An Inconvenient Truth: The Facts on Ferguson that Liberals wish to ignore


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
This is actual witness testimony, given under penalty of perjury, which supports Wilson's version of events. It is quite telling to know that there are those on the left who choose to ignore the testimony put before the Grand Jury. Now, read this in all of its grim prominence:

Grand Jury Testimony, Volume 18 November 3, 2014
Page 27-32


MR. Okay. And at some point then do you see the police officer get out of the vehicle?

Witness: Yeah, you seen the officer hop out of his cruiser and he is running behind and he's yelling stop. Then Michael turned around and started charging towards the officer and the officer still yelling stop. He did have his firearm drawn, but he was yelling stop, stop, stop. He didn't, so he started shooting him.

MR. All right. So the police officer was yelling at him multiple times to stop?

Witness: Yes.

MR. At any time the police officer was yelling stop as he's charging at him, did Michael Brown stop?

Witness: He slowed down, I thought he was going to stop, but he kept charging towards him. Like he slowed down for a second and then he started running again. Like he put his hand up in the air like, he put his hands up and then he put his hand like in front of him like this way.

MR. Let's talk about this, you say he started to put his hands up?

Witness: Yes.

p. 28

MR. Michael Brown did?

Witness: Yes.

MR. But then he pulled his hands down and you demonstrated that you kind of had a fist in front of you like at your chest height?

Witness: Right.

MR. And can you describe, he had his hands at his chest?

Witness: His hands were balled up. He has his arms bent towards his chest and he's running like, you know, almost like a tackle running.

MR. Okay.

Witness: And I see him shoot him. I don't know, he wasn't going to stop. I don't know how many times he shot him altogether, but like you seen like one of the bullets hit him in the face, cause you seen like the splatter from it. I'm sorry, it distracted me for a second.

MR. I understand, I understand. You say it didn't look like Michael Brown was going to stop.

Witness: NO.

MR. He wasn't going of his own volition going to stop?

p. 29
Witness: He was running, he slowed down, and then he kept running and he shot him and was like for a second he kind of like slowed down and staggered. He kept charging, so he shot him again.

MR. All right. You said that the police officer was at that time telling him to stop?

Witness: Yes.

MR. Repeatedly. You said that in your statement on August 14th that referring to Michael Brown you said the boy wouldn't stop, he fired three rounds, that would be the police officer?

Witness: Right, he fired the three rounds first.

MR. And the dude kept running and the police, you say the police officer fired four more rounds?

Witness: Yes.

MR. Does that sound about right?

Witness: Yes.

MR. And then he finished off the rounds and he fell on the ground, Michael Brown fell on the ground?

p. 30

Witness: Right.

MR. How did he fall, did you see him fall?

Witness: If you were in a standing position, he kind of stopped and he kind of like started to lean forward like this and then he kind of fell on his knees and smacked the ground on his face.

MR. So he fell face first?

Witness: Yes.

MR. And when he was laying there on the ground, he was laying face first on the ground?

Witness: Yes.

MS. You indicated again, just for the tape, you were standing up just now. You had your right hand down near your waistband area and your left arm was sort of hanging down loose, is that how you recall it?

Witness: No, that's just how I was standing.

MS. Okay, that's good. Do you recall sort of what his hands were doing?

Witness: When he went from running with his hands balled up like this.

p. 31

MS. His hands up by his chest?

Witness: Yeah, he just kind of like stopped and was standing there, and he kind of just fell forward.

MS. Okay.

MR. As Michael Brown was running away from the police officer, from the police car, did you see the police officer shoot at him at all at that time?

Witness: No, he did not fire at him.

MR. How about, you said that when Michael Brown turned around, he briefly, looked like he briefly started to put his hands up?

Witness: Right.

MR. Was the police officer shooting at him at that time?

Witness: No.

MR. When did the police officer start shooting at him after the first two shots in the car?

Witness: Um, it took him a minute to fire at him for real. I probably would have shot him instantly you charge at me like that, but when he was running back he was screaming stop, stop.

p. 32

Witness (Cont'd): And the officer was backing up as he kept coming closer to him and he didn't stop. So he shot him three times and he was still charging towards him and he shot him again, shot him four more times.

MR. Okay. So the police officer didn't start shooting again until Michael Brown was actually charging at him?

Witness: Right.

MR. As the police officer was yelling for him to stop?

Witness: Right.

MR. You say he's actually backing away from Michael Brown?

Witness: Right.


Grand Jury Volume 18
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The Cop just happened to be white, and the kid just happened to be black. It just happened to be that that day there was no avoiding
each other. If Wilson really values black lives less , then someone please show some evidence leading up to this day. There would
be something in his police record , Im sure it would appear in the Federal investigation
Oh, but wait there's more!

Grand Jury Volume 6, Page 167
September 23, 2014

Witness Statement:

...he ran towards the officer full charge.The officer fired several shots at him and to give an estimate, 1 would say roughly around five to six shots was fired at Mike Brown. Mike Brown was still coming towards the officer and at this point I'm thinking, wow, is this officer missing Mike Brown at this close of a range [sic]. Mike Brown continuously came forward in the charging motion and at some point, at one point he started to slow down and he came to a stop.

And when he stopped, that's when the officer ceased fire and when he ceased fired, Mike Brown started to charge once more at him. When he charged once more, the officer returned fire with, I would say, give an estimate of three to four shots. And that's when Mike Brown finally collapsed right about even with this driveway.
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?
When the facts don't fit, you don't give a shit. The emperor ignores the facts and acts on his agenda. Obama and Holder are traitors to this nation. That is clear.
The fat lady hasn't sung yet!

Grand Jury Volume 11, Page 181
October 7, 2014

Witness Statement:

...I thought he was trying to charge him at first because the only thing I kept saying was is he crazy? Why don't he just stop instead of running because if somebody is pulling a gun on you, first thing I would think is to drop down on the ground...
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

Coroners report said Michael Brown had THC in his system. what I read was that it was twice the level that would get you arrested for
driving under the influence. How would this affect someones judgement? I have to believe it played a part, but no one wants to look at that.
It obviously didnt make him mellow by the way he treated the store clerk. When your that heavily stoned it could possibly remove you from
reality somewhat . Think so anybody?? and is that Wilsons fault? I sure didnt hear Obama and Holder telling this is a teaching moment to
the youth of America to stay off drugs. It wouldnt hurt you know.
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

He was feigning submission to lure the cop into thinking he was giving up. When the officer would lower his guard, Micheal Brown would then charge the officer, for ill effect. Each time he stopped, the officer stopped firing, and each time he charged him again, the officer would resume fire. It makes all the sense in the world.
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

Because of...


Nation of Islam Behind Ferguson Riots US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Eric Holder!!!

Ferguson Gang Leader Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


ACORN behind violent unrest in Ferguson US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Benghazi vs Ferguson US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

How many other buzz words can the rubes of the GOP attach to Michael Brown and Ferguson? In 6 months what crises will the GOP link to Ferguson? Only Fox News can know!

I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

Because of...

...the fact you're an idiot.
You can print this stuff till your fingers bleed, if it doesn't fit the agenda it will be disregarded and pointless arguing will ensue

Well it's here, and it's reality.
Reality is of no interest to the race baiters.

Of course not. So I will blind them with the truth.
I appreciate the idea but I'm not sure how you blind people who refuse to see the truth under any circumstances with the truth anyway best of luck.
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

He was feigning submission to lure the cop into thinking he was giving up. When the officer would lower his guard, Micheal Brown would then charge the officer, for ill effect. Each time he stopped, the officer stopped firing, and each time he charged him again, the officer would resume fire. It makes all the sense in the world.

Wow!!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! I present to you the WILDEST SPECULATION EVER presented on this forum!!!

Stay tuned for next Tuesday's TK rant on how Casey Anthony was probably reacting to ALIENS!!! :eek:
You can print this stuff till your fingers bleed, if it doesn't fit the agenda it will be disregarded and pointless arguing will ensue
I would like the Prosecutor drag that witness who testified that Brown had his hand up in surrender into court and charge him with perjury. Then televise the bastard recant his testimony so idiot liberals will have no choice but to stop saying Brown held his hands up.

Next, I'd like Speaker Boehner censure any representative that holds his arm up in support of the dead criminal.
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

Because of...


Nation of Islam Behind Ferguson Riots US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Eric Holder!!!

Ferguson Gang Leader Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


ACORN behind violent unrest in Ferguson US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Benghazi vs Ferguson US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

How many other buzz words can the rubes of the GOP attach to Michael Brown and Ferguson? In 6 months what crises will the GOP link to Ferguson? Only Fox News can know!


Forget about fox, use your common sense. M Brown was a big guy who wasnt going to take any shit off of a white cop and it got
him killed. He didnt have his better judgment with him that day. Go around with hatred and anger inside you all the time and it can
get you killed.

Then you can blame the police

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