An open letter from a military wife to Obama


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
An Open Letter from a Military Wife to Obama About Military Property Security PJ Tatler

An Open Letter from a Military Wife to Obama About Military Property Security

Allow our military members to carry personal sidearms in or out of uniform.

Dear Mr. Obama,

I have little hope that you’ll ever read this, but I have to get this off my chest. Since 1993, our military personnel, many of whom have had extensive weapons training including sidearms, have not been allowed to carry weapons openly or concealed on military properties. Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:

* 2009 – Fort Hood, 13 killed, 29 wounded–many permanently disabled
* 2009 – Arkansas recruiting station, one killed, a second wounded
* 2010 – Pentagon shooting by a 9/11 truther, two wounded
* 2013 – Washington Navy Yard shooting, 13 killed, three injured
* 2014 – Norfolk Naval Base, one killed
* 2014 – Fort Hood AGAIN–three killed, 14 injured
* 2015 – Chattanooga, 4 Marines at the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center killed, two others wounded at a local recruiting station

These incidents, which resulted in the deaths of 35 innocent people and serious injuries to 51 others, might all have been minimized or even prevented by trained, armed military members.

Why is it that these men and women, who carry firearms on our behalf, whom we entrust with the security and well-being of our nation, aren’t allowed to bear arms on military bases in order to defend themselves and others?

And, of course, these are only the incidents that result in deaths or injuries and thus cannot be hidden from the public. As a military wife, I recall more than one incident in which miscreants on base were stopped by MPs or other law enforcement personnel. In one case at Fort Gordon, a person who was later captured blew through the checkpoint without stopping. Similarly unaware gate security allowed the 2014 shooter at Norfolk Naval Base to get through. Why? Anyone who has sat in line to get through a military base checkpoint can figure this one out easily.

I don’t blame gate security for these incidents. I do blame misguided leadership that seems to believe that this one layer of security is adequate.

When these bad guys are on base, there is little or nothing our disarmed military members–people like my husband–can do save hide, call 9-1-1, and hope like hell the MPs hurry up. Isolated recruiting stations are in a worse position, open to the public and completely vulnerable.

With the recent threats by ISIS to target military personnel and their families, why are we pretending our military bases and stations are not military targets, ripe for exploitation by hidden terrorist assets or lone-wolf nut cases? For the love of God and country, allow our military members who pass standard background checks and have weapons training to carry personal sidearms in or out of uniform. The lives of military members and families alike–families just like mine–could depend on the courage of these armed and honorable individuals.

The lives of four military members could have been saved today in Chattanooga by such a change in policy. May God comfort their families. I doubt, Mr. Obama, that you will.


A Military Wife
The lives of four military members could have been saved today in Chattanooga by such a change in policy. May God comfort their families. I doubt, Mr. Obama, that you will.

Oh my, it's been a long standing position by the military...So every other president didn't care either..
The lives of four military members could have been saved today in Chattanooga by such a change in policy. May God comfort their families. I doubt, Mr. Obama, that you will.

Oh my, it's been a long standing position by the military...So every other president didn't care either..
Oh. In that case, I guess it's OK they were shot down without being able to defend themselves.

(Can you comprehend the depths of depravity it take for little moonie to make a post like that?)
There has never been a time when every sailor on a naval base carried a gun. Probably not even during WWII, when the threat to military members was at its peak.

It is completely unnecessary, and stupid.

Trying to portray this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is as retarded as it gets.
There has never been a time when every sailor on a naval base carried a gun. Probably not even during WWII, when the threat to military members was at its peak.

It is completely unnecessary, and stupid.

Trying to portray this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is as retarded as it gets.
The military is big on gun control, as ironic as that might sound.
Not even during the Reagan years were our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines carrying.

And I remember an on base shooting during that period. A friend of mine was nearly killed.

The Navy wife in the OP is a ditz.
There has never been a time when every sailor on a naval base carried a gun. Probably not even during WWII, when the threat to military members was at its peak.

It is completely unnecessary, and stupid.

Trying to portray this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is as retarded as it gets.
TRANSLATION: I didn't even read the OP. But I still hate the idea of people being allowed to defend themselves instead of waiting for police to get there. So I'll bring up irrelevancies, call it names, and call the poster names, without ever thinking about the ideas presented.
Must be today's RW talking point.
Or course it is.

There has never been a time when every sailor on a naval base carried a gun. Probably not even during WWII, when the threat to military members was at its peak.

It is completely unnecessary, and stupid.

Trying to portray this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is as retarded as it gets.
TRANSLATION: I didn't even read the OP. But I still hate the idea of people being allowed to defend themselves instead of waiting for police to get there. So I'll bring up irrelevancies, call it names, and call the poster names, without ever thinking about the ideas presented.
I read the OP, dipshit. I also served on active duty for 20 years, so I am something of an authority on the subject.

The military wife is full of shit.
For every domestic attack on a US military installation, there have been many dozens, if not hundreds, of much worse attacks on our bases overseas.

And our guys over there ARE ARMED TO THE TEETH.

So your idiotic premise is bullshit and thus your conclusion which arose from it collapses.
There has never been a time when every sailor on a naval base carried a gun. Probably not even during WWII, when the threat to military members was at its peak.

It is completely unnecessary, and stupid.

Trying to portray this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is as retarded as it gets.


The right wing loons can get much more retarded than this. In fact, I am pretty sure that some of the GOP candidates will come onto the debate stage carrying weapons. You can't be too careful....can you?
The right wing loons can get much more retarded than this. In fact, I am pretty sure that some of the GOP candidates will come onto the debate stage carrying weapons. You can't be too careful....can you?
TRANSLATION: I can't come up with any reply to the OP, but I hate it anyway. So I'll curse and swear, call people names, make silly predictions that won't come true, and rant hysterically. And maybe somebody will believe me anyway.
I am a vet and retiree. I have been shot and missed, crapped at and hit. In my own opinion I doubt seriously that armed military at either site in yesterday's shooting spree would have had time to respond effectively. I have no idea, as to what type of weapon the Muslim had. At a minimum, based on reports, it was semi automatic and powerful.
Moving right along, Having a weapon does not insure time nor circumstances to use it. Guards yes! Lunch breaks, no!
There has never been a time when every sailor on a naval base carried a gun. Probably not even during WWII, when the threat to military members was at its peak.

It is completely unnecessary, and stupid.

Trying to portray this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is as retarded as it gets.
I missed the part where the Germans came ashore and moved inland from Cherry Point...
There has never been a time when every sailor on a naval base carried a gun. Probably not even during WWII, when the threat to military members was at its peak.

It is completely unnecessary, and stupid.

Trying to portray this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is as retarded as it gets.
I missed the part where the Germans came ashore and moved inland from Cherry Point...
You also missed the part where our troops are armed to the teeth overseas, and yet are still attacked on base by jihadis. Way more than here.

Your entire premise that being armed prevents attacks is flawed through and through.

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