An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

That is regrettable.

No, that's normal. That is the laws of physics. When you turn your eye balls onto another person, the color of their skin, is the predominate factor in what your eyes convert into a mental image, your brain receives.

To say that's regrettable, is as dumb as saying the first thing a baby does out of the womb is breath oxygen, and that's regrettable.

Anyone..... as in ANYONE... who suggests that they don't notice skin color when they meet a new person for the first time... is either a liar, or idiot.

Noticing the color of someone's skin is neither automatically good, or automatically bad. It's normal.

You missed the point. Noticing is obvious. Prejudging based on noticing is the problem. That is a major difference.
Yes color is the first thing I see as do you. I havent deluded myself. That doesnt make you or not make you a racist.

That is regrettable.

No, that's normal. That is the laws of physics. When you turn your eye balls onto another person, the color of their skin, is the predominate factor in what your eyes convert into a mental image, your brain receives.

To say that's regrettable, is as dumb as saying the first thing a baby does out of the womb is breath oxygen, and that's regrettable.

Anyone..... as in ANYONE... who suggests that they don't notice skin color when they meet a new person for the first time... is either a liar, or idiot.

Noticing the color of someone's skin is neither automatically good, or automatically bad. It's normal.

What is dumb is not being able to comprehend.
Looks like a bunch of whites and blacks might be coming to some form of violent agreement? :)
It is a classic self-fulfilling, fallback position as any lack of achievement by a non-white group can be immediately classed as 'white privilege'.

It is a classic self-fulfilling, fallback position of any lack of achievement by a male white group can be immediately be classed as "affirmative action". :D

but we white males are not bitching about being behind. We can't, we are the bestest :D
Ok so my reply to the video is this....

First, I will grant these people that my definition of white privilege, like most people, is different than what they described in the video.

Saying that the extent to 'white privilege', is the fact that people are not suspicious of you, is a far cry from the automatic wealth and luxury that many leftards on this forum assign as 'white privilege'.

That said: They are still wrong.

There are other races that have no problems, and no disadvantage. Look at Asians. Asians come here routinely, and get higher paying jobs, and have higher standards of living, than even white American. Jews often have higher paying jobs. Indians have higher paying jobs.

Should we be talking about Jewish Privilege? Asian Privilege? Indian Privilege?

The reason why there is suspicion is simply because the fact is, Blacks are minority of the population, and commit the majority of crime.

And EVEN THEN..... Black people are still given endless chances to succeed, and they do all the time.... when they want to. Thomas Sowell. Clarence Thomas. Walter Williams.

I've known several extremely successful black people in my life, that were fantastic. How did they do it? They worked their butt off, and succeed.

Compare that to the black guy where I work today. He's lazy. Comes in late every day. Tries to pawn off his work to others. Often screws up his job. Decent guy, but he's lazy. Doesn't work hard at all. He does just enough to not get fired. Just barely enough.

He'll never get a raise or move up. Now the company gave him a chance, promoted him to stock room, and he's over all of shipping, and he proved them all stupid. Who's fault is that? White privilege? Or did he make his own failure?

And lastly, the last two minutes of this video were absolute BS. Total Crap.

'white people' are not worried about getting 100% of the seats in a college. That is not our beef, and never was.

By setting aside seats for those who did not meet the qualifications, and intentionally denying them to those who have worked for them, you are doing racism against whites.

You are saying that this guy over here, who has a different shade of skin as me, is going to get that spot at the university, even though I scored 100 points higher on the SAT?

Do you people on the left not understand what you are suggesting when you say this? Do you black people who push this stuff, not grasp what you are saying about yourselves?

All of you are saying that black people are simply too stupid, to compete with white people. That's why you have to have seats set aside for your color, because you can't possibly muster the intellect to get a high enough grade, a high enough score, to beat white kids in a fair comparison.

Do you really believe that? Really? You really think that black people are inherently too stupid to compete with whites? You are actually going to argue that that those ignorant red neck racists KKK people are right, and you really are too stupid?

See I don't believe it. I've met some black people that were many times more intelligent than myself. It's you people on the left that call those people too stupid to succeed on their own. But it's lie. You people on the left are liars. Just like those idiots in the video.
That is regrettable.

No, that's normal. That is the laws of physics. When you turn your eye balls onto another person, the color of their skin, is the predominate factor in what your eyes convert into a mental image, your brain receives.

To say that's regrettable, is as dumb as saying the first thing a baby does out of the womb is breath oxygen, and that's regrettable.

Anyone..... as in ANYONE... who suggests that they don't notice skin color when they meet a new person for the first time... is either a liar, or idiot.

Noticing the color of someone's skin is neither automatically good, or automatically bad. It's normal.

What is dumb is not being able to comprehend.

Then stop being dumb! lol.
Not really. What do you know about the black community? When was the last time you had a real conversation...face to face with a group of black people. You would be absolutely surprised what blacks actually think. Your impression of blacks is what you see on the boob tube and is not reality. (My guess).

While I'd agree that any impression of blacks as a whole based on a very limited amount of data, especially from entertainment, is likely false or at least misleading, I often wonder about the whole concept of a black community. It implies a sameness of thought, as well as a distancing from other races, that I think is more harmful than helpful.

I feel the same about any group of people looking for equality and/or inclusion. The gay community comes to mind. It's a terminology and idea that points out differences, which to me is the exact opposite of the way to try and get rid of people's bigotry.

I also wonder if those from other countries who live in the US feel parts of their respective 'communities'. My father's wife, who is black but originally from Jamaica, seems to have different feelings about race and race relations than US born and raised blacks.

Despite what many people believe, there is a diversity of opinion in the black community. Seemingly, some whites can't separate the ghetto from a black neighborhood...there is a huge difference!

I guess I just don't like the term. Semantics. :lol:
That is regrettable.

Thats real. Its only regrettable if you judge people for it. When I see a Mexican honey I delude myself into thinking she has nothing to do with being mexican. Same with any other person. I think all the different colors should be appreciated.

I can appreciate that, but I am not speaking about seeing color as a descriptive base. I am talking about seeing color as a defining attribute. There is a huge difference but also a very small difference.

What makes you think I meant as a defining attribute? I simply appreciate and notice the differences in the appearance of people. It also may give me insight on who they are as a person and what makes them tick.
Thats real. Its only regrettable if you judge people for it. When I see a Mexican honey I delude myself into thinking she has nothing to do with being mexican. Same with any other person. I think all the different colors should be appreciated.

I can appreciate that, but I am not speaking about seeing color as a descriptive base. I am talking about seeing color as a defining attribute. There is a huge difference but also a very small difference.

What makes you think I meant as a defining attribute? I simply appreciate and notice the differences in the appearance of people. It also may give me insight on who they are as a person and what makes them tick.

If it gives you insight into who they are as a person, wouldn't that make it a defining attribute?
That is regrettable.

No, that's normal. That is the laws of physics. When you turn your eye balls onto another person, the color of their skin, is the predominate factor in what your eyes convert into a mental image, your brain receives.

To say that's regrettable, is as dumb as saying the first thing a baby does out of the womb is breath oxygen, and that's regrettable.

Anyone..... as in ANYONE... who suggests that they don't notice skin color when they meet a new person for the first time... is either a liar, or idiot.

Noticing the color of someone's skin is neither automatically good, or automatically bad. It's normal.

You missed the point. Noticing is obvious. Prejudging based on noticing is the problem. That is a major difference.

Everyone prejudges. You prejudged me, in this very post, and you haven't even met me.

Everyone prejudges. Anyone who says they don't prejudge, is a liar, or self deluded.

If a white guy meets a white guy with a cowboy hat, they instantly judge. If he has piercings and tattoos, they prejudge.
If they have a "my son is a xxxx school student!" bumper sticker, they prejudge.

Let me make this even more clear. *YOU* prejudge everyone you meet. So does the guy who created this thread, and everyone who responded to it.... and everyone who didn't.

Everyone.... prejudges. It's a fact of human nature.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's simply a fact. And it will never change. Never. There has never been in the last 6000 years of known human history, a civilization or people group of any kinds, that didn't prejudge.
Thats real. Its only regrettable if you judge people for it. When I see a Mexican honey I delude myself into thinking she has nothing to do with being mexican. Same with any other person. I think all the different colors should be appreciated.

I can appreciate that, but I am not speaking about seeing color as a descriptive base. I am talking about seeing color as a defining attribute. There is a huge difference but also a very small difference.

What makes you think I meant as a defining attribute? I simply appreciate and notice the differences in the appearance of people. It also may give me insight on who they are as a person and what makes them tick.

Because I was reacting to your post instead of trying to comprehend it...if you want an honest answer.
I can appreciate that, but I am not speaking about seeing color as a descriptive base. I am talking about seeing color as a defining attribute. There is a huge difference but also a very small difference.

What makes you think I meant as a defining attribute? I simply appreciate and notice the differences in the appearance of people. It also may give me insight on who they are as a person and what makes them tick.

If it gives you insight into who they are as a person, wouldn't that make it a defining attribute?

No. Its a result of their experiences which can change with a new experience. Its not something inherent. As a youngster I hated white people and refused to date a white girls on general principle. I met a white girl I became friends with and that changed my mind. However, I initially wouldn't do it because of my reaction to the treatment I received due to the color of my skin. If I never received that negative treatment I still would have been Black but would have had no problem dating white girs.
White privilege is more of an old boy network of opportunities. If you are white, you have more old boys available to you.

Contacts with people who can help you career wise are fewer if you are black

And blacks have affirmitive action...
No, that's normal. That is the laws of physics. When you turn your eye balls onto another person, the color of their skin, is the predominate factor in what your eyes convert into a mental image, your brain receives.

To say that's regrettable, is as dumb as saying the first thing a baby does out of the womb is breath oxygen, and that's regrettable.

Anyone..... as in ANYONE... who suggests that they don't notice skin color when they meet a new person for the first time... is either a liar, or idiot.

Noticing the color of someone's skin is neither automatically good, or automatically bad. It's normal.

You missed the point. Noticing is obvious. Prejudging based on noticing is the problem. That is a major difference.

Everyone prejudges. You prejudged me, in this very post, and you haven't even met me.

Everyone prejudges. Anyone who says they don't prejudge, is a liar, or self deluded.

If a white guy meets a white guy with a cowboy hat, they instantly judge. If he has piercings and tattoos, they prejudge.
If they have a "my son is a xxxx school student!" bumper sticker, they prejudge.

Let me make this even more clear. *YOU* prejudge everyone you meet. So does the guy who created this thread, and everyone who responded to it.... and everyone who didn't.

Everyone.... prejudges. It's a fact of human nature.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's simply a fact. And it will never change. Never. There has never been in the last 6000 years of known human history, a civilization or people group of any kinds, that didn't prejudge.

This is true, however prejudging on the basis of race is different from prejudging on say what shoes I am wearing. I can change my shoes but cannot change my race.
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No, that's normal. That is the laws of physics. When you turn your eye balls onto another person, the color of their skin, is the predominate factor in what your eyes convert into a mental image, your brain receives.

To say that's regrettable, is as dumb as saying the first thing a baby does out of the womb is breath oxygen, and that's regrettable.

Anyone..... as in ANYONE... who suggests that they don't notice skin color when they meet a new person for the first time... is either a liar, or idiot.

Noticing the color of someone's skin is neither automatically good, or automatically bad. It's normal.

You missed the point. Noticing is obvious. Prejudging based on noticing is the problem. That is a major difference.

Everyone prejudges. You prejudged me, in this very post, and you haven't even met me.

Everyone prejudges. Anyone who says they don't prejudge, is a liar, or self deluded.

If a white guy meets a white guy with a cowboy hat, they instantly judge. If he has piercings and tattoos, they prejudge.
If they have a "my son is a xxxx school student!" bumper sticker, they prejudge.

Let me make this even more clear. *YOU* prejudge everyone you meet. So does the guy who created this thread, and everyone who responded to it.... and everyone who didn't.

Everyone.... prejudges. It's a fact of human nature.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's simply a fact. And it will never change. Never. There has never been in the last 6000 years of known human history, a civilization or people group of any kinds, that didn't prejudge.

When I see someone for a first time their skin and appearance might give me a hint at what their life might have been like, but it does not tell me their character, or define them that comes later.
White privilege is more of an old boy network of opportunities. If you are white, you have more old boys available to you.

Contacts with people who can help you career wise are fewer if you are black

And blacks have affirmitive action...

Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.
White privilege is more of an old boy network of opportunities. If you are white, you have more old boys available to you.

Contacts with people who can help you career wise are fewer if you are black

And blacks have affirmitive action...

Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

I've seen it in place at large corporations, where hiring and promotion decisions are made based on race and gender quotas set by upper management.
Please show me where I can take advantage of this Affirmative Action you talk so much about.

You can and do put together grammatically correct sentences. You express yourself in proper English. Though I usually disagree, you base your arguments on a foundation of logic.

Sorry dude, you're out of luck...

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