit your ancestors did not work hard enough when they were able to take advantage of white AA and make something of themselves like a lot of whites did. When your race in general is denied the ability to succeed due to slavery and jim crow come talk to me.
That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So actual results don't matter, its the concept that somehow a wrong from 150 years ago (and continued in a way until about 50 years ago) that is the overriding factor. That my actual suffering at the hands of discrimination (just not the right type) is to be ignored, yet your perception of being unable to cope with something that you never experienced is somehow reason enough why whites will always be somehow advantaged?

The only enslavement here is your mentality of despair and excuses. My ancestors only got here from 1880 or so (one of them) to the 1920's. They had zero to do with slavery and keeping the black man down. So kindly go fuck yourself and your self-loathing concepts.
So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?
These two guys get it...

Particularly the guest, who helped the host, David Pakman, to articulate the situation more effectively.

To those who wish to respond, please watch the video first, it's about 8 minutes and change long.

Oh well I'm convinced.

I hate white people too, now....
See? That's the problem with you people. You ASS-UME that it's a call to hate. Where does that come from, is it stemming from guilt or entitlement...which one?
It's coming.
A day of reckoning approaches.

Meaning what, exactly?

The inevitable collapse of this experimental republic.

It worked ok for a while but has been completely corrupted.

The day the constitution was signed, some slick lawyer was studying it for loopholes and ways to use semantic distortions to twist and warp it.
Now after 230 years of distortion and manipulation, the document is worthless and the govt is completely dysfunctional, becoming severely oppressive, the people are more polarized and splintered than "united".

A re set is coming. The status quo is unsustainable.
No big deal. It happens all the time all over the world.
Thats one of weakest excuses in the book. Your one off story of woe does not explain the economic disparity between the races. Dont blame you and your ancestors lack of effort on you missing out on a scholarship and claiming it was because it went to a minority or a woman. Stop whining. Just admit your ancestors did not work hard enough when they were able to take advantage of white AA and make something of themselves like a lot of whites did. When your race in general is denied the ability to succeed due to slavery and jim crow come talk to me.
That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So actual results don't matter, its the concept that somehow a wrong from 150 years ago (and continued in a way until about 50 years ago) that is the overriding factor. That my actual suffering at the hands of discrimination (just not the right type) is to be ignored, yet your perception of being unable to cope with something that you never experienced is somehow reason enough why whites will always be somehow advantaged?

The only enslavement here is your mentality of despair and excuses. My ancestors only got here from 1880 or so (one of them) to the 1920's. They had zero to do with slavery and keeping the black man down. So kindly go fuck yourself and your self-loathing concepts.
So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?

White slavery:
When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

I'm part Irish, my ancestors were slaves. Where's my AA?
Thats one of weakest excuses in the book. Your one off story of woe does not explain the economic disparity between the races. Dont blame you and your ancestors lack of effort on you missing out on a scholarship and claiming it was because it went to a minority or a woman. Stop whining. Just admit your ancestors did not work hard enough when they were able to take advantage of white AA and make something of themselves like a lot of whites did. When your race in general is denied the ability to succeed due to slavery and jim crow come talk to me.
That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So actual results don't matter, its the concept that somehow a wrong from 150 years ago (and continued in a way until about 50 years ago) that is the overriding factor. That my actual suffering at the hands of discrimination (just not the right type) is to be ignored, yet your perception of being unable to cope with something that you never experienced is somehow reason enough why whites will always be somehow advantaged?

The only enslavement here is your mentality of despair and excuses. My ancestors only got here from 1880 or so (one of them) to the 1920's. They had zero to do with slavery and keeping the black man down. So kindly go fuck yourself and your self-loathing concepts.
So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?

White slavery:
When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

I'm part Irish, my ancestors were slaves. Where's my AA?


I thought your debate skills were better than this.
That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?

White slavery:
When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

I'm part Irish, my ancestors were slaves. Where's my AA?


I thought your debate skills were better than this.
What debate? I'm a part of the irish minority, my ancestors were treated unfairly. I want my AA. Why should I not be able to benefit from the harms done to my Irish ancestors? If those harms had not been done my irish ancestors would be rich like the whiter than white community of non irish whites.
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It's coming.
A day of reckoning approaches.

Meaning what, exactly?

Well I'll give you my take. In every instance throughout history, where one group uses the power of government to oppress another group, instead of simply allowing freedom of voluntary exchange...... something explodes.

Eventually this results in blood shed. People don't like being forced into things they don't wish to be a part of.

You don't see Asians coming to American and demanding government preference. And 'shockingly', you don't see whites or other groups complaining about it, EVEN THOUGH, Asians routinely earn higher, and have a better standard of living than Whites.

As long as one group believes it's their prerogative to use the power of government to enforce their views on others, it will breed hatred and discontent.

I always look at Brazil when I think about this topic, because the vast majority of Brazilians refuse to identify themselves as any particular race, but rather, as Brazilians. Not white brazilians, or black brazilians, or Asian brazilians, or native Brazilians..... just Brazilians.

And consequently Brazil has very very few, any any real race based laws. Practically none, that I can find. And equally there is very very little race based prejudice. The BBC did a documentary on it, not too long ago. It's a highly integrated society.

Not equal. Equal implies the everyone earns the same. They don't. Every lives the same. They don't. Everyone has the same standard of living. They don't.

But there is no hatred, and all races work together, do business together, go to the beach together, enjoy the same festivals together.

There is none of this "I'm a African American." Or "I'm a Jewish American", or "I'm an Asian American".

None of what we see all over America, where minorities are going to the government, to demand that others give them special treatment, and in order to get that, they have to hyphenate their origins.

Ironically, from what I've read, in just the last recent years, a group of politicians has started pushing to change that, with race based policies, starting with racial preferences for minorities in education.

At the exact same time, majority groups have sprung up, to fight these discriminatory laws, and already the hate is starting. No doubt in a decade or less, Brazil will go through it's own 1960s, with race riots, murders and blood shed, all based on race, if they continue down the same path we went.

Like I said.... throughout all the history that I have read about, every time that any group uses the power of government, to enforce it's view on the population, it breeds hatred and blood shed.

Brazil was one of the last American countries to eliminate slavery, and yet the races have lived together, grown together, and advanced together as the leading economy in all of South America, in peace.

Why? Because no one tried to use government to force their views on others. Mainly because of a brutal military dictatorship. Now that democracy is in control, people are starting to try and use that power, and the result will be to ruin decades of peaceful growth between all the people of Brazil.


I thought your debate skills were better than this.
What debate? I'm a part of the irish minority, my ancestors were treated unfairly. I want my AA. Why should I not be able to benefit from the harms done to my Irish ancestors? If those harms had not been done my irish ancestors would be rich like the whiter than white community of non irish whites.
Perhaps you should move to North Africa and ask for reparations.

I thought your debate skills were better than this.
What debate? I'm a part of the irish minority, my ancestors were treated unfairly. I want my AA. Why should I not be able to benefit from the harms done to my Irish ancestors? If those harms had not been done my irish ancestors would be rich like the whiter than white community of non irish whites.
Perhaps you should move to North Africa and ask for reparations.

Why should I, I thought I was talking to "African Americans" no? Are you saying all slave owners in America were American and none were from North Africa?

Or, maybe we should get a better accounting of who did what and fine those people instead of me. Then maybe also get a better account of who was actually harmed and send them a check instead of their great great great .... grandchildren.
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Meaning what, exactly?

The inevitable collapse of this experimental republic.

How do you imagine (or let's be honest, 'hope') this will happen, and when?


Like every other collapse of every other nation/empire in history. Bloodshed and revolution is how they all end eventually.
Think of the romans...the french revolution....the british empire...the russian revolution in 1917...the collapse of the soviet union in the 80' some history. I can't recite a thousand of years of revolutions to you.
History is littered with the wreckage of nations that were born, prospered a while and died.

The average lifespan of a nation is a couple hundred years before they collapse..some sooner....and they all thought "Oh, it can't happen HERE..we're MUCH too sophisticated and advanced for that"..LMAO....

This country was born in bloodshed and revolution and history shows it will die in bloodshed and revolution.

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