An open letter to William Kristol


Oct 11, 2016
I have read many articles in the past that gave me the impression that you were a thoughtful, considerate person who cared about the future of this country. Little did I know that you used a facade to cover your disgust and hatred for the people of the United States. In this way you and Hillary Clinton have much in common. The real you is simply covered by a facade, but I guess that is the life of a Washington insider.

More than that, it never occurred to me that you were really just a tyrant, masquerading as an enlightened intellectual, but that is all you really are. Another area where you and the Clintons have much in common. I know a great intellectual like yourself would read something like this and dismiss it as bullshit out of hand, because how could just a great mind like yours actually be tyrannical? Let me count the ways.

Democracy, or at least the Republic version that we use in the United States is predicated upon the idea that the people choose who will represent them. This is a concept that seems to deeply trouble you. In the Republican primaries, the ‘establishment’ candidates in total garnered a whopping 29.6% of the vote. That includes everyone who isn’t Trump or Cruz, both of whom are despised by people like you. Over 70% of the people who voted in the Republican primary rejected the ‘wisdom’ of the party that you so love. The beloved Bush managed to scrape together an anemic 0.92% of the votes. That is called rejection, just in case you’re bad at math.

You of course are free to vote for whoever you wish, I am the last person who would say otherwise. The difference is that you believe your opinion by itself if more important than the 14 million people who voted for Trump. We didn’t vote for you to represent us, yet you believe that when the people reject the ‘wisdom’ of the party, the party should dismiss the people who do the actual voting. That is the behavior I expect from the Clintons, or Putin. Not what I expect from a leading conservative thinker, but then again, that isn’t really what you are anymore. Maybe that’s what you were once upon a time, but you lost your way long ago.

Now you are nothing more than a Washington insider, one who wants to dictate your demands upon the people of this country, regardless of their desires. That is what really distinguishes the people who become insiders. You start to believe that your views matter more, because your words are read by more people. When a person starts to believe their own bullshit, they become an insider who despises the rest of the country. So if you want to know what went wrong in all of this, go look in a mirror. There you will see the person who caused the people of this country to reject your wisdom. I am sick of being betrayed by the party, sick of voting for people who care more about the party, than they do about the country and certainly more than they care about me. You are that person and my disgust for you is far more real than the detached bullshit you peddle about Trump. He at least believe that the people who vote matter, something I can honestly say you don’t share with him.

You’re right about one thing, we shouldn’t tolerate the sufferable evils in the world. So let me ask this, what is the more sufferable evil? The person who says things that make elites squirm, or the person who believes his opinion counts more than millions of Americans.

Fuck you William Kristol. Go join the Clintons, they are really your type of people.

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