Anatomy of a Pentagon Lie


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
“They hold with the lie until they are caught so red handed they just can’t lie about it any longer,” says Deb Crawford, who spent time as a civilian electrician in the Green Zone from 2004 to 2006. She now publishes Ms., a popular watchdog site, and recently spoke with “If anyone in the Pentagon were to claim they didn’t think the burn pits were an inherent health hazard to civilians and troops, I would have to call them a bold face liar.”
We certainly saw it with Agent Orange exposure among Vietnam veterans, and Persian Gulf Illness after the first Iraq War. Let’s face it – the government’s just getting around to compensating the so-called “Atomic Vets” from WWII! And now we’re seeing it with the countless men and women exposed to these toxic trash pits in Afghanistan and Iraq today (just a taste, here).
On Oct. 28, 2009, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, which included provisions pushed by Democratic members of Congress that required the military to end the practice of burning hazardous waste – including batteries, tires, plastics, vehicle parts, Styrofoam, medical waste, petroleum and gas canisters – in the ubiquitous open air furnaces dotting the war’s landscape. The military was also told it must assess the health effects of burning waste, and develop plans for alternatives.

Anatomy of a Pentagon Lie by Kelley B. Vlahos --

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