An ideal Democratic ticket for 2020

The Democrats need to run Rahm Emanuel for their Presidential candidate, look at the great job he is doing in Chicago.
Rahm Emanuel is responsible for the ass whupping the GOP received in the 2006 mid terms. He was the chair of the DCCC from 2005 to 2007.
far from a Clinton fan, as an older, white male democrat, the DNC needs a wake-up call to abandon their grey-haired standard-bearers and look to entice a new generation of progressive-minded voters.

It is now secret (even among smarter right-wingers) that the Republican party is extremely vulnerable and pretty much an embarrassment even to their base.

It is time for "new blood" with vision, energy, and talent... My proposal is to run:

Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's District 2 Rep., a woman, a veteran and an extremely charismatic future leader.

For V.P. Jim Hines from CT.

...and my only grey-haired exception, is Bernie Sanders as a cabinet member heading either HHS or Ed. Dept.
1) What would she do to get the economy going?

2) How would she balance the budget?

3) How would she reduce the federal debt?

4) What would she do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would she do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would she make to ObamaCare?

7) What changes or improvements would she make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would she make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would she make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would she make to the financial services industry?

11) What would she do about ISIS?

12) What would she do about Putin?
Does the sun come up in the east?
Remember I was a republican all my life and it took a pos like GWB to get me to move I still have some republican in me You want to get on my case because I believe H Clinton would be far more presidential than trump ,,,,have at it
Does the sun come up in the east?
Remember I was a republican all my life and it took a pos like GWB to get me to move I still have some republican in me You want to get on my case because I believe H Clinton would be far more presidential than trump ,,,,have at it
You want to get on my case because I believe H Clinton would be far more presidential than trump
anyone BUT Hillary would be more presidential than Trump
far from a Clinton fan, as an older, white male democrat, the DNC needs a wake-up call to abandon their grey-haired standard-bearers and look to entice a new generation of progressive-minded voters.

It is now secret (even among smarter right-wingers) that the Republican party is extremely vulnerable and pretty much an embarrassment even to their base.

It is time for "new blood" with vision, energy, and talent... My proposal is to run:

Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's District 2 Rep., a woman, a veteran and an extremely charismatic future leader.

For V.P. Jim Hines from CT.

...and my only grey-haired exception, is Bernie Sanders as a cabinet member heading either HHS or Ed. Dept.
1) What would she do to get the economy going?

2) How would she balance the budget?

3) How would she reduce the federal debt?

4) What would she do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would she do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would she make to ObamaCare?

7) What changes or improvements would she make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would she make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would she make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would she make to the financial services industry?

11) What would she do about ISIS?

12) What would she do about Putin?
She'd have no problem ,,,Trump is taking care of all that And pigs fly
far from a Clinton fan, as an older, white male democrat, the DNC needs a wake-up call to abandon their grey-haired standard-bearers and look to entice a new generation of progressive-minded voters.

It is now secret (even among smarter right-wingers) that the Republican party is extremely vulnerable and pretty much an embarrassment even to their base.

It is time for "new blood" with vision, energy, and talent... My proposal is to run:

Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's District 2 Rep., a woman, a veteran and an extremely charismatic future leader.

For V.P. Jim Hines from CT.

...and my only grey-haired exception, is Bernie Sanders as a cabinet member heading either HHS or Ed. Dept.

I guess that you are trying to put him in office...



Does the sun come up in the east?
Remember I was a republican all my life and it took a pos like GWB to get me to move I still have some republican in me You want to get on my case because I believe H Clinton would be far more presidential than trump ,,,,have at it
You want to get on my case because I believe H Clinton would be far more presidential than trump
anyone BUT Hillary would be more presidential than Trump
we can argue the point all day and night and our minds won't change Meanwhile I'm taking part of the 50k I made today in obamas market and going to dinner If you were nearby I'd even invite you If I can get along with Dale I should be able to get along with you
far from a Clinton fan, as an older, white male democrat, the DNC needs a wake-up call to abandon their grey-haired standard-bearers and look to entice a new generation of progressive-minded voters.

It is now secret (even among smarter right-wingers) that the Republican party is extremely vulnerable and pretty much an embarrassment even to their base.

It is time for "new blood" with vision, energy, and talent... My proposal is to run:

Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's District 2 Rep., a woman, a veteran and an extremely charismatic future leader.

For V.P. Jim Hines from CT.

...and my only grey-haired exception, is Bernie Sanders as a cabinet member heading either HHS or Ed. Dept.
1) What would she do to get the economy going?

2) How would she balance the budget?

3) How would she reduce the federal debt?

4) What would she do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would she do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would she make to ObamaCare?

7) What changes or improvements would she make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would she make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would she make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would she make to the financial services industry?

11) What would she do about ISIS?

12) What would she do about Putin?
You guys learned nothing from the last election.

D voters don't get to pick the nominee. The liberal elites in the party and media do.

Wake up!
Unless Trump and the Pubs totally screw-the-pooch over the next few years, I don't think the Dems have a prayer in either 2018 or 2020.
far from a Clinton fan, as an older, white male democrat, the DNC needs a wake-up call to abandon their grey-haired standard-bearers and look to entice a new generation of progressive-minded voters.

It is now secret (even among smarter right-wingers) that the Republican party is extremely vulnerable and pretty much an embarrassment even to their base.

It is time for "new blood" with vision, energy, and talent... My proposal is to run:

Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's District 2 Rep., a woman, a veteran and an extremely charismatic future leader.

For V.P. Jim Hines from CT.

...and my only grey-haired exception, is Bernie Sanders as a cabinet member heading either HHS or Ed. Dept.
What we really need is a loud mouthed lying SOB so we can get some republican votes

Hillary already lost once, you want her to run again?
Knew that was coming lol She wouldn't get any repub votes She's not loud mouthed enough nor as big a lying pos as trump is and of course she can't be a SOB

Her voice was such an irritating voice, and she looked like and SOB. She wouldn't get any Republican votes because she was a bad candidate, anyone that voted for her was just plain wanting to get screwed over by the government.
The ideal winning ticket for 2020 would be someone not associated with the two shit stained parties currently fucking the country and its citizens...
far from a Clinton fan, as an older, white male democrat, the DNC needs a wake-up call to abandon their grey-haired standard-bearers and look to entice a new generation of progressive-minded voters.

It is now secret (even among smarter right-wingers) that the Republican party is extremely vulnerable and pretty much an embarrassment even to their base.

It is time for "new blood" with vision, energy, and talent... My proposal is to run:

Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's District 2 Rep., a woman, a veteran and an extremely charismatic future leader.

For V.P. Jim Hines from CT.

...and my only grey-haired exception, is Bernie Sanders as a cabinet member heading either HHS or Ed. Dept.

My objections to Tulsi- is
a) I have never heard of her and
b) She has no executive experience.

An ideal Democratic candidate will have been a governor- or mayor of the largest city in the United States.

Could we get Bloomberg to run as a Democrat just to have a candidate that could beat Trump?
I don't pay much attention to Democratic Party politics but Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat that I'd take time to listen to. What caught my attention was listening to her talk against our role in regime change wars and about her military service. I also found it favorable when she got herself disinvited to the Democratic debate, I think it had to do with the playing field tilted towards Clinton. Not sure if there is a birther issue with her being born in American Samoa and she's only 36 but then the party needs to get out from under their old leaders.
far from a Clinton fan, as an older, white male democrat, the DNC needs a wake-up call to abandon their grey-haired standard-bearers and look to entice a new generation of progressive-minded voters.

It is now secret (even among smarter right-wingers) that the Republican party is extremely vulnerable and pretty much an embarrassment even to their base.

It is time for "new blood" with vision, energy, and talent... My proposal is to run:

Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's District 2 Rep., a woman, a veteran and an extremely charismatic future leader.

For V.P. Jim Hines from CT.

...and my only grey-haired exception, is Bernie Sanders as a cabinet member heading either HHS or Ed. Dept.

The Democrats will probably just pick some random black guy out of a telephone book like they did with Obama and fabricate his life once again.


Yep I can concur run those two nobodies... a women and a pajama boy... perfect

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