Analyzing A Practical Minimum Wage

He looks for bargains. He could afford to buy the building that houses his offices but he rents (because he doesn't have to take the risk and he doesn't have to pay employees minimum wage to fix the roof), he outsources his cleaning staff so he doesn't have the pay them $49K plus benefits (but he claims that's what he pays his lowest paid employees), and he pays Ford/Hertz for maintenance on his vehicles so that he doesn't have to pay the maintenance staff himself.

But he claims some moral high ground with regards to paying people. He pays well when it's convenient. Low-skilled tasks that he needs are outsourced. Sane people call that division of labor, full-of-shit bloviators like 1%er have cognitive dissonance.

-If you are a successful business person, looking for bargains is never priority. Finding who can accomplish your needs comes first.

-Why is buying an office a risk? Buying vs. leasing in business is dependent on the companies tax structure.

-Why would you use your own employees to fix a roof. Your workers compensation insurance carrier would go nuts. Businesses are rated as to the type of business. Putting employees on a roof (unless that's the business you're in) is NEVER a good idea.

-Do I pay Ford/Hertz for maintenance? Yes. It's part of the lease package. Why? Liability. If something catastrophic occurs and you have a maintenance schedule being done by the manufacturer using OEM, your liability can be less. The other reason is resale which effects/affects your lease payment. OEM serviced equipment is worth more.

-I talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk. I pay far higher than any of my competitors, Plus, I can steal my competitors best employees.

-The outsourcing question was pertaining to what the company does to make money. I don't outsource design, engineering, construction, and maintenance of transmission towers.
That's where the money is, so yes.

The key is having a system that maximizes the government revenue that's needed with the greatest efficiency. Everyone should pay some tax, those who can afford more should pay more. The progressive income tax was a good idea but the implementation sucks. The consumption tax with a poverty exemption is better. Less manipulative, fosters more growth.

Then you should agree that raising minimum wage to increase government revenue is a good idea.
If you Work for a Living, do NOT trust ANY politician who espouses a belief in Free Trade, Free Markets, or an Invisible Hand. NONE of those exist,

dear, are you so stupid as to not know that a belief in free trade does exist?? How can a belief
in free trade not exist??

See why we say the liberal will be based in pure ignorance?
Yes. A big hint would be the term EBIT, "Earnings Before Interest and TAXES." Please tell me you've heard of the term and you're aware that many businesses have thin margins.

The big hint is that you don't answer the question: So his employees costs, and State and local taxes and fees are less than 3 million?

Your friend isn't telling you about his paycheck, and probably his wife's and his kids.
Then you should agree that raising minimum wage to increase government revenue is a good idea.

dear when the price of labor or anything goes up the demand for it goes down so fewer jobs at higher wages will not yield more revenue for govt, especially when you consider the 30 million jobs higher wages have already shipped to China.
Define middle class because it seems to you idiots middle class is everyone but the top 5%.

There isn't a universal definition. I define it as a person that has a paycheck as the only means of financial support, and has nothing left after living costs are paid. Thus, why tax these people more in regards to consumption tax?
Making it all the worse for Fletcher who had his ass handed to him in that exchange. BTW, there are many (and probably most) economists who not only do not subscribe to Fletcher's protectionist views, they roundly pan his POV.

So why don't you explain how Fletcher had his ass handed to him?
dear, are you so stupid as to not know that a belief in free trade does exist?? How can a belief
in free trade not exist??

See why we say the liberal will be based in pure ignorance?

Walmart is the largest retailer in the world. Walmart sets the pace and price of all retail sales. Where's the free trade?
Making it all the worse for Fletcher who had his ass handed to him in that exchange. BTW, there are many (and probably most) economists who not only do not subscribe to Fletcher's protectionist views, they roundly pan his POV.

So why don't you explain how Fletcher had his ass handed to him?

if you protect a person, business, industry or country from city wide, state wide, country wide, or world wide competition its goods and services don't need to be world class so they decline in quality to a point where no one buys them. The person industry or country goes bankrupt.

Do you understand now?
dear when the price of labor or anything goes up the demand for it goes down so fewer jobs at higher wages will not yield more revenue for govt, especially when you consider the 30 million jobs higher wages have already shipped to China.

Which is why you place labor as the only deductible which will make it more desirable.
Walmart is the largest retailer in the world. Walmart sets the pace and price of all retail sales. Where's the free trade?

too stupid by 1000% !! Walmart sells everything so it is locked in deadly competition with all retailers. If not it could double prices tomorrow!!
Now do you understand?
dear when the price of labor or anything goes up the demand for it goes down so fewer jobs at higher wages will not yield more revenue for govt, especially when you consider the 30 million jobs higher wages have already shipped to China.

Which is why you place labor as the only deductible which will make it more desirable.
what on earth are you talking about???
if you protect a person, business, industry or country from city wide, state wide, country wide, or world wide competition its goods and services don't need to be world class so they decline in quality to a point where no one buys them. The person industry or country goes bankrupt.

Do you understand now?

So before Reagan put us in a worldwide economy we had inferior quality products?
if you protect a person, business, industry or country from city wide, state wide, country wide, or world wide competition its goods and services don't need to be world class so they decline in quality to a point where no one buys them. The person industry or country goes bankrupt.

Do you understand now?

So before Reagan put us in a worldwide economy we had inferior quality products?

dear before Reagan we had the post war economy in which we had the only economy left standing in the world. Do you understand? The Jap cars came in then and we then got much better thanks to the competition. They made our cars better.

Do you understand now? Notice how you lack the character to accept the pure ignorance on which liberalism is based?
too stupid by 1000% !! Walmart sells everything so it is locked in deadly competition with all retailers. If not it could double prices tomorrow!!
Now do you understand?

No they aren't. Walmart dictates every aspect of product including how much they pay for the item.

Even back in 2003 it was known.

Is Wal-Mart Too Powerful - Businessweek

Notice how the wages listed in the article are the same as today, eleven years later.
too stupid by 1000% !! Walmart sells everything so it is locked in deadly competition with all retailers. If not it could double prices tomorrow!!
Now do you understand?

No they aren't. Walmart dictates every aspect of product including how much they pay for the item.

Even back in 2003 it was known.

Is Wal-Mart Too Powerful - Businessweek

Notice how the wages listed in the article are the same as today, eleven years later.
what on earth are you talking about???

-Base Federal tax or corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

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