An insight into the left-wing mindset

Yeah, changing hands fell out of vogue quite a while back, but my grandma still asked my mom if she shouldn't move my spoon to the other hand when I was learning to eat.

Proper manners are a different thing than writing. It varies between the US and Europe, not between right and left handed.
Yeah, changing hands fell out of vogue quite a while back, but my grandma still asked my mom if she shouldn't move my spoon to the other hand when I was learning to eat.

Proper manners are a different thing than writing. It varies between the US and Europe, not between right and left handed.

Umm, that was the first example I had in my life of my handedness. It is a fact that they used to try to change the writing hand as well.
What does it make them? Artificial?

I try to help others.

Antonyms for normal
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Antonyms for natural
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Why are you so obsessed with Hillary Clinton?

It seems that only six months ago, you and virtually every other Progressive was obsessed with her as you KNEW she was the next president.

I understand, if Hillary Clinton had been my candidate, I'd be trying to block her out of my memory too! The trouble is, she just won't go away! Now she's going to lose in a run for mayor of New York City.
In the mouths of everyone who tells others the "normal" and "natural" way they should behave.

The real question is, does my rejection of that particular concept chap your ass personally? If so, why?

What "chaps my ass" are people who try to convince others that abnormal or unnatural behavior is NOT abnormal or unnatural.
Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

"First and foremost, is gender identity genetic? It seems the answer is yes – though, as with most traits involving identity, there is some environmental influence. One classic way for scientists to test whether a trait (which can be any characteristic from red hair to cancer susceptibility to love of horror movies) is influenced by genetics is twin studies. "

Newflash, Punkin. The answer isn't "yes" if you're qualifying it with "seems". If it's genetic, then there's a specific identifiable gene creating it. Find that gene, and THEN we'll discuss it as genetic fact.

Of course, then that leads us to the fact that things like schizophrenia, alcoholism, and many birth defects are genetic in nature, and therefore "genetic" does not equal "desirable and good".

I provided more evidence pointing to genetics than Iceweasel provided pointing to "brainwashing." The science isn't complete.

You're right, genetic doesn't always mean desirable. But it does mean "natural."

Keep your eyes on the goalposts.:nono:
The science is non-existent.
That's your prerogative but you are pretending there are no norms or natural order. Humans have known/accepted it since day one for all these thousands of years but suddenly the left would have us believe things like gender is a state of mind rather than biology.

Things that are unusual can still be "normal." Unless you consider left-handedness "abnormal."

Cecilie, as much as she tried to run away from it, had an excellent point. But it's not just "unnatural" and "abnormal" that are the loaded words. They are loaded because their root words have come to have values judgments attached to them, too.

Speaking as a left-hander, I can tell you that I feel no oversensitive need to redefine it with "nice" words in order to spare my feelings. Left-handedness is natural, but it is not normal. It's an anomaly. And I'm okay with that.

I haven't "tried to run away from a damned thing", you twit. Try to comprehend English, for God's sake. "Unnatural" and "abnormal" contain negative connotations as part of their denotations. "Natural" and "normal" depend much more for connotation on how badly someone wants to get their super-sensitive snowflake feelings hurt. In this regard, I took both posters very carefully into account, and specifically noted that Ice used "natural" in its most basic, emotion-free context.

Are you old enough that people tried to change your handedness? It used to be a real thing.

The point isn't that you're overly sensitive about it, or need different words to describe it, the point is that people feel the need to change a person's nature to suit "norms." Like they used to change left-handers.

No, I'm old enough that my grandmother made an occasional remark about it, but my mother summarily ignored the old biddy, as she did on everything. Can't really see the point, though, since it is a logical fallacy to say that anything anyone has ever tried to change is automatically the exact same as gender dysphoria, and thus conveys the same level of "okay-ness" by association.

Some things NEED to be changed, and some things don't. Left-handedness doesn't require a change, since it brings nothing more than minor inconveniences, most of which have been eliminated within my own lifetime by the advance of technology. Believing that you are one sex when biologically you are the other is just a smidgen different, and I don't think the advent of cordless phones had much of an impact.

Why should a boy wanting to be a girl be changed?
Because men are clearly still needed in society.
Why are you so obsessed with Hillary Clinton?
I already answered this question in post #84 snowflake...

Because she is the quintessential left-wing ideologue. She embodies everything about the left: greed, selfishness, hypocrisy, ignorance, pathological dishonesty, etc.

Here is a woman who wails about the "evil" 1% while wearing $20,000 pants suits.
She isn't President, and she will never be President
Proof that President Trump really is making America great again!
Perhaps it'e because your President is such an utter disappointment to you all that you have to keep on flogging your hatred of Hillary.
Oh snowflake...President Trump has had among the most successful first 100 days of a presidency in recent history. It's been incredible. The stock market skyrocketed. The job market skyrocketed. He has restored constitutional power to the states. He has rolled back all of Obama's illegal/unconstitutional actions. He has secured the U.S. borders. He cut $68 billion from the U.S. debt already.
Things that are unusual can still be "normal." Unless you consider left-handedness "abnormal."

Cecilie, as much as she tried to run away from it, had an excellent point. But it's not just "unnatural" and "abnormal" that are the loaded words. They are loaded because their root words have come to have values judgments attached to them, too.

Speaking as a left-hander, I can tell you that I feel no oversensitive need to redefine it with "nice" words in order to spare my feelings. Left-handedness is natural, but it is not normal. It's an anomaly. And I'm okay with that.

I haven't "tried to run away from a damned thing", you twit. Try to comprehend English, for God's sake. "Unnatural" and "abnormal" contain negative connotations as part of their denotations. "Natural" and "normal" depend much more for connotation on how badly someone wants to get their super-sensitive snowflake feelings hurt. In this regard, I took both posters very carefully into account, and specifically noted that Ice used "natural" in its most basic, emotion-free context.

Are you old enough that people tried to change your handedness? It used to be a real thing.

The point isn't that you're overly sensitive about it, or need different words to describe it, the point is that people feel the need to change a person's nature to suit "norms." Like they used to change left-handers.

No, I'm old enough that my grandmother made an occasional remark about it, but my mother summarily ignored the old biddy, as she did on everything. Can't really see the point, though, since it is a logical fallacy to say that anything anyone has ever tried to change is automatically the exact same as gender dysphoria, and thus conveys the same level of "okay-ness" by association.

Some things NEED to be changed, and some things don't. Left-handedness doesn't require a change, since it brings nothing more than minor inconveniences, most of which have been eliminated within my own lifetime by the advance of technology. Believing that you are one sex when biologically you are the other is just a smidgen different, and I don't think the advent of cordless phones had much of an impact.

Why should a boy wanting to be a girl be changed?
Because men are clearly still needed in society.

Are you afraid that there will be an epidemic of homosexuality and transgenderism, enough that will cause society to lose men?????
And yet I am the only one who came up with any links to scientific research.
Is it "scientific" if one admits that it isn't complete? Isn't that the polar opposite of "scientific"? Something which is "scientific" is supposed to be complete and indisputable.
And yet I am the only one who came up with any links to scientific research.
Is it "scientific" if one admits that it isn't complete? Isn't that the polar opposite of "scientific"? Something which is "scientific" is supposed to be complete and indisputable.

Yes, it's still scientific. Do you think science isn't valid unless it answers every possible question?

Scientific discovery often opens up more questions as it answers certain questions.

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