An Obama Dilemma;Why Wont He Campaign In Front Of Average American Crowds?

Mar 16, 2012

Who hasn't noticed? Have you ever known of any President who has dissed the most important sector of our country? Why did Obama campaign at a womans college? He must assume they were all naive and unaware of our economic crisis?:confused:
Is Obama actually only planning to campaign to college freshman and high school seniors? Take advantage of them before those kids see whats really going on in our country?

Obama not only is the "First Gay President", he is also the first president who refuses to speak to a crowd of average americans who are in fear of living to see their country go down the toilet, just like its happening in Greece,California and soon Illinios and New York.
Whats the matter Bambi? afraid to approach a crowd of 3000 angry people who just may scream and yell their extremely negative feelings towards you?
Wasn't he in a spot during the Super Bowl?

I think he will be on Dancing With the Stars too.

Who hasn't noticed? Have you ever known of any President who has dissed the most important sector of our country? Why did Obama campaign at a womans college? He must assume they were all naive and unaware of our economic crisis?:confused:
Is Obama actually only planning to campaign to college freshman and high school seniors? Take advantage of them before those kids see whats really going on in our country?

Obama not only is the "First Gay President", he is also the first president who refuses to speak to a crowd of average americans who are in fear of living to see their country go down the toilet, just like its happening in Greece,California and soon Illinios and New York.
Whats the matter Bambi? afraid to approach a crowd of 3000 angry people who just may scream and yell their extremely negative feelings towards you?
Simple. To the average American, Obama's policies and positions are unpopular.
Obama controls every environment and every question asked of him.

But he can't stop the SuperPacs from using his own words against him in a half-billion or so of upcoming advertising spots.


I can't freaking contain my enthusiasm!!
Which crowd do you speak of exactly?

I know it's not women and high school seniors/college kids because you don't seem to find either of them to be very bright.
I dont know that I've seen any evidence that he wont. In fact, your the first person Ive seen claim this. It may be true. But I dont see it.
lets see if Obama ever goes to somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania or Ohio in town that are still suffering thanks to his economic policies and convince them that things are getting better.
lets see if Obama ever goes to somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania or Ohio in town that are still suffering thanks to his economic policies and convince them that things are getting better.

I suppose we will see that. He will be campaigning heavily in both of those states. At least if he has any desire to actually win
and to no surprise, the jobs report remains stagnant. I already saw it coming last friday,,and yet here is joe telling Ohio in that nutty confusing speech that the jobs are coming back !!!! and how is Obama going to speak to Pennsylvania about the importance of coal mining? thats their bread and butter,,,just like the gulf of mexico is to the southern states.
we have to wait another two weeks for the may unemployment number,,,,,who wont be surprised if it goes up again to 8.5.
lets see if Obama ever goes to somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania or Ohio in town that are still suffering thanks to his economic policies and convince them that things are getting better.

No. He'd spew all his class envy/warfare horseshit in attempt to make those people believe HE has the solution to all of their problems.
What he's really telling them is "just vote for me, you assholes".
lets see if Obama ever goes to somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania or Ohio in town that are still suffering thanks to his economic policies and convince them that things are getting better.

I suppose we will see that. He will be campaigning heavily in both of those states. At least if he has any desire to actually win
Obama is in real trouble in two states he took in 2008. Those are NC and VA. His situation in PA is at best tenuous. Ohio is a mystery.
If Obama loses three of those 4 states, we will have a new President.

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