Analyzing A Practical Minimum Wage

Well, how much do you pay for clothes?

Not to presume too much, but if you're sane, you look for bargains. You try to get the best quality for the least cost. Business owners are no different. They try to get the best quality labor for the lowest wages. That doesn't make them immoral any more than you shopping for good deals makes you immoral. In fact, it's wrong to make such a thing illegal.

My clothes are mostly custom made.

I don't look for bargains, I buy and hire quality. That's why I'm number one.

Ahh.. ok. Well, you're just dodging and it seems like you know it. The fact of the matter is, sane people do DO look for bargains. They don't deliberately pay more than they need to. They look for the best balance of quality and low cost. That's what employers do. That's what customers do. That's what employees do.
1% is total illiterate liberal . Corporate tax is passed on to us in higher prices. We pay the corporate tax only 1% is too stupid to know it.

Lowering the cost of employees and taxes to 30% of gross isn't good?

dear whats good is the free market because it is an expression of exactly what the participants want, not what lib Nazis in govt want or think is best?

If you Work for a Living, do NOT trust ANY politician who espouses a belief in Free Trade, Free Markets, or an Invisible Hand. NONE of those exist, and that politician is NOT your friend.

BS. That should read "trust no soapbox ideologue who claims that since free trade isn't perfect, toss the baby with the bath water."
And once we get past your silliness the fact remains that corp taxes are part of the cost of doing business and are paid by consumers in the form of higher prices.

So in reducing the cost of employees and taxes to 30% of gross, companies will pass the savings on to consumers?
And once we get past your silliness the fact remains that corp taxes are part of the cost of doing business and are paid by consumers in the form of higher prices.

So in reducing the cost of employees and taxes to 30% of gross, companies will pass the savings on to consumers?

If lower taxes allow some to charge less, others will follow suit in order to compete. Have you noticed lower prices at the gas pump? For one who claims to be in business, you seem to know little about how it works.
Churches nor corporations should be taxed for they are equal in the eyes of conservatives.

According to Reverend Rush?

I seem to recall Special Ed reffering to corporations as "Saintly" a while back.

I wouldn't call 'em saintly but many are good citizens. You seem to have a child-like, black & white POV. Grow the fuck up and enjoy the shades of gray.

I didn't call them saintly, your buddy Special Ed did.

Now, go fuck yourself.
Churches nor corporations should be taxed for they are equal in the eyes of conservatives.

And once we get past your silliness the fact remains that corp taxes are part of the cost of doing business and are paid by consumers in the form of higher prices.

As are all other business expenses.

Exactly, and as you raise their cost of doing biz, what do you suppose they will do in response?
Ahh.. ok. Well, you're just dodging and it seems like you know it. The fact of the matter is, sane people do DO look for bargains. They don't deliberately pay more than they need to. They look for the best balance of quality and low cost. That's what employers do. That's what customers do. That's what employees do.

I don't fuck around, I buy and hire quality.

A number of my former competitors tried to cheap-out in hiring to boost the bottom line. They're no longer in business.
Ahh.. ok. Well, you're just dodging and it seems like you know it. The fact of the matter is, sane people do DO look for bargains. They don't deliberately pay more than they need to. They look for the best balance of quality and low cost. That's what employers do. That's what customers do. That's what employees do.

I don't fuck around, I buy and hire quality.

A number of my former competitors tried to cheap-out in hiring to boost the bottom line. They're no longer in business.

Uh huh. And do you pay more for that quality than the vendors ask? When you buy supplies for whatever it is you do, you pay extra, right?

Man, nothing flushes out idiocy like minimum wage debates. It's like arguing with fundamentalists, all ostriched up, head in the sand and unwilling to face any point, no matter how obvious, that contradicts their preconceived notions.
BS. That should read "trust no soapbox ideologue who claims that since free trade isn't perfect, toss the baby with the bath water."

How about an economist?

Ten Problems with Free Trade Economy In Crisis

dear, always assume a liberal will be stupid. But, why not tell us the most obvious problem with free trade and we can begin your education all over again. Are you afriad to try? Is that why you use links but are afraid to assert anything yourself?
Without the subsidy your kids would need a higher living wage.

True. Since that's not the case there is no reason to raise the minimum wage for everyone. The irony of this situation is that I was told by one of my economics professors (Dr. David Denslow, a staunch Keynesian) that the minimum wage was the means to avoid exploitive labor practices while the publicly-funded safety net was the means to reconcile the differences in life requirements for workers.

Now people on the left are calling the safety net "corporate subsidies."

False premise, my employees do not make me "all" of the money. The activities of my wife and I make most of the money. We can do their jobs, they can't do ours. Plus, we take all the risk. I pay my employees based on the skills they have that they use on the job, the cost to replace them, longevity and experience that makes them more efficient, and bonuses based on the overall performance of the company.

You and your wife receive a paycheck. So your employees make all of the money.

Funny semantics, but it adds nothing to the discussion. You're full of shit.
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Sociopath? That's interesting. I've noticed a trend when disagreeing with someone who can't back up his claims, he tends to accuse the opposing party of a mental illness.

You make a huge profit off of lower paid workers, you just outsource them so you can claim something different. How much do the people cleaning your offices make? How much do your landscapers make? How much do the maintenance workers make?

It's not $49K plus benefits that's for sure, but since you pay vendors for those tasks you get to think you are somehow better.

Your lacking a sense of moral responsibility and/or social conscience cements my accusations of sociopath.

Your dime-store psychology quips cement my opinion of your ignorance and ability to be full of shit.

I don't outsource. You can't control quality control outsourcing.

There is only one office. The Husband and Wife team company that was hired to clean the office make far more than $23.50/hr.

I don't hire landscapers, the building owner does.

Maintenance of equipment is done by mobile services, Ford/Hertz.

The lowest paid employee makes $49K/yr plus employer paid benefits.

You do outsource. You don't directly employ the janitors, landscapers, building maintenance crews, or equipment maintenance crews. You pay vendors. The janitors might be a husband/wife team directly paid by you, but they are a contracted vendor not direct employees.

Your phone systems are outsourced. Your IT systems are outsourced. Your insurance is outsourced. Your equipment is outsourced.

There's nothing wrong with any of that, but I'm not the one making a moral judgement about worker pay. That's you, while claiming that you don't underpay people. You do every time you buy a computer that wasn't manufactured here in a union facility.

I see I hit too close to home, psych wise.

No, you just demonstrated your ignorance. No competent mental health professional would make a diagnosis of an illness based on such little interaction. "Sociopath" is a common accusation left wingers shoot at people they don't like though.

The question was; Do I outsource my employees. The answer is no.

Actually the claim I made was, "You make a huge profit off of lower paid workers, you just outsource them so you can claim something different." link

You outsource lots of business functions, even cleaning your office. What's wrong, you can't afford to pay your janitors $49K plus benefits too?
Here's the answer:

-Base Federal tax on corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

Price controls and zero incentive for R&D is a path to prosperity?


We have to have price controls to level cost vs. wages.

Incentive for R&D shouldn't be taxpayer based.

If we're going to have an income tax it doesn't work to tax revenue and call it an income tax. If you think it's more efficient to have a consumption tax with then I agree.
Well, how much do you pay for clothes?

Not to presume too much, but if you're sane, you look for bargains. You try to get the best quality for the least cost. Business owners are no different. They try to get the best quality labor for the lowest wages. That doesn't make them immoral any more than you shopping for good deals makes you immoral. In fact, it's wrong to make such a thing illegal.

My clothes are mostly custom made.

I don't look for bargains, I buy and hire quality. That's why I'm number one.

Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.

You are full of shit, regardless of your actual economic position.

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