An insight into the left-wing mindset

I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?

To put it bluntly, for us to be interested in telling you how you should behave, we would first have to be interested in your existence. Believe me, that is a radical assumption for you to make.

The real question is, does it chap YOUR ass to know that you don't matter enough to be judged? If so, why?

Yeah, changing hands fell out of vogue quite a while back, but my grandma still asked my mom if she shouldn't move my spoon to the other hand when I was learning to eat.

Proper manners are a different thing than writing. It varies between the US and Europe, not between right and left handed.

Umm, that was the first example I had in my life of my handedness. It is a fact that they used to try to change the writing hand as well.

And ooh! This just in! Handedness is still utterly irrelevant to demands that the rest of us pretend that putting on makeup and a dress erases the existence of a penis. Tell all your friends.
Yeah, changing hands fell out of vogue quite a while back, but my grandma still asked my mom if she shouldn't move my spoon to the other hand when I was learning to eat.

Proper manners are a different thing than writing. It varies between the US and Europe, not between right and left handed.

Umm, that was the first example I had in my life of my handedness. It is a fact that they used to try to change the writing hand as well.

And ooh! This just in! Handedness is still utterly irrelevant to demands that the rest of us pretend that putting on makeup and a dress erases the existence of a penis. Tell all your friends.

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?

What "chaps my ass" are people who try to convince others that abnormal or unnatural behavior is NOT abnormal or unnatural.


Because sane people don't like having someone piss on their leg and insist that it's raining. Go figure.
I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?

To put it bluntly, for us to be interested in telling you how you should behave, we would first have to be interested in your existence. Believe me, that is a radical assumption for you to make.

The real question is, does it chap YOUR ass to know that you don't matter enough to be judged? If so, why?


Well, if you're lucky, YOU'LL believe you.
In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?

What "chaps my ass" are people who try to convince others that abnormal or unnatural behavior is NOT abnormal or unnatural.


Because sane people don't like having someone piss on their leg and insist that it's raining. Go figure.

I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?

To put it bluntly, for us to be interested in telling you how you should behave, we would first have to be interested in your existence. Believe me, that is a radical assumption for you to make.

The real question is, does it chap YOUR ass to know that you don't matter enough to be judged? If so, why?


Well, if you're lucky, YOU'LL believe you.

Where's the science to support that children aren't born with their sexual orientation or gender identity?

That doesn't make them normal or natural in society.

What does it make them? Artificial?

Abnormal and unnatural.

That's right, I just used bad, judgemental words. Get over it.


Only a leftist is enough of an attention whore to need to make an actual post in order to have nothing to say.
Where's the science to support that children aren't born with their sexual orientation or gender identity?

That doesn't make them normal or natural in society.

What does it make them? Artificial?

Abnormal and unnatural.

That's right, I just used bad, judgemental words. Get over it.


Only a leftist is enough of an attention whore to need to make an actual post in order to have nothing to say.

Sorry, it was my sign that I read it. I am positive that nothing I say to you will make the slightest dent anyway.
Yes, the science isn't complete...
If it was....the left would ignore it.

And yet I am the only one who came up with any links to scientific research.

My God, the hypocrites are thick.

You're actually the only one who came up with links to speculative headlines purporting to be science, but without any of that niggling little stuff we like to call "proof".

My God, the stupid is thick.

And yet I am the only one who came up with any links to scientific research.
Is it "scientific" if one admits that it isn't complete? Isn't that the polar opposite of "scientific"? Something which is "scientific" is supposed to be complete and indisputable.

Yes, it's still scientific. Do you think science isn't valid unless it answers every possible question?

Scientific discovery often opens up more questions as it answers certain questions.

I think science isn't valid if it comes to a conclusion at the same time it's admitting that acquiring evidence to support that conclusion isn't complete. You don't have to answer every question in the world, but it's nice if you manage to answer the question you're asserting an answer to.
Poor Newton he spends all that time figuring out why the planets were late in their orbits and all he had to do was drop something.
Poor regent - he spends all of his time attempting to be a troll but fails miserably at it every time. could a planet (or planets) be "late in their orbit"? Time is a man-made construct. Schedules are a man-made construct. Are you under the impression that there is some celestial grandfather clock in the Milky Way designed to keep the planets orbiting "on time"?

"Late in their orbits" :lmao:
So if history is a blank to you along with politics and science, what's left? Ah, how about creating some cute little names to call people when you're stumped?
That doesn't make them normal or natural in society.

What does it make them? Artificial?

Abnormal and unnatural.

That's right, I just used bad, judgemental words. Get over it.


Only a leftist is enough of an attention whore to need to make an actual post in order to have nothing to say.

Sorry, it was my sign that I read it. I am positive that nothing I say to you will make the slightest dent anyway.

And yet you're still positive enough that you're vitally important that you feel the need to have "a sign that you read it". The mind utterly boggles at such ego, it really does.
left wing mind set? just like right wing mind set, a large number will only hear what fits there fixed view. Both these views are the main stay of this site. Where are the posts on keeping the net free, where are the views on health care, not bashing but fact based thought, how about no one is perfect, both sides of the isle do things we should be talking about. calling names & laughing at each other. just a dump site for frustration. we could be helping each other.
I love when left-wing politicians and celebrities accidentally speak the truth. It illustrates what that ideology is all about when it happens (ie lies, lies, and more lies). Here is Hitlery Clinton stating she is "finally free to speak her mind".

Uh....Hitlery? You were not only always free to "speak your mind" - as a candidate you had a responsibility to the voters to speak your mind. But of course, she was never interested in showing the American people what she stood for and then allowing them to decide for themselves whether or not she was the right person for the job. She was only interested in winning at all costs. This just reaffirms her repulsive "I have one position for the public, and then I have my real position behind closed doors" approach to being a politician.

Hillary Clinton says she’s finally ‘free to speak her mind’ — conservatives have a field day with it

Time to change meaning of "woman suffrage".
Yes, it's still scientific. Do you think science isn't valid unless it answers every possible question?
It is only valid if it answers that particular question.
Scientific discovery often opens up more questions as it answers certain questions.
Questions about other things maybe. But if it doesn't indisputably answer the particular question is set out to answer - then it's not science. It's only theory my dear.

Theories are not given the credit they deserve. People think it means an guess, nothing to back it up. That's a hypothesis. A theory is not absolutely proven, but there's enough evidence to make it plausible, even probable. Like the theory of gravity, or evolution.

Yeah, see, you have it all backwards (Pause for the gasps of shock). It's not that the people you oppose think theories are wild-ass guesses. It's that you and your compatriots think wild-ass guesses are theories, you throw around the "theory" label at things at random in order to gain some sort of respectability by association (exactly what aspect of gravity is it that you tweekos are always proudly proclaiming a "theory", anyway?), and you think that "because I want it to be true!" constitutes evidence.

Can you see where this might possibly cause problems?

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