An insight into the left-wing mindset

Yes, it's still scientific. Do you think science isn't valid unless it answers every possible question?
It is only valid if it answers that particular question.
Scientific discovery often opens up more questions as it answers certain questions.
Questions about other things maybe. But if it doesn't indisputably answer the particular question is set out to answer - then it's not science. It's only theory my dear.
Yes, it's still scientific. Do you think science isn't valid unless it answers every possible question?
It is only valid if it answers that particular question.
Scientific discovery often opens up more questions as it answers certain questions.
Questions about other things maybe. But if it doesn't indisputably answer the particular question is set out to answer - then it's not science. It's only theory my dear.

Theories are not given the credit they deserve. People think it means an guess, nothing to back it up. That's a hypothesis. A theory is not absolutely proven, but there's enough evidence to make it plausible, even probable. Like the theory of gravity, or evolution.
Yes, it's still scientific. Do you think science isn't valid unless it answers every possible question?
It is only valid if it answers that particular question.
Scientific discovery often opens up more questions as it answers certain questions.
Questions about other things maybe. But if it doesn't indisputably answer the particular question is set out to answer - then it's not science. It's only theory my dear.

Theories are not given the credit they deserve. People think it means an guess, nothing to back it up. That's a hypothesis. A theory is not absolutely proven, but there's enough evidence to make it plausible, even probable. Like the theory of gravity, or evolution.
Exactly. And at this point - your "science" is literally nothing more than theory until it is proven. And you even said that the "science" is not proven.
Yes, it's still scientific. Do you think science isn't valid unless it answers every possible question?
It is only valid if it answers that particular question.
Scientific discovery often opens up more questions as it answers certain questions.
Questions about other things maybe. But if it doesn't indisputably answer the particular question is set out to answer - then it's not science. It's only theory my dear.

Theories are not given the credit they deserve. People think it means an guess, nothing to back it up. That's a hypothesis. A theory is not absolutely proven, but there's enough evidence to make it plausible, even probable. Like the theory of gravity, or evolution.
Exactly. And at this point - your "science" is literally nothing more than theory until it is proven. And you even said that the "science" is not proven.

FFS. I guess you don't believe in gravity, either. It's just a theory.
I guess you don't believe in gravity, either. It's just a theory.
Gravity is a "theory" in your mind?!? :lmao:

Talk about being a "science denier". Gravity is proven by simply dropping an object and watching it fall down instead of float away. That is further supported by the opposite occurring in space. :eusa_doh:
I guess you don't believe in gravity, either. It's just a theory.
Gravity is a "theory" in your mind?!? :lmao:

Talk about being a "science denier". Gravity is proven by simply dropping an object and watching it fall down instead of float away. That is further supported by the opposite occurring in space. :eusa_doh:

Gravity: It's Only a Theory | NCSE

It's a natural law, but because we can't answer every question about why it happens, it's a theory.

You're so ignorant.
I guess you don't believe in gravity, either. It's just a theory.
Gravity is a "theory" in your mind?!? :lmao:

Talk about being a "science denier". Gravity is proven by simply dropping an object and watching it fall down instead of float away. That is further supported by the opposite occurring in space. :eusa_doh:
Poor Newton he spends all that time figuring out why the planets were late in their orbits and all he had to do was drop something.
Poor Newton he spends all that time figuring out why the planets were late in their orbits and all he had to do was drop something.
Poor regent - he spends all of his time attempting to be a troll but fails miserably at it every time. could a planet (or planets) be "late in their orbit"? Time is a man-made construct. Schedules are a man-made construct. Are you under the impression that there is some celestial grandfather clock in the Milky Way designed to keep the planets orbiting "on time"?

"Late in their orbits" :lmao:
I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?
Nobody cares if you choose to live an alternative lifestyle of your choice. You keep trying to frame the discussion that way and it wasn't the point. The point is that you are offended by the terms natural and normal. I brought up how leftists are trying to deny gender and that made you fly off the handle.

The FACT is that there are fundamental differences between the genders and it prevails in nature. You can deny gravity if you want but don't claim people are trying to force gravity on you. The issue is the denial.
I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?
Nobody cares if you choose to live an alternative lifestyle of your choice. You keep trying to frame the discussion that way and it wasn't the point. The point is that you are offended by the terms natural and normal. I brought up how leftists are trying to deny gender and that made you fly off the handle.

The FACT is that there are fundamental differences between the genders and it prevails in nature. You can deny gravity if you want but don't claim people are trying to force gravity on you. The issue is the denial.

If you don't like how the word "unnatural" sounded in my perfectly legitimate question, then you shouldn't have opened the door by using the word "natural."

I didn't "fly off the handle," I rebutted your argument, answered your questions, provided supporting citations.

You can't even get gravity right. No one's denying it, just correctly labeling it a theory. You want to throw around scientific terms, get them right. Or STFU. Whatever.
I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?
Nobody cares if you choose to live an alternative lifestyle of your choice. You keep trying to frame the discussion that way and it wasn't the point. The point is that you are offended by the terms natural and normal. I brought up how leftists are trying to deny gender and that made you fly off the handle.

The FACT is that there are fundamental differences between the genders and it prevails in nature. You can deny gravity if you want but don't claim people are trying to force gravity on you. The issue is the denial.

If you don't like how the word "unnatural" sounded in my perfectly legitimate question, then you shouldn't have opened the door by using the word "natural."

I didn't "fly off the handle," I rebutted your argument, answered your questions, provided supporting citations.

You can't even get gravity right. No one's denying it, just correctly labeling it a theory. You want to throw around scientific terms, get them right. Or STFU. Whatever.
You're a rude kunt, I'll give you that much. I pointed out the flaw in your question, that wasn't me not liking it. You constantly twist everything in a dishonest fashion. No wonder you are gender confused. Your citation proved you don't know what you are talking about.

The term gravity isn't correct? You use your own personal dictionary. I'll bet you spent your childhood pounding the square peg into the round hole.
I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?
Nobody cares if you choose to live an alternative lifestyle of your choice. You keep trying to frame the discussion that way and it wasn't the point. The point is that you are offended by the terms natural and normal. I brought up how leftists are trying to deny gender and that made you fly off the handle.

The FACT is that there are fundamental differences between the genders and it prevails in nature. You can deny gravity if you want but don't claim people are trying to force gravity on you. The issue is the denial.

If you don't like how the word "unnatural" sounded in my perfectly legitimate question, then you shouldn't have opened the door by using the word "natural."

I didn't "fly off the handle," I rebutted your argument, answered your questions, provided supporting citations.

You can't even get gravity right. No one's denying it, just correctly labeling it a theory. You want to throw around scientific terms, get them right. Or STFU. Whatever.
You're a rude kunt, I'll give you that much. I pointed out the flaw in your question, that wasn't me not liking it. You constantly twist everything in a dishonest fashion. No wonder you are gender confused. Your citation proved you don't know what you are talking about.

The term gravity isn't correct? You use your own personal dictionary. I'll bet you spent your childhood pounding the square peg into the round hole.

And now we start the personal attack portion of the show.

I have been completely honest.

I am not gender-confused, but I can understand something even when it doesn't apply to me personally.

The term gravity is correct. It's a theory.

My "flaw" in my question was that you didn't care for the loaded word "unnatural," but you took umbrage to my dislike of the word natural as a value-loaded word.

Calling me a nasty word is not going to change any of these things.

You have a great day, weasel-man. Life is too short for this kind of animosity. Use this place as a sparring ring, not as a blood sport arena.
Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?
Nobody cares if you choose to live an alternative lifestyle of your choice. You keep trying to frame the discussion that way and it wasn't the point. The point is that you are offended by the terms natural and normal. I brought up how leftists are trying to deny gender and that made you fly off the handle.

The FACT is that there are fundamental differences between the genders and it prevails in nature. You can deny gravity if you want but don't claim people are trying to force gravity on you. The issue is the denial.

If you don't like how the word "unnatural" sounded in my perfectly legitimate question, then you shouldn't have opened the door by using the word "natural."

I didn't "fly off the handle," I rebutted your argument, answered your questions, provided supporting citations.

You can't even get gravity right. No one's denying it, just correctly labeling it a theory. You want to throw around scientific terms, get them right. Or STFU. Whatever.
You're a rude kunt, I'll give you that much. I pointed out the flaw in your question, that wasn't me not liking it. You constantly twist everything in a dishonest fashion. No wonder you are gender confused. Your citation proved you don't know what you are talking about.

The term gravity isn't correct? You use your own personal dictionary. I'll bet you spent your childhood pounding the square peg into the round hole.

And now we start the personal attack portion of the show.

I have been completely honest.

I am not gender-confused, but I can understand something even when it doesn't apply to me personally.

The term gravity is correct. It's a theory.

My "flaw" in my question was that you didn't care for the loaded word "unnatural," but you took umbrage to my dislike of the word natural as a value-loaded word.

Calling me a nasty word is not going to change any of these things.

You have a great day, weasel-man. Life is too short for this kind of animosity. Use this place as a sparring ring, not as a blood sport arena.
I'm sure you tun a lot of people off!

This is just more phony garbage from you. You insulted me and claim I'm starting the personal crap. When did I say gravity wasn't theorized? I said it's real, we know it exists, like nature. You can pound your thick noggin against the wall but it changes nothing. Your stupidity isn't my problem and no, I don't let people put words in my mouth. Don't like it? Tough shit.
In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?
Nobody cares if you choose to live an alternative lifestyle of your choice. You keep trying to frame the discussion that way and it wasn't the point. The point is that you are offended by the terms natural and normal. I brought up how leftists are trying to deny gender and that made you fly off the handle.

The FACT is that there are fundamental differences between the genders and it prevails in nature. You can deny gravity if you want but don't claim people are trying to force gravity on you. The issue is the denial.

If you don't like how the word "unnatural" sounded in my perfectly legitimate question, then you shouldn't have opened the door by using the word "natural."

I didn't "fly off the handle," I rebutted your argument, answered your questions, provided supporting citations.

You can't even get gravity right. No one's denying it, just correctly labeling it a theory. You want to throw around scientific terms, get them right. Or STFU. Whatever.
You're a rude kunt, I'll give you that much. I pointed out the flaw in your question, that wasn't me not liking it. You constantly twist everything in a dishonest fashion. No wonder you are gender confused. Your citation proved you don't know what you are talking about.

The term gravity isn't correct? You use your own personal dictionary. I'll bet you spent your childhood pounding the square peg into the round hole.

And now we start the personal attack portion of the show.

I have been completely honest.

I am not gender-confused, but I can understand something even when it doesn't apply to me personally.

The term gravity is correct. It's a theory.

My "flaw" in my question was that you didn't care for the loaded word "unnatural," but you took umbrage to my dislike of the word natural as a value-loaded word.

Calling me a nasty word is not going to change any of these things.

You have a great day, weasel-man. Life is too short for this kind of animosity. Use this place as a sparring ring, not as a blood sport arena.
I'm sure you tun a lot of people off!

This is just more phony garbage from you. You insulted me and claim I'm starting the personal crap. When did I say gravity wasn't theorized? I said it's real, we know it exists, like nature. You can pound your thick noggin against the wall but it changes nothing. Your stupidity isn't my problem and no, I don't let people put words in my mouth. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I insulted you? Maybe I didn't treat you with kid gloves, but I never came out and insulted you.

Would you like the formal apology or the gift basket?
Nobody cares if you choose to live an alternative lifestyle of your choice. You keep trying to frame the discussion that way and it wasn't the point. The point is that you are offended by the terms natural and normal. I brought up how leftists are trying to deny gender and that made you fly off the handle.

The FACT is that there are fundamental differences between the genders and it prevails in nature. You can deny gravity if you want but don't claim people are trying to force gravity on you. The issue is the denial.

If you don't like how the word "unnatural" sounded in my perfectly legitimate question, then you shouldn't have opened the door by using the word "natural."

I didn't "fly off the handle," I rebutted your argument, answered your questions, provided supporting citations.

You can't even get gravity right. No one's denying it, just correctly labeling it a theory. You want to throw around scientific terms, get them right. Or STFU. Whatever.
You're a rude kunt, I'll give you that much. I pointed out the flaw in your question, that wasn't me not liking it. You constantly twist everything in a dishonest fashion. No wonder you are gender confused. Your citation proved you don't know what you are talking about.

The term gravity isn't correct? You use your own personal dictionary. I'll bet you spent your childhood pounding the square peg into the round hole.

And now we start the personal attack portion of the show.

I have been completely honest.

I am not gender-confused, but I can understand something even when it doesn't apply to me personally.

The term gravity is correct. It's a theory.

My "flaw" in my question was that you didn't care for the loaded word "unnatural," but you took umbrage to my dislike of the word natural as a value-loaded word.

Calling me a nasty word is not going to change any of these things.

You have a great day, weasel-man. Life is too short for this kind of animosity. Use this place as a sparring ring, not as a blood sport arena.
I'm sure you tun a lot of people off!

This is just more phony garbage from you. You insulted me and claim I'm starting the personal crap. When did I say gravity wasn't theorized? I said it's real, we know it exists, like nature. You can pound your thick noggin against the wall but it changes nothing. Your stupidity isn't my problem and no, I don't let people put words in my mouth. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I insulted you? Maybe I didn't treat you with kid gloves, but I never came out and insulted you.

Would you like the formal apology or the gift basket?
Sure you did. Like a good lib you put down my intelligence, I mentioned gravity and you said I couldn't even get that right. WTF? Then you create one strawman argument after another to avoid the simple point that there is a such thing as what's normal in nature. That's a good illustration of what's wrong with the left.
If you don't like how the word "unnatural" sounded in my perfectly legitimate question, then you shouldn't have opened the door by using the word "natural."

I didn't "fly off the handle," I rebutted your argument, answered your questions, provided supporting citations.

You can't even get gravity right. No one's denying it, just correctly labeling it a theory. You want to throw around scientific terms, get them right. Or STFU. Whatever.
You're a rude kunt, I'll give you that much. I pointed out the flaw in your question, that wasn't me not liking it. You constantly twist everything in a dishonest fashion. No wonder you are gender confused. Your citation proved you don't know what you are talking about.

The term gravity isn't correct? You use your own personal dictionary. I'll bet you spent your childhood pounding the square peg into the round hole.

And now we start the personal attack portion of the show.

I have been completely honest.

I am not gender-confused, but I can understand something even when it doesn't apply to me personally.

The term gravity is correct. It's a theory.

My "flaw" in my question was that you didn't care for the loaded word "unnatural," but you took umbrage to my dislike of the word natural as a value-loaded word.

Calling me a nasty word is not going to change any of these things.

You have a great day, weasel-man. Life is too short for this kind of animosity. Use this place as a sparring ring, not as a blood sport arena.
I'm sure you tun a lot of people off!

This is just more phony garbage from you. You insulted me and claim I'm starting the personal crap. When did I say gravity wasn't theorized? I said it's real, we know it exists, like nature. You can pound your thick noggin against the wall but it changes nothing. Your stupidity isn't my problem and no, I don't let people put words in my mouth. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I insulted you? Maybe I didn't treat you with kid gloves, but I never came out and insulted you.

Would you like the formal apology or the gift basket?
Sure you did. Like a good lib you put down my intelligence, I mentioned gravity and you said I couldn't even get that right. WTF? Then you create one strawman argument after another to avoid the simple point that there is a such thing as what's normal in nature. That's a good illustration of what's wrong with the left.

I'm sure this won't help our budding friendship, but your lack of intelligence was on display, between using scientific terms incorrectly, to criticizing sources without putting up any of your own.

Your partisanship rages to the point that you MUST get one over on a "lib." That's not very smart, either.
You're a rude kunt, I'll give you that much. I pointed out the flaw in your question, that wasn't me not liking it. You constantly twist everything in a dishonest fashion. No wonder you are gender confused. Your citation proved you don't know what you are talking about.

The term gravity isn't correct? You use your own personal dictionary. I'll bet you spent your childhood pounding the square peg into the round hole.

And now we start the personal attack portion of the show.

I have been completely honest.

I am not gender-confused, but I can understand something even when it doesn't apply to me personally.

The term gravity is correct. It's a theory.

My "flaw" in my question was that you didn't care for the loaded word "unnatural," but you took umbrage to my dislike of the word natural as a value-loaded word.

Calling me a nasty word is not going to change any of these things.

You have a great day, weasel-man. Life is too short for this kind of animosity. Use this place as a sparring ring, not as a blood sport arena.
I'm sure you tun a lot of people off!

This is just more phony garbage from you. You insulted me and claim I'm starting the personal crap. When did I say gravity wasn't theorized? I said it's real, we know it exists, like nature. You can pound your thick noggin against the wall but it changes nothing. Your stupidity isn't my problem and no, I don't let people put words in my mouth. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I insulted you? Maybe I didn't treat you with kid gloves, but I never came out and insulted you.

Would you like the formal apology or the gift basket?
Sure you did. Like a good lib you put down my intelligence, I mentioned gravity and you said I couldn't even get that right. WTF? Then you create one strawman argument after another to avoid the simple point that there is a such thing as what's normal in nature. That's a good illustration of what's wrong with the left.

I'm sure this won't help our budding friendship, but your lack of intelligence was on display, between using scientific terms incorrectly, to criticizing sources without putting up any of your own.

Your partisanship rages to the point that you MUST get one over on a "lib." That's not very smart, either.
More of the same. Calling a lib a lib doesn't make me a party member and saying gravity doesn't make the term incorrect. It's a real word, look it up. Nor do I have to prove how little bunnies are made. If you need a link that's key to the issue.
I missed this little gem.

Do you know what the words "natural" and "normal" are used for?

Social control.

I'm not playing.

Great, show us your reliable source and link so we can all enjoy! Thank you!

What I've found is:

  1. existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind:
    "carrots contain a natural antiseptic that fights bacteria" ·
  2. of or in agreement with the character or makeup of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something:
    "sharks have no natural enemies"
  3. (of a parent or child) related by blood:
    "such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were"
  4. music
    (of a note) not sharped or flatted:
    "the bassoon plays G-natural instead of A-flat"
  1. a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity:
    "she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her"
  2. music
    a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
  3. a creamy beige color.
  4. a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result that wins immediately, in particular.
  1. informal
    "keep walking—just act natural"
usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.

Strange, I don't see your personal definition in any of the definitions. Where do you see, "social control"?

In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?

To put it bluntly, for us to be interested in telling you how you should behave, we would first have to be interested in your existence. Believe me, that is a radical assumption for you to make.

The real question is, does it chap YOUR ass to know that you don't matter enough to be judged? If so, why?

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