An interesting interview with Carville that i think exposes their biggest weakness and he seems to be ignoring it

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

His contention is that it's the "phrasing" of their ideology that turns off a majority of voters. The problem with that is no matter how you present your version of "social justice" it is still just social justice. It's like how some districts are trying to claim that they aren't defunding police, they're just "reallocating" funds. The populace isn't as stupid as Carville seems to think. Simply changing the "jargon" as he calls it doesn't change the end results.
He's treading carefully, not wanting to piss his folks off too much.

He knows that the PC/Identity Politics issues are hurting the Democrats.

His contention is that it's the "phrasing" of their ideology that turns off a majority of voters. The problem with that is no matter how you present your version of "social justice" it is still just social justice. It's like how some districts are trying to claim that they aren't defunding police, they're just "reallocating" funds. The populace isn't as stupid as Carville seems to think. Simply changing the "jargon" as he calls it doesn't change the end results.

"Bad messaging"....That's the most stale excuse they have for why their subversive bullshit is rejected my most Muricans....Maybe if they just knocked it off with trying to reshape the nation into North Korea, and returned to just a modicum of patriotic attitudes.

His contention is that it's the "phrasing" of their ideology that turns off a majority of voters. The problem with that is no matter how you present your version of "social justice" it is still just social justice. It's like how some districts are trying to claim that they aren't defunding police, they're just "reallocating" funds. The populace isn't as stupid as Carville seems to think. Simply changing the "jargon" as he calls it doesn't change the end results.

The populace is exactly as stupid as Carville thinks. He is correct.
He's treading carefully, not wanting to piss his folks off too much.

He knows that the PC/Identity Politics issues are hurting the Democrats.
Haven't they hurt the Republicans just as much? Their whole agenda seems bent on the same fucking thing: I'm white/Christian/republican/etc., so I'm automatically more of a Patriot/American/entitled human than 'those people over there'. Qult45 magafags are just too stupid to understand they are using the same tactics...
He's treading carefully, not wanting to piss his folks off too much.

He knows that the PC/Identity Politics issues are hurting the Democrats.
Haven't they hurt the Republicans just as much? Their whole agenda seems bent on the same fucking thing: I'm white/Christian/republican/etc., so I'm automatically more of a Patriot/American/entitled human than 'those people over there'. Qult45 magafags are just too stupid to understand they are using the same tactics...
Seems to me the two ends feed into each other on those issues, but my (admittedly biased against PC/Identity Politics) guess is that the Democrats underperform overall because of it. I think that was one of the primary reasons Trump won in 2016, and why the Dems under-performed in 2020.
He's treading carefully, not wanting to piss his folks off too much.

He knows that the PC/Identity Politics issues are hurting the Democrats.
Haven't they hurt the Republicans just as much? Their whole agenda seems bent on the same fucking thing: I'm white/Christian/republican/etc., so I'm automatically more of a Patriot/American/entitled human than 'those people over there'. Qult45 magafags are just too stupid to understand they are using the same tactics...
Seems to me the two ends feed into each other on those issues, but my (admittedly biased against PC/Identity Politics) guess is that the Democrats underperform overall because of it. I think that was one of the primary reasons Trump won in 2016, and why the Dems under-performed in 2020.
You say it very PC, though. I'm not a fan of PC either. Racism is a big factor on how elections will pan out for our forseeable future. It's ugly, but it's where we are.
He's treading carefully, not wanting to piss his folks off too much.

He knows that the PC/Identity Politics issues are hurting the Democrats.

It was only a matter of time before Vichy Mac went back to his schtick about poor white people not being understood.

His contention is that it's the "phrasing" of their ideology that turns off a majority of voters. The problem with that is no matter how you present your version of "social justice" it is still just social justice. It's like how some districts are trying to claim that they aren't defunding police, they're just "reallocating" funds. The populace isn't as stupid as Carville seems to think. Simply changing the "jargon" as he calls it doesn't change the end results.

"Bad messaging"....That's the most stale excuse they have for why their subversive bullshit is rejected my most Muricans....Maybe if they just knocked it off with trying to reshape the nation into North Korea, and returned to just a modicum of patriotic attitudes.

Hopeless and hysterical.. You're a barking loon.
He's treading carefully, not wanting to piss his folks off too much.

He knows that the PC/Identity Politics issues are hurting the Democrats.

It was only a matter of time before Vichy Mac went back to his schtick about poor white people not being understood.
Is it too much for you to elaborate on that nonsense, or is this just another drive by trolling?
Seems to me the two ends feed into each other on those issues, but my (admittedly biased against PC/Identity Politics) guess is that the Democrats underperform overall because of it. I think that was one of the primary reasons Trump won in 2016, and why the Dems under-performed in 2020.
Except, no, not really.

Trump actually did WORSE than Romney did in 2012, as I've told you many times. What did in Hillary was that so many people voted third party because the media assured them she had this in the bag and they could feel self-important pissing away their vote on a third party, or they stayed home because no one was getting a tingle up their leg for her.

As for underperforming in 2020.... the problem there was those districts are gerrymandered to favor Republicans to start with. That the Democrats took them at all in 2018 was kind of a miracle.
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Here's the problem with Carville. He thinks he's a political genius because he helped Bill Clinton win in 1992. Reality, Clinton won because black people put him over the top, and Hillary lost because Black people couldn't be bothered to show up for her.

The reality was that black folks stood up for Clinton both times he ran, and backed him when the Republicans were going to impeach him, and he kind of sold them out a lot on issues like Welfare Reform.

This notion that the Democrats can "Win" by selling out their most loyal voters is silly.

His contention is that it's the "phrasing" of their ideology that turns off a majority of voters. The problem with that is no matter how you present your version of "social justice" it is still just social justice. It's like how some districts are trying to claim that they aren't defunding police, they're just "reallocating" funds. The populace isn't as stupid as Carville seems to think. Simply changing the "jargon" as he calls it doesn't change the end results.

The populace is exactly as stupid as Carville thinks. He is correct.

Many are but you can see the revolt across the nation to this leftist social justice bullshit. From city hall protests to parents speaking out at school board meetings.
The left are tying their own noose with this social agenda bullshit. Carville is trying to slap them awake. Hopefully he fails

His contention is that it's the "phrasing" of their ideology that turns off a majority of voters. The problem with that is no matter how you present your version of "social justice" it is still just social justice. It's like how some districts are trying to claim that they aren't defunding police, they're just "reallocating" funds. The populace isn't as stupid as Carville seems to think. Simply changing the "jargon" as he calls it doesn't change the end results.

The populace is exactly as stupid as Carville thinks. He is correct.

Many are but you can see the revolt across the nation to this leftist social justice bullshit. From city hall protests to parents speaking out at school board meetings.
The left are tying their own noose with this social agenda bullshit. Carville is trying to slap them awake. Hopefully he fails

Since we have a democratic president and Congress at the moment, I think your obituary for the DNC is a bit premature. Carville is a bit of a dinosaur, but he generally is pretty good at cultural awareness stuff. The one thing he really left off the equation is that those academic liberals too quickly dismiss congressional races in red districts as not worth more than a token candidate. A lot of red country really is violet country that the DNC punts the ball on so they have more money in the high dollar window dressing races. Part of that is because the elite do not want moderate to conservatives back in the party, and part of it is they want to flex in overly dramatic fashion.
Here's the problem with Carville. He thinks he's a political genius because he helped Bill Clinton win in 1992. Reality, Clinton won because black people put him over the top, and Hillary lost because Black people couldn't be bothered to show up for her.

The reality was that black folks stood up for Clinton both times he ran, and backed him when the Republicans were going to impeach him, and he kind of sold them out a lot on issues like Welfare Reform.

This notion that the Democrats can "Win" by selling out their most loyal voters is silly.
Clinton won because Perot siphoned off a lot of the conservative voters, and that's the only reason he won.
Clinton won because Perot siphoned off a lot of the conservative voters, and that's the only reason he won.

Well, that and Bush delivered an awful economy and the S&L's collapsed on his watch.

Actually, polls that were taken showed Clinton beating Bush even without Perot in the race.

In 1996, when Perot got only half the support he got in 1992, half his supporters went to Clinton and half went to Dole.

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