An Inconvenient Truth: The Facts on Ferguson that Liberals wish to ignore

I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

Why? Good question. The autopsy though said the giant asshole had marijuana in his system. And we all know there's a reason they call it dope.
Check Rabbi out. He just blew his own shit up and then tried to insult me....a person of far greater intelligence. Same shit...different day.
Does anyone else find it strange that Wilson claims that he asked himself if he could legally kill Brown before firing the fatal shot?

I do.

No, his job was upholding the law.

Quaint. In between shots......asking himself if killing Brown was legal. It calls into question whether or not he really feared for his life.

He said he asked himself that question between firing shots.

Maybe he should've asked himself if there was something he could do besides putting two bullets in the dumb asses brain.
Check Rabbi out. He just blew his own shit up and then tried to insult me....a person of far greater intelligence. Same shit...different day.
The butthurt is strong in this one.
Does anyone else find it strange that Wilson claims that he asked himself if he could legally kill Brown before firing the fatal shot?

I do.

No, his job was upholding the law.

Quaint. In between shots......asking himself if killing Brown was legal. It calls into question whether or not he really feared for his life.

He said he asked himself that question between firing shots.

Maybe he should've asked himself if there was something he could do besides putting two bullets in the dumb asses brain.
And you know he didnt because?
Does anyone else find it strange that Wilson claims that he asked himself if he could legally kill Brown before firing the fatal shot?

I do.

No, his job was upholding the law.

Quaint. In between shots......asking himself if killing Brown was legal. It calls into question whether or not he really feared for his life.

He said he asked himself that question between firing shots.

Maybe he should've asked himself if there was something he could do besides putting two bullets in the dumb asses brain.
And you know he didnt because?
Because he said the other thing... not what I said.
Forget about fox, use your common sense. M Brown was a big guy who wasnt going to take any shit off of a white cop and it got
him killed. He didnt have his better judgment with him that day. Go around with hatred and anger inside you all the time and it can
get you killed.

Then you can blame the police

I don't think I want the police shooting people because "they won't take shit off" of them.

When I'm more scared of the police than my fellow citizens, that should be worrisome.

Again, you wingnuts scream all day about how you gots to have your guns so the "gummit" won't oppress you, and here's an example of blatant government abuse and you cheer wildly.

You dont get it. Wilson didnt shoot Michael Brown because ' He was a big guy who wasnt going to take shit off of him' BUT it was Michael Browns
Attitude that started the events and forced the situation onto Wilson. You can think now of the perect way a cop should have handled it but its different
when your under pressure. The government didnt force a Grand Jury decision, There ia going to be a Federal Investigation Which Governemnet Abuse
are you refering to? Was Wilson a member of a national police force?
I never cheered for the shooting of MB, or will I ever cheer for the shooting of anyone, but I wont be as quick as you are to throw an officer under the bus when hes trying to do his job and gets into a bad situation. A lot of people thought Wilson was guilty based of false eye witness testimony in the very beginning and never let up demanding a guilty verdict. Im sorry you dont get it, maybe someday you will, but Id be willing to bet even when the Federal Investigation clears Wilson youll still say hes guilty. Why ? cause hes white. Im against Racism in cases that are REAL and police abuse in cases that are REAL. This was a cop who happened to be white, who had a run in with a kid who happened to be black who was looking for trouble that day.
By the way Brown had a heavy level of marajuana in his system his judgement and actions. Why diddnt he stop charging Wilson?

Did Marijuana Kill Michael Brown -
Does anyone else find it strange that Wilson claims that he asked himself if he could legally kill Brown before firing the fatal shot?

I do.

No, his job was upholding the law.

Quaint. In between shots......asking himself if killing Brown was legal. It calls into question whether or not he really feared for his life.

He said he asked himself that question between firing shots.


I'd hope police ask themselves that question before, during and after

Let's be honest here. There isn't a fact about it they aren't ignoring other than the race of those involved.

and the actual testimony isn't going to affect those trying to stir up racial division between people. Look at how they ignored the facts in the Zimmerman trial. They still won't admit the man was not guilty of murder.
They are trying to stir up blacks to a frenzy. They don't want healing. Healing does not give them power. And that's all they want.

No one ignored "Facts" at the Zimmerman trial. Except maybe the jury. We just didn't come to the conclusion that Zimmerman was a good guy defending himself from a "thug".

And the fact he's been caught since then menacing his wife, girlfriend and some poor schlub he ran into in traffic, I think our view on him has been kind of vindicated.

Yeah, but it's about power. You see, those black folks want the power to know that if their kid goes to the store he isn't going to be gunned down by some cop-wannabe or an actual cop.

you've just made my point by ignoring facts and lying to blacks to keep your guys in power.

did you guys ever consider just telling the truth and bring good people instead?
One question, would the Rev Al, of the notorious NY KKK gang rape lie, The President, AG, or anyone else have given a rats ass if young Mr. Brown had secured the gun from Wilson and blown his ass away? Brown would have been seen a hero, furthermore granted amnesty by executive order.
Let's be honest here. There isn't a fact about it they aren't ignoring other than the race of those involved.

and the actual testimony isn't going to affect those trying to stir up racial division between people. Look at how they ignored the facts in the Zimmerman trial. They still won't admit the man was not guilty of murder.
They are trying to stir up blacks to a frenzy. They don't want healing. Healing does not give them power. And that's all they want.

No one ignored "Facts" at the Zimmerman trial. Except maybe the jury. We just didn't come to the conclusion that Zimmerman was a good guy defending himself from a "thug".

And the fact he's been caught since then menacing his wife, girlfriend and some poor schlub he ran into in traffic, I think our view on him has been kind of vindicated.

Yeah, but it's about power. You see, those black folks want the power to know that if their kid goes to the store he isn't going to be gunned down by some cop-wannabe or an actual cop.

you've just made my point by ignoring facts and lying to blacks to keep your guys in power.

did you guys ever consider just telling the truth and bring good people instead?
I'm convinced they are not able to recognize the truth, and are unable to give an account without lying by omission or commission.
Check Rabbi out. He just blew his own shit up and then tried to insult me....a person of far greater intelligence. Same shit...different day.


you crack me up.

Yeah! You have done an admirable job of staying out of things. Why fuck it up now? You are barely brighter than Rabbi. Much sweeter....and your desire to appear kind is ingratiating. But...dumb as a rock.

Have a nice day.
In my experience those you need to declare how smart they are while everyone else is stupid give themselves way too much credit and are dealing with insecurity. Much better to admit being a fool capable of learning than to pretend to be a wise man who won't learn.
In my experience those you need to declare how smart they are while everyone else is stupid give themselves way too much credit and are dealing with insecurity. Much better to admit being a fool capable of learning than to pretend to be a wise man who won't learn.

Nah. This place is wide open. We can all see who is an idiot. We have years of posts to review. When an idiot calls me stupid....the idiot will be addressed. When a fan of an idiot pipes in....she too will be addressed.

Unlike the Rabbi...I am always learning.

Teach me something. I'm ready.
Well you would think that years of observation by an intelligent person would have brought said person to a knowledge that I'm a man and not a woman. Especially since I have been quite open about it.

but clearly you've got everything figured out already. I'm just a fool
Well you would think that years of observation by an intelligent person would have brought said person to a knowledge that I'm a man and not a woman. Especially since I have been quite open about it.

but clearly you've got everything figured out already. I'm just a fool

Yeah...I forgot. Sue me. You won that one. I actually stopped to think about that for a moment. Got it wrong.

You are still an idiot.
It hurts to hear that from someone who appointed himself my superior in every way.

doesn't change the facts of Ferguson. It doesn't make someone clearly acting in self defense guilty of murder. Nor does it change the progressive leadership and their cohorts in the media from trying to use this young mans senseless death to divide the people and keep real healing from ever occurring.

why does the left want blacks to think everyone is out to get them rather than healing the racial rift if not for political power? Clearly someone so confident in his superior intelligence can answer a simple question such as that.
It hurts to hear that from someone who appointed himself my superior in every way.

doesn't change the facts of Ferguson. It doesn't make someone clearly acting in self defense guilty of murder. Nor does it change the progressive leadership and their cohorts in the media from trying to use this young mans senseless death to divide the people and keep real healing from ever occurring.

why does the left want blacks to think everyone is out to get them rather than healing the racial rift if not for political power? Clearly someone so confident in his superior intelligence can answer a simple question such as that.

Let my friend answer it for you. Try to watch the entire clip. It will sting a little.

American Hands Stand - The Daily Show - Video Clip Comedy Central

Healing? You don't want healing. You want blaming and denial. It's very clear.
why does the left want blacks to think everyone is out to get them rather than healing the racial rift if not for political power?

Because if they didn't, they would be powerless.

Allowing black people to make their own judgement calls? Who woulda thunk it?

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