An Inconvenient Truth: The Facts on Ferguson that Liberals wish to ignore many witnesses said that Brown had his hands up?

You have the info, look it up genius. A lot of them were lying about him having his hands up and running away when he was killed. Can you find evidence that this is what actually happened?

A lot of them were lying? How many said that he was running away when he was killed? Where is that testimony?

The problem that you have is that you are choosing to believe one or two witnesses while choosing to disregard others. Without a trial and sufficient cross examination of all witnesses, we won't know who was lying and who wasn't.

I've not come to a decision yet. I want to know more. It's a liberal thing.
No, idiot. You look at the forensic evidence and see if that confirms or refutes testimony. Which is what the GJ did. And guess what?

Isn't it cool!
Yes. Did he post the testimony of all the witnesses or just three?

Even if I could, I couldn't. You would be scrolling for 20 minutes. Besides, I can't expect you to read past the first page on the first volume. There are 24 of them.

All I did was link to a source where all the witness' comments regarding Brown's movements are collected.

Where do you think I got mine from? CNN of all places.

I didn't offer an opinion about which was accurate and which wasn't. I simply provided the info.

Your actions belie your intent. Given how far left you are, it's only natural to assume that you disagreed with the decision and therefore felt compelled to ask me to quote ALL of the testimony. You rally behind Brown when you should be objective. Unless you're Statistikhengst, who thinks Brown was 148 feet away from Wilson when he was killed. Yeah, right.

My actions belie my intent? You are a retard.

I am simply providing the information that you left out.

I'm still undecided, by the way.
But was it cherry picked and could it be used in a court of law? Don't think second hand sources hold much water in a court of law.

It isn't cherry picked. It is all of the pertinent testimony regarding Brown's movements just before death. There is no opinion one way or the other in that chart. Idiot.
It's a second hand source.
Yes. Did he post the testimony of all the witnesses or just three?

Even if I could, I couldn't. You would be scrolling for 20 minutes. Besides, I can't expect you to read past the first page on the first volume. There are 24 of them.

All I did was link to a source where all the witness' comments regarding Brown's movements are collected.

Where do you think I got mine from? CNN of all places.

I didn't offer an opinion about which was accurate and which wasn't. I simply provided the info.

Your actions belie your intent. Given how far left you are, it's only natural to assume that you disagreed with the decision and therefore felt compelled to ask me to quote ALL of the testimony. You rally behind Brown when you should be objective. Unless you're Statistikhengst, who thinks Brown was 148 feet away from Wilson when he was killed. Yeah, right.

My actions belie my intent? You are a retard.

I am simply providing the information that you left out.

I'm still undecided, by the way.
But was it cherry picked and could it be used in a court of law? Don't think second hand sources hold much water in a court of law.

It isn't cherry picked. It is all of the pertinent testimony regarding Brown's movements just before death. There is no opinion one way or the other in that chart. Idiot.
It's a second hand source.

And you are a retard.
This is another pretty good account of the testimony and forensics evidence.

What happened in Ferguson - Washington Post

My primary unanswered question. Did Brown reach for Wilson's gun or not? He was shot in the hand at close range. Is that proof that he was grabbing the gun?
It doesnt contradict the officer's sworn testimony, so yes.
But it is irrelevant. The question is, was the officer in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot?
The answer is clearly yes.
This is another pretty good account of the testimony and forensics evidence.

What happened in Ferguson - Washington Post

My primary unanswered question. Did Brown reach for Wilson's gun or not? He was shot in the hand at close range. Is that proof that he was grabbing the gun?
It doesnt contradict the officer's sworn testimony, so yes.
But it is irrelevant. The question is, was the officer in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot?
The answer is clearly yes.

That isn't clear. We have not heard Wilson crossed. Until we do...well never know if it was clear or not. That's the fucking point.
Even if I could, I couldn't. You would be scrolling for 20 minutes. Besides, I can't expect you to read past the first page on the first volume. There are 24 of them.

Where do you think I got mine from? CNN of all places.

Your actions belie your intent. Given how far left you are, it's only natural to assume that you disagreed with the decision and therefore felt compelled to ask me to quote ALL of the testimony. You rally behind Brown when you should be objective. Unless you're Statistikhengst, who thinks Brown was 148 feet away from Wilson when he was killed. Yeah, right.

My actions belie my intent? You are a retard.

I am simply providing the information that you left out.

I'm still undecided, by the way.
But was it cherry picked and could it be used in a court of law? Don't think second hand sources hold much water in a court of law.

It isn't cherry picked. It is all of the pertinent testimony regarding Brown's movements just before death. There is no opinion one way or the other in that chart. Idiot.
It's a second hand source.

And you are a retard.
Your opinion is not justified with the facts.
This is another pretty good account of the testimony and forensics evidence.

What happened in Ferguson - Washington Post

My primary unanswered question. Did Brown reach for Wilson's gun or not? He was shot in the hand at close range. Is that proof that he was grabbing the gun?
It doesnt contradict the officer's sworn testimony, so yes.
But it is irrelevant. The question is, was the officer in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot?
The answer is clearly yes.

That isn't clear. We have not heard Wilson crossed. Until we do...well never know if it was clear or not. That's the fucking point.
Absent video you will never have "clear" proof. Because life doesnt work that way.
Again, with nothing to contradict Wilson's testimony his statements must be accepted.
My actions belie my intent? You are a retard.

I am simply providing the information that you left out.

I'm still undecided, by the way.
But was it cherry picked and could it be used in a court of law? Don't think second hand sources hold much water in a court of law.

It isn't cherry picked. It is all of the pertinent testimony regarding Brown's movements just before death. There is no opinion one way or the other in that chart. Idiot.
It's a second hand source.

And you are a retard.
Your opinion is not justified with the facts.
He doesnt care about the facts.
This is another pretty good account of the testimony and forensics evidence.

What happened in Ferguson - Washington Post

My primary unanswered question. Did Brown reach for Wilson's gun or not? He was shot in the hand at close range. Is that proof that he was grabbing the gun?
Again second hand source irrelevant against the Grand Jury documents. Regardless if it came from the grand jury. It's still a second hand source.
This is another pretty good account of the testimony and forensics evidence.

What happened in Ferguson - Washington Post

My primary unanswered question. Did Brown reach for Wilson's gun or not? He was shot in the hand at close range. Is that proof that he was grabbing the gun?
It doesnt contradict the officer's sworn testimony, so yes.
But it is irrelevant. The question is, was the officer in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot?
The answer is clearly yes.

That isn't clear. We have not heard Wilson crossed. Until we do...well never know if it was clear or not. That's the fucking point.
Absent video you will never have "clear" proof. Because life doesnt work that way.
Again, with nothing to contradict Wilson's testimony his statements must be accepted.

That's ridiculous. I don't accept his statements as fact. I want to hear him answer questions. If not...I'll always have questions about his frame of mind.

There will be questions forever on this. Unanswered questions.
This is another pretty good account of the testimony and forensics evidence.

What happened in Ferguson - Washington Post

My primary unanswered question. Did Brown reach for Wilson's gun or not? He was shot in the hand at close range. Is that proof that he was grabbing the gun?
Again second hand source irrelevant against the Grand Jury documents. Regardless if it came from the grand jury. It's still a second hand source.

You are incredible.
But was it cherry picked and could it be used in a court of law? Don't think second hand sources hold much water in a court of law.

It isn't cherry picked. It is all of the pertinent testimony regarding Brown's movements just before death. There is no opinion one way or the other in that chart. Idiot.
It's a second hand source.

And you are a retard.
Your opinion is not justified with the facts.
He doesnt care about the facts.

Funny. The facts are my only concern. We don't have them. Thus...I've not been able to come to a conclusion.

I'll have questions until I get to hear Wilson crossed. Which is likely to be never. Life's a bitch.
This is another pretty good account of the testimony and forensics evidence.

What happened in Ferguson - Washington Post

My primary unanswered question. Did Brown reach for Wilson's gun or not? He was shot in the hand at close range. Is that proof that he was grabbing the gun?
It doesnt contradict the officer's sworn testimony, so yes.
But it is irrelevant. The question is, was the officer in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot?
The answer is clearly yes.

That isn't clear. We have not heard Wilson crossed. Until we do...well never know if it was clear or not. That's the fucking point.
Absent video you will never have "clear" proof. Because life doesnt work that way.
Again, with nothing to contradict Wilson's testimony his statements must be accepted.

That's ridiculous. I don't accept his statements as fact. I want to hear him answer questions. If not...I'll always have questions about his frame of mind.

There will be questions forever on this. Unanswered questions.
Of course you dont. That's why you're an idiot.
Unless there is some reason to believe otherwise sworn testimony stands as evidence.
What do you have to contradict his sworn testimony?
I would like the Prosecutor drag that witness who testified that Brown had his hand up in surrender into court and charge him with perjury. Then televise the bastard recant his testimony so idiot liberals will have no choice but to stop saying Brown held his hands up.

All 16 of them?
Forget about fox, use your common sense. M Brown was a big guy who wasnt going to take any shit off of a white cop and it got
him killed. He didnt have his better judgment with him that day. Go around with hatred and anger inside you all the time and it can
get you killed.

Then you can blame the police

I don't think I want the police shooting people because "they won't take shit off" of them.

When I'm more scared of the police than my fellow citizens, that should be worrisome.

Again, you wingnuts scream all day about how you gots to have your guns so the "gummit" won't oppress you, and here's an example of blatant government abuse and you cheer wildly.

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