Ancient message in Genesis to the world

the crucifiers and their sort spent just short of 100 years writing their c-bible, 300 years past the 1st century events and have not a single word written by the hand of who they claim, claimed to be a messiah - without a shred of evidence for their claim or anything else in dialogue they included in their book - riddled throughout by forgeries and fallacies.
well----yes----that is true

Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”​

In Genesis before the Great Flood, men lived to around a thousand years. In fact, the oldest living man in Genesis was Methuselah at 969.

But after the Great Flood men only lived no more than around 120 years. This, according to the text in Genesis.

So what is the message here? God felt the need to destroy mankind because of the great evil man had succumb to over the years. One of the solutions seems to have been to limit the life span of men.

You may not believe the story, but the message is in plain view, and hard to argue. For example, Hillter only lived about 50 years and look at the damage he did to the world.

This seems to have kept things in check in terms of helping to preserve the human race. However, we are warned again in Revelation that evil will again flourish like it did in the days of Noah, and God will again have to directly intervene to save mankind. My guess is that technology will enable evil men to reach beyond the grave to continue their legacy of evil.

So whether you believe the story or not, that is the message being given and one that is hard to argue with. Kings and despots are the man source of suffering and oppression and war and genocide in the world. Our only solace is, they will die very soon.
/——-/ A common misconception is that ancients counted years the same way we do now. They used different means. They only had a rudimentary understanding of the solar system, thinking it revolves around the earth.

From various sources:
  1. Moons: arguing that you had a number of moons per year, you could add them up and get a year, wich is mostly wrong and leads to strange seasons
  2. Natural phenomenons: e.g. Floods: Every year, you get a flood at about the same time, therefore a year has passed. (Simpler method: it is winter ergo a new year)
  3. Stars: this is, where it gets realy good: You stargaze and get the idea, that the same constellations can be seen again and again after a given time. So you build a place with some exact places stones or what not.
  4. In ancient Mesopotamia, it was a common practice to ascribe greatness to someone by inflating his lifespan. This is evident in an ancient list of the kings of Sumer (a region in what is modern-day Iraq) that describes rulers who allegedly lived for tens of thousands of years. The earliest king on this list to be confirmed as having an actual historical existence is Enmebaragesi, who was recorded to have lived for 900 years. Another historically verifiable king, Aga of Kish, was recorded to have lived for 625 years. Did people in the Bible really live to be 900 years old?.
^^^^ very typical islamo nazi meme----celebrating destruction.
----like the destruction of great statues of Buddha. ----and the
dancing and singing on 9-11-01. When Omar arrived jews still
sat in the shadow of the western wall. Long live the great temple

Celebrate? You're nuts. The temple was destroyed long before Islam. Jews didn't worship at the wall of fortress Antonia until after their exile from Spain and Portugal.
Celebrate? You're nuts. The temple was destroyed long before Islam. Jews didn't worship at the wall of fortress Antonia until after their exile from Spain and Portugal.

Rebuilding the Temple and the return of prophecy to humanity,
do not contradict the fundamentals of Islam?

See, golden pimples neither that aesthetic
for a landscape, nor inspire intelligence.
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So the return of prophecy to Israel and the rebuilding the Temple,
don't contradict the fundamental principles of Islam?

I have no idea. I can't imagine the Jewish people would return to animal sacrifice.
I have no idea. I can't imagine the Jewish people would return to animal sacrifice.

Could Muslims or anyone imagine that Jews re-constitue their state?

Still in denial, now actual practice for the Temple service,
is a public event, with all the fuss about the daily
Jewish prayer and increasing numbers of
pilgrims at the Temple Mount.
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Could Muslims or anyone imagine that Jews re-constitue their state?

Still in denial, now actual practice for the Temple service,
is a public event, with all the fuss about the daily
Jewish prayer and increasing numbers of
pilgrims at the Temple Mount.

You mean the Haram Al Sharif? The Arabs fought the Turks with the British if you recall.
You mean the Haram Al Sharif? The Arabs fought the Turks with the British if you recall.
If that's what Muslims call a golden pimple ruining the city landscape,
casually used as target for fireworks and playing ball at the place...

Arab imperialists fought on the side of British imperialists,
but what's the result, who accomplished what?
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Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”​

In Genesis before the Great Flood, men lived to around a thousand years. In fact, the oldest living man in Genesis was Methuselah at 969.

But after the Great Flood men only lived no more than around 120 years. This, according to the text in Genesis.

So what is the message here? God felt the need to destroy mankind because of the great evil man had succumb to over the years. One of the solutions seems to have been to limit the life span of men.

You may not believe the story, but the message is in plain view, and hard to argue. For example, Hillter only lived about 50 years and look at the damage he did to the world.

This seems to have kept things in check in terms of helping to preserve the human race. However, we are warned again in Revelation that evil will again flourish like it did in the days of Noah, and God will again have to directly intervene to save mankind. My guess is that technology will enable evil men to reach beyond the grave to continue their legacy of evil.

So whether you believe the story or not, that is the message being given and one that is hard to argue with. Kings and despots are the man source of suffering and oppression and war and genocide in the world. Our only solace is, they will die very soon.
Genesis is a fairy tale. No one ever lived as long as it says.
Genesis is a fairy tale. No one ever lived as long as it says.
/—-/ I posted earlier that ancients counted years in different, unreliable ways. Kings we’re granted exaggerated life times to enhance their image.
/—-/ I posted earlier that ancients counted years in different, unreliable ways. Kings we’re granted exaggerated life times to enhance their image.
True, for example, the Roman kingdom period lasted 244 years under seven kings. That averages to almost 35 years per reign, highly unlikely for ancient times.
True, for example, the Roman kingdom period lasted 244 years under seven kings. That averages to almost 35 years per reign, highly unlikely for ancient times.
/——/ 35 years? I’m talking 900 years.
Celebrate? You're nuts. The temple was destroyed long before Islam. Jews didn't worship at the wall of fortress Antonia until after their exile from Spain and Portugal.
oh gee----SURADIE is teaching "history"----uhm---wrong again --jews
have been hanging around the ruins of the second temple SINCE IT
WAS RUINED. Historically there was a rabbinic "edict" disallowing
actual rites there because the place was still crumbling and dangerous --
bit of khutbah Jumaat feces at me----"fortress of Antonia until after their
exile from Spain and Portugal" You really swallowed revisionist islamo nazi
history WHOLE. I read your filth as a child and HEARD it from pakistani
medical school graduates from age 19 (ALSO LONG AGO) Even when I
BTW what is a "dualie"? They teach that one in muslim medical
schools too-----along with the ISLAMIC FACT----that MAIMONIDES
was "born a jew"----then converted to islam and "BECAME" a famous
doctor. Anyone interested in the islamic view of "history"---'visit' a
mosque on friday
Celebrate? You're nuts. The temple was destroyed long before Islam. Jews didn't worship at the wall of fortress Antonia until after their exile from Spain and Portugal.
gee---cellblock swallowed that crap. For the record---cell dear, Jews fleeing
Spain and Portugal in the 15th century AD DID NOT MIGRATE IN
APPRECIABLE numbers to the then ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE that Judea had
become with the barbaric rape of Jerusalem by ABU BAKR in the
7th century AD.
gee---cellblock swallowed that crap. For the record---cell dear, Jews fleeing
Spain and Portugal in the 15th century AD DID NOT MIGRATE IN
APPRECIABLE numbers to the then ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE that Judea had
become with the barbaric rape of Jerusalem by ABU BAKR in the
7th century AD.

That's true. Most of the exiles didn't return to Palestine, but those that did began worshipping at the fortress Antonia wall.
oh gee----SURADIE is teaching "history"----uhm---wrong again --jews
have been hanging around the ruins of the second temple SINCE IT
WAS RUINED. Historically there was a rabbinic "edict" disallowing
actual rites there because the place was still crumbling and dangerous --
bit of khutbah Jumaat feces at me----"fortress of Antonia until after their
exile from Spain and Portugal" You really swallowed revisionist islamo nazi
history WHOLE. I read your filth as a child and HEARD it from pakistani
medical school graduates from age 19 (ALSO LONG AGO) Even when I
BTW what is a "dualie"? They teach that one in muslim medical
schools too-----along with the ISLAMIC FACT----that MAIMONIDES
was "born a jew"----then converted to islam and "BECAME" a famous
doctor. Anyone interested in the islamic view of "history"---'visit' a
mosque on friday

Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine until the 1920s.
That's true. Most of the exiles didn't return to Palestine, but those that did began worshipping at the fortress Antonia wall.
Jews never abandoned the remnants of the second temple----there were
ALWAYS some who survived the filth of Rome, the Crusades and the Islamic
RAPE of Jerusalem. There were also ALWAYS some jews in Hebron until
1929 when muslims declared a HOLY HOLIDAY IN HONOR OR ALLAH by
slitting the throats of children.
Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine until the 1920s.
right----and are a tiny minority in Poland too----and almost
non-existent in Iran and----now non-existent in Yemen after a
sojourn of almost 5000 years. Zoroastrians are a tiny minority
in Iran----they fled to Bombay---(now Mumbai) ---Buddhists have
fled Afghanistan. There are parts of the Philippines from which
Catholics have fled. Thanks for the historical "perspective" ----
Parts of Baghdad were, at one time, virtually a jewish city prior to the
islamic festival of "FARHUD" did I mention "bangla desh"---only a
few hindus left there

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