An Inconvenient Truth: The Facts on Ferguson that Liberals wish to ignore

You didnt come to that conclusion because the media laid out the narrative for you and you followed it. Even when the evidence showed the narrative was plain wrong.
This is because you are stupid and have poor reasoning skills.

No, the evidence showed he is all around a creepy guy.

Like the cousin who said he molested her.

Or the lady whose leg he broke at a party.

Or the cop he hit.

THis "Evidence" was never heard by the six women too stupid to get out of jury duty.
You dont get it. Wilson didnt shoot Michael Brown because ' He was a big guy who wasnt going to take shit off of him' BUT it was Michael Browns
Attitude that started the events and forced the situation onto Wilson. You can think now of the perect way a cop should have handled it but its different
when your under pressure.

Guy, if you can't handle yourself under pressure, you shouldn't be out patrolling a tough neighborhood with a gun.

I never cheered for the shooting of MB, or will I ever cheer for the shooting of anyone, but I wont be as quick as you are to throw an officer under the bus when hes trying to do his job and gets into a bad situation. A lot of people thought Wilson was guilty based of false eye witness testimony in the very beginning and never let up demanding a guilty verdict. Im sorry you dont get it, maybe someday you will, but Id be willing to bet even when the Federal Investigation clears Wilson youll still say hes guilty.

If Wilson was such a good cop, why isn't anyone rushing to sign him up for their police force, then? Why isn't he back out on the streets, right now? You guys can go on about the Grand Jury finding him "innocent', but all they really said was there wasn't enough to go to indictments that weren't asked for.

Why ? cause hes white. Im against Racism in cases that are REAL and police abuse in cases that are REAL. This was a cop who happened to be white, who had a run in with a kid who happened to be black who was looking for trouble that day.
By the way Brown had a heavy level of marajuana in his system his judgement and actions. Why diddnt he stop charging Wilson?

Maybe because he had two bullet holes in him and there was this crazy-cracker cop trying to kill him. Maybe a "Fight of Flight" instinct had kicked in. I would love to be able to ask Michael Brown what the fuck he was thinking that day. Unfortunately, I can't.
you've just made my point by ignoring facts and lying to blacks to keep your guys in power.

did you guys ever consider just telling the truth and bring good people instead?

Have you guys ever considered stop playing on religious, sexual and racial fears of poor white people?

Of course not. Because you ever did, then those white people might notice all the GOP does is help the rich fuck them.

The day working class white, straight Christians realize they are in the same boat as the Black Atheist Lesbian, is the day the GOP is done. So I can see why you guys need to try to claim the other side is the one stoking "divisions">
You didnt come to that conclusion because the media laid out the narrative for you and you followed it. Even when the evidence showed the narrative was plain wrong.
This is because you are stupid and have poor reasoning skills.

No, the evidence showed he is all around a creepy guy.

Like the cousin who said he molested her.

Or the lady whose leg he broke at a party.

Or the cop he hit.

THis "Evidence" was never heard by the six women too stupid to get out of jury duty.
Because the "evidence" was irrelevant. It doesnt matter whether he was a creepy person or not (he isn't). It does matter whether he did the right thing. Whcih in fact he did.
you've just made my point by ignoring facts and lying to blacks to keep your guys in power.

did you guys ever consider just telling the truth and bring good people instead?

Have you guys ever considered stop playing on religious, sexual and racial fears of poor white people?

Of course not. Because you ever did, then those white people might notice all the GOP does is help the rich fuck them.

The day working class white, straight Christians realize they are in the same boat as the Black Atheist Lesbian, is the day the GOP is done. So I can see why you guys need to try to claim the other side is the one stoking "divisions">
The only one stoking division is you. The rest of us understand we're in this together.
In fact you cannot "punish the rich" without punishing everyone else as well.
Because the "evidence" was irrelevant. It doesnt matter whether he was a creepy person or not (he isn't). It does matter whether he did the right thing. Whcih in fact he did.

Well, no, guy, you all wanted to introduce the fact that Trayvon had a gold chain that didn't belong to him or that had a screwdriver in his locker or he smoked weed once...

But no one could mention that Zimmerman had molested his cousin or took a swing at a cop.
The only one stoking division is you. The rest of us understand we're in this together.
In fact you cannot "punish the rich" without punishing everyone else as well.

HOw is making them pay their fair share for a political system they get the most benefit out of "punishing them" exactly?
BTW, the reason the Grand Jury decided not to indict the cop, was because the (Democrat) prosecutor clearly showed that the cop did NOT shoot Michael Brown when he had his hands raised.

The cop shot him when, after grappling with him and seeing Brown go for the cop's gun, Brown retreated, and then turn and charged the cop like a 6'5" linebacker charging a quarterback. The cop kept yelling at him to STOP! STOP!, and Brown just kept charging, putting the cop (justly) in fear for his life. So when Brown got within 8 feet of him, the cop had no option left but to shoot.

Half a dozen witnesses agreed that this is what happened, including the one quoted in court testimony in the OP.

Frustrated leftists are seeing their golden chance to destroying a white cop, slipping away as the truth comes out, and they are enraged. So they are desperately ignoring the clear facts, and screaming that the cop is a murderer when he clearly wasn't.

If these leftist fanatics had been in that courtroom, they'd all be in jail by now on perjury and defamation charges.

Which is why the leftist fanatics avoid courtrooms at all costs, and stick to internet forums and TV cameras instead, where they can lie all they want and never be held responsible.
The only one stoking division is you. The rest of us understand we're in this together.
In fact you cannot "punish the rich" without punishing everyone else as well.

HOw is making them pay their fair share for a political system they get the most benefit out of "punishing them" exactly?
The top 5% pay an astounding amount of all taxes, including income taxes.
The bottom 40% pay no income tax at all. In fact they get more out of the system than they pay in. How is that fair?
BTW, the reason the Grand Jury decided not to indict the cop, was because the (Democrat) prosecutor clearly showed that the cop did NOT shoot Michael Brown when he had his hands raised.

The cop shot him when, after grappling with him and seeing Brown go for the cop's gun, Brown retreated, and then turn and charged the cop like a 6'5" linebacker charging a quarterback. The cop kept yelling at him to STOP! STOP!, and Brown just kept charging, putting the cop (justly) in fear for his life. So when Brown got within 8 feet of him, the cop had no option left but to shoot.

Half a dozen witnesses agreed that this is what happened, including the one quoted in court testimony in the OP.

Frustrated leftists are seeing their golden chance to destroying a white cop, slipping away as the truth comes out, and they are enraged. So they are desperately ignoring the clear facts, and screaming that the cop is a murderer when he clearly wasn't.

If these leftist fanatics had been in that courtroom, they'd all be in jail by now on perjury and defamation charges.

Which is why the leftist fanatics avoid courtrooms at all costs, and stick to internet forums and TV cameras instead, where they can lie all they want and never be held responsible.
Don't you know facts are lame? It's all about the narrative.
You dont get it. Wilson didnt shoot Michael Brown because ' He was a big guy who wasnt going to take shit off of him' BUT it was Michael Browns
Attitude that started the events and forced the situation onto Wilson. You can think now of the perect way a cop should have handled it but its different
when your under pressure.

Guy, if you can't handle yourself under pressure, you shouldn't be out patrolling a tough neighborhood with a gun.

I never cheered for the shooting of MB, or will I ever cheer for the shooting of anyone, but I wont be as quick as you are to throw an officer under the bus when hes trying to do his job and gets into a bad situation. A lot of people thought Wilson was guilty based of false eye witness testimony in the very beginning and never let up demanding a guilty verdict. Im sorry you dont get it, maybe someday you will, but Id be willing to bet even when the Federal Investigation clears Wilson youll still say hes guilty.

If Wilson was such a good cop, why isn't anyone rushing to sign him up for their police force, then? Why isn't he back out on the streets, right now? You guys can go on about the Grand Jury finding him "innocent', but all they really said was there wasn't enough to go to indictments that weren't asked for.

Why ? cause hes white. Im against Racism in cases that are REAL and police abuse in cases that are REAL. This was a cop who happened to be white, who had a run in with a kid who happened to be black who was looking for trouble that day.
By the way Brown had a heavy level of marajuana in his system his judgement and actions. Why diddnt he stop charging Wilson?

Maybe because he had two bullet holes in him and there was this crazy-cracker cop trying to kill him. Maybe a "Fight of Flight" instinct had kicked in. I would love to be able to ask Michael Brown what the fuck he was thinking that day. Unfortunately, I can't.
You dont get it. Wilson didnt shoot Michael Brown because ' He was a big guy who wasnt going to take shit off of him' BUT it was Michael Browns
Attitude that started the events and forced the situation onto Wilson. You can think now of the perect way a cop should have handled it but its different
when your under pressure.

Guy, if you can't handle yourself under pressure, you shouldn't be out patrolling a tough neighborhood with a gun.

I never cheered for the shooting of MB, or will I ever cheer for the shooting of anyone, but I wont be as quick as you are to throw an officer under the bus when hes trying to do his job and gets into a bad situation. A lot of people thought Wilson was guilty based of false eye witness testimony in the very beginning and never let up demanding a guilty verdict. Im sorry you dont get it, maybe someday you will, but Id be willing to bet even when the Federal Investigation clears Wilson youll still say hes guilty.

If Wilson was such a good cop, why isn't anyone rushing to sign him up for their police force, then? Why isn't he back out on the streets, right now? You guys can go on about the Grand Jury finding him "innocent', but all they really said was there wasn't enough to go to indictments that weren't asked for.

Why ? cause hes white. Im against Racism in cases that are REAL and police abuse in cases that are REAL. This was a cop who happened to be white, who had a run in with a kid who happened to be black who was looking for trouble that day.
By the way Brown had a heavy level of marajuana in his system his judgement and actions. Why diddnt he stop charging Wilson?

Maybe because he had two bullet holes in him and there was this crazy-cracker cop trying to kill him. Maybe a "Fight of Flight" instinct had kicked in. I would love to be able to ask Michael Brown what the fuck he was thinking that day. Unfortunately, I can't.

You assume hes a crazy cracker, do you have a video of Wilson throwing around a guy half his size? no you dont. But you do have one of Michael brown doing that. So what part of Wilsons police record, leading up to this event shows Wilson is a crazy Cracker.
Please enlighten us on that , otherwise its just your opinion. before Wilson ran into Brown that day he was on route to a call to help a kid with a respiratory problem. Brown was busy helping himself to someone elses stuff and being a bully. Violating someone elses civil rights, who by the way
had his store burned down.

Wilson cant get hired, you know that,..... he was found guilty as soon as everyone was told he shot brown in the BACK with his hands up ... after that it was the end for Wilson. If he goes back on the street he gets gunned down, how can he possibly be a cop?
BTW, the reason the Grand Jury decided not to indict the cop, was because the (Democrat) prosecutor clearly showed that the cop did NOT shoot Michael Brown when he had his hands raised.

The cop shot him when, after grappling with him and seeing Brown go for the cop's gun, Brown retreated, and then turn and charged the cop like a 6'5" linebacker charging a quarterback. The cop kept yelling at him to STOP! STOP!, and Brown just kept charging, putting the cop (justly) in fear for his life. So when Brown got within 8 feet of him, the cop had no option left but to shoot.

Half a dozen witnesses agreed that this is what happened, including the one quoted in court testimony in the OP.

But 16 witnesses said he had his HANDS UP. Others said he was being fired at while he was running away before he turned.
The top 5% pay an astounding amount of all taxes, including income taxes.
The bottom 40% pay no income tax at all. In fact they get more out of the system than they pay in. How is that fair?

The top 5% control 72% of the wealth. The bottom 40 control 0.6% of the wealth, yet we still manage to hit them up for sales taxes and payroll taxes if they have jobs.


No, the rich are NOT paying their fair share.
you've just made my point by ignoring facts and lying to blacks to keep your guys in power.

did you guys ever consider just telling the truth and bring good people instead?

Have you guys ever considered stop playing on religious, sexual and racial fears of poor white people?

Of course not. Because you ever did, then those white people might notice all the GOP does is help the rich fuck them.

The day working class white, straight Christians realize they are in the same boat as the Black Atheist Lesbian, is the day the GOP is done. So I can see why you guys need to try to claim the other side is the one stoking "divisions">

no it's never occurred to me to stop because I'd have to start first.

have you ever considered not cheating on your significant other?
You assume hes a crazy cracker, do you have a video of Wilson throwing around a guy half his size? no you dont. But you do have one of Michael brown doing that. So what part of Wilsons police record, leading up to this event shows Wilson is a crazy Cracker.

Please enlighten us on that , otherwise its just your opinion. before Wilson ran into Brown that day he was on route to a call to help a kid with a respiratory problem. Brown was busy helping himself to someone elses stuff and being a bully. Violating someone elses civil rights, who by the way
had his store burned down.

Wilson cant get hired, you know that,..... he was found guilty as soon as everyone was told he shot brown in the BACK with his hands up ... after that it was the end for Wilson. If he goes back on the street he gets gunned down, how can he possibly be a cop?

I don't assume anything, I'm just speculating what was going on in Brown's mind. Someone is trying his level best to kill you over some stolen cigars, you might make a bad decision. He probably should have just kept running.

Again, if you let a simple jaywalking escalate into a fatal use of force, you really, really suck at your job.
no it's never occurred to me to stop because I'd have to start first.

have you ever considered not cheating on your significant other?

I was talking about your party, not you.

YOu are one of the religious stupids they are actually fooling, obviously.
The top 5% pay an astounding amount of all taxes, including income taxes.
The bottom 40% pay no income tax at all. In fact they get more out of the system than they pay in. How is that fair?

The top 5% control 72% of the wealth. The bottom 40 control 0.6% of the wealth, yet we still manage to hit them up for sales taxes and payroll taxes if they have jobs.


No, the rich are NOT paying their fair share.
Do you not understand what sales taxes are?
The bottom 40% of income earners get more from the system in benefits than they pay in. They are the real freeloaders. Why arent you complaining about people getting more than they pay in? Oh yeah, you hate success.
According to the Rabbi, Michael Brown was the innocent victim of the high taxes on tobacco.
According to the Rabbi, Michael Brown was the innocent victim of the high taxes on tobacco.
No, that was Eric Garner.
I realize to you all young black men look alike but even you know the difference between Missouri and New York.

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