An Inconvenient Truth: The Facts on Ferguson that Liberals wish to ignore

It's as reasonable as any other decision Mr. Brown made that evening. Why do you think he put one hand up, then switched to a football lineman's stance, moved forward, then stopped before his final fatal rush? Please support your theory with evidence.
You can print this stuff till your fingers bleed, if it doesn't fit the agenda it will be disregarded and pointless arguing will ensue

Well it's here, and it's reality.

Reality- a cop shot an unarmed man 8 times over a petty offense.

Oddly, he didn't get welcomed back to his job.
Is strong arm robbery a petty offence? Nope. J-walking.... OK I'll grant you that. Trying to disarm a police officer is also hardly a petty offence. The world will be a better place without Michael Brown.
You can print this stuff till your fingers bleed, if it doesn't fit the agenda it will be disregarded and pointless arguing will ensue

Well it's here, and it's reality.

Reality- a cop shot an unarmed man 8 times over a petty offense.

Oddly, he didn't get welcomed back to his job.
Is strong arm robbery a petty offence? Nope. J-walking.... OK I'll grant you that. Trying to disarm a police officer is also hardly a petty offence. The world will be a better place without Michael Brown.
How about assault and battery, which is what Brown did?
BTW, the reason the Grand Jury decided not to indict the cop, was because the (Democrat) prosecutor clearly showed that the cop did NOT shoot Michael Brown when he had his hands raised.

The cop shot him when, after grappling with him and seeing Brown go for the cop's gun, Brown retreated, and then turn and charged the cop like a 6'5" linebacker charging a quarterback. The cop kept yelling at him to STOP! STOP!, and Brown just kept charging, putting the cop (justly) in fear for his life. So when Brown got within 8 feet of him, the cop had no option left but to shoot.

Half a dozen witnesses agreed that this is what happened, including the one quoted in court testimony in the OP.

But 16 witnesses said he had his HANDS UP. Others said he was being fired at while he was running away before he turned.
16.... one of whom was an accomplice and 15 others who were judged to be less than 100% credible. The grand jury heard testimony from scores of witnesses and examined forensic evidence... You know, SCIENCE. (you love science, don't you?)
The weighed testimony against the science and made an informed decision as to each witness's testimony. Dorian Johnson was not found a credible witness. Others were found to be most likely lying about their presence at the time of the shooting and seemed to be repeating what they had heard.
You want a Ferguson fact you RWnuts will surely ignore?

Assistant District Attorney Gave Ferguson Grand Jury An Unconstitutional Statute That Helped Darren Wilson’s Case

"Assistant District Attorney Kathi Alizadeh instructed grand jurors on how to decide the case based on a statute that was invalidated by the U.S. Supreme Court two decades ago. As O’Donnell points out, that statute had not been valid for the entirety of Alizadeh’s legal career. That statute said that officers can use any force they deem necessary to achieve the arrest of a fleeing suspect. It does not preclude deadly force ,saying only that officers are “justified in the use of such physical force as he or she reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.”
The U.S. Supreme Court nixed this law and others like it when it held in the 1985 case of Tennessee v. Garner that police officers could not use deadly force simply because a suspect was fleeing. They could only do so if that suspect also threatened the lives of others. A 1979 Missouri statute was never changed."

There, ignore that. Irrefutable legal evidence that the grand jury process was fundamentally corrupted.

Grand Jury Given Unconstitutional Statute To Aid Darren Wilson Case Global Grind
Do you not understand what sales taxes are?
The bottom 40% of income earners get more from the system in benefits than they pay in. They are the real freeloaders. Why arent you complaining about people getting more than they pay in? Oh yeah, you hate success.

Wow, I'm always amazed how much conservatives just hate them some poor people.

The bottom 40% shouldn't be paying anything in.
BTW, the reason the Grand Jury decided not to indict the cop, was because the (Democrat) prosecutor clearly showed that the cop did NOT shoot Michael Brown when he had his hands raised.

The cop shot him when, after grappling with him and seeing Brown go for the cop's gun, Brown retreated, and then turn and charged the cop like a 6'5" linebacker charging a quarterback. The cop kept yelling at him to STOP! STOP!, and Brown just kept charging, putting the cop (justly) in fear for his life. So when Brown got within 8 feet of him, the cop had no option left but to shoot.

Half a dozen witnesses agreed that this is what happened, including the one quoted in court testimony in the OP.

Frustrated leftists are seeing their golden chance to destroying a white cop, slipping away as the truth comes out, and they are enraged. So they are desperately ignoring the clear facts, and screaming that the cop is a murderer when he clearly wasn't.

If these leftist fanatics had been in that courtroom, they'd all be in jail by now on perjury and defamation charges.

Which is why the leftist fanatics avoid courtrooms at all costs, and stick to internet forums and TV cameras instead, where they can lie all they want and never be held responsible.
Do you not understand what sales taxes are?
The bottom 40% of income earners get more from the system in benefits than they pay in. They are the real freeloaders. Why arent you complaining about people getting more than they pay in? Oh yeah, you hate success.

Wow, I'm always amazed how much conservatives just hate them some poor people.

The bottom 40% shouldn't be paying anything in.
Why? They dont get any benefit from government services?
"Hands up, don't shoot" Was a lie. What is taking so long for the media to get that? Why aren't we getting all the media hacks that investigate Mel Gibson's rant or exploit any other flaw, can' bring this to the fore? Another outrage, as I heard on CBS news yesterday, yes. Another OUTRAGE indeed.
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

Judging by Brown's actions just before this happened, how can he be sane? He was aggressive when he roughed up the owner of the Ferguson market as he robbed him. Clearly, he was not in a normal state of mind.
I think that is good testimony, and explains why so many people claimed MB had raised his arms....because he did raise his arms, but then continued to run towards wilson.

Was MB on a suicide mission? Why would he continue to run towards wilson? Why would he sanely do this?

Judging by Brown's actions just before this happened, how can he be sane? He was aggressive when he roughed up the owner of the Ferguson market as he robbed him. Clearly, he was not in a normal state of mind.
He roughed up the guy at the convenience store?

The video I watched showed the store employee trying to stop him from leaving and he pushed him away....

he DID NOT ''rough him up''...? what the heck? Is that what you call ''roughing him up'', a push away?

Is there further video that I missed that showed MB roughing this guy up? Got a link?
He roughed up the guy at the convenience store?

Anytime you lay your hands on someone with the intent to harm, or when you push a guy into a chip stand, that's 'roughing up.' Just what was Micheal Brown doing to Officer Wilson in the SUV?

The video I watched showed the store employee trying to stop him from leaving and he pushed him away....

That's roughing up... or robbery...take your pick.

he DID NOT ''rough him up''...? what the heck? Is that what you call ''roughing him up'', a push away?

Yeah, we call it simple assault, a misdemeanor. You simply push a guy and that's assault. Doesn't need to be much. Among the other crimes he committed that day were felony assault on a law enforcement official, attempted murder, and petty theft. You seem to want to quibble over a technicality, such as 'roughing him up.'

You liberals... nothing left to argue with. None of this excuses what Brown did.
He roughed up the guy at the convenience store?

Anytime you lay your hands on someone with the intent to harm, or when you push a guy into a chip stand, that's 'roughing up.' Just what was Micheal Brown doing to Officer Wilson in the SUV?

The video I watched showed the store employee trying to stop him from leaving and he pushed him away....

That's roughing up... or robbery...take your pick.

he DID NOT ''rough him up''...? what the heck? Is that what you call ''roughing him up'', a push away?

Yeah, we call it simple assault, a misdemeanor. You simply push a guy and that's assault. Doesn't need to be much. Among the other crimes he committed that day were felony assault on a law enforcement official, attempted murder, and petty theft. You seem to want to quibble over a technicality, such as 'roughing him up.'

You liberals... nothing left to argue with. None of this excuses what Brown did.
it's not roughing up.... it is what it is, and he PUSHED the guy away.... it was a scary push, because he is so big, it would have intimidated me, who is smaller than MB, BUT IT IS NOT ''roughing the clerk up'' or ''roughing up'' the clerk.... roughing up to me implies beating or or punching or giving a black eye....but not the push that MB gave this clerk....

Be HONEST for a change, pretty please.
The thing about the protests in Ferguson is that those people didn't just turn out for one kid getting shot. You had ministers and old ladies and families and moms and dads showing up en masse. Why? Because this one hotly disputed shooting is but the very tip of the iceberg. If you look at the aftermath of the protests and how they turned to riots, all evidence points to an extremely badge heavy police department. This shooting went from 2 kids in the road, to 12 shots in 90 seconds. I have worked with overly aggressive officers, and everything I hear from residents points to an overzealous police force.

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