An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Have you read the story of Clarence Thomas? His father, worked his butt off. They were successful, DESPITE the obsticles. And because of that, Clarence Thomas was successful, DESPITE the obstacles.

We held back Asians too. Want to know why Asians have a higher standard of living, better educated, better incomes than white people? It's because they didn't sit around b!tching about how unfair life is. It's because they got off their butt and worked for a living.

There is no National Association for the Advancement of Asian People. Instead of trying to advance themselves with political power, they advanced themselves through hard work, over coming obstacles, and succeeding in life.

Clarence Thomas father did nothing but what countless Black fathers did. I'm successful despite the obstacles. Nothing a white person can put in my way that I cant overcome. The point of the OP is to discuss why white people seem to think that more obstacles dont exist for Blacks. Did you forget the point of the OP?

I need to see some documentation on how Asians were held back. I dont recall them being enslaved, stripped of their language, religion, and history. If Asians went through the same or worse as Black people in this country then you would have a point. The problem is they didnt so you dont have a point.

There is no national association for the advancement of Black People either. Asians are included in the NAACP. Must be one of the facts that escape white peoples memory. NAACP is not just for Black people. It is for all people of color. You must be a fool if you think Asians didnt advance themselves through politics as well as other areas. They just were not on the bottom of the social ladder.

Are you saying there was not racism against Asians now? Are we living in a myth that magically, only black people, were the only people group on the planet that experienced racism?

Please. Maybe you forget how we rounded up all the Asians, during WW2, and thousands died in the process?

They did? Ok. You show me where there are Pro-Asian laws, promoting Asians?

Where did I say there was no racism against Asians? Are you blind or just stupid? I just said the NAACP fought for their rights as well. The point is Asians did not go through the amount or intensity of racists polices that Black people did. Consequently they had no devastating damage done to their foundation as Black people in the US did. Any literate adult that reads any history book can tell you that.

I still see a whole lot of discussion about what Black people should do but everyone seems to be avoiding the OP. White privilege. Does it exist or not?
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Clarence Thomas father did nothing but what countless Black fathers did. I'm successful despite the obstacles. Nothing a white person can put in my way that I cant overcome. The point of the OP is to discuss why white people seem to think that more obstacles dont exist for Blacks. Did you forget the point of the OP?

I need to see some documentation on how Asians were held back. I dont recall them being enslaved, stripped of their language, religion, and history. If Asians went through the same or worse as Black people in this country then you would have a point. The problem is they didnt so you dont have a point.

There is no national association for the advancement of Black People either. Asians are included in the NAACP. Must be one of the facts that escape white peoples memory. NAACP is not just for Black people. It is for all people of color. You must be a fool if you think Asians didnt advance themselves through politics as well as other areas. They just were not on the bottom of the social ladder.

Are you saying there was not racism against Asians now? Are we living in a myth that magically, only black people, were the only people group on the planet that experienced racism?

Please. Maybe you forget how we rounded up all the Asians, during WW2, and thousands died in the process?

They did? Ok. You show me where there are Pro-Asian laws, promoting Asians?

Where did I say there was no racism against Asians? Are you blind or just stupid? I just said the NAACP fought for their rights as well. The point is Asians did not go through the amount or intensity of racists polices that Black people did. Consequently they had no devastating damage done to their foundation as Black people in the US did. Any literate adult that reads any history book can tell you that.

I still see a whole lot of discussion about what Black people should do but everyone seems to be avoiding the OP. White privilege. Does it exist or not?

Maybe that's because the Asians by and large would prefer to have a job and self-respect, over welfare and live in slums?
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Are you saying there was not racism against Asians now? Are we living in a myth that magically, only black people, were the only people group on the planet that experienced racism?

Please. Maybe you forget how we rounded up all the Asians, during WW2, and thousands died in the process?

They did? Ok. You show me where there are Pro-Asian laws, promoting Asians?

Where did I say there was no racism against Asians? Are you blind or just stupid? I just said the NAACP fought for their rights as well. The point is Asians did not go through the amount or intensity of racists polices that Black people did. Consequently they had no devastating damage done to their foundation as Black people in the US did. Any literate adult that reads any history book can tell you that.

I still see a whole lot of discussion about what Black people should do but everyone seems to be avoiding the OP. White privilege. Does it exist or not?

Maybe that's because the Asians by and large would prefer to have a job and self-respect, over welfare and live in slums?

So would Black people. Does white privilege exist or not? If not prove it.
Where did I say there was no racism against Asians? Are you blind or just stupid? I just said the NAACP fought for their rights as well. The point is Asians did not go through the amount or intensity of racists polices that Black people did. Consequently they had no devastating damage done to their foundation as Black people in the US did. Any literate adult that reads any history book can tell you that.

I still see a whole lot of discussion about what Black people should do but everyone seems to be avoiding the OP. White privilege. Does it exist or not?

Maybe that's because the Asians by and large would prefer to have a job and self-respect, over welfare and live in slums?

So would Black people. Does white privilege exist or not? If not prove it.
Then why do they take welfare instead of a job?

WTF does White privilege even mean? I never received any white privilege, I guess that makes me a white honky, or is it white cracker, or is that white racist, I've lost track what do you call middle class income white folk these days? Just the opposite, I received tons of revenge attacks on white males by blacks, Hispanics, and women. Just cause some white people know some other white people with contacts, does not mean all white people benefit from nepotism. Are you really that pissed that your parents were not well connected white folk?
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Maybe that's because the Asians by and large would prefer to have a job and self-respect, over welfare and live in slums?

So would Black people. Does white privilege exist or not? If not prove it.
Then why do they take welfare instead of a job?

WTF does White privilege even mean? I never received any white privilege, I guess that makes me a white honky, or is it white cracker, or is that white racist, I've lost track what do you call middle class income white folk these days? Just the opposite, I received tons of revenge attacks on white males by blacks, Hispanics, and women. Just cause some white people know some other white people with contacts, does not mean all white people benefit from nepotism. Are you really that pissed that your parents were not well connected white folk?

Who told you Black people take welfare over a job?

If you want to know what white privilege simply read the OP. If you are perceived as white you have benefitted from white privilege regardless of if you know it or not. Nepotism is not the only form of white privilege. However, since you want to pretend it doesnt exist dont worry about it.
"Why do they take welfare instead of a job?"

That asinine question lets you know all you need to know about that poster.

That's why I don't engage w/all posters on here, some are just too ignorant.

It's a waste of my time.
You LIVE to engage the ignorant conservatives on here, Marc! When you engage the more intelligent ones they pose questions to you that shall we say are "inconvenient"? You're so intent on proving white racism is to blame for the plight of blacks in America that you turn a blind eye on the self inflicted damage that blacks visit upon other blacks in this country every single day.
You didnt address the question. Whites had a head start. They legally and willfully held Black people back from building legacies in the area of politics, academics, economics, land ownership, etc. Since Blacks were held back whites own most of the opportunities. Thats white privilege and the point of the OP.

how have you been held back?

What does that have to do with the OP?

I'm responding to your claim.

put up or shut up
Where did I say there was no racism against Asians? Are you blind or just stupid? I just said the NAACP fought for their rights as well. The point is Asians did not go through the amount or intensity of racists polices that Black people did. Consequently they had no devastating damage done to their foundation as Black people in the US did. Any literate adult that reads any history book can tell you that.

I still see a whole lot of discussion about what Black people should do but everyone seems to be avoiding the OP. White privilege. Does it exist or not?

Maybe that's because the Asians by and large would prefer to have a job and self-respect, over welfare and live in slums?

So would Black people. Does white privilege exist or not? If not prove it.

only an idiot such as yourself would ask anyone to prove a negative
"Why do they take welfare instead of a job?"

It's easier and it's a way to stick it to white people. White people pay more in taxes...which then gets "redistributed".

MarcATL said:
Who told you Black people take welfare over a job?

The U.S. government, for one.

A larger proportion of negroes are on welfare/ebt/snap than any other race. Everyone knows this, of course. It didn't just happen's been the case for generations...
So would Black people. Does white privilege exist or not? If not prove it.
Then why do they take welfare instead of a job?

WTF does White privilege even mean? I never received any white privilege, I guess that makes me a white honky, or is it white cracker, or is that white racist, I've lost track what do you call middle class income white folk these days? Just the opposite, I received tons of revenge attacks on white males by blacks, Hispanics, and women. Just cause some white people know some other white people with contacts, does not mean all white people benefit from nepotism. Are you really that pissed that your parents were not well connected white folk?

Who told you Black people take welfare over a job?

If you want to know what white privilege simply read the OP. If you are perceived as white you have benefitted from white privilege regardless of if you know it or not. Nepotism is not the only form of white privilege. However, since you want to pretend it doesnt exist dont worry about it.
Who told you White people are privileged?

If you are perceived as black you have benefited from AA and welfare regardless of whether you know it or not.

AA is not the only form of black privilege.

However, since you want to pretend it doesn't exist don't worry about it.
"Why do they take welfare instead of a job?"

That asinine question lets you know all you need to know about that poster.

That's why I don't engage w/all posters on here, some are just too ignorant.

It's a waste of my time.

Why is it an asinine question? Cause every one knows the answer or cause you disagree black folk choose welfare over work?

The answers to the question are: Cause it's easier. Cause starting a business is hard. Cause, sans starting their own business it's hard to get hired without some skills and experience. Cause they lack contacts to get their first job. Cause they lack experience in how to look for a job. Cause they don't try. But mainly it's because the government offers them welfare if they don't work more than 30hrs at minimum wage.

Oh yeah fyi... whites take welfare instead of a job as well. So the question also applies to them.
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Do you come from the nation Black? Wait, there is no such nation? Then what the hell does your race have to do with what language you speak?

There is such a nation. You being unaware of its existence is your problem. BTW your sentiment is the very premise of white privilege. You assume any nation of note is chronicled by white people. :lol:

If the language I speak is one forced upon me and not one I chose as the language of my people it has a lot to do with it. What area in Africa originally spoke English?

So you are from the country of Black? Well, work to have that nation change its language if you don't like it.

If you are, instead, from the United States, English is the language of this country in the main. Spanish is certainly being spoken with increasing frequency of late, but English is still the main language of the country. If you don't want to speak it, don't. That will simply make things much harder for you, but there's no law preventing you from speaking whatever language you wish.

Everyone speaks a language 'forced' upon them. No one teaches themselves to speak in a vacuum. If you don't like the language you were taught, blame your parents. I think it's idiocy, but whatever floats your boat.

Everyone who thinks that Asslickius is going to become fluent in Hausa, Yoruba, or Igbo raise your hands.

... :eusa_whistle:

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