An Inconvenient Truth: The Facts on Ferguson that Liberals wish to ignore

You can print this stuff till your fingers bleed, if it doesn't fit the agenda it will be disregarded and pointless arguing will ensue

Well it's here, and it's reality.
Reality is of no interest to the race baiters.

Of course not. So I will blind them with the truth.
I appreciate the idea but I'm not sure how you blind people who refuse to see the truth under any circumstances with the truth anyway best of luck.

They can choose to cover their eyes, or their ears, they can't do both!

You can print this stuff till your fingers bleed, if it doesn't fit the agenda it will be disregarded and pointless arguing will ensue
I would like the Prosecutor drag that witness who testified that Brown had his hand up in surrender into court and charge him with perjury. Then televise the bastard recant his testimony so idiot liberals will have no choice but to stop saying Brown held his hands up.

Next, I'd like Speaker Boehner censure any representative that holds his arm up in support of the dead criminal.
Did you read the testimony that Templar posted in the first post of this thread AvgGuy?

This guy in this testimony IS ONE OF THE WITNESSES that says Michael Brown DID have his hands up....

the other people that claimed his hands were up may not have been in the same position as this witness was, but these other people were not lying about the part of MB putting his hands least not according to this witness mentioned in the op.

Witness: He slowed down, I thought he was going to stop, but he kept charging towards him. Like he slowed down for a second and then he started running again. Like he put his hand up in the air like, he put his hands up and then he put his hand like in front of him like this way.

MR. Let's talk about this, you say he started to put his hands up?

Witness: Yes.

p. 28
This guy in this testimony IS ONE OF THE WITNESSES that says Michael Brown DID have his hands up....

That's not what the witness said at all.

Brown would try to raise his hands, then stop, drop his hands ball his fists and charge. Wash, rinse, repeat. At no point did he attempt to run away or put his hands all the way up to submit to the arresting officer.

Hence "start to put his hands up."

This is why you read in context. Because as the witness stated, he was putting his hands up, he suddenly dropped them and began charging Officer Wilson:

MR. But then he pulled his hands down and you demonstrated that you kind of had a fist in front of you like at your chest height?

Witness: Right.

MR. And can you describe, he had his hands at his chest?

Witness: His hands were balled up. He has his arms bent towards his chest and he's running like, you know, almost like a tackle running.
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ut these other people were not lying about the part of MB putting his hands up

Once again, none of the witness said he had his hands up. Not one.
NO, you are's right in front of you in his testimony....REREAD it Templar...this guy SPECIFICALLY SAID MB had his hands UP IN THE AIR, then pulled them back down....

Like he put his hand up in the air like, he put his hands up and then he put his hand like in front of him like this way.

MR. Let's talk about this, you say he started to put his hands up?

Witness: Yes.
ut these other people were not lying about the part of MB putting his hands up

Once again, none of the witness said he had his hands up. Not one.
NO, you are's right in front of you in his testimony....REREAD it Templar...this guy SPECIFICALLY SAID MB had his hands UP IN THE AIR, then pulled them back down....

Like he put his hand up in the air like, he put his hands up and then he put his hand like in front of him like this way.

MR. Let's talk about this, you say he started to put his hands up?

Witness: Yes.

Sure, but that again is not what the witness said. He had his hands at about chest level. He never raised them above the shoulders. Not once. Nice try, but no cigar. Oops.

"he put his hand (singular) up and then he put his hand in front of him."

Do try to keep up, milady.
ut these other people were not lying about the part of MB putting his hands up

Once again, none of the witness said he had his hands up. Not one.
NO, you are's right in front of you in his testimony....REREAD it Templar...this guy SPECIFICALLY SAID MB had his hands UP IN THE AIR, then pulled them back down....

Like he put his hand up in the air like, he put his hands up and then he put his hand like in front of him like this way.

MR. Let's talk about this, you say he started to put his hands up?

Witness: Yes.

Sure, but that again is not what the witness said. He had his hands at about chest level. He never raised them above the shoulders. Not once. Nice try, but no cigar. Oops.

"he put his hand (singular) up and then he put his hand in front of him."

Do try to keep up, milady.
It's not me that has a reading comprehension problem...

He put his hands ''UP IN THE AIR....'' that's the testimony...''UP IN THE AIR....'

and then he brought his hands down, in front of him.... chest level as you say....

Nice try but no cigar Templar!;)
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

He was feigning submission to lure the cop into thinking he was giving up. When the officer would lower his guard, Micheal Brown would then charge the officer, for ill effect. Each time he stopped, the officer stopped firing, and each time he charged him again, the officer would resume fire. It makes all the sense in the world.

Wow!!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! I present to you the WILDEST SPECULATION EVER presented on this forum!!!

Stay tuned for next Tuesday's TK rant on how Casey Anthony was probably reacting to ALIENS!!! :eek:
So, what do you say about the GJ testimony TK has provided?
He put his hands ''UP IN THE AIR....'' that's the testimony...''UP IN THE AIR....'

Miss, you must not know how to read a sentence in context. Basically your argument went as such:

I said: "The dog was about to chase the cat but didn't. The dog turned around and walked towards the cat, but then turned back around and walked off."

You said: "But the dog chased the cat! See look, the dog walked towards the cat, so the dog in fact chased the cat!"

The only words you see are "walked towards the cat" but not the fact the dog walked away in the end. As with the testimony, you focus on "up in the air" without reading that he had a HAND in the air, and then he put it chest level and then charged the officer. This is the classic definition of cherrypicking. And yes you DO have a reading comprehension problem, milady.

My gosh woman, do you not understand basic sentence structure?
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Sort of like saying that, since the Titanic remained afloat for a while after hitting the iceberg, this means it must have been undamaged.

It's truly amazing how much the liberal fanatics have to twist the facts to pretend they are right. Do they think no one else read the OP, and they can get away with their lies and diversions?
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Because of...
Eric Holder!!!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute any of the testimony given in the OP. But I hate it anyway, and want to keep pretending the 6'4" thug was murdered, so I'll change the subject and try desperately to bring up irrelevant stuff, shout hysterically, blame Republicans somehow, and hope that somebody believes me instead of the witness who was there.
It's very telling that most of the flaming "No Justice No Peace" screamers, have avoided this thread like the plague.
Well, the deafening silence from the leftists here is quite damning. Those three testimonies tear a colossal hole in your race narrative. I can't help but sit back and shake my head while you go on and on about how white cops kill black people because of their skin color... spare me.
It's very telling that most of the flaming "No Justice No Peace" screamers, have avoided this thread like the plague.

Either A) the can't read or B) they read it and burst into flames at the mere sight of facts.
They seem to be avoiding the truth like vampires avoid sunlight.

Probably for the same reasons, too.

Indeed. Though, I think Care4All tried to have the best of both worlds, and failed quite miserably. But hey at least one liberal tried their hand in rebutting my thread, also failing miserably...
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

He was feigning submission to lure the cop into thinking he was giving up. When the officer would lower his guard, Micheal Brown would then charge the officer, for ill effect. Each time he stopped, the officer stopped firing, and each time he charged him again, the officer would resume fire. It makes all the sense in the world.

You got that conclusion from the GJ testimony, huh? Nothing but facts with you, bro.

Laughable laughing stock.

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