An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Then why do they take welfare instead of a job?

WTF does White privilege even mean? I never received any white privilege, I guess that makes me a white honky, or is it white cracker, or is that white racist, I've lost track what do you call middle class income white folk these days? Just the opposite, I received tons of revenge attacks on white males by blacks, Hispanics, and women. Just cause some white people know some other white people with contacts, does not mean all white people benefit from nepotism. Are you really that pissed that your parents were not well connected white folk?

Who told you Black people take welfare over a job?

If you want to know what white privilege simply read the OP. If you are perceived as white you have benefitted from white privilege regardless of if you know it or not. Nepotism is not the only form of white privilege. However, since you want to pretend it doesnt exist dont worry about it.
Who told you White people are privileged?

If you are perceived as black you have benefited from AA and welfare regardless of whether you know it or not.

AA is not the only form of black privilege.

However, since you want to pretend it doesn't exist don't worry about it.

I see you decided to deflect instead of answering the question again. Lets me know you have no answer but I pretty much figured since you cant address the OP you are desperate to avoid answering the questions. That actually proves my point that you are a liar.
Who told you Black people take welfare over a job?

If you want to know what white privilege simply read the OP. If you are perceived as white you have benefitted from white privilege regardless of if you know it or not. Nepotism is not the only form of white privilege. However, since you want to pretend it doesnt exist dont worry about it.
Who told you White people are privileged?

If you are perceived as black you have benefited from AA and welfare regardless of whether you know it or not.

AA is not the only form of black privilege.

However, since you want to pretend it doesn't exist don't worry about it.

I see you decided to deflect instead of answering the question again. Lets me know you have no answer but I pretty much figured since you cant address the OP you are desperate to avoid answering the questions. That actually proves my point that you are a liar.

I'm gonna guess you two are challenged when it comes to the English language.

If just two white people on the face of the planet are the benefactors of privilege, that would be sufficient evidence for the statement "white people are the benefactors of white privilege. It would not matter if the privilege was handed out by a black man or a white man. The same can be said for black people. Further if I can show just one person, such as myself, who is not the benefactor of said type of privilege that you are alluding to then I can say, that is not true for all white people, that they are all the benefactors of privilege. Additionally if you want to force a historical perspective on benefits for all types of privilege, then it is obvious that we are all benefactors from all of our ancestors going all the way back to the beginnings of our genetic pool. Thus we are all benefactors of some type of privilege.

My questions and statements back to you were meant for you to have a light bulb moment. For you to go back and clarify your statements and questions. Clearly that did not happen.

IOW your OP and questions are nonsensical.
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Ignorant racists like him just don't want to know. Recall how Chinese immigrants were treated while building the transcontinental railroad, or the Chinese Exclusion Act among many officially sanctioned acts of blatant racism, segregation, and oppression.

Absolutely! For some stupid reason, liberals, and especially black bigots, want to pretend that they, and they alone were the only people on the entire planet to ever be enslaved. That only them, have any claim to being wronged. All delusions.

One of the most disappointing public exhibitions of racism I ever saw came from a middle-aged black woman on a public train who actually directed her young son to run up to an elderly Chinese woman and mock her to her face. It was disturbing to just about everyone on the train (a very diverse group of riders at that). This woman actually told her son - couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old - to go up to this elderly lady who was minding her own business, pull back the corners of his eyes, jut out his upper teeth, and dance around chanting "ching-chong, ching chong!" right in front of her, which he did. The old woman seemed to have no idea what was going on and why this child was acting so strangely. It turns out she was very fresh off the boat and not yet savvy to the ways in which some people can be horrible to others in her new cultural context. Everyone on the train sort of paused in shocked disbelief at this entire event. It took a good few seconds for it to sink in that this woman had actually pushed her child over to the elderly lady to do this. The train pretty much emptied at the next stop. Many of the riders got off early just out of discomfort, it seemed. The woman and her victim/child got off as well. After the initial shock of disbelief passed, I felt deeply disappointed that this woman - clearly of limited means and education - would have done this to the elderly lady, her child, and herself, obviously without thinking or realizing what she was really doing. As a black woman in America of what seemed to be her situation, I can only suppose that she had experienced a great deal of racism directed against her in her own life. To think of the many ways in which she was exacerbating a disease that was likely to afflict her as much as anyone was saddening. To see an elderly woman disrespected like that for no reason was infuriating. To see the virtual guarantee, due to her actions, that another generation would transmit this disease was disheartening.

There is some sick aspect of human nature, that people tend to do to others, what they *feel* has been done to them.

I'm not sure where this comes from because I can't really identify with it. My father taught me, that I should be the opposite of what I hate. If someone does something to me, that hurts me or bothers me, I try and not be those things.

A simple example would be speeders and tailgaters on the highway. I always set my cruise control for the speed limit, and always back off when I am behind someone.

I try and be the opposite of what other people do, that I don't like.

But for some reason, and I've seen this dozens of times, people think they are 'wronged' by someone, and they go about trying to wrong other people.

I can't explain this, except people are inherently evil or something.
"Why do they take welfare instead of a job?"

That asinine question lets you know all you need to know about that poster.

That's why I don't engage w/all posters on here, some are just too ignorant.

It's a waste of my time.

Well count me in, because I agree with him.

Back in high school, I was working at Wendy's. The lady showed up, and she told us straight up, her first week there, that she was only going to work until she could get back on welfare.

She even pointed out the very day she qualified again, and sure enough several months later, on the day she said, guess who stopped showing up for work?

I don't see Asians doing that. In fact, every Asian I have ever known, worked their butts off. I can't even recall a single Asian in my whole life, that didn't work their butt off.

I wish that was true of every race, and it should be. But it simply isn't true.

So if I'm too ignorant as well, then there's a bunch of us. Ignore everyone I guess. Live in your own little world.
I don't see Asians doing that. In fact, every Asian I have ever known, worked their butts off. I can't even recall a single Asian in my whole life, that didn't work their butt off.

I wish that was true of every race, and it should be. But it simply isn't true.


LOL. Don't overdo it. There is nothing about 'being Asian' that means someone can't be lazy. There are plenty of lazy Asian people, just like every other kind of people.

People are people.
"Why do they take welfare instead of a job?"

That asinine question lets you know all you need to know about that poster.

That's why I don't engage w/all posters on here, some are just too ignorant.

It's a waste of my time.

Well count me in, because I agree with him.

Back in high school, I was working at Wendy's. The lady showed up, and she told us straight up, her first week there, that she was only going to work until she could get back on welfare.

She even pointed out the very day she qualified again, and sure enough several months later, on the day she said, guess who stopped showing up for work?

I don't see Asians doing that. In fact, every Asian I have ever known, worked their butts off. I can't even recall a single Asian in my whole life, that didn't work their butt off.

I wish that was true of every race, and it should be. But it simply isn't true.

So if I'm too ignorant as well, then there's a bunch of us. Ignore everyone I guess. Live in your own little world.

You are too retarded for words so I will give you a link instead.

Asian Immigrant Poverty - Migration News | Migration Dialogue
Who told you White people are privileged?

If you are perceived as black you have benefited from AA and welfare regardless of whether you know it or not.

AA is not the only form of black privilege.

However, since you want to pretend it doesn't exist don't worry about it.

I see you decided to deflect instead of answering the question again. Lets me know you have no answer but I pretty much figured since you cant address the OP you are desperate to avoid answering the questions. That actually proves my point that you are a liar.

I'm gonna guess you two are challenged when it comes to the English language.

If just two white people on the face of the planet are the benefactors of privilege, that would be sufficient evidence for the statement "white people are the benefactors of white privilege. It would not matter if the privilege was handed out by a black man or a white man. The same can be said for black people. Further if I can show just one person, such as myself, who is not the benefactor of said type of privilege that you are alluding to then I can say, that is not true for all white people, that they are all the benefactors of privilege. Additionally if you want to force a historical perspective on benefits for all types of privilege, then it is obvious that we are all benefactors from all of our ancestors going all the way back to the beginnings of our genetic pool. Thus we are all benefactors of some type of privilege.

My questions and statements back to you were meant for you to have a light bulb moment. For you to go back and clarify your statements and questions. Clearly that did not happen.

IOW your OP and questions are nonsensical.

I'm going to guess you are playing stupid. In order to give someone a lightbulb moment your light must be on first. If a system is set up by and for whites to prosper in addition to a system being set up to hold back Blacks back, that by itself proves white privilege as well as racism. If the reverse were true most people in the US would be speaking a west African language and would be taught all the historical things regarding Africans achievements. Since we know the situations are reversed I rest my case. Lets not be silly here and pretend this isnt true. Its got to be embarrassing for you at this point to continue to deny it.
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LOL. Don't overdo it. There is nothing about 'being Asian' that means someone can't be lazy. There are plenty of lazy Asian people, just like every other kind of people.

People are people.

Yeah, I've met plenty of lazy Asians. Hired a kid as a programmer who was the laziest SOB I've ever met.

Typically, Japanese and Korean cultures place a high emphasis on education and success, which are motivating factors for people from those cultures. But people are people, some will be lazy regardless of culture. Ultimately it comes down to the individual.
There is some sick aspect of human nature, that people tend to do to others, what they *feel* has been done to them.

I'm not sure where this comes from because I can't really identify with it. My father taught me, that I should be the opposite of what I hate. If someone does something to me, that hurts me or bothers me, I try and not be those things.

A simple example would be speeders and tailgaters on the highway. I always set my cruise control for the speed limit, and always back off when I am behind someone.

I try and be the opposite of what other people do, that I don't like.

I wish more people thought like this.

But for some reason, and I've seen this dozens of times, people think they are 'wronged' by someone, and they go about trying to wrong other people.

I can't explain this, except people are inherently evil or something.

Right. Too often they respond to the evil by trying to do an even greater evil.

There may be lots of different things motivated different people all doing the same types of things.

Some of them may be reacting out of simple exhaustion.
Sometimes my threshold for aggravation is low.

As hard as it is to accept, it appears that some people have gone so far to give themselves over entirely to doing bad things for the sake of wickedness itself. Something in their spirit has been warped to derive pleasure from it.

At some point they must encounter a very miserable reckoning. The certainty I think they will helps me to endure them with a minimum amount of indignation. Something tells me that the violence they are doing will ultimately be to their own soul.

The question is how much strength I have to endure whatever happens without falling into the same state, and how I should rightly cope with injustice as it happens.

One of my major peeves is that in a long line of traffic, no one will allow you to provide a safe distance between your car and the one in front of you.

When you do, someone jumps into the open space. If you fall back again, another driver swerves in to fill the newly created space.

You can't keep a safe distance without constantly falling back. Then the people behind you become irate because you are not racing to beat the caution light or something.

Sometimes you just can't win.

The result is a statistically certain number of wrecks which are bound to happen over a given stretch of time.

There are the people who would rather crash than give an inch.

When you deal with those types in other situations, you either have to be constantly giving into them on every occasion or else butt heads with them. They will leave you no choice!

Then people wonder why there has to be conflict in the world!

The problem is that some people are all take and no compromise. If you allow them, they will simply walk all over you. Their minds are permanently stuck in that grove and it's seemingly impossible for them to think in any other terms.

Take Unkotare for example.

Did you know that "Unkotare" means wet doo doo in Japanese?

He chose his name wisely. It fits him to a tee, even if he's not really a Jap, but merely another Jewish Hasbarat posing as someone he's not.
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