Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy

Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
by Bryce Covert Jul 29, 2016 10:52 am
Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
The economy would grow even stronger and create more dividends for low- and middle-income households in a Hillary Clinton administration than it would on its current track and far more than under a Donald Trump administration, according to a new analysis from Moody’s Analytics. And they found that the Clinton economy would benefit in particular from uncommon policies like paid family leave and universal preschool.

The independent firm ran the numbers on a variety of proposals that Democratic nominee Clinton has put forward, and it concluded that her plans would boost GDP growth and create more jobs, increase incomes particularly at the middle and bottom of the income scale, and would not end up being costly or significantly increasing the deficit.

Millions of more jobs, lower deficits, better roads and someone that cares about our science institutions. Hillary clinton must be the next president! The loserterian movement must be destroyed!

Infrastructure spending? Is that all you've got, Matthew? So you want to have a "do over" of the failed policies of the Obama Administration? Spending billions on government created jobs doesn't help the economy. It takes money out of the pockets of Americans in the form of higher taxes and then cycles that money through an incredibly inefficient Federal Government.

Only the truly stupid buy the narrative that paid family leave and universal preschool would create jobs.

Hillary Clinton's "policies" are a joke. It's more of the same that's given us an economy that's growing at a 1 and 1/2 percent rate and a national debt that's exploding! Her "policies" are the reason that a Clinton Presidency will be a disaster.
And speaking of the economy, I was listening to Rush last week when he was discussing how the Meltdown wasn't that bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as portrayed, and that it was essentially just another recession.

That was one of the -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidest things I've heard in quite a while.

The current incarnation of the GOP, at least its loudest voices, is clearly in no condition to make significant, macro decisions on the economy.
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Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
by Bryce Covert Jul 29, 2016 10:52 am
Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
The economy would grow even stronger and create more dividends for low- and middle-income households in a Hillary Clinton administration than it would on its current track and far more than under a Donald Trump administration, according to a new analysis from Moody’s Analytics. And they found that the Clinton economy would benefit in particular from uncommon policies like paid family leave and universal preschool.

The independent firm ran the numbers on a variety of proposals that Democratic nominee Clinton has put forward, and it concluded that her plans would boost GDP growth and create more jobs, increase incomes particularly at the middle and bottom of the income scale, and would not end up being costly or significantly increasing the deficit.

Millions of more jobs, lower deficits, better roads and someone that cares about our science institutions. Hillary clinton must be the next president! The loserterian movement must be destroyed!

So you've gone from kissing black ass to licking an old vagina? Pucker up.
I caught a bit of a speech given by the Hildebeast and she was talking about the economy....
She went back to 2008 and was pointing out how bad things were....

And the point she seemed to be making was if the Republicans didn't screw things up so badly
then we wouldn't need a good economy today......

And speaking of the economy, I was listening to Rush last week when he was discussing how the Meltdown wasn't that bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as portrayed, and that it was essentially just another recession.

That was one of the -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidest things I've heard in quite a while.

The current incarnation of the GOP, at least its loudest voices, is clearly in no condition to make significant, macro decisions on the economy.
So you're ok with democrats continuing to it....
And speaking of the economy, I was listening to Rush last week when he was discussing how the Meltdown wasn't that bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as portrayed, and that it was essentially just another recession.

That was one of the -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidest things I've heard in quite a while.

The current incarnation of the GOP, at least its loudest voices, is clearly in no condition to make significant, macro decisions on the economy.
So you're ok with democrats continuing to it....
I'm in the profession. I'm neck deep in it 24/7/365.

You're the one being lied to.
And speaking of the economy, I was listening to Rush last week when he was discussing how the Meltdown wasn't that bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as portrayed, and that it was essentially just another recession.

That was one of the -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidest things I've heard in quite a while.

The current incarnation of the GOP, at least its loudest voices, is clearly in no condition to make significant, macro decisions on the economy.
So you're ok with democrats continuing to it....
I'm in the profession. I'm neck deep in it 24/7/365.

You're the one being lied to.
Which profession would that be?
And speaking of the economy, I was listening to Rush last week when he was discussing how the Meltdown wasn't that bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as portrayed, and that it was essentially just another recession.

That was one of the -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidest things I've heard in quite a while.

The current incarnation of the GOP, at least its loudest voices, is clearly in no condition to make significant, macro decisions on the economy.
So you're ok with democrats continuing to it....
I'm in the profession. I'm neck deep in it 24/7/365.

You're the one being lied to.
Which profession would that be?
CFP, ChFC, CLU. Financial & Investment Advisor.

And speaking of the economy, I was listening to Rush last week when he was discussing how the Meltdown wasn't that bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as portrayed, and that it was essentially just another recession.

That was one of the -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidest things I've heard in quite a while.

The current incarnation of the GOP, at least its loudest voices, is clearly in no condition to make significant, macro decisions on the economy.
So you're ok with democrats continuing to it....
I'm in the profession. I'm neck deep in it 24/7/365.

You're the one being lied to.
Which profession would that be?
CFP, ChFC, CLU. Financial & Investment Advisor.


It is you who are being lied to.....growth is beyond stagnant and has been so for the past 8 years.....
And speaking of the economy, I was listening to Rush last week when he was discussing how the Meltdown wasn't that bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as portrayed, and that it was essentially just another recession.

That was one of the -- and this is not a word I use often -- stupidest things I've heard in quite a while.

The current incarnation of the GOP, at least its loudest voices, is clearly in no condition to make significant, macro decisions on the economy.
So you're ok with democrats continuing to it....
I'm in the profession. I'm neck deep in it 24/7/365.

You're the one being lied to.
Which profession would that be?
CFP, ChFC, CLU. Financial & Investment Advisor.


It is you who are being lied to.....growth is beyond stagnant and has been so for the past 8 years.....
And what does that have to do with my point about the Meltdown, precisely?
So you're ok with democrats continuing to it....
I'm in the profession. I'm neck deep in it 24/7/365.

You're the one being lied to.
Which profession would that be?
CFP, ChFC, CLU. Financial & Investment Advisor.


It is you who are being lied to.....growth is beyond stagnant and has been so for the past 8 years.....
And what does that have to do with my point about the Meltdown, precisely?
It's systemic.....
I'm in the profession. I'm neck deep in it 24/7/365.

You're the one being lied to.
Which profession would that be?
CFP, ChFC, CLU. Financial & Investment Advisor.


It is you who are being lied to.....growth is beyond stagnant and has been so for the past 8 years.....
And what does that have to do with my point about the Meltdown, precisely?
It's systemic.....
Okay, who knows what that means. I've seen your vague, shallow answers before. Believe what you will.

Just try to back away from the radio for a few minutes now and then, it would be good for you.
Which profession would that be?
CFP, ChFC, CLU. Financial & Investment Advisor.


It is you who are being lied to.....growth is beyond stagnant and has been so for the past 8 years.....
And what does that have to do with my point about the Meltdown, precisely?
It's systemic.....
Okay, who knows what that means. I've seen your vague, shallow answers before. Believe what you will.

Just try to back away from the radio for a few minutes now and then, it would be good for you.
Thanks for the confirmation.....even if it is in your circular logic.....

Put down the democrat soma every now and then.....:lol:
Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
by Bryce Covert Jul 29, 2016 10:52 am
Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
The economy would grow even stronger and create more dividends for low- and middle-income households in a Hillary Clinton administration than it would on its current track and far more than under a Donald Trump administration, according to a new analysis from Moody’s Analytics. And they found that the Clinton economy would benefit in particular from uncommon policies like paid family leave and universal preschool.

The independent firm ran the numbers on a variety of proposals that Democratic nominee Clinton has put forward, and it concluded that her plans would boost GDP growth and create more jobs, increase incomes particularly at the middle and bottom of the income scale, and would not end up being costly or significantly increasing the deficit.

Millions of more jobs, lower deficits, better roads and someone that cares about our science institutions. Hillary clinton must be the next president! The loserterian movement must be destroyed!

Were these "analysts" Bill and Chelsea?
Yea right Moon Bats.

More taxes, more government spending, more illegals, more Muslims, more welfare, higher taxes, more debt, more regulations and more government free stuff is going to do wonders for the fucking economy.

It didn't work out with that jackass Obama because we have more poverty, more debt, piss poor economic growth and it sure as hell won't work out doing the same damn thing with Crooked Hillary.

It is amazing how you Moon Bats always think that Socialism will work this time if we just give it one more chance.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you for being dumbasses.
The stupid shithead that wrote that article is Mark Zandi. He is an Iranian American and was one of the idiots that did the failed analysis of Obamacare in addition to getting about everything else he ever predicted wrong. A real turd. Typical economist that is quoted by Moon Bats that that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

The Abysmal Track Record of Moody’s Mark Zandi - The Big Picture

The Abysmal Track Record of Moody’s Mark Zandi

The Fed, Treasury and the Senate Budget Committee appear to have a favorite private sector economist, one who has managed to become a favorite even though he works for a unit of the same rating agency whose analysis is intrinsically tied to both the market, banking and housing crisis.

Mark Zandi of Moody’s is routinely trotted out as an independent expert. He was the sole economist at the August 17 Treasury Conference on the Future of Housing Finance, the Fed’s REO and Vacant Properties conference and has now testified at the September 22nd Senate Budget Committee hearing on “Assessing the Federal Policy Response to the Economic Crisis”.

Never mind that, based on Zandi’s record, either his analysis is just wrong or his independence is compromised. Everyone seems to like to hear the guy who is saying what people want to hear, even the press appears to prefer “feel good” analysis to considering the accuracy of his record.
Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
by Bryce Covert Jul 29, 2016 10:52 am
Analysts Say Clinton Proposals Would Strengthen The Economy
The economy would grow even stronger and create more dividends for low- and middle-income households in a Hillary Clinton administration than it would on its current track and far more than under a Donald Trump administration, according to a new analysis from Moody’s Analytics. And they found that the Clinton economy would benefit in particular from uncommon policies like paid family leave and universal preschool.

The independent firm ran the numbers on a variety of proposals that Democratic nominee Clinton has put forward, and it concluded that her plans would boost GDP growth and create more jobs, increase incomes particularly at the middle and bottom of the income scale, and would not end up being costly or significantly increasing the deficit.

Millions of more jobs, lower deficits, better roads and someone that cares about our science institutions. Hillary clinton must be the next president! The loserterian movement must be destroyed!
When pigs fly, with socialism only way is down. Shit for brains

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