Analyzing A Practical Minimum Wage

Do you know what tipped wages are?

It's the base PLUS tips

And now you prove to be an even bigger bigger idiot than I thought

IDIOT to the Nth power

Dumb ass ^ thinks smart people will be willing to work 80hrs for shitty pay.

The both of you are a couple of fekkin retards.

I know what a tip is, I know what a tipped wage is. What the hell difference does that make? The fact remains that workers in Minn are making a LOT more hourly, but the price of the burger is still the same.

These basic concepts keep flying right over your heads and shitting all over your hats.
wow... yeah cause people won't tip higher when they know the waitress is paid mostly on tips...
Do you know what tipped wages are?

It's the base PLUS tips

And now you prove to be an even bigger bigger idiot than I thought

IDIOT to the Nth power

Dumb ass ^ thinks smart people will be willing to work 80hrs for shitty pay.

The both of you are a couple of fekkin retards.

I know what a tip is, I know what a tipped wage is. What the hell difference does that make? The fact remains that workers in Minn are making a LOT more hourly, but the price of the burger is still the same.

These basic concepts keep flying right over your heads and shitting all over your hats.
My sister was a career waitress and made pretty good money. Uncle Sam didn't see a lot of that tip money. You also can't honestly compare wages in different areas without knowing what the cost of living is. They could have picked a rural vs urban setting on top of it all. Assuming it's true. And if they are living on the tips and wages who are you to dictate anything? And I hope Jack-in-the-Crack gives you are raise eventually. Hang in there!
This same mindset was responsible for creating the great blight of the Rust Belt, for shutting down more than 30,000 American factories, and for exporting 32 million American jobs just in the decade 1969-1979.

We shifted from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy. It wasn't because auto workers were overpaid.

dear, union liberal auto workers were far overpaid, the jobs went off shore, and now many are coming back down south where wages are far lower.
First of all a person should keep himself off welfare that means either working as much as it takes to pay your bills or reducing expenses so the money you earn is sufficient to pay your bills.

Your pay is not based on what it costs you to live but on what the skill you bring to the market is worth.

And if people went to college and got a useless degree it's not my fault is it?

Maybe they should have gone to trade school so they could walk away with a real salable skill

Work harder, work more, get better skills. All well and good, if those jobs actually existed.

You can't "reduce" your expenses below actual cost of living without starving to death, winding up homeless, etc. So your solution is nonsensical.

In the meantime, I will continue to turn a profit exploiting socialized labor at an artificially depressed payrate.

Of course you can. As I said before you can share rent with people to reduce housing costs. You can pool food money to buy in bulk or at a co op, You might not need a car, you certainly don't need money for video games or hitting the strip clubs.

That made up budget of yours has some needs confused with wants.

And why is it you people only think you have to work for someone else to make money?

do you really think anyone here believes you are employing anyone?

IF you are why aren't you paying everyone who works for you 25 an hour? After all according to you labor costs have absolutely no effect on prices so you should be able to pay people even more than 25 an hour and still make money

Why do you need the government to force you to do what you think is right?
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And the answer is easy. You should pay them. Why do you keep asking? Do you want to stay on the government teat?

Make me pay them.

Eh? Are you 'into' that sort of thing?

Listen, you keep bringing up the socialized labor force argument, but you don't want to do anything about it. Instead, you're preoccupied with price and wage controls.

I am not going to pay my own workers more while other employers are exploiting socialized labor. You want me to pay a living wage? Make me. That's the only way I am going to do it, so that I know my competitors are doing the same, and so I know that I will see some market liquidity to support the wage boost.
dear, union liberal auto workers were far overpaid, the jobs went off shore, and now many are coming back down south where wages are far lower.

So the loss of manufacturing really isn't the reason for the middle class loss of wages. No one is worth more than minimum wage, right? So we are right back to socialized labor then. Workers who must supplement their income with taxpayer benefits in order to stay competitive with China.
I am not going to pay my own workers more while other employers are exploiting socialized labor. You want me to pay a living wage? Make me. That's the only way I am going to do it, so that I know my competitors are doing the same, and so I know that I will see some market liquidity to support the wage boost.
You don't have employees so you aren't paying anything. But you said businesses could afford $22 for entry level work. That means your could. But you wouldn't do it because of competition. So either you wouldn't practice what you preach or you didn't know what you were talking about.
Of course you can. As I said before you can share rent with people to reduce housing costs. You can pool food money to buy in bulk or at a co op, You might not need a car, you certainly don't need money for video games or hitting the strip clubs.

There is nothing in that budget for video games and strip clubs.

Finding ways to cut corners is a band aid, not a solution. There can be any number of reasons why a person can't live with someone else. Pooling food money is actually welfare fraud, illegal. Living like a Mexican may be a good idea to get through college or something, but it should not be considered a practical standard for Americas working class.

That made up budget of yours has some needs confused with wants.

People need SOME form of recreation. A few wants are actually needs, for mental health reasons. Now I am not saying everyone deserves a week vacation in Vegas. But basic cable is hardly a unreasonable luxurious expenditure for the average working stiff. In fact without it, officials would likely label a person a "social outcast" who was "likely" to become domestic terrorist or some crap.

And why is it you people only think you have to work for someone else to make money?

Being a business owner and working for yourself just gives you a whole new set of problems. Again, that is no solution to the artificially depressed wage standard in this country. We need grocery clerks, we need shoe salesman, we need burgermeisters, we need janitors, we need EMT's, we need security guards. It is completely impractical to expect everyone to work for themselves, and contrary to the fundamentals of civilization as a whole. If everyone only worked for themselves we would each be living alone in some cave somewhere.

do you really think anyone here believes you are employing anyone?

What makes you think I care? You know what they say about leading a horse to water.

IF you are why aren't you paying everyone who works for you 25 an hour? After all according to you labor costs have absolutely no effect on prices so you should be able to pay people even more than 25 an hour and still make money

Why do you need the government to force you to do what you think is right?

I am not going to pay $25 an hour while my competitor is allowed to exploit socialist labor to pad their profits. Besides, it will take EVERYONE being paid a living wage, not just my workers, to create market liquidity in the national economy from which I can derive greater profits that would actually support my additional labor costs. And THAT is where I would get the money to pay them, not from raising prices.
No one is worth more than minimum wage, right?

no one said that you idiot!! What's wrong with you? You tricked yourself into using a strawman so you could win an argument but a child can see what you did.

Do you understand?

You don't understand. Auto workers used to make a decent living. The goalposts are on the move, against the interests of workers and the middle class. It is only a matter of time before every job out there is a min wage job, and we are all on welfare.
Of course you can. As I said before you can share rent with people to reduce housing costs. You can pool food money to buy in bulk or at a co op, You might not need a car, you certainly don't need money for video games or hitting the strip clubs.

There is nothing in that budget for video games and strip clubs.

Finding ways to cut corners is a band aid, not a solution. There can be any number of reasons why a person can't live with someone else. Pooling food money is actually welfare fraud, illegal. Living like a Mexican may be a good idea to get through college or something, but it should not be considered a practical standard for Americas working class.

That made up budget of yours has some needs confused with wants.

People need SOME form of recreation. A few wants are actually needs, for mental health reasons. Now I am not saying everyone deserves a week vacation in Vegas. But basic cable is hardly a unreasonable luxurious expenditure for the average working stiff. In fact without it, officials would likely label a person a "social outcast" who was "likely" to become domestic terrorist or some crap.

And why is it you people only think you have to work for someone else to make money?

Being a business owner and working for yourself just gives you a whole new set of problems. Again, that is no solution to the artificially depressed wage standard in this country. We need grocery clerks, we need shoe salesman, we need burgermeisters, we need janitors, we need EMT's, we need security guards. It is completely impractical to expect everyone to work for themselves, and contrary to the fundamentals of civilization as a whole. If everyone only worked for themselves we would each be living alone in some cave somewhere.

do you really think anyone here believes you are employing anyone?

What makes you think I care? You know what they say about leading a horse to water.

IF you are why aren't you paying everyone who works for you 25 an hour? After all according to you labor costs have absolutely no effect on prices so you should be able to pay people even more than 25 an hour and still make money

Why do you need the government to force you to do what you think is right?

I am not going to pay $25 an hour while my competitor is allowed to exploit socialist labor to pad their profits. Besides, it will take EVERYONE being paid a living wage, not just my workers, to create market liquidity in the national economy from which I can derive greater profits that would actually support my additional labor costs. And THAT is where I would get the money to pay them, not from raising prices.

the liberal will be so incredibly stupid as to think a high wage for workers is better than high prices for customers. In fact they cancel each other out! There is no free lunch.
I am not going to pay my own workers more while other employers are exploiting socialized labor. You want me to pay a living wage? Make me. That's the only way I am going to do it, so that I know my competitors are doing the same, and so I know that I will see some market liquidity to support the wage boost.
You don't have employees so you aren't paying anything. But you said businesses could afford $22 for entry level work. That means your could. But you wouldn't do it because of competition. So either you wouldn't practice what you preach or you didn't know what you were talking about.

Okay, I don't have employees. So there is no sense talking to you anymore.
No one is worth more than minimum wage, right?

no one said that you idiot!! What's wrong with you? You tricked yourself into using a strawman so you could win an argument but a child can see what you did.

Do you understand?

You don't understand. Auto workers used to make a decent living. The goalposts are on the move, against the interests of workers and the middle class. It is only a matter of time before every job out there is a min wage job, and we are all on welfare.

And only then will conservatopia be realized.

the liberal will be so incredibly stupid as to think a high wage for workers is better than high prices for customers. In fact they cancel each other out! There is no free lunch.

Well I am not a liberal for one thing. But a higher wage for workers means more customers, spending more money at my businesses. So I don't have to raise prices. In fact, I would probably lower my prices in order to draw a larger portion of that crowd that suddenly has a few extra bucks to spend.
. It is only a matter of time before every job out there is a min wage job, and we are all on welfare.

100% stupid and illiterate as to basic economics. Wages are super high now making us rich compared to 100 years ago. The pure beauty of capitalism is that it forces business to produce the best products and provide the best jobs or go bankrupt.

Do you understand?
Of course you can. As I said before you can share rent with people to reduce housing costs. You can pool food money to buy in bulk or at a co op, You might not need a car, you certainly don't need money for video games or hitting the strip clubs.
There is nothing in that budget for video games and strip clubs.

Finding ways to cut corners is a band aid, not a solution. There can be any number of reasons why a person can't live with someone else. Pooling food money is actually welfare fraud, illegal. Living like a Mexican may be a good idea to get through college or something, but it should not be considered a practical standard for Americas working class.
Finding ways to make ends meet is what grownups do. Someday you will learn it too. It's how most of our forefathers lived. Pooling money is is welfare fraud? WTF? I shared room and board and utilities, food, bills with others when in the military. I didn't make enough to live on my own and it was a full time job, more than full time, really.
People need SOME form of recreation. A few wants are actually needs, for mental health reasons. Now I am not saying everyone deserves a week vacation in Vegas. But basic cable is hardly a unreasonable luxurious expenditure for the average working stiff. In fact without it, officials would likely label a person a "social outcast" who was "likely" to become domestic terrorist or some crap.
LOL (literally!) You are a flaming retard! You are obviously some pampered brat that has no clue how the grown up world works.
Being a business owner and working for yourself just gives you a whole new set of problems. Again, that is no solution to the artificially depressed wage standard in this country. We need grocery clerks, we need shoe salesman, we need burgermeisters, we need janitors, we need EMT's, we need security guards. It is completely impractical to expect everyone to work for themselves, and contrary to the fundamentals of civilization as a whole. If everyone only worked for themselves we would each be living alone in some cave somewhere.
Bullshit. Ever heard of a subcontractor. How about you fend for yourself, when you need a service you hire someone to do it. When someone comes along cheaper and better, you hire them. Just like you can be replaced. Like you WILL be replaced with your juvenile entitlement attitude.
I am not going to pay $25 an hour while my competitor is allowed to exploit socialist labor to pad their profits. Besides, it will take EVERYONE being paid a living wage, not just my workers, to create market liquidity in the national economy from which I can derive greater profits that would actually support my additional labor costs. And THAT is where I would get the money to pay them, not from raising prices.
So you are against socialism but want socialism to set market prices? LOL. And BTW, you mentioned absolutely NOTHING about quality of service or goods. So you must think all service and goods are equal. Just like all socialist losers, your way would ensure a lowering of quality of life and standards.
. But a higher wage for workers means more customers,

too stupid! and 100% liberal. Its called the law of supply and demand. As price go up( in this case price of labor) demand goes down. This is why they sell fewer Rolls Royces than Chevys.

Do you understand this basic concept??
Well I am not a liberal for one thing. But a higher wage for workers means more customers, spending more money at my businesses. So I don't have to raise prices. In fact, I would probably lower my prices in order to draw a larger portion of that crowd that suddenly has a few extra bucks to spend.
So your profit margin is so wide now that you could absorb a massive payroll hike, yet you refuse to share the wealth? LOL.
. It is only a matter of time before every job out there is a min wage job, and we are all on welfare.

100% stupid and illiterate as to basic economics. Wages are super high now making us rich compared to 100 years ago. The pure beauty of capitalism is that it forces business to produce the best products and provide the best jobs or go bankrupt.

Do you understand?

No, I dont understand, because you are talking utter nonsense. Wages are super high? When I got my first job, I was paid enough to get more than 4 gallons of gasoline, to get me to and from that job, for every hour worked. That same job today pays less than two gallons now. The min wage today is 26% less today than it was in 1974. If you factor for productivity, 90% of American workers today make less than the min wage standard of 1950.

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