Analyzing A Practical Minimum Wage

Minimum wage should be set so that it allows a single person to be self-supporting given their location. A minimum wage should be a living wage. A person working full-time shouldn't have to depend on charity or government assistance programs. If a person is willing and able to work, and works at a full-time job, then they should make enough to support themselves. It's sad when a person works full-time and still has to depend on some form of assistance in order to survive. In addition, it would increase payroll taxes, decrease poverty, and lessen the burden on social programs such as food stamps and health care. Also, it would put more money into the economy via sales taxes, due to consumer spending. And, consumer spending drives employment via demand for goods and services. The only roadblock to paying a living wage is corporate greed. While top management is making multi-$millions in salary and bonuses, those that do the actual labor, make a tiny fraction of that.

Straight out of the class envy playbook. Nice copy and paste job. Now, to face reality. Why do you want to make it harder for the young and unskilled to get a decent job and an opportunity to better their lives? Those low wage jobs exist for two reasons.

1. They aren't worth more.
2. Everyone needs place to start. They are not intended to make a person wealthy, or even to support a person. They are intended to gain an employee valuable work skills and experience that they can leverage to get a better one.

Why don't you know these things already?
Well, I guess that I don't know them yet because common sense and simple logic gets in the way. Notice that I didn't say anything about kids working after school in part-time employment. Notice that I didn't mention the mentally challenged or other people with handicaps. Also, I didn't mention the elderly greeters at Wal-Mart. I did mention full-time workers attempting to be self-supporting members of society and not living off of government assistance programs or charity. What is wrong with a self-supporting citizenry? Do you have something against workers being able to support themselves? Are you pro-welfare and dependency? By the way, what I write is NOT cut and paste. Those are my words just as I intended them to be. In addition, what I write is reality, and the use of common sense and simple logic.

What you state means, however, that a job would have to pay more for some people than for others. That's discrimination, and illegal.
That's absolutely ridiculous and silly. I mean no such thing. And, I never implied such. If a job pays $10.00 an hour, then it pays $10.00 an hour regardless of who is doing the job. A $10.00 an hour job is a $10.00 an hour job, that means for anyone that accepts the job. Please don't twist what I say around to mean something that I didn't say nor imply. Thanks.
Minimum wage should be set so that it allows a single person to be self-supporting given their location. A minimum wage should be a living wage. A person working full-time shouldn't have to depend on charity or government assistance programs. If a person is willing and able to work, and works at a full-time job, then they should make enough to support themselves. It's sad when a person works full-time and still has to depend on some form of assistance in order to survive. In addition, it would increase payroll taxes, decrease poverty, and lessen the burden on social programs such as food stamps and health care. Also, it would put more money into the economy via sales taxes, due to consumer spending. And, consumer spending drives employment via demand for goods and services. The only roadblock to paying a living wage is corporate greed. While top management is making multi-$millions in salary and bonuses, those that do the actual labor, make a tiny fraction of that.

Straight out of the class envy playbook. Nice copy and paste job. Now, to face reality. Why do you want to make it harder for the young and unskilled to get a decent job and an opportunity to better their lives? Those low wage jobs exist for two reasons.

1. They aren't worth more.
2. Everyone needs place to start. They are not intended to make a person wealthy, or even to support a person. They are intended to gain an employee valuable work skills and experience that they can leverage to get a better one.

Why don't you know these things already?
Well, I guess that I don't know them yet because common sense and simple logic gets in the way. Notice that I didn't say anything about kids working after school in part-time employment. Notice that I didn't mention the mentally challenged or other people with handicaps. Also, I didn't mention the elderly greeters at Wal-Mart. I did mention full-time workers attempting to be self-supporting members of society and not living off of government assistance programs or charity. What is wrong with a self-supporting citizenry? Do you have something against workers being able to support themselves? Are you pro-welfare and dependency? By the way, what I write is NOT cut and paste. Those are my words just as I intended them to be. In addition, what I write is reality, and the use of common sense and simple logic.

What you state means, however, that a job would have to pay more for some people than for others. That's discrimination, and illegal.
That's absolutely ridiculous and silly. I mean no such thing. And, I never implied such. If a job pays $10.00 an hour, then it pays $10.00 an hour regardless of who is doing the job. A $10.00 an hour job is a $10.00 an hour job, that means for anyone that accepts the job. Please don't twist what I say around to mean something that I didn't say nor imply. Thanks.

you want a Nazi liberal to decide what a living wage is for a single person at a particular time and place. Suppose 2 minimum wage workers move in together. Do you cut their wages in half? People who want this are really communists who have a million ways to intervene in a capitalist economy exactly as the soviets did.
FYI - Our jobs have gone to foreign economies for over 60 plus years now.

yes because of idiot liberals supporting higher wages here. Why did you think jobs were going off shore??
It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone being a Liberal, a Conservative, a Republican, a Democrat, a Right Wing, a Left Wing, nor any other label you might want to add. It has everything to do with GREED. We have unpunished and un-penalized job out-sourcing because corporate America basically owns Washington politics, and have for many decades now. Thus the reason for our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies. Why do you think we have so many illegal immigrants living and working in this country? The name of the game is GREED, plain and simple. And, for your information, the idiots are the ones that continue to elect and to re-elect professional politicians to serve in government. They're the crooks and the ones that legislate and enact policies. "The Washington Brotherhood" is bought and paid for by corporate America, Wall Street, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Our jobs have left this country because the practice goes unpunished and un-penalized. GREED has sent jobs to foreign labor markets, and not minimum wages, nor living wages.
Have you any idea as to what our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies have done to our jobs market?

dear, we have more free trade than ever now and that is a good thing. Do you understand?
WE have unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade. And, If it was free trade, then explain why some of our products are limited or restricted in some foreign countries.
It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone being a Liberal,.

of course it does, liberal soviets lack the IQ to understand capitalilst so have 1 million interventions planned like minimum wage all of which will give us a soviet standard of living. Been there done that.

Do you understand?
Have you any idea as to what our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies have done to our jobs market?

dear, we have more free trade than ever now and that is a good thing. Do you understand?
WE have unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade. And, If it was free trade, then explain why some of our products are limited or restricted in some foreign countries.

dear we always restricted stuff too like light trucks and really small foreign cars and fuel from SA, etcetc.
In addition, what I write is reality, and the use of common sense and simple logic.

so I gather you're a Chinese agent promoting higher union and minimum wages here to drive more jobs to China?

We're on to you pal!!
Very silly and ridiculous. Just a pathetic comment. Actually, I am an American, and an American for America. I've lived here all of my 67 years, thank you.
Have you any idea as to what our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies have done to our jobs market?

dear, we have more free trade than ever now and that is a good thing. Do you understand?
WE have unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade. And, If it was free trade, then explain why some of our products are limited or restricted in some foreign countries.

dear we always restricted stuff too like light trucks and really small foreign cars and fuel from SA, etcetc.

we don't have really free trade because soviet liberals all over the world lack the IQ to understand capitalism
In addition, what I write is reality, and the use of common sense and simple logic.

so I gather you're a Chinese agent promoting higher union and minimum wages here to drive more jobs to China?

We're on to you pal!!
Very silly and ridiculous. Just a pathetic comment. Actually, I am an American, and an American for America. I've lived here all of my 67 years, thank you.

ok so you're a soviet America who supports accelerating job off shoring with even higher wages in America??
It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone being a Liberal,.

of course it does, liberal soviets lack the IQ to understand capitalilst so have 1 million interventions planned like minimum wage all of which will give us a soviet standard of living. Been there done that.

Do you understand?

A soviet standard of living? When was the last time you waited on line to buy a loaf of bread?

You become more ridiculous by the day.
We have unpunished and un-penalized job out-sourcing because corporate America basically owns Washington politics,.

dear, you really don't understand. Corporations don't want to operate in China. Its a pain in the neck. They are forced to do it because customers want lower prices and a higher standard of living. Do you grasp the point now?
A soviet standard of living? When was the last time you waited on line to buy a loaf of bread?

dear, we don't have a soviet standard of living here because Republicans resist the lib soviet interventions tooth and nail.

Do you understand?
It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone being a Liberal,.

of course it does, liberal soviets lack the IQ to understand capitalilst so have 1 million interventions planned like minimum wage all of which will give us a soviet standard of living. Been there done that.

Do you understand?
FYI - the term "Global Economy" means "equalization to the lowest level". Our standard of living is rapidly deteriorating as we speak. We can't compete in the global market place. The only way for us to compete in the global market place, is for us to be able to live on $5.00 a day wages, and put our children to work in sweat shops. Why do you think it is that we lost the textile, steel, electronics, furniture, appliance, tool, toy, farm equipment, and automotive parts and supplies industries? We lost them because children working in sweat shops could make the goods cheaper. Worker in foreign labor markets worked for $5.00 a day wages. That's exactly why we're now import dependent. American no longer produces what America uses and consumes. We've become consumers instead of producers. For many decades now, we've sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of strengthening foreign economies. We've created a poor and dependent society. Our work force is surviving off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks. We do not have an adequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demands of our rapidly growing workforce.
We have unpunished and un-penalized job out-sourcing because corporate America basically owns Washington politics,.

dear, you really don't understand. Corporations don't want to operate in China. Its a pain in the neck. They are forced to do it because customers want lower prices and a higher standard of living. Do you grasp the point now?
Well, " IF " the American worker was allowed to work and produce, then there would be no problem with the standard of living, nor with low prices. Fair competition for goods and services, produce low prices. Like wise, fair competition for good employees produce good wages. Think back to a time when we had plants and factories on almost every street corner. We had self-supporting opportunities for all education and skill levels. Workers made good money in the textile plants, in the steel mills, in tool and die shops, and in the furniture factories. Now, those jobs are in foreign countries.
A soviet standard of living? When was the last time you waited on line to buy a loaf of bread?

dear, we don't have a soviet standard of living here because Republicans resist the lib soviet interventions tooth and nail.

Do you understand?
It has absolutely nothing to do with Republicans, Liberals, Democrats, Conservatives, nor any other group you want to put a label on.
It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone being a Liberal,.

of course it does, liberal soviets lack the IQ to understand capitalilst so have 1 million interventions planned like minimum wage all of which will give us a soviet standard of living. Been there done that.

Do you understand?
FYI - the term "Global Economy" means "equalization to the lowest level". Our standard of living is rapidly deteriorating as we speak. We can't compete in the global market place. The only way for us to compete in the global market place, is for us to be able to live on $5.00 a day wages, and put our children to work in sweat shops. Why do you think it is that we lost the textile, steel, electronics, furniture, appliance, tool, toy, farm equipment, and automotive parts and supplies industries? We lost them because children working in sweat shops could make the goods cheaper. Worker in foreign labor markets worked for $5.00 a day wages. That's exactly why we're now import dependent. American no longer produces what America uses and consumes. We've become consumers instead of producers. For many decades now, we've sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of strengthening foreign economies. We've created a poor and dependent society. Our work force is surviving off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks. We do not have an adequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demands of our rapidly growing workforce.
. We can't compete in the global market place.

Of course that's totally stupid. We've had freer and freer trade since the Great Depression and our share of global industrial output is still over 20% and this is despite Democrats being the anti-business party. If you want 40 million new jobs tomorrow and upward pressure on wages end the liberal programs:

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Republicans, Liberals, Democrats, Conservatives, nor any other group you want to put a label on.

of course thats very very stupid. Democrats are protectionists. They want less trade which would make us poorer. Imagine if you had to make everything yourself. Imagine if you could trade with eveyone in the world? Get it? Trade makes you rich not poor. This is Econ 101.

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