Analysts Say Armed Groups At Protests Raise Specter Of A 'Street War'

I wonder when the protesters will ever realize that they need to TALK to the officials in government instead of this herd mentality of acting bad ass and screaming threats and demands.
Talking will encourage solutions. Protesting and rioting
will only get heads broke. Or shot.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.

I thought you crazy right wingers wanted everybody to be armed. You certainly fought for the right to carry guns. When did you change your mind? What was that silly quote about the tree of liberty and the blood of patriots?
Who said we are worried about rioters shooting each other? I welcome the rioters to get in constant gun battles. All of them should be well armed.
I wonder when the protesters will ever realize that they need to TALK to the officials in government instead of this herd mentality of acting bad ass and screaming threats and demands.
Talking will encourage solutions. Protesting and rioting
will only get heads broke. Or shot.
Protesting is a way of talking, and frankly....I think they have tried down through the years but nothing changes and reform attempts get dismantled.

But that doesn’t take into account these outside groups getting involved - anarchists, anti-government groups, white supramacists, private militias. I don’t they are interested talking to officials. They want war.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.

I thought you crazy right wingers wanted everybody to be armed. You certainly fought for the right to carry guns. When did you change your mind? What was that silly quote about the tree of liberty and the blood of patriots?
The op is a radical leftist, a card carrying democratic national fascist, just as you are! As to your misguided notions on arming people, you should understand two things straight up, first off 80% of all US firearms in private hands belong to Americans who like Trump, secondly we make up about 70% of the US armed forces, so you morons had better have a plan-B... :auiqs.jpg:
I wonder when the protesters will ever realize that they need to TALK to the officials in government instead of this herd mentality of acting bad ass and screaming threats and demands.
Talking will encourage solutions. Protesting and rioting
will only get heads broke. Or shot.
Protesting is a way of talking, and frankly....I think they have tried down through the years but nothing changes and reform attempts get dismantled.

But that doesn’t take into account these outside groups getting involved - anarchists, anti-government groups, white supramacists, private militias. I don’t they are interested talking to officials. They want war.

And war they shall have.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.

I thought you crazy right wingers wanted everybody to be armed. You certainly fought for the right to carry guns. When did you change your mind? What was that silly quote about the tree of liberty and the blood of patriots?
The op is a radical leftist, a card carrying democratic national fascist, just as you are! As to your misguided notions on arming people, you should understand two things straight up, first off 80% of all US firearms in private hands belong to Americans who like Trump, secondly we make up about 70% of the US armed forces, so you morons had better have a plan-B... :auiqs.jpg:
I am not a Democrat either.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
Yeah, all the ingredients are there.

And as bad as any of them is the fact that there appear to be no cooler heads trying to be heard.

Like maybe democrats telling their brownshirts to stop?
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
Yeah, all the ingredients are there.

And as bad as any of them is the fact that there appear to be no cooler heads trying to be heard.

Like maybe democrats telling their brownshirts to stop?
And it would great if tbe Republicans would their white supremacist fascists to knock it off too.

I don’t these groups care about political parties.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.

I thought you crazy right wingers wanted everybody to be armed. You certainly fought for the right to carry guns. When did you change your mind? What was that silly quote about the tree of liberty and the blood of patriots?
I am not a rightwinger.

I know that. I guess a quick scan of a post and shooting a less than completely considered response sometimes makes me give an inappropriate response, huh? I'll have myself flogged first thing tomorrow. OK?

I volunteer to help with the CONT.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.

the left is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power after the election.

that is the primary ingredient for a "street war". the breakdown of democracy.

and if trump is ousted, even partially because of your sides's refusal to play by the rules,

then it would not make sense for us to respect the next transfer of power.

after all, if only one side plays by the rules, it is time to end the game.

And the right, completely oblivious to the situation is still, 3.5 years later blaming every event on “not accepting the election”.

Nothing to do with an out of control epidemic, economic collapse, high unemployment....Nope.

You're about as smart as a coyote.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
Yeah, all the ingredients are there.

And as bad as any of them is the fact that there appear to be no cooler heads trying to be heard.

Like maybe democrats telling their brownshirts to stop?
And it would great if tbe Republicans would their white supremacist fascists to knock it off too.

I don’t these groups care about political parties.

LOL....99.9 percent of this shit is on democrats and you know it.
All I can say is your buddies better quit there shit before the rest of us get even more fed up than we are right now or it's not going to end well for you.
As long as you burn down your own cities we dont give a fuck...but move into real America and blood will flow.
Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

Where do you see peaceful protests?

I see building burning, children being shot & killed by BLM. A black man carrying a Trump sign was just murdered in broad daylight. A chunk of seattle gets taken over by force & democrat filth allow it to continue for 3 weeks.

Now it's supposedly "right wingers" who are causing all of it?
How much do these "analysts" get paid? I get it I think, the NPR analysts blame the Police for the "specter" of street war.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.

I thought you crazy right wingers wanted everybody to be armed. You certainly fought for the right to carry guns. When did you change your mind? What was that silly quote about the tree of liberty and the blood of patriots?
The op is a radical leftist, a card carrying democratic national fascist, just as you are! As to your misguided notions on arming people, you should understand two things straight up, first off 80% of all US firearms in private hands belong to Americans who like Trump, secondly we make up about 70% of the US armed forces, so you morons had better have a plan-B... :auiqs.jpg:
I am not a Democrat either.
Fascists, communists, democrats, I get confused sometimes, nonetheless, all are a bite of the same fruit...
Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

Where do you see peaceful protests?

I see building burning, children being shot & killed by BLM. A black man carrying a Trump sign was just murdered in broad daylight. A chunk of seattle gets taken over by force & democrat filth allow it to continue for 3 weeks.

Now it's supposedly "right wingers" who are causing all of it?

We had peaceful protests. No riots.

If you read what I wrote, you would see the causes are multiple but no one said “right wingers" who are causing all of it, but they are certainly part of the volatile mix.
How much do these "analysts" get paid? I get it I think, the NPR analysts blame the Police for the "specter" of street war.
Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

Where do you see peaceful protests?

I see building burning, children being shot & killed by BLM. A black man carrying a Trump sign was just murdered in broad daylight. A chunk of seattle gets taken over by force & democrat filth allow it to continue for 3 weeks.

Now it's supposedly "right wingers" who are causing all of it?

We had peaceful protests. No riots.

If you read what I wrote, you would see the causes are multiple but no one said “right wingers" who are causing all of it, but they are certainly part of the volatile mix.

It's 99.9 percent leftwing.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.

the left is not respecting the peaceful transfer of power after the election.

that is the primary ingredient for a "street war". the breakdown of democracy.

and if trump is ousted, even partially because of your sides's refusal to play by the rules,

then it would not make sense for us to respect the next transfer of power.

after all, if only one side plays by the rules, it is time to end the game.
The proper response is called deescalation. Donald Trump could have been the president that brought the country closer together because he was not committed to the ideology of either party. He spent most of his life cutting deals which he could have done as president. Unfortunately bringing people together had about zero priority in his agenda. Stirring up division and hatred in his campaign worked so well for him, he continued it throughout his presidency.

I think Biden will do a much better job of developing bipartisan legislation and keeping rhetoric contained. I can't imagine "Sleepy Joe" spending half the night baiting his critics on Twitter triggering heated arguments. It's not his style and that will do more to heal the country than anything else. We need a president that just does his job and leaves the rhetoric and speculation to others.

Trump simply has to state his opinion, whether it's an informed opinion or just speculation, with no regard for the damage it does. Words matter and words from a president matter a lot because ever statement from a president will be analyzed by friend and foe trying to gleam some understanding of what he is really thinking and whether his statements alter policy.

A presidents statements will be misquoted and taken out of context to serve the purpose of others. This is why all modern presidents till Trump considered their statements carefully and even discuss them with staff to make sure they had the right impact and were in line with his policies because a president's words create his policy and his policy guides all parts of executive branch. If the a president's statements are continually changing policy or putting doubt on priority, then various agencies will work at cross purposes which is exactly what is has happened.
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I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
No reporting on incessant street war shootings in Chicago, etc., since forever. Doesn’t fit the propaganda.
I think all the predictors are there: summer heat, months of Covid restrictions, huge unemployment, the new release of horrible economic news....lots of division and anger, a very volatile situation. Then you add in various armed groups of extremists and agitators who have hijacking these protests and it isn’t good. Peaceful protests don’t need guns.

At a congressional hearing this month, extremism researcher J.J. MacNab delivered a warning: "There is a potential street war brewing."

MacNab cited the dangerous mix of armed factions squaring off at protests around the United States. Of all the current flashpoints for violence — the pandemic, the election, the economy — she called it the risk that worries her most.

"I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests," MacNab told House members. "There are too many guns at these events, held by too many groups with conflicting goals."

I think we are coming into very dangerous waters over the next couple of months," said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This has the potential for larger numbers and amounts of street violence between groups and networks on opposing sides. This is serious. I haven't seen this kind of domestic terrorism threat, really, in my lifetime."

Analysts say far-right and anti-government agitators are either attacking protesters or trying to glom onto their cause to push their own agendas. Other extremists see a chance to trigger a violent revolution; still others, a race war. Meanwhile, guns are increasingly visible on the protesters' side too. Some armed anti-fascist groups and Black gun clubs have joined the fray as self-proclaimed community defense forces.
Xi and the American Taliban are HOPING for armed conflict.

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