An Interesting Twist in the ISIS Story

BBC News - Kurdish forces 'retake Mosul dam' from IS militants
Kurdish forces in northern Iraq are in near complete control of Iraq's largest dam after ousting Islamic State (IS) militants, Kurdish officials say.

Kurdish ground forces supported by US air strikes launched the operation to take Mosul dam on Sunday morning.

Kurdish sources said they were still trying to clear mines and booby traps from the area round the dam, a process which could take several hours.

The strategically important facility was seized by IS militants on 7 August.

It supplies water and electricity to northern Iraq and there had been fears the IS militants could use it to flood areas downstream.

According to "Kurdish officials", "Kurdish forces" took the facility. "Kurdish sources" reported on "Kurdish" efforts to secure it. Think on that.

Not Iraqi, not Turkish, but Kurdish. And they were supported by U.S. airstrikes.

As we now know, ISIS was trained, funded, and equipped in no small part by the U.S. Of course, in our ignorance, many of us--even my fellow lybyryls--expressed our outrage. How could President Obama do something like this? How could he fund America's and Israel's enemies, how could he support these butchers of strong, independent womyn?

It seems, however, that it was all part of the plan. The U.S. withdraws from Iraq, ISIS rushes in, takes over territory in northern Iraq (where most of the Kurds in Iraq live), and suddenly, here come the Kurds to drive out ISIS, with a little help from their American allies.

This entire episode in the Middle East has been a social justice crusade by our infallible leader, President Obama, to create an independent Kurdistan in the Middle East. Iraq would've never allowed it, so instead, a threat to Iraqi security was created that only the Kurds have been able to defeat, mysteriously succeeding where the U.S.-trained Iraqi military has failed. There now exists in Iraq at least one key structure entirely under the control of Kurdish militants--good militants, the kind friendly the American and Israeli interests.

I predict that this trend will continue, and we will see the establishment of an independent Kurdistan in the near future. We have only President Obama, our legal lord and secular savior, to thank for such an amazing humyn ryghts development.

Cocaine is hell of a drug ain't it? Our legal lord and secular savior? WTF?
A Kurdish state is a threat to Turkey. The Turks won't like it on their border no matter how nice they've been treating them lately.
BBC News - Kurdish forces 'retake Mosul dam' from IS militants
Kurdish forces in northern Iraq are in near complete control of Iraq's largest dam after ousting Islamic State (IS) militants, Kurdish officials say.

Kurdish ground forces supported by US air strikes launched the operation to take Mosul dam on Sunday morning.

Kurdish sources said they were still trying to clear mines and booby traps from the area round the dam, a process which could take several hours.

The strategically important facility was seized by IS militants on 7 August.

It supplies water and electricity to northern Iraq and there had been fears the IS militants could use it to flood areas downstream.

According to "Kurdish officials", "Kurdish forces" took the facility. "Kurdish sources" reported on "Kurdish" efforts to secure it. Think on that.

Not Iraqi, not Turkish, but Kurdish. And they were supported by U.S. airstrikes.

As we now know, ISIS was trained, funded, and equipped in no small part by the U.S. Of course, in our ignorance, many of us--even my fellow lybyryls--expressed our outrage. How could President Obama do something like this? How could he fund America's and Israel's enemies, how could he support these butchers of strong, independent womyn?

It seems, however, that it was all part of the plan. The U.S. withdraws from Iraq, ISIS rushes in, takes over territory in northern Iraq (where most of the Kurds in Iraq live), and suddenly, here come the Kurds to drive out ISIS, with a little help from their American allies.

This entire episode in the Middle East has been a social justice crusade by our infallible leader, President Obama, to create an independent Kurdistan in the Middle East. Iraq would've never allowed it, so instead, a threat to Iraqi security was created that only the Kurds have been able to defeat, mysteriously succeeding where the U.S.-trained Iraqi military has failed. There now exists in Iraq at least one key structure entirely under the control of Kurdish militants--good militants, the kind friendly the American and Israeli interests.

I predict that this trend will continue, and we will see the establishment of an independent Kurdistan in the near future. We have only President Obama, our legal lord and secular savior, to thank for such an amazing humyn ryghts development.

Are you a writer for the Onion and just suckered Tinydancer real good.
My info tells me that ISIS, while fanatical and brutal, can be dealt with rather easily.

So you have never bought the tinydancer bullshit about the IS caliphate having such a powerful terrorist army that will be difficult to stop and its all Obama's fault.

I tried to explain to know nothing's without air power there is no ground army that can hold vast tracts of open territory for very long.

But it is a bit surprising that Tiny's all powerful IS army could not blow up the Dam during the ten days they held it.

These cowards thieves and murderers are also inept. Tiny should be ashamed of them. She could have in her mind blamed Obama for blowing up the dam drowning thousands. What dissappointment has befallen her. She must be thinking damn those Kurds and US Special Forces spoiling her fun.

And those Sunni tribes are spoiling Tiny's fun over in Anbar too.

She's had a bad weekend on the Obama-bashing frontline.

Liar. I have never claimed any of what you are saying. You have become pathological.

All I have claimed is that all this bullshit could have and should have been avoided. Just because I have blasted your bullshit into here and eternity over and over is no need to get personal and continually attempt to feebly bash me by posting lies about what I have said.

You are truly fucked up.

All I have claimed is that all this bullshit could have and should have been avoided.

Avoided how? You preach that Obama has IS victim's blood on his hands. You are obsessed with 'blaming' Obama for something he had no hand in creating and no viable options to stop. The thrill you get from blaming Obama for the IS rampage of terror has forced me to conclude that you want to see more. I am pretty sure I am right.

There is no US military solution to the IS terror army. The way to stop these cowardly killers is by what we see going on now. And it required Maliki to peacefully step down and transfer power to a more inclusive group of leaders.

I'll gather your comments the past couple of weeks and let the readers decide.

Your obsession with Obama being to blame for ISIS killings is on the record and in your own words.
My info tells me that ISIS, while fanatical and brutal, can be dealt with rather easily.

So you have never bought the tinydancer bullshit about the IS caliphate having such a powerful terrorist army that will be difficult to stop and its all Obama's fault.

I tried to explain to know nothing's without air power there is no ground army that can hold vast tracts of open territory for very long.

But it is a bit surprising that Tiny's all powerful IS army could not blow up the Dam during the ten days they held it.

These cowards thieves and murderers are also inept. Tiny should be ashamed of them. She could have in her mind blamed Obama for blowing up the dam drowning thousands. What dissappointment has befallen her. She must be thinking damn those Kurds and US Special Forces spoiling her fun.

And those Sunni tribes are spoiling Tiny's fun over in Anbar too.

She's had a bad weekend on the Obama-bashing frontline.

I depend for my info on the same source(s) I have depended on for the past ten years,Foo. You would be well too heed my words.
I have never claimed any of what you are saying. All I have claimed is that all this bullshit could have and should have been avoided.

Have you quit blaming Obama for the terror assault into Iraq in June? Who and whose Counter-terrorism agency should have and could have stopped ISIS before they were formed? The Royal Cannadian Mounted Police? Who are these IS stoppers you've been secretly dreaming about?
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All I have claimed is that all this bullshit could have and should have been avoided.

Avoided how? You preach that Obama has IS victim's blood on his hands. You are obsessed with 'blaming' Obama for something he had no hand in creating and no viable options to stop. The thrill you get from blaming Obama for the IS rampage of terror has forced me to conclude that you want to see more. I am pretty sure I am right.

There is no US military solution to the IS terror army. The way to stop these cowardly killers is by what we see going on now. And it required Maliki to peacefully step down and transfer power to a more inclusive group of leaders.

I'll gather your comments the past couple of weeks and let the readers decide.

Your obsession with Obama being to blame for ISIS killings is on the record and in your own words.

It's not an obsession to blame Obama for ISIS. It's a simple fact that by willfully being blind to their growth in power and wealth he has allowed them along with other western leaders to become the monster they are.

I'm consistent. Deal with it. I blame my own party and my own Prime Minister you bleeding twit. I blame David Cameron as well as other western leaders.

"Let the readers decide"? Interesting comment. If you want a battle challenge me to one on any topic we can mutually decide on in the bull ring.

I love debating. I live to argue. :eusa_angel: In another life I must have been a Gambini.

Oh and by the way. ISIS has been very very busy. They aren't cowering and sniveling in fear. These bastards are keeping on doing what they do best. Terrorizing.

Up to 3,000 women and girls kidnapped by Islamic State jihadis in Iraq in just a fortnight - and hundreds of men who refuse to convert have been shot dead

Innocent Yazidi children have suffered harrowing ordeals in northern Iraq

Kidnappings 'happened in areas where residents took up arms against IS'

Women are being held separately from the men in IS-controlled Tal Afar

200,000 people escaped to safety but others remain on Mount Sinjar

Up to 3,000 women and girls kidnapped by Islamic State jihadis in Iraq in just a fortnight | Mail Online
I depend for my info on the same source(s) I have depended on for the past ten years,Foo. You would be well too heed my words.

You said nothing that a fourth grade kid interested in military and war could figure out. An IS Caliphate cannot sustain itself over the long haul without air power. And they don't have any and will never get any. And it won't be hard to cheat them out of cities when the only ones left are the terrorists who need to be eliminated like cockroaches.

As for your sources. Watch out! These terrorists that Obama created according to Tinydancer are so powerful they are capable of intercepting those signals from your sources to your bunker and they are altering them and taking control of what mind you have left.
I have never claimed any of what you are saying. All I have claimed is that all this bullshit could have and should have been avoided.

Have you quit blaming Obama for the terror assault into Iraq in June? Who and whose Counter-terrorism agency should have and could have stopped ISIS before they were formed? The Royal Cannadian Mounted Police? Who are these IS stoppers you've been secretly dreaming about?

It's a no brainer.

Obama could have agreed to the requested drone strikes by Iraq. Hell's bells he has no problem blowing up innocent civilians in wedding parties in Yemen to maybe get one terrorist.

Obama had no problem ordering drone strikes on American civilians suspected of terror.

So there was no reason whatsoever that drone strikes could have been ordered to keep ISIS on the run and not allowed them to become the rock stars of jihad that they have become.

Obama fucked up. Plain and simple.
I depend for my info on the same source(s) I have depended on for the past ten years,Foo. You would be well too heed my words.

You said nothing that a fourth grade kid interested in military and war could figure out. An IS Caliphate cannot sustain itself over the long haul without air power. And they don't have any and will never get any. And it won't be hard to cheat them out of cities when the only ones left are the terrorists who need to be eliminated like cockroaches.

As for your sources. Watch out! These terrorists that Obama created according to Tinydancer are so powerful they are capable of intercepting those signals from your sources to your bunker and they are altering them and taking control of what mind you have left.

You're one fucked up chick. :lol: Let me know when you want to meet me in the Bull Ring.

If you don't challenge me in 48 hours I'll take it you don't have what it takes to debate me.

I'm going to take my darling dog for my evening walk now. I'll check in later for the challenge.

I look forward to it. Wide range of topics acceptable. And I believe that preparation is essential to good debate so we can set a proper time to research for the debate and then set a date.
I depend for my info on the same source(s) I have depended on for the past ten years,Foo. You would be well too heed my words.

You said nothing that a fourth grade kid interested in military and war could figure out. An IS Caliphate cannot sustain itself over the long haul without air power. And they don't have any and will never get any. And it won't be hard to cheat them out of cities when the only ones left are the terrorists who need to be eliminated like cockroaches.

As for your sources. Watch out! These terrorists that Obama created according to Tinydancer are so powerful they are capable of intercepting those signals from your sources to your bunker and they are altering them and taking control of what mind you have left.

Show me a talking head or a politician who is saying what I said....including Obabble. And by the way you were never wanting "elimination of cockroaches" when Bush was doing it. Still a hypocrite, I see.
It's not an obsession to blame Obama for ISIS. It's a simple fact that by willfully being blind to their growth in power and wealth he has allowed them along with other western leaders to become the monster they are.

Obsessed people generally cannot see that they are obsessed. One problem you have in a debate is that you have just claimed 'willfully being blind' to the rapid growth of the IS rampage of terror is a fact
. But it is not a fact and it is not a simple fact that Obama has been blind to any of this.

There is conflicted opinion what should have been done in Syria with regard to supporting moderate rebels and early on giving vetted rebels the heavy weapons and training so they could have crushed ISIL from the beginning.

I believe early assessments that Syrian rebels could not overwhelm the ISIS movement.

I don't blame the wouid's intelligence community for perhaps not for seeing the ISIS split up with al Qaeda and then to launch a terror army against Muslim and Christian alike so inhumane and ferocious that AQ has publically renounced it.

I don't see how anyone anticipated the attempt to change borders by terrorism and then run a terrorist nation state that would be acceptable by any other country in the region or the world.

ISIS was bold and they have committed horrendous atrocities in a rapid assault over large stretches of land. But then what?

They are doomed. Their suicide bombers will be the worst of them and they will inflict carnage for years to come.

But Air Power has no counter measures to stopping suicide bombers in cities and towns

The solution is not Obama's and other western leaders to resolve. That is for the people and police and soldiers and politicians who live there.

Perhaps the wake up call has arrived.

Your view is an obsession. You need to Wake up too.

Blaming Obama for the existence of these terrorist aids the terrorists in my opinion. But why take that chance when Obama is not really to blame.
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I depend for my info on the same source(s) I have depended on for the past ten years,Foo. You would be well too heed my words.

You said nothing that a fourth grade kid interested in military and war could figure out. An IS Caliphate cannot sustain itself over the long haul without air power. And they don't have any and will never get any. And it won't be hard to cheat them out of cities when the only ones left are the terrorists who need to be eliminated like cockroaches.

As for your sources. Watch out! These terrorists that Obama created according to Tinydancer are so powerful they are capable of intercepting those signals from your sources to your bunker and they are altering them and taking control of what mind you have left.[/QUOTE]

Show me a talking head or a politician who is saying what I said....including Obabble. And by the way you were never wanting "elimination of cockroaches" when Bush was doing it. Still a hypocrite, I see.[/QUOTE

That is a bulkshit lie. I supported Bush every step if the way killing every cockroach terrorist al Qaeda and Taliban. I said hit them hard with Hellfires in the lawless regions in Pakistan on the Afghan border.

You are confused and firgetful as ever that invading Iraq had nothing to do with killing these cockroaches at the time.

In fact invading Iraq hampered the continued killing of cockroaches in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

And I did not oppose killing the cockroaches in Iraq when it was clear that is who we were killing.

The Anbar awakening finally brought Bush to recognizing that he fucked up alienate Anbar's tribal Sunnis. The US and tribal fighters finally hooked up to kill AQ cockroaches in Iraq but failed to terminate them all before agreeing to withdraw US troops from Iraq by 2012.
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Show me a talking head or a politician who is saying what I said....including Obabble.

Obama said they were jayvee:

After Fallujah fell, Obama gave his nonchalant response to The New Yorker, saying: “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.”

?JV? terrorists? Obama under fire for having ?underestimated? militant threat in Iraq, Syria | Fox News

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