An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

While appearing on CNN Wednesday night, actor Morgan Freeman spread some refreshing ideas about debating income inequality in the United States.
Freeman stood up for the middle-class, telling host Don Lemon that without the middle-class, there would be no way to continue being a great nation of consumers.
When Lemon asked the actor whether he believed that race was a major contributing factor to income inequality, Freeman sternly disagreed.
“Do you think that race plays in a part in wealth distribution?” Lemon asked.
“No, no, no, I don’t. You and I are, we’re proof. Why would race have anything to do with it. Put your mind to what you want to do and go for that. It’s kind of like religion to me, it’s a good excuse for not getting there,” Freeman answered.
When Lemon complained about how much he has been forced to cover race and income inequality, Freeman asserted that he should stop making such a big deal out of the issue.
“If you talk about it, it exists,” Freeman said. “It’s not like it exists and we refuse to talk about it. Making it a bigger issue than it needs to be is the problem we have.”

Morgan Freeman on race...and his birthday - YouTube
Here's the thing about what's going on in that clip...

Too often, those that made it despite the issues, basically, exeptions to the rule, come out and speak as if they are the rule.

A Morgan Freeman is 1-in-a-million shot, based in skill, opportunity and lots of luck.

Note: My statement does not take away from his talents.

I believe he also said we should not observe BHM and that Obama is not the first Black president. Incredible actor but out to lunch about somethings
White Americans also did not experience having undue burdens, unwarranted obstacles, and capricious barriers placed in their path of life, as did many minorities.

A great many have throughout our history. Stop throwing around generalities.
Folks there is nothing HONEST about this "white privilege" BS

it' is being to used to stir up hate and resentment against the people in this country

this needs to be shot down and soon

Maybe they could've talked this about 150 years ago, but not in this day and age

White people have bent over backwards to give people a helping hand up and what do they do, they don't just bite your hand off....They bite both hands off so you can't defend yourself, when they SPIT ON YOU

this is some hateful stuff they are saying about YOU the people in this country
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Folks there is nothing HONEST about this "white privilege" BS

it' is being to used to stir up hate and resentment against the people in this country

this needs to be shot down and soon

Maybe they could've talked this about 150 years ago, but not in this day and age

White have been over backwards to give these a helping hand and what they do, they don't just bite your hand off....They bite both hands off so you can't defend when they SPIT ON YOU

Just because you are white trash and have never seen the benefits of white privilege doesn't mean it doesn't or hasn't existed. 150 years ago? I guess Jim Crow laws were an example of black privilege and bit off your hand.
I always look at Brazil when I think about this topic, because the vast majority of Brazilians refuse to identify themselves as any particular race, but rather, as Brazilians.


You are greatly mistaken if you think there is no racism in Brazil. Greatly.

There is always some level of racism, as long as humans are involved.

I think it wasn't even a dozen posts ago, that I made that very very clear, that all people, of all countries, all races, all creeds, all have some level of prejudice. Anyone who claims otherwise, is simply ignorant of themselves, of a liar.

My point with Brazil was that there is no institutional racism. There is no hyphenated racism. There is no automatic disqualification, or automatic acceptance, based on race.

As I said, the BBC did an extensive documentary of this. Even more recently, they did a documentary of a black lawyer in Brazil. This lawyer was proudly stating that he earned the same average pay as other lawyers doing his type of work. He had some of the same clients as other lawyers. He lived in the communities, same standard of living, and so on.

Now again, I didn't say there was no racism. But no one stopped him from getting an education in law. No one stopped him from opening a practice. No one refused to hire him because he wasn't white. No one is paying him significantly less because he was black. And he himself identifies himself as "Brazilian".

And equally no one gave him an education specifically because he was black, and there were affirmative action courses. And he even admitted that when he first showed up for school, some of the students badgered him over being black. But he didn't start screaming for a government program, he just worked his butt off, and proved them all stupid.

This is what I'm talking about. There is no huge divide. No institutionalized racism. (not yet), and there is no hatred of blacks, or any other minority in Brazil.

Now there will be, if minorities try and force people their way with government. Absolutely there will be.
My point with Brazil was that there is no institutional racism.

My point is that watching a program on the BBC doesn't give you any clue about what racism is like in Brazil. I've never lived in Brazil myself so my own understanding comes second-hand, but I have known and worked with thousands of Brazilians, and what they have told me directly about the matter does not coincide with your BBC-generalization.

People are people wherever you go.
"Institutionalized racism persists in Brazil despite government efforts to tackle the issue, members of a United Nations panel examining conditions among black Brazilians said Friday.
Two members of the U.N.'s working group on Afro-descendants said their 10-day fact-finding mission to five Brazilian cities underscored that the government has finally acknowledged the problem and has "shown its willingness to combat racism."
But the panel said Brazilian blacks "still suffer from structural, institutional and interpersonal racism."

Read more:"
Thats one of weakest excuses in the book. Your one off story of woe does not explain the economic disparity between the races. Dont blame you and your ancestors lack of effort on you missing out on a scholarship and claiming it was because it went to a minority or a woman. Stop whining. Just admit your ancestors did not work hard enough when they were able to take advantage of white AA and make something of themselves like a lot of whites did. When your race in general is denied the ability to succeed due to slavery and jim crow come talk to me.
That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So actual results don't matter, its the concept that somehow a wrong from 150 years ago (and continued in a way until about 50 years ago) that is the overriding factor. That my actual suffering at the hands of discrimination (just not the right type) is to be ignored, yet your perception of being unable to cope with something that you never experienced is somehow reason enough why whites will always be somehow advantaged?

The only enslavement here is your mentality of despair and excuses. My ancestors only got here from 1880 or so (one of them) to the 1920's. They had zero to do with slavery and keeping the black man down. So kindly go fuck yourself and your self-loathing concepts.
So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?

Their ancestors wanted their own children to have a good life and they worked to make it happen. That's what family is for. Kids raised in good homes grow up to be successful adults.

What are you doing to help your kids have a good life?
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Thats one of weakest excuses in the book. Your one off story of woe does not explain the economic disparity between the races. Dont blame you and your ancestors lack of effort on you missing out on a scholarship and claiming it was because it went to a minority or a woman. Stop whining. Just admit your ancestors did not work hard enough when they were able to take advantage of white AA and make something of themselves like a lot of whites did. When your race in general is denied the ability to succeed due to slavery and jim crow come talk to me.
That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So actual results don't matter, its the concept that somehow a wrong from 150 years ago (and continued in a way until about 50 years ago) that is the overriding factor. That my actual suffering at the hands of discrimination (just not the right type) is to be ignored, yet your perception of being unable to cope with something that you never experienced is somehow reason enough why whites will always be somehow advantaged?

The only enslavement here is your mentality of despair and excuses. My ancestors only got here from 1880 or so (one of them) to the 1920's. They had zero to do with slavery and keeping the black man down. So kindly go fuck yourself and your self-loathing concepts.
So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?

Their ancestors wanted their own children to have a good life and they worked to make it happen. That's what family is for. Kids raised in good homes grow up to be successful adults.

What are you doing to help your kids have a good life?

You didnt address the question. Whites had a head start. They legally and willfully held Black people back from building legacies in the area of politics, academics, economics, land ownership, etc. Since Blacks were held back whites own most of the opportunities. Thats white privilege and the point of the OP.
only obstacle in the path of minorities for the past 60 years is their own ignorance, laziness and stupidity.
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That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?

Their ancestors wanted their own children to have a good life and they worked to make it happen. That's what family is for. Kids raised in good homes grow up to be successful adults.

What are you doing to help your kids have a good life?

You didnt address the question. Whites had a head start. They legally and willfully held Black people back from building legacies in the area of politics, academics, economics, land ownership, etc. Since Blacks were held back whites own most of the opportunities. Thats white privilege and the point of the OP.

Have you read the story of Clarence Thomas? His father, worked his butt off. They were successful, DESPITE the obsticles. And because of that, Clarence Thomas was successful, DESPITE the obstacles.

We held back Asians too. Want to know why Asians have a higher standard of living, better educated, better incomes than white people? It's because they didn't sit around b!tching about how unfair life is. It's because they got off their butt and worked for a living.

There is no National Association for the Advancement of Asian People. Instead of trying to advance themselves with political power, they advanced themselves through hard work, over coming obstacles, and succeeding in life.
That's the crux of the matter that too many whites don't and/or can't seem to comprehend. They keep coming back to false equivalencies, like whining about Affirmative Action.


So based on your understanding, the hundreds of years of headstart of "white affirmative action" and MASSIVE advantages have NO effect today? You're also suggesting that slavery and Jim Crow laws were basically ended and done away with 50 years ago that has NO EFFECT on anyone whatsoever today?

Is that it?

Their ancestors wanted their own children to have a good life and they worked to make it happen. That's what family is for. Kids raised in good homes grow up to be successful adults.

What are you doing to help your kids have a good life?

You didnt address the question. Whites had a head start. They legally and willfully held Black people back from building legacies in the area of politics, academics, economics, land ownership, etc. Since Blacks were held back whites own most of the opportunities. Thats white privilege and the point of the OP.

Vae victis is a reality of life on this Earth. Life is brutal and unfair. My ancestors worked hard, many took risks that placed them in mortal danger, all so that their descendents have a good chance at living a better life than they did.

Now answer my question.
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Their ancestors wanted their own children to have a good life and they worked to make it happen. That's what family is for. Kids raised in good homes grow up to be successful adults.

What are you doing to help your kids have a good life?

You didnt address the question. Whites had a head start. They legally and willfully held Black people back from building legacies in the area of politics, academics, economics, land ownership, etc. Since Blacks were held back whites own most of the opportunities. Thats white privilege and the point of the OP.

Have you read the story of Clarence Thomas? His father, worked his butt off. They were successful, DESPITE the obsticles. And because of that, Clarence Thomas was successful, DESPITE the obstacles.

We held back Asians too. Want to know why Asians have a higher standard of living, better educated, better incomes than white people? It's because they didn't sit around b!tching about how unfair life is. It's because they got off their butt and worked for a living.

There is no National Association for the Advancement of Asian People. Instead of trying to advance themselves with political power, they advanced themselves through hard work, over coming obstacles, and succeeding in life.

Clarence Thomas father did nothing but what countless Black fathers did. I'm successful despite the obstacles. Nothing a white person can put in my way that I cant overcome. The point of the OP is to discuss why white people seem to think that more obstacles dont exist for Blacks. Did you forget the point of the OP?

I need to see some documentation on how Asians were held back. I dont recall them being enslaved, stripped of their language, religion, and history. If Asians went through the same or worse as Black people in this country then you would have a point. The problem is they didnt so you dont have a point.

There is no national association for the advancement of Black People either. Asians are included in the NAACP. Must be one of the facts that escape white peoples memory. NAACP is not just for Black people. It is for all people of color. You must be a fool if you think Asians didnt advance themselves through politics as well as other areas. They just were not on the bottom of the social ladder.
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Their ancestors wanted their own children to have a good life and they worked to make it happen. That's what family is for. Kids raised in good homes grow up to be successful adults.

What are you doing to help your kids have a good life?

You didnt address the question. Whites had a head start. They legally and willfully held Black people back from building legacies in the area of politics, academics, economics, land ownership, etc. Since Blacks were held back whites own most of the opportunities. Thats white privilege and the point of the OP.

Vae victis is a reality of life on this Earth. Life is brutal and unfair. My ancestors worked hard, many took risks that placed them in mortal danger, all so that their descendents have a good chance at living a better life than they did.

Now answer my question.

Whats your point? We are not discussing how your ancestors willingly placed themselves in mortal danger. We are talking about the fact that white privilege exists. Why is it when this subject is brought up whites like you try to change the subject? If you want an answer to the question I suggest you learn some respect and ask it in another manner white boy.
You didnt address the question. Whites had a head start. They legally and willfully held Black people back from building legacies in the area of politics, academics, economics, land ownership, etc. Since Blacks were held back whites own most of the opportunities. Thats white privilege and the point of the OP.

Vae victis is a reality of life on this Earth. Life is brutal and unfair. My ancestors worked hard, many took risks that placed them in mortal danger, all so that their descendents have a good chance at living a better life than they did.

Now answer my question.

Whats your point? We are not discussing how your ancestors willingly placed themselves in mortal danger. We are talking about the fact that white privilege exists. Why is it when this subject is brought up whites like you try to change the subject? If you want an answer to the question I suggest you learn some respect and ask it in another manner white boy.

I don't respect bigoted idiot losers such as you. I will actively suppress your disgusting hate filled ideology if I see it in real life. I will teach others to recognize your hatred and disgusting racism for the filth that it is.

Losers like you are harmful to developing good Black communities. Your kids will suffer because of your stupidity and hate.
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Vae victis is a reality of life on this Earth. Life is brutal and unfair. My ancestors worked hard, many took risks that placed them in mortal danger, all so that their descendents have a good chance at living a better life than they did.

Now answer my question.

Whats your point? We are not discussing how your ancestors willingly placed themselves in mortal danger. We are talking about the fact that white privilege exists. Why is it when this subject is brought up whites like you try to change the subject? If you want an answer to the question I suggest you learn some respect and ask it in another manner white boy.

I don't respect bigoted idiot losers such as you. I will actively suppress your disgusting hate filled ideology if I see it in real life. I will teach others to recognize your hatred and disgusting racism for the filth that it is.

Losers like you are harmful to developing good Black communities. Your kids will suffer because of your stupidity and hate.

If you dont respect me then dont ask any questions and expect an answer. So you either get with the OP or find someone else to ask off topic questions to. Does that make sense to you?
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Whats your point? We are not discussing how your ancestors willingly placed themselves in mortal danger. We are talking about the fact that white privilege exists. Why is it when this subject is brought up whites like you try to change the subject? If you want an answer to the question I suggest you learn some respect and ask it in another manner white boy.

I don't respect bigoted idiot losers such as you. I will actively suppress your disgusting hate filled ideology if I see it in real life. I will teach others to recognize your hatred and disgusting racism for the filth that it is.

Losers like you are harmful to developing good Black communities. Your kids will suffer because of your stupidity and hate.

If you dont respect me then dont ask any questions and expect an answer. So you either get with the OP or find someone else to ask off topic questions to. Does that make sense to you?

You're a stupid idiot. Did you not notice that I only bother asking you a question right after you mentioned it works well on adults. I told you it only works if the other party is logical and not a blathering idiot.

I already know you are a blathering idiot. Therefore, I wanted to show others that, as with kids, asking abstract questions as a teaching method won't work on stupid losers like you.

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